knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I’m the Queen multi muse indie rp account Has a OUAT verse…
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
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    ❝Then would you         mind telling me         exactly what I         said?❞
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❝ Really ?     Because Im pretty sure I heard words     come out of your mouth.     I mean -     Oh calm down.❞
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
        "Are you looking             at something?"
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
       [  Her eyes followed           the same action           as her sisters.           Tears slowly             pouring out.  ]       "I've missed you             so m u c h."
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       [ Tears started to blur        Laura’s vision, as she         hugged her sister tightly. She took a deep breath,        nodding. ]       ”He did, he killed me and         I was dead for a year or        so, but now I’m— I’m alive.        For some reason I am. “
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
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❝I didn't     say anything.     Ouch.❞
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  In her eyes. Not so much in his.  ❝ Funny Cora.     You.❞
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
         "You've always been            like that.            So what's the difference?"
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            “You see that’s the problem             they all hate me,             since I sort of used them.”
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
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       "Do you expect me to let it go? It was foolish of you to even kill her." She sighed, running a hand through her hair, sitting back down on the ground. Her eyes trailed around the room, trying to look anywhere but him. Cora usually felt like that when she was in a room alone with him. Yeah, he was her uncle but it still didn't mean she had to like him after everything that happened. "Oh yeah? And what are they? Because a lot of the time it's only for your own gain."
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"Something you’re never going to let go…" Peter muttered, although how could she let go of what he had done to her own sister? Even if he hadn’t regretted what he had done, it wasn’t like he could expect her to sweep it under the rug and expect everything to be okay. He cleared his throat. "You might think my plans are bad but believe me, I have mastered plans to help save the pack."
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
        [  A smile made it's            way onto her face;            slowly wrapping her            arms around her.  ]               "I thought uncle Peter                   killed you."
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          [ Laura just smiles and           nods, trying not to tear           up as she recognizes            her little sister.  ]         “Yes, it’s me, Cora. I…            —I’m back.”
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
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          "Your welcome."
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      ✠       “Brutal honestly,                      Thanks, Cora.”
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
          "Then go get one             of them to bite             them. I honestly             don't know what would             happen."
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            “Their bite is poisonous.               That means if they bite a vampire,                  they die in a matter of a day.”
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
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She didn't actually do anything in her eyes.  ❝What crawled up your ass?❞ 
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Totally her fault. So sue him. She was Derek’s sister, what else was there to say.
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
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          Long May She Reign.
           { The plot }
Since Elena, Queen of Scotland was a child, the English have wanted her country and her Crown. She is sent to France to wed it’s next king, Stefan. To save herself, and her people. But the drama in the Royal Court doesn’t stop with just the English. Elena’s sister Katherine wants the crown, and has tried to kill her more then once to get it. Stefan’s bastard brother Damon has fallen in love with Elena. And let’s not forget about the prophecy that has come out that if Elena marries Stefan, death will come and take him from the world. What will she do to stop it? There are forces that conspire against Queen. Forces of darkness. Forces of the heart. Long may she r e i g n.
           { The rules }
Please be active. Which means posting at least once a week.
Interact with everyone please.
Tag everything as longmayshereignverse.Make sure to track the tag, too.
Any fandom can join.
Message Me or Zoey to join.
Once you’ve been accepted, please make a bio for your character; history,  personality, etc.
               The Royal Palace.
           { The roles }
The Royals;
Girls; Elena Gilbert, Katherine Pierce  Boys; Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore
Leading Ladies;
Girls; Cora Hale,
Girls; Boys;
The Royal Court;
Girls; Boys;
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
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❝ - - ❞  This is the first time I have ever  prayed  for someone to fall unconscious. 
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It wasn't  r e a l l y her fault, was it?
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
Send me a number from 1-50, without looking at the list!
If you’re brave enough, reblog without looking too!
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
           ❝Yeah, well, I'd appreciate it if you stopped using Stiles, one is already enough.❞
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            ❝The what?❞                         She narrowed her eyes lightly, leaning against the wall.
               ❝We don’t have a name, only those given to us or ones borrowed.❞
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             ❝We are the void.❞                      —— We stand a little straighter, sickly eyes sparkling vainly as we speak about our self.
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
          ❝And you're weird. You know, I still don't know who you are.❞
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      ❝Then what are you? Because if everyone else in this town knows, then I'll have to talk to them about leaving me in the dark.❞
                   ❝In anger and rage? In disgust and fear? I welcome it.❞
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                ❝More than I care to explain. We find it more interesting that you don’t know what we are. Aside from knowing what we are not.❞
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knowanyspirits-blog · 10 years
             ❝Well, then you never know if they are going to turn on you.❞ 
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             ❝Oh really? And what exactly do you know?❞ 
                 ❝They can do that without having my faith, and then some.❞
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               —— A curious little thing, aren’t you?                                  ❝Mmmm, I know more than enough about your kind.❞ 
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