knoxx-e · 3 months
Tell me I’m not the only one who sees it right?
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knoxx-e · 5 months
“you aren’t dirty; you are human..and even I, a devil, am not free from my emotions. But that doesn’t make us impure. It just makes us people—nothing less.”
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knoxx-e · 5 months
"As much as he hated seeing her body limp, he had to admit she looked peaceful - far more peaceful than any time they had watched the stars together before. Her eyes were closed, their lids soft and relaxed. At least this was a peaceful goodbye..."
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knoxx-e · 5 months
Making a profile is the most difficult thing I've ever done, ever, point blank. I decide to look at other profiles on a site to decide what the mojority of people have and kinda go from there cause most sites are just like that.
Tumblr is not one of those places. I am not safe here.
I'm scrolling just taking a quick check at what profile pictures people have and a decent few are pretty chill, normal pictures and then next thing I know I'm staring at peter griffin from Family Guy kissing his dog..? I've seen some weird pfp's but man... chillax
don't even get me started on peoples usernames, I do not want to talk about it
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