knubbler-answers · 4 months
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knubbler-answers · 4 months
If anyone wanted to know why there’s a… lack of album.
Really uh… really needing those new tracks in tonight, William.
Can’t get this Planet Piss thing going without ‘em, babe. Tried to call, but you didn’t answer, so I left a voicemail.
I’ll be in the studio until four so, y’know, whenever you can. Gotta make the magic happen, baby!
- Knubbler-Answers
Oh! Yeah, see. About that;
The dethphones!! They only have one line. Pickles has been on the phone ALL DAMN DAY, awww!! Shit!! That sucks!! Sucks I missed your call!! And oh god it takes so *long* to get through all my voicemails.
Well I-I'm working on it, okay? Stop busting my balls!!! Sorry, I don't mean that.
Look. I need an extension. Indefinite amount of time, thaaaaanks.
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knubbler-answers · 4 months
what's going on between you and william 🤨🏳️‍🌈?
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knubbler-answers · 4 months
Hey, Dick! I have an idea for a name for Planet Piss's second album!
Friday the pissteenth!
The album release date will be around christmas of some year in the far near future.
Look, sit down with me in the morning, bring a few more ideas, and we’ll talk. Deal?
We’ve uh.. got a lot of specific imagery in this one, so try and broaden the horizons a little, William.
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knubbler-answers · 4 months
how did you survive AOTD?
You’re asking the same questions I am, babe! Really though, it’s luck. Gotta give luck a lot of credit.
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knubbler-answers · 4 months
Who ate your favorite and least favorite Dethklok members to work with when it comes to making a new album
Skwisgaar is certainly is the easiest, I can tell you that much! Plays like a dream, baby. In and out and seamless tracks.
Murderface is… well, he’s good company! About all he’s good for in the studio.
I’d put Nathan higher on the list but well, he keeps trying to delete not only the recordings, but the presets, too. That’s real fun coming into every day.
Usually I don’t have any complaints for Pickles, and Toki… uh.. well Skwisgaar basically handles that whole thing.
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knubbler-answers · 4 months
Where is planet piss 😭 you and murderface spend all that time together in the studio what are you doing 😭
Well babe, let me tell you, Planet Piss certainly isn’t nowhere… but I’m not a miracle worker. I’m doin’ what I can. Willy’s just gotta put the extra effort in. Give it a little more power.
And a little more skill, but uh, we’re makin’ progress!
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knubbler-answers · 4 months
Hey! This is an RP centered ask blog for Metalocalypse. Nothing officially licensed, just for the hell of it.
Unfortunately for some of you, this blog is strictly MDNI. Gotta keep it safe and all. You know the drill.
Any and all asks will be in character, and I may post drabbles of my own at some point from Dick Knubbler’s POV.
If you’re interested in my personal blog or other writing, you can find it all at @mythical-moonlight
Have fun
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