knucklesbruised · 6 months
all my pj.o characters have been moved here.
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knucklesbruised · 7 months
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favorite non-canon ships (3/?)  ━ TRINI & KIMBERLY
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knucklesbruised · 7 months
mikayla didn't tell her anything, but she didn't have to. the tension between the two of them is something nat finds amusing half the time, when it's not exhausting to watch. it's been there long before the plane ever crashed, but recently, she could tell that something's up between them— after tai and the others left to look for help, nat couldn't help but notice how quiet mikayla was; it was worse when misty, mari and akilah came back without tai and van, when panic took over the silence. the better choice would have been to say something to mikayla about it, knowing her chances of getting through to her are far better than they are with taissa, given all those nights they'd been forced to keep each other company while their fathers drank, but this is more entertaining.
“ yeah, no shit mikayla. ” she doesn't bother to hide the amusement in her voice, because it feels ridiculous for tai to even ask. nat should have expected tai to find a way to turn it back around her, but it gets to her anyway, annoyed, especially now that things seemed to have ended between her and travis. she doesn't want to think about how she ruined the only decent thing she has out here, which might be the reason she's focusing on this instead. “ i'm talking about how fucking weird you two have been since you got back. ” she knows she's just leaving room for more critique of her own relationship now that travis won't even look at her, but it's the truth— and there has to be a reason for that, right? “ i mean— first she freaks when you don't come back with the others, then when we do find you, you're wearing a fucking cheer sweatshirt. we all know there's only one of us who owns that. ” that on its own wouldn't have been so strange when they're all starting to share clothing, but it's the combination of everything else that leads her to believe something happened.
nat's words immediately make tai's stomach twist, but she's good at feigning ignorance, shooting a glare back at her like she has no idea what she's talking about -- or who. is it that obvious? she wonders if it's a question any of them had before -- before it actually did happen, when tai was forced to reevaluate her relationship with mikayla herself, when she'd kissed someone like she's never kissed anyone else before. so much had happened since that it feels like so long ago, yet she can still feel her lips on hers, and she can still remember the way her legs weakened, nearly keeping her from setting off on the excursion entirely just for one more second with her. it's different now, because that kiss didn't matter, and they've mostly reverted to their usual dynamic -- all that fighting over nothing, paired with longing stares that now feel a lot more painful than they did before.
❝  what? ❞ surely, mikayla didn't tell anyone, considering how quickly she was to put an end to it before it even really began, but it does make her wonder, her eyes looking over nat's for a moment trying to find any hint that she does know something. ❝  who, mikayla? ❞ she puts a hand up, rolling her eyes now, forcing herself to remember what it was like to refer to her before. ❝  yeah, we're not going to do that. just because you have to make out with the first person who gets in your face, doesn't mean i do. what the fuck are you even talking about? ❞
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knucklesbruised · 7 months
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fear street + the great war by taylor swift
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knucklesbruised · 7 months
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oh, lord, I think about jumping off of very tall somethings, just to see you come running.
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
spot the difference impossible edition
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
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Who gives a fuck about movies?
TJ MIKELOGAN'S HALLOWEEN 2023 EVENT day 16, favorite slasher: SCREAM VI
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
years ago, the sight of a dead body would have disgusted you. bile would have risen in your throat, adrenaline pumping through your veins. but that would have been back when you were still trying to be a better person, when a part of you still thought that could even be possible. before you learned that your hands are too stained to ever be cleansed, that there's no such thing as reparation after all you've done, the lives you've taken. and so this only intrigues you instead— and it definitely helps that she's hot.
“ i don't want anything. ” money would be nice, now that you think about it, but you have your own methods of getting that. you don't need any money to stay quiet, because you're forced to avoid law enforcement like the plague, knowing that the moment anyone realizes who you are, it's over. not much sympathy for boys who burned their family alive, presumably in cold blood. it wasn't that simple, but the only other person who knows that is dead, corpse rotting in a crawlspace somewhere. they've never found price schuster's body, but even if they do, it doesn't matter. you left him unrecognizable.
you brush past her, stepping toward the body, taking a look at her work. sloppy, honestly, but not everyone had someone to show them what to do, the way you did. “ how are you going to get rid of it? ” you assume she doesn't know how. someone with more experience wouldn't allow a witness, after all, and yet here you stand, untouched. ( that shouldn't be surprising; watching her even attempt to take you down would be a fucking joke. ) finally, you look back up at her, brows raised. “ there's a farm twenty miles from here. the pigs would eat it. ” your gaze remaining on hers, you step forward again, on her victim's face this time, the bones of their jaw crunching beneath your weight. “ just in case they don't eat the teeth. ”
playing dumb doesn't suit you. love/ace
to say that i have put myself in a difficult situation would be an understatement,   i'm smarter than this   &   yet all it took was one little slip up for me to be the slide under his microscope.   i could turn around,   &   continue to play the dumb   &   scared rich woman he's trying to tell me not to be...   but i know that's stupid,   i know it wouldn't work.
@knucklesbruised doesn't seem like the type who would call the police on me,   &   even if he did i'm sure i could find a way out of even this obvious problem.   self defense,   but no i would have to have self defense wounds to add up...   not enough time,   wouldn't work.   pin it on him,   i'm sure i could think of something   &   should it be my word against his:   no one knows who he is,   i'm assuming of course,   &   at the very least,   my name,   with the amount of fucking bullshit it has caused me,   could be my saving grace ;   but time is ticking,   so the third option is to just drop the veil as he's asking me to do   (   in a way that i can't pin down   ).
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" okay. "   in turning,   i look him up   &   down   &   realize how i may have finally fucked myself over this time.   in a physical fight,   i'm screwed.   " how much money do you want?   to stay quiet? "   dark hair,   blue eyes,   well over six foot,   facial hair.   i can make this go away with help,   but truly i do not want to deal with them again.   i could not fucking stand to hear my mother's lectures once more.   " whatever you want,   you can have it. "
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
it makes everything feel a little more manageable, knowing sam won't leave her this time. she'd felt so alone at home without her, stuck with a mother who hardly felt like a mother, despite any attempts tara made to bond with her. maybe that loneliness is what pushed her toward amber even further, finding comfort in her that she couldn't find in sam— but now, she can't even be grateful toward amber for that, all of their memories soured, tainted because tara's forced to wonder if she ever meant any of it.
she knows what sam is trying to do, and while she wants to find comfort in knowing that she's not alone in her trauma, admitting just how much it effected her feels impossible. she'd rather just be over it, hoping that pretending everything's okay might somehow turn it into the truth. a part of her wants to walk away from this conversation entirely, knowing that sam won't ever believe her, no matter how many times she insists she's fine, but maybe giving her something might make her back off for a bit— even if it's the one thing she'd rather not talk about at all.
“ she wasn't just my best friend, ” she mumbles, unable to meet sam's eyes. “ i mean, she was, but... i thought it could be more, eventually. ” it's the first time she's admitted that much out loud, though she's sure her friends must have seen it, especially mindy. and she hates that it doesn't even get to be relieving, sharing some part of herself with her sister, because all she feels is embarrassment instead. not because she had feelings for a girl, but because it was the girl that tried to kill all of them. “ so yeah, that sucked, but i'm already over it. fuck her. ”
it’s the most important part,  she knows.  it’s what she should have done years ago,  instead of leaving tara behind assuming she knew what was best for her.  their mother has made it clear that she never truly would have had a home there,  anyway,  but at least she could have been there for tara.  at least she might have been able to protect her from friends who only wished to destroy her —- and maybe she herself wouldn’t have been so vulnerable to the same.   ❝  i’m not going anywhere,  ❞  she promises.  
‘i’m okay’ seems to be her sister’s favorite words,  and sam is running out of ways to ask for something different.  she doesn’t blame her, though.  she knows firsthand what this is like,  having been through the same thing.  she knows she has to approach it differently,  and maybe,  that will help herself,  too.  ❝  i’m not,  ❞   she says quietly,  keeping her eyes locked on her sister’s.  ❝  i’m not okay.  i’m glad i have you three,  but none of this is easy for me.  it’s okay if it’s not easy for you, either.   ❞  it’s hard to admit she’s not okay,  preferring instead to focus on tara, but if this might actually help tara admit the same,  she’s willing to try.   ❝  i know i don’t really talk about him,  or everything that happened before i got back to woodsboro,  but —  it really hurt.  finding out that richie was only ever using me.  i really did like him.  ❞   she takes a deep breath,  because richie doesn’t deserve the time spent talking about him at all;  she’s only really doing this for tara.  ❝  i’m sorry that your best friend did the same to you, ❞   she says quietly,  not knowing the rest of it,  her hand moving to her arm to rub it lightly.  ❝  just remember,  i get it.  if you need to talk about it,  we can.  together.  ❞
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
“u hard to deal with” good leave me alone
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
clarisse doesn't have very many soft spots. she's not heartless, contrary to popular belief, but it's a pretty well known fact that she doesn't care much for most people. silena, though, is one of those soft spots— so much so that she can't even stay angry at her for impersonating her and leading her cabin away. if anything, she's angry at herself for it; if only clarisse hadn't been so stubborn, perhaps silena wouldn't have gotten hurt.
“ as good as they can be, considering. ” the whole camp can feel it, the absence of all those they've lost, the eeriness of the calm that comes when war is over. clarisse wants to be able to say that it doesn't affect her, that it's in her blood to know how to stomach it, but sometimes, she's not so sure. “ jackson and chase finally got together, so they're as nauseating as ever. ” not usually the type to care for camp gossip, but it used to be the sort of thing silena might care about, so clarisse makes an exception. “ how are you, though? i don't have to throttle will for anything, do i? ”
@knucklesbruised, FROM CLARISSE ... don't skip out on me. I'VE BEEN WORRIED ABOUT YOU EVERY DAY.
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even with her vision beyond repair, she could pick clarisse's voice out of a crowd; even before she speaks, the vigor in her steps & the parting of any poor souls stuck in her path give her away. silena had been refusing visitors for days, however many she'd been awake [ ... ] but if nothing else, these must be the grounds for an exception.
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❝ you haven't missed much, ❞ she says at somewhat of a mumble & immediately wonders why she even thought of trying to lighten the mood. she can feel the clouds practically hanging around her — she can't blame this on being another half - blood thing, can she? ❝ so how are... things? ❞
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
1989 (from the vault) sentence starters.
what if all i need is you?
love to think you'll never forget.
i'll pay the price, you won't.
but if i'm all dressed up, they might as well be looking at us.
if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once.
if i'm going to be drunk, might as well be drunk in love.
everyone wants him. that was my crime.
we'll pay the price, i guess.
you're not saying you're in love with me.
it might blow up in your pretty face.
i'm not saying "do it anyway," but you're going to.
we're a shot in the darkest dark.
i'm holding out hope for you to say, "don't go."
i would stay forever if you say "don't go."
why'd you have to lead me on?
why'd you have to twist the knife?
why'd you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night?
you kiss me and it stops time.
i'm yours, but you're not mine.
i was trying to see the cards that you won't show.
why'd you have to give me nothing back?
why'd you have to make me love you?
i said, "i love you," you say nothing back.
did you get anxious though, on the way home?
from the outside, it looks like you're trying lives on.
i miss the old ways, you didn't have to change.
i cannot be your friend, so i pay the price of what i lost.
truth is, i can't pretend it's platonic, it's just ended.
guess maybe i am better off now that we don't talk.
the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery.
you were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious.
i didn't come here to make friends.
when you hold me, it holds me together.
you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever.
you'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out.
i know that you still remember.
i broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it.
you don't knock anymore, and my whole life's ruined.
you dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor.
you search in every maiden's bed for something greater.
baby, was it over then?
and is it over now?
did you think i didn't see you?
at least i had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.
oh lord, i think about jumping off of very tall somethings, just to see you come running.
if she's got blue eyes, i will surmise that you'll probably date her.
i was hoping you'd be there.
i was hoping you'd be there, and say the one thing i've been wanting, but no.
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
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Why'd you have to make me want you? Why'd you have to give me nothin' back? Why'd you have to make me love you? I said, "I love you," you say nothing back
JACKIE & SHAUNA — say don't go
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
"The gods' chosen" "the gods' champion" no that's the god's little wind up toy. The gods' chew toy. The gods' favorite barbie doll
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
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knucklesbruised · 8 months
⚠️ BEWARE ⚠️
the homoerotic girlbestfriend situationship CAN and WILL kill you
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