koheita-blog · 10 years
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KOHEITA is exhausting work . pls tell me if i owe you a reply ok i'm losING TRACK BAD
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koheita-blog · 10 years
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koheita-blog · 10 years
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My apologies for rarely posting / being online in the past week or so . I've been dealing with trying to get in a shit ton of hours at work / getting ready for school / sharing this laptop with my younger sibling. [ rest in peace ] 
i'm always on skype [ just ask ! ] and sometimes i pop by on mobile for messages ! as always, if you'd like to plot, i'd love to !! thank you for understanding !
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koheita-blog · 10 years
He could see how taken aback he was, watching his shoulders tense for just a second. Koheita couldn't help but laugh. Like duh, why wouldn't anyone take to roof tops? He grinned, happy to see someone agree with him. Totally normal. Totally a good influence on his new, masked friend. Definitely. Giving a bit of a chuckle, he jumped higher, leaping to another building.
"Hurry up! You'll get left behind!!" he laughed, taking another few steps back. He was happy someone was roof bound, as he was though. Koheita found that not many took this route and having someone walking by his side again seemed... nice? He just thought the view was so much better. Pausing, he chuckled as he looked down at the view below him, alongside his new companion.
"Haah? Really? It's a lot faster, huh? Bet you I could beat you in a race though!" he grinned, poking the other in the side. Koheita, you completely forgot to tell the guy your name. "I win, you buy a snack - you win, I buy?" You're going too fast. No stop -- "Ready--!" 
Koheita no --
"Go! Ike Ike don dooooooon!"
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How unusual…
…for Clear to suddenly be approached by a stranger of whom was hanging upside down, just the mere sight of him encouraged Clear to join him almost immediately, after all, this was Clear’s preference for travelling, wondering now why he hadn’t chosen to do so any earlier. Instantly were his nerves pushed aside by temptation, expression morphing to sudden excitement ( although hidden ), said excitement could be noticeably heard in the android’s tone alone.       "It indeed does look very fun~! I thank you for the kind offer!"
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The enthusiasm the stranger showed would most likely frighten off most, Clear could subject to this as he alone could recall many times where he’s received strange looks or hasn’t even been taken seriously due to either looking at just his attire, it was something that the android has gotten used to,how peculiar though that he’s now come across someone of whom also contains that big bundle of joy, and would outwardly express it in the same kind of manner. Clear wasted no time in climbing up himself, looking back down towards the crowd below before turning to the stranger yet again.     “I was thinking on this actually~ jumping on rooftops      certainly is a much more convenient method of      transportation! I haven’t found anyone else who       thinks the same as me until now!”
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koheita-blog · 10 years
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koheita-blog · 10 years
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koheita-blog · 10 years
I like the episodes where the ninjas fight each other… over the most ridiculous things. 8D;;
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koheita-blog · 10 years
── com 2 skyzon ` ▲ open
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When Koheita's boss told him that he needed to start bringing in more customers, he definitely did not mean this trash of a flier. You couldn't really blame Koheita; he was truly the dumbest in his class, after all! Besides, he wasn't that great with writing or ... doing anything creative, to be honest...
Understanding as he was, his boss couldn't help but want to throw the paper out, considering the trampoline park definitely wasn't open 24/7 and it definitely didn't help that Koheita certainly didn't know how to spell the name of the company. Koheita slightly dulled as he watched his boss tell him all the things he did wrong. He felt even worse when his boss told him that there was no way he could use it.
All that work, wasted! 
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Huffing, he stared at the paper out with pride anyway as he sat outside on his break. "It's not like he even did anything!!" he grumbled, holding up his amazing masterpiece. "It's not that ba--" And suddenly a gust of wind threw the paper in the air. "Oi! Get back here!"
It didn't even travel far, smacking a nearby person in the face. Snickering, he ran straight up to the poor victim. "Oi! Thanks for - ahhh - grabbin' it!!"
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koheita-blog · 10 years
spit it out!!
Okay, he had to admit, maybe he had been watching too much television. It was his bad, totally. But he had to say, they were so cool!! Reaching for the first hand of the first person he saw, he was quick to pull them close and slam the door behind them, locking them into one of the various rooms. AKA he honestly had no idea where he was. “You have to be really… really quiet…” he murmured, finger on his lips.
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“There is a dragon outside this door and if we go out, it will eat us."
Hello, yes, Koheita is two years old.
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koheita-blog · 10 years
spit it out
So maybe he didn’t exactly meet his mom correctly. Then again, he couldn’t really grasp his head around the idea of having a mother figure in his life. Something sad about orphans and going into ninja academies to survive. Regardless of this, he found himself excited to meet her. Nothing like having a mom, right?
But the thing was, he was so bad at first impressions; he could make the devil look like a better friend.
Upon learning to cook, Koheita slowly made his behind the redhead, grinning madly with a pile of semi burnt strips, as if he was the most accomplished man in the world.
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And he slowly.. so slowly.. slid it towards her, across the room……
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koheita-blog · 10 years
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koheita-blog · 10 years
Not responding to her question, figuring it was just her testing his name on her tongue, he grinned. Everyone seemed to have weird names here, Hachizaemon's simpler than most to him. He ignored the sting in his heart that reminded him he'd never see the crazy animal lover again. They'd be okay, somewhere. He was sure of it.
Reaching out to prod at its head, he smirked when the cat batted his clearly invasive hand away from it. It was a fighter. And that was a good quality to have. At least Koheita knew it wasn't going to die off soon or something. Oops.
Looking back up at her, he snickered."You sure you don't wanna just take 'em in?" It didn't seem to have any attachments. Then again, did cats ever? He looked back from the cat to her and smiled lightly, realizing how alike possible owner and pet was. The bond between the two was already sort of imminent anyway.
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"'course though! You should take 'im in case we don't find an owner though. It really likes you!" he let out a chuckle, reaching out to pet it again, only to be swatted at. Alright, so maybe he wasn't the best with animals. Kids were more his thing. 
Looking up at her, he placed his hands back on his hips. "Nanamatsu Koheita!! It's nice to meet you!!" Maybe he was a bit too loud. He'd always be. "Now let's go find this ow-- ... how do we do that again..."
So maybe he wasn't the smartest...
... s'il vous plaît. — un open )
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koheita-blog · 10 years
Koheita didn't understand apartments. He knew this was his, with his er - mother and father he had yet to really interact with - but you know. Regardless, he continued to search around his apartment, seeing how possibly empty it was. It really was. And Nanamatsu Koheita didn't know how he was going to survive with an empty fridge and cupboard. At least he had some money left to go shopp--
How he didn't detect the presence of a little girl who clearly made no effort to hide it kind of hurt his ninja pride. Obviously, he was getting rusty.
"Oiii! What're you doin' in someone else's apartment, haah?" he poked her little stomach a few times, though there really was no malice in his tone. Looking at the bug net, he snickered. "You ain't gonna catch bugs like that! You gotta be reaaaally, really quiet..." And he looked around for the bug she had so harshly failed to capture. "And be really steady..." He wiggled his fingers, grinning back at her before swiping it fast, holding it between his pointer and thumb.
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".. This is what you wanted to catch? It's not even worth it!" 
And as the tiny bug squirmed in his hand for dear life, he shrugged and put it in her net. "Oi. I'm Koheita, by the way!!" And he gave a signature smile, arms resting on his knees as he looked up at her. "You need help catchin' those critters, miss...?" Oh right. He should probably get her name first..
Naru's Treasure || Naru & Koheita
  Uh-oh… Naru’s prized stink bugs somehow got loose again. She’d been living in the city barely a week and this was the fifth time. Oh well! She grabbed a net and began searching the apartment block. One little bug here, another there. Thankfully, only one or two of them did that bad smelling thing they did when they got scared, so the worst spot in the block smelled like old garbage. Once she put them all back into the prize ball she stored them in, she realised something was off.
  ‘One, two, four, seven, nine, ten… woops! Still a couple ta go!’ She closed the prize ball and stuffed it in her pocket, then set off searching the block again. She searched every corner, high and low, in all the unlocked apartments she could find until finally… 
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  ‘Gotcha!’ She charged at the bug, trapping it in the net. It wasn’t until she looked up from her catch that she realised she had just whacked a guy smack dab on his back with the net. ‘Oopsie… I’m awful sorry ‘bout that mister…’
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koheita-blog · 10 years
── date death by zombie ` ▲ kashima & koheita
Watching a giant screen was really odd to Koheita. Technology was still coming around to him and he still had absolute no understanding of how a light could transfer onto a piece of fabric and make a movie. In honesty, it was one of the weirder things the boy's ever gone through but he was a bit fascinated. Nothing like a good movie? Or whatever. He was suggested by people on the streets that a movie and dinner would be a good, classic date. It was, honestly, fascinating all together.
The movie though? Not so much. A teen whose daily horror usually consisted fearing war, this was nothing.
Zombies overtook the screen, groaning and growling, consuming brains like it was their last meal - and Koheita sunk further into his seat, anxious to talk and move around and okay - maybe movies weren't his thing. And when they both suggested to bail, Koheita was close to running out. Heck no was he going through that again.
Now that they were on the streets, he groaned as he looked over at his cute fiancee. She was extremely handsome and charming and Koheita definitely felt like he was failing her. The engagement wasn't even weird to him, who would be considered middle aged within four more years. But even then, it was a big deal to him to impress her. And that, he's failing at.
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"Haaah, sorry, Kashima-san ! That movie really was bad, huh?" Wrinkling his nose, he bowed over to her slightly. He was trying, right? Besides, Kashima totally might just definitely be his first girlfriend / fiancee person.
"... Wait, what's this -" ah yes, the alluring, but awfully strange smell of fried, sliced potatoes invaded his nose. Not that he knew what it was but -- "... Oi, Kashima-san, what is this place?" And he pointed to a rather bare diner, only a few people inside. "... What's that smell, anyway?"
Movie and a dinner, right?
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koheita-blog · 10 years
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I swear I have a life
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koheita-blog · 10 years
── graduation denied ` ▲ chouji & koheita
There's something almost painful about hearing that Nakazaike Chouji was here. Somewhere. There's something ridiculously painful and it's the fact that they haven't seen each other yet. It's the fact that he's the only one. It's a lot of things and it hurts. Koheita never seemed like the sentimental type. But he had to admit, it was really hard when he thought of his childhood friends not being with him. But hey, if Chouji could make it, so could the others, right?
Speeding down the street, concrete jungle and all, he used anything that he could to get him higher into the air. Running along roof tops, running farther and father, doing anything to get back to his close friend.
Okay, maybe he was lost for a second there. Koheita wasn't really one for libraries after all.
And he might've, just might've, gone through the window instead of the door, smashing it in and standing on top of a book case with excitement. There he was. Long, starchy hair tied neatly into a ponytail, glancing at him as incredulous as he is. Koheita knew he'd be mad about the messed up books, but he'd happily help later!
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"IKE IKE DON DOOOON!" it's a good thing it's morning and only a bunch of nerds were the only ones in the library. Because Koheita wasn't going to be silenced this time. "OII ! NAKAZAIKE CHOUJI! WHY'RE YA HIDIN' ?!" pointing to the probably embarrassed teen, he grinned like look at my entrance, man. Koheita didn't care. He was just happy as hell.
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koheita-blog · 10 years
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cooking practice 6-ro!
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