kokoro-koro · 5 years
Chapter 5 Journal Entry - Kokoro-koro
Those living kids sure seem to get up to all kinds of drama. Watching them for the last few months sure has been a whirlwind. Honestly, I’m kinda impressed how many of them are willing to kill, but I guess that’s the point of this game. Anyone can be pushed to the brink. Nice.
It’s probably kindaaaa my fault for starting things off with a bang, but oh well, am I right?
Gotta say, it definitely brought a tear to my ghostly eyes when I saw everyone mourning Kliment and Liya. I mean, those two idiots didn’t really deserve all of that, did they? How the hell did they both manage to kill each other? I mean, I get both planning a murder, but managing to target each other? Mad respect. A little sad that Ivy didn’t get one of those statues too. She’s definitely the worst victim in all of this.
Wasn’t my call. If it was, the entire palace would be flooded with statues of the wonderful Kokoro-koro’s likeness, ufufu.
Probably the wildest part of all of this was getting to come back to life for a bit. I mean, not life life, like actual life, but manifesting as a physical being. That was pretty cool. I think the other ghosts were all pretty stoked about it as well, not gonna lie. Can you blame us? Anyone stuck in an afterlife with Takeshi Taro for months on end would be thrilled with some new interaction.
Getting to see Airi again...I’m glad. It was a nightmare watching him destroy himself and struggle again and again for no reason. I always felt like I was calling out to him and he couldn’t hear me, but now he can.... I just wish he would’ve heeded my requests so much sooner. Did it really take me rising from the dead to get him to stop with the self destruction? What a dummy. I missed him, though. I’m just glad he’s still alive.
Loved seeing my darling dearest roommate again too. Ricardo sure is a card. He’s so fun to mess with. He just makes it waaaay too easy.
Seeing all the living kids get to reunite with their lost friends was honestly just so heartwarming. Brought a tear to my ghostly eye. Everyone definitely seemed confused by the newbies. Roll Call! Midori, Hana, Mika, Roseanne, Roshan, Saruhiko, Towa, Yuko, andddd...ugh, I guess Takeshi too. Almost all of them are just adorable. I think the living kids found it hard to take their eyes off us.
Especially when that damn owl made us all pretend to be in Luigi’s Mansion. She really put us through it. Who wants to get sucked up into a stuffy vacuum? Still, I think everyone bonded pretty well. Can’t believe I lost to Hanae of all people. At least I helped her secure that win. Among the humans, both Yuu and Hanae won. They looked so funny in their stupid hats. For the ghosts, Gam, Yuko, and Roseanne all failed to be captured. I expected Yuko, but that humbling idiot Gam sure was a surprise.
Before that god awful lion exorcised is all, I’m glad I got the chance to hold that event to find Airi a new best friend. I knew Raiouji wouldn’t let us stick around forever. Everyone was just too happy, but I’m glad Airi was able to forge another bond. Seeing him relate to Hanae and seeing him realize that people are always open to forgiveness was really eye opening for him. And seeing him find someone to lean on made it that much easier to leave.
Just like Karaju! Seriously, all the other bird servants died. Guess she got tired of waiting for the inevitable and peaced out. Watching that grumpy look on Raiouji’s dumb face was sooo worth it.
She wasn’t the only one trying to leave though. I have no idea who told them it would be a good idea, but Yahari tried to host their escape plan by ziplining out of the alchemy room. It baffles me they thought it would work. It really broke my heart, you know. When they tried to escape and Raiouji ruined that all. They’re just lucky their wounds weren’t worse. Can’t help but feel bad for Yahari, though. Their leg had already been in bad shape, so adding another break to that had to hurt emotionally. Though I can’t imagine Yuu or Mari had it much easier. Arm injuries are a pain in the ass. Limits everything you can do. I’d like to think Cai recovered pretty well from his concussion though! Even if he was confused at first. Having to guide Ricardo to help was such a pain though. I get he has a blood thing but still. 
We all should’ve expected Raiouji’s fun new motive. Getting exorcised was not a fun experience, I can tell you that much. I missed everyone so much, so being torn from the seams of reality felt like a bitch. Back to the same ol, same ol, getting to watch everyone from afar without them seeing me. I was already prepared to witness more dumb decisions.
And I was not disappointed! Almost immediately Airi threatened to kill Ricardo for the motive and he actually tried not to long after. Never thought I’d see a twink overpower a himbo with rope and then leave the himbo for dead. It was almost impressive. I’m at least proud of Airi for not actually going through with the murder…? The little victories.
There wasn’t much time to celebrate, however, because Azumaya’s body was found not too long after. And in the most extra way possible, too. I’d expect as much from someone of their ilk.
Before they could get to trial, Mukuro made everyone play the most baffling game of Never Have I Ever on earth. It’s almost like it had to be postponed for some reason. Weird. I think Yahari won, but I wasn’t paying much attention. I was more focused on, y’know, the murder.
Eventually they made it to trial and discovered dear little Tsuguyo was the killer all along, though she refused to admit it to the very end. Gotta admire that stubbornness. Poor kid was executed too. It wasn’t easy to watch the baby of the group suffer that fate, but there wasn’t time for anyone to rest, let alone myself. After Tsuguyo’s tragic death, Raiouji threatened to kill everyone. I think it was a joke but it didn’t matter. 
Momo just deadass exploded. Like what the hell is up with that? Tsuguyo just died! Can’t we get a break? Apparently not, because Raiouji made everyone investigate yet again for another trial. Typical bastard lion. 
And in the upcoming trial, everyone came together to discover Yahari was the culprit. Apparently the original plan was to kill Raiouji, but Yahari panicked and blew the bomb up early. That’s so sad, dude, Momo trusted you and everything. Raiouji had no issue sending Yahari to their death and everyone could only watch as it happened.
It’s become routine here.
What a miserable existence they’ve all found themselves in, but...I take solace in knowing they’ll find peace eventually. And, before I fade out, just one more thing.
I eat mayonnaise straight from the jar.
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