kolmikaelson-28 · 9 years
Darling, who talked you into this crazy thought?
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
I’m sorry, but I don’t see why it would be of importance.
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
With what?
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A little bird told me you keep close track of witches, and their objects.
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
What did I do to deserve such a warm greeting?
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
Good evening miss Turner.
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
Your assistance.
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
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If it's longer than a year, Nik probably put me in a box to rot for another century... in that case, you are more than welcome to be my hero and free me. Yeah, a year can be a good unit.
Can we not --?
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
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what happened to the brother i used to know? the one who laughed death in the face?
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
Daring, I just woke up from a century long sleep. Believe it or not, I'm still catching up with a lot of stuff. Years are nothing to me, not to speak about a few days away.
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Time becomes a bit... irralavent
Can we not --?
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
I didn't realize I was that wanted.
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Can we not --?
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
" Well, there is booze, so that's a start."
"Compared to hell? yeah it is. Well, kinda. I mean, I don’t really know, you tell me!"
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
I was yet to get the memo that everyone suddenly moved away when I was out... visiting some old friends.
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Can we not --?
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
I know I'm not a professional.. yet. But does it sounds that bad?
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Can we not --?
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
" This town, is it any good?"
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"Talking like someone who doesn’t deal well with orders, let alone rules, impressive. However my words were nowhere near a demand, it was more like a piece of advice."
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kolmikaelson-28 · 10 years
Are you always this cranky?
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If you came to give me a pep talk you’re more than welcome to leave.
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