komaedache · 19 hours
Hi 👋, My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
Hi everyone… please go donate if you can 🥺🙏🏼
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komaedache · 19 hours
🚨 Urgent Appeal for Help from Gaza 🚨
My name is Mohammed, and I am a husband and father of three amazing children. We live in Gaza, a place that was once filled with the vibrant energy of bustling markets, children playing in the streets, and the comforting presence of family and friends. Our city, with its beautiful coastline and historic charm, was a place where we could dream of a better future. 🥺
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But today, that Gaza feels like a distant memory. The ongoing war has ravaged our home, leaving it severely damaged and our means of livelihood shattered. What was once a place of joy and community has turned into a zone of fear, with bombings that never cease and the constant struggle to secure basic necessities like food and clean water.
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We are weary, and the daily struggle to survive in this war-torn reality has taken a heavy toll on us. The place that once gave us comfort and hope now feels dangerous and uncertain, and I worry about what the future holds for my children.
After much painful reflection, my family and I have made the heart-wrenching decision to leave Gaza in search of safety and a chance to rebuild our lives. We are trying to raise $40,000 to escape the war and cover our living expenses abroad for one year, giving us the time we need to find stability and start anew. 🕊️
Leaving our beloved home, the place where we were born and raised, is not a decision we take lightly. But for the sake of our children and the hope of a safer, brighter future, we must take this step. 😔
We humbly ask for your support. Any contribution, no matter how small, will bring us closer to our goal and help us begin the journey toward safety and a new life. 🙏
Thank you for your kindness, understanding, and generosity. 🌹
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komaedache · 4 days
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this was years ago when we did not have good mental health Or Good Internal Communication which in hindsight makes the "Just go to sleep" having been so clear and loud Extremely Funny i think
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komaedache · 4 days
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Shout out to me and the other co-host who are going through the same crisis except in the opposite directions ("Oh no I'm used to stress how do I deal with daily life" vs "Oh no I'm used to daily life how do I deal with stress")
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komaedache · 4 days
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and it’s never coming back
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komaedache · 4 days
hi, i don't have DID, but i have OSDD-1a and i hope it's ok if i add onto the conversation. the tiktokification of systems has made me feel so alone because almost all online content on systems is focused on validating every alter as their own entity. which i'm not against on its own! i understand why people want to do this, especially when the outside world is so invalidating of alters. but i feel like that's the *only* part of CDDs anyone is interested in talking about. i feel like alters are the only part of dissociative disorders that are "interesting" to other people.
i feel so isolated because i don't have that. i can't make tiktoks introducing people to each of my alters. i can't sign off posts with each alter's name. i can't make funny posts about conversations my alters have with each other. i can't make a carrd listing each alter's name, pronouns, and roles. i can't use discord bots to let people know which alter they're talking to. my alters don't have their own identities because all of them think they're "the real me".
i feel so sad and frustrated because i feel like i have no shared community and no vocabulary to discuss my experiences. i can't find any resources on OSDD-1a because all of the online resources on it are catered towards the very tiktok-y understanding of DID, not the disorder i have. i keep trying to find any discussion on it and there just isn't any. the lack of any resources, information, or discussion online makes me feel like the only person in the world with this disorder.
i hope this isn't derailing the conversation, and if it is, please feel free to delete it without saying anything. i just had to talk about this and have been too scared of people misunderstanding me to say anything.
Thank you so much for sending this, anon. You're not derailing the conversation at all and your voice is an important one to include. I'm really glad you shared all this. Honestly, if you're comfortable coming off anon or sending me a DM, I'd love to know who you are so I can follow you (if I don't already). I think that you're touching on something that's really important and that I feel strongly about too.
I think your experience of having a CDD is actually the more common one. The internet and social media and other forms of media DO make it seem like alters are the most prevalent and most interesting aspect of having a CDD. But as someone who works a lot with clients who have CDDs, I see way more of what you're describing. I see people with lots of identity confusion, who don't have clear switches, but who have big incongruencies in how they're presenting. Yet they might not even think they're being incongruous because they think "it's all me!" I see people who shift mood states constantly, who believe someone cares about them one second and then abandon that belief the next, and with each belief, they are just as confident as they were before. I see people who can't remember things between sessions but also don't have a sense of "I wasn't there last time," which makes it really hard for them to understand how dissociation is impacting them.
I think people like you get pushed to the wayside because it can be harder to identify these subtler flavors of structural dissociation. But for me, as a therapist, I'm actually kind of more interested in these subtler presentations because I feel like it's often actually harder for y'all to get the treatment and support you need and deserve. People will miss what's actually happening or bush off your experiences. I see it happen every day and it angers me a lot, especially because to me, the signs of structural dissociation are actually very clear when you know what to look for.
My team recently worked with a client who I suspect has OSDD1a, and I really enjoyed our work with her! But she had been previously labeled as having bipolar with psychotic features. No one had any clue that she was dissociative until I showed up and knew what to look for. And it's largely because she wasn't able to say, "well yesterday Olivia was around, but today I'm Sarah." Because that's not how her parts presented. There was a lot more passive influence, a lot more partial dissociative intrusions. But all the signs were there. The inconsistencies in her presentation, her behavior, her skills, her affect, her communication, her interests, her relationship to her adoptive parents, her understanding of her past...like this woman SCREAMED structural dissociation of the personality. But everyone missed it because she didn't have clear alters.
And I'm really mad about it! And I'm so sorry you've had such a lonely and isolating experience in this community! Your voice matters so much and I think you're sharing really important things. Because the bottom line is...the treatment for OSDD is the same as for DID. We're all on the same journey to reconnect with alienated parts of ourselves and learn how to cohesively live together in the present. We all need parts work. We all need to work on lowering phobia of inner experiences and avoidance. I think this can actually be a lot harder for people with OSDD, especially OSDD1a, because not having clear lines between parts can make it so so so easy to dismiss your experiences as "just me." Which I promise does not aid healing in the long run lol. So please keep talking, keep sharing, keep looking for spots in the CDD community that have space for you. I think those spaces do exist. Definitely it exists here with me. I see you. You're on the same journey to find yourself as the rest of us. <3
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komaedache · 5 days
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komaedache · 5 days
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komaedache · 5 days
I think the first step towards the life you want is often to just say yes to more things. Accept that coffee invitation from your coworker even if it seems awkward. Sign up for that free class at the library that you're not sure you'll like. Join that club. Book that tour. Say yes to as many things as you can and kill the part of your brain that gut-reacts with a no.
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komaedache · 12 days
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komaedache · 12 days
Hello fat vegans I love you
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komaedache · 12 days
long distance internet friendships are so frustrating like i want to go hang out at your place. i want to bring that snack u like if ur sad. i want to go to the cinema and watch a movie together. i wish we could randomly decide to drive down to the beach one friday night and look at the stars. we drifted apart and idk if you're alive. nobody would think to tell you if i died. i hope you're okay
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komaedache · 12 days
okay i made another quiz but this time it’s which monster you’ll get to hook up with. reblog with your result!!
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komaedache · 22 days
girls are asking me to "touch the demon inside of them." chill I haven't even had breakfast yet
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komaedache · 22 days
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We are so back
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komaedache · 27 days
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komaedache · 2 months
1.I trust this message is finding you in good health. That is why I am getting in contact with you being as humble as possible asking for help. My situation can be described as alarming. I am a female, 34 years old, living in a tent in Gaza, I have two children and I hope you know the current situation very well in Gaza. I have lived with type 2 diabetes since my early childhood age and I still require urgent insulin and medical attention: I have not had access to any health attention for the last two months, although I am a pregnant woman with type 2 diabetes.
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2.I feel like am fighting for my life every single day. I am afraid if I don't receive insulin injection and medical attention I might go to coma, and I don't know the state i will leave my young kids. A times I feel like there is no one in the entire world who can help me, but I know that you are there for me. Anyway, I have struggled a lot and hope well-wishers can come through for me.
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3.I have created a fundraising appeal to help purchase insulin, go for medical checkups, and buy all-important drugs. Any amount will be much appreciated, and they will go a long way in changing my life. Kindly click on my donation link(DONATE TO HELP DIANA SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION AND BUY INSULIN) to chip in my medical fund. It would also be nice if you can share this message and extend your get well soon wishes to me. I will appreciate your generosity during these trying moments
TARGET $157/ $1057
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