kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
The Traitor
Traitor has a bunch of tales. Some say he killed many and made them into a stew that he served the King and Queen. Some even say that he killed the servants of the castle and cut off their limbs, putting them into the castle walls. But there is one thing everyone is sure of. When he entered the Haunted Tier, he couldn’t survive. He gave up his body to a witch to do with as she pleased. Most would think of scandalous thoughts when told this. However,the witch was young and inexperienced. She used his body for her hexes. For years, there was no sight of Traitor. Then one day, he appeared. He was different, though. One of his eyes was completely blacked out, the other covered with an eye mask, used when he was a Jester. He was now dressed in silk. His boots made from witch leather and werewolf fur.Legend says that while he was in the cellar, he’d teach himself the spells the witch used. He’d try them out as she was gone or while she was practicing upstairs. Eventually, she was killed by his hands. He waited until the witch took off his restraints, pretending to be weak from not being fed. She panicked, the fear of her only way to practice being useless. That’s when he grabbed her and whispered the words of the death spell she had been practicing. 
He did exactly what he had done with those servants. He chopped up the body of the witch, sealing her body parts and putting them inside the walls. The smell was bad for a while, but it went away after a while. He now lives in her cottage, his left eye blacked out and meant to see when people will die. The right eye baby blue and can tell the future. Problem is, he didn’t ask for these ‘gifts’. He was hexed by the witch. Should he try to tell anyone the results, his heart burns as if it is being pulled from his body. If he uses his right eye for too long, he begins to become exhausted. The eye takes energy from him to do so. 
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
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Fine. Just PLEASE stop using my ability to go hunting for stupid Korok seeds.
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
First is a summons type. Second is a transformation type. Third is an independent type. Fourth is a weapon type. Fifth is the God of Destruction.
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
WHY!?(beautiful btw)
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A video on what these are and how they would’ve worked in BOTW :)
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
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does anyone know if a full version of this render exists on the internet somewhere?
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
Revali: This whole thing is just so.. so-
Urbosa: Asinine?
Revali: wow, real fantastic Urbosa. A guy uses the word “asinine” once and suddenly it’s all he’s known for. “Here lies Revali, his view of the world was simply Asinine” fuck you guys
Mipha: it’s just such a Revali thing to say..
Revali: I despise all of you
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
You may have answered this before, but: Of the characters you voiced in BotW, who did you enjoy the most? Or if you don't want to pick favorites... Do you low/high-key wish one or more of them could've had more of a presence in the game?
I’m sure many people agree with my wish that Teba had more opportunity to interact with the player, but at the same time I also acknowledge that the brevity of his appearance leaves a lot open for the community to expand on in their own way, which is something I appreciate.
Revali/Teba/Deku Tree as a trio are ALL important to me because they represented different facets of the struggle to learn/improve in voiceover:
- Revali was the character I thought would be a breeze to lock in to vocally, but ended up being incredibly difficult to really pin down. I was actually driven to tears in my frustration of trying to capture who he was (and who Nintendo America wanted him to be) while also maintaining the level of quality I wanted for him more than anyone else. It took a great deal of trust in my director and refusal to give up on myself to make it work out.
- Teba, on the other hand, is a great personal accomplishment because his voice was 100% my own creation, in the sense that the director/sound crew made no changes from my “audition” to what I did for the final product. To someone tasked with bringing a character to life through sound, that’s an incredibly fulfilling thing to bear witness to.
- Deku Tree was someone I knew would be a challenge, but it was a challenge I knew was within my limits and that I was prepared to rise up to. He could be argued to be my weakest performance for this reason (more focus on consistency and pitch than just performing), but the fact remains he was a ‘surprise’ for a lot of people following me, including the director himself. I’m grateful he presented me with the opportunity to showcase more of my range to a wider audience.
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
can i please… get… botw voice acting bloopers?
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
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Master works😭🙏
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
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quick sketch thingo hahahhh
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
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Wind Waker version Rito Revali 
This art is based on my imagination,If Revali were Wind wakers Rito design.
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
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The Champions by UG
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
Sooooooooo what about a revali + all the other champions become corrupted or possessed by the blight and malice instead of just their divine beasts? i honestly feel it was a wasted opportunity to make the battles more 'personal' and raise the stakes and the battles do get a bit repetitive overtime
First of all
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I am in pain. I’m dying squirtle. this hurts my fragile gayass heart
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
Sooooooooo what about a revali + all the other champions become corrupted or possessed by the blight and malice instead of just their divine beasts? i honestly feel it was a wasted opportunity to make the battles more 'personal' and raise the stakes and the battles do get a bit repetitive overtime
First of all
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I am in pain. I’m dying squirtle. this hurts my fragile gayass heart
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
We need more bird husbands on this blog, so here’s a headcanon request: Kass is 90% chill and 10% sass.
Bless,, I totally agree!
Kass the Sass Master
- A lot of people get along with this sweet birb
- So it’s quite rare to see the sassy part of him
- It only comes out when someone is really getting on his bad side
- Mostly when they start insulting his musical talent
- “Oh, I’m sure you could do much better than someone who has been playing their entire life.”
- “Majority rules. The people here enjoy my music, so I shall continue to play.”
- Link caught wind of the Kass Sass™ once and he was in awe
- Especially when the blue boy bounced back to greet him just as kindly as always
- +200 points in respect
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons on Revali, Teba, and Kass discovering that their s/o is a really good dancer? They could be traveling, but stop to see a festival and one of the dancers pulls them in and they shock the Rito when they are able to keep up? Please and thank you. I love your blog!!!
b l ess 
This is it, everyone. My ultimate weakness is these three right here
Love these bird boys-
- You were the one to suggest going to see the festival, so he decided why not, it couldn’t hurt
- Was impartial to it the entire time, but enjoyed seeing his s/o having a good time
- The last thing they see is a performance with some dancers along with it, and it interests Revali more than anything else did
- Even more when the dancers go into the audience and pick people out
- One of them being his s/o
- So he’s definitely watching them as they hit the dancefloor
- As the performance goes along, his eyes are all on his s/o, they’ve taken the spotlight
- The dancer even lets them freestyle, and Revali is absolutely smitten with them all over again
- They’re so amazing?? Where did this come from???
- And why didn’t HE know about this?!
- As it ends and they’re applauded, Revali is in cheerleader mode until they get back
- “You have to do that again sometime.”
- Boasts about them for weeks afterward, and tries to get them to teach him how to dance
- He wanted to have a good time with his s/o, so he’s the one to suggest going to the festival
- He might not look like he’s having a good time to his s/o, but everyone else will see him smiling and watching his s/o with an endearing look on his face when they’re having fun
- There’s a performance going on too, so they stop by that along the way. The music is quite enjoyable, and the dancers even seem like they’re having a good time
- They then start picking people out from the audience, and his interest peaks when his s/o willingly agrees to go
- He watches his s/o closely as they make their way to the dancefloor, and is floored when they start to dance
- He didn’t know they were this good at dancing-the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind until now
- They flash him a smile when they make eye contact, and he can’t help but return it 
- He feels like he’s going through the first time he met them all over again, a love at first sight gone right
- When his s/o returns, he pulls them close to him
- “You were amazing, my dove. I think we might have to find these more often.”
- He sticks true to this and purposely finds out about future performances when his s/o isn’t around after that
- He kinda has to go in the first place, he’s the one playing for the dancers
- Of course his s/o agrees to go-they’re so excited to hear him play live
- Though they get to hear him all the time, but either way he’s so happy to know that they love and support him this much
- Halfway through the song, the dancers file off the stage and bring in the audience
- His heart soars when he sees his s/o being brought onto stage and can’t stop smiling
- His eyes are completely on them the whole time, some of the audience notices and gets super excited
- When he catches their eye, he nods his head over by him, and they know what he wants.
- They walk right up to him after the song finishes, and there’s anticipation buzzing through the crowd as they both walk to the middle of the stage
- “They say you learn something new everyday, and today I learned that my dear (Name) is one of the most amazing dancers I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”
- The crowd is cheering so loudly after that
- He asks his s/o later on if they would like to become one of his dancers whenever he goes to perform and is elated if they agree
- Of course, if they don’t wish to, he is alright with it, but asks to see them dance more often
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kontelartistz-blog · 6 years
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tfw u cant relate to dad talk
also im not the only one who thinks teba’s gonna use his dad voice when he starts getting irritated with Revali am i right???
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