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kookookachoo621 · 3 years
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@cytesadino @amyrosesworld @king-jarrod @gmz003 @pierrechaste @thegrosscarrot-blog 
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kookookachoo621 · 5 years
Now that JK has proven herself to be the jk we always knew she was, here is a list of incredible fiction by trans authors, because the best way to tell JK to shove her bigotry where the sun don’t shine is to buy the work of authors who deserve her platform. 
The Tensorate Series - JY Yang: four fantasy novellas about the guild of Tensors, magic users who can control elemental forces known as the Slack. V political, v beautifully written. Gender is a key theme but also there are dragons (naga), so there’s something for everyone tbh. 
Love Beyond Body, Space And Time - anthology: a collection of indigenous sci-fi / spec fic stories with LGBTQ and two-spirit characters and themes. Stories include narratives of transition, love stories, and just good ol’ space romps. 
The Merry Spinster: Tales of Everyday Horror - Daniel M. Lavery: a collection of fairytale retellings with a spooky and disturbing twist. Some of these are darkly comic, and others are just plain dark. All are beautifully written, because Lavery is just That Writer. 
The Spirits Series - Jordan L Hawk: a very spicy paranormal romance trilogy about Henry Strauss, an inventor, and Vincent Night, a psychic, whose differing approaches to communing with the dead cause (I’m so sorry) friction. These ones ain’t for the kiddies, but they’re so good and spooky.
The Mechanical Universe - EE Ottoman: a romance series (w a trans male protag!) set in a sort of steampunk universe, where spellcraft and mechanical animation are vying for equal respect. Tbh, everything by EE Ottoman is Very Good And Trans - The Doctor’s Discretion is my personal fave. Recommend 100%.
Peter Darling - Austin Chant: a trans retelling of Peter Pan, where Peter returns to Neverland to find that his place there is now much less certain than it was before, and he no longer belongs anywhere. There is also a romance with Captain Hook, but it works! I promise! 
The Danielle Cain series - Margaret Killjoy: a duology of novellas following Danielle Cain, a queer punk rock nomad, as she solves spooky mysteries. The first book is set in an anarchist settlement, and the theme of found family + community is prevalent throughout. 
An Unkindness of Ghosts - Rivers Solomon: on board the spaceship HSS Matilda, the last of humanity make their journey towards the Promised Land. Conditions on board are akin to the Antebellum South, and protagonist Aster is driven to find her way off the ship - if she can. 
I Wish You All the Best - Mason Deaver: a non binary teen, Ben, comes out to their parents and is kicked out. Their sister takes them in and they start a new school, where their life begins to change for the better. This one is v sweet and deals well with mental illness. 
Resilience - anthology: a collection of poetry and prose by trans women and amab trans people, featuring work by Casey Plett, KOKUMO, Magpie Leibowitz and many more. 
Small Beauty - jia qing wilson-yang: a mixed race Chinese trans woman returns to her small town Canada home after the death of her cousin, and she deals with her trauma and grief. Beautiful and sad, and absolutely honest about grief. 
Little Fish - Casey Plett: a trans woman begins to believe that her late Mennonite grandfather may have been trans, and while her own life starts to cave in, she attempts to connect with him through those who knew him. This one is A Lot but it’s phenomenal.
A Boy Called Cin - Cecil Wilde: a romance novel (so it’s SPICY) about Cin, a young trans man, and Tom, an older genderqueer billionaire. This is not your typical billionaire romance AT ALL; healthy relationships are depicted beautifully here alongside the reality of transition.
Confessions of the Fox - Jordy Rosenberg: a retelling of Jack Sheppard, the famous jailbreaker and thief. It’s told as though a trans man has discovered a manuscript about Jack (who is trans) and Jack’s story unfolds alongside the personal narrative of the manuscript discoverer. 
Nameless Woman - anthology: a collection of fiction by trans women of colour. There’s something for everyone here - romance, sci fi, personal narratives and more. A lot of the topics covered are very heavy but they’re treated honestly and sensitively. 
Maiden, Mother, Crone - anthology: a collection of fantasy stories about trans women and femmes. You want a story about a dread trans chthonic goddess? Of course you do. It’s right here. Enjoy. 
Caroline’s Heart - Austin Chant: a romance between a trans man (a COWBOY nonetheless) and a trans woman (a WITCH). Cecily has been trying to bring her lover, Caroline, back from the dead via magic, but when Roy gives his life to save her, she has a choice to make. 
The Queen of Cups - Ren Basel: a novelette about Theo, who’s about to set sail on their first voyage. As per their village’s custom, they ask the Oracle to bless their voyage, and she agrees - if she can come along. A great treatise on bravery, loyalty and independence. 
Amateur - Thomas Page McBee: not fiction, but OH WELL!! You gotta read it!! The autobiography of a trans man who learns to box and asks questions about what kind of man he wants to be; can he avoid repeating the toxic masculinity he fears? 
Trans Power - Juno Roche: also not fiction! Oops! Take me to court!! Roche interviews multiple trans people about their relationships with their transness, their sexuality and their bodies, and the result is a super empowering and beautiful book. 
The Shape of My Name - Nino Cipri: a novelette about time travel. I really can’t say much about this one because it’s better to go in without knowing a lot, but the main theme is self discovery and acceptance, especially within the context of a neglectful / abusive family. 
Pet - Akwaeke Emezi: the children in the city of Lucille know that there are no more monsters. They’ve been told so. So when Jam meets Pet, who definitely seems to be a monster, she has to face the problem of saving the world from something that it refuses to admit exists. 
There are obviously many more trans fiction authors out there, but these are the ones I’ve read and can call to mind immediately. On my to read list are Juno Dawson (who writes YA primarily), Kai Cheng Thom (whose story in Maiden, Mother, Crone was my favourite), Meredith Russo (also writes YA), Leslie Feinberg, and Sybil Lamb.
I haven’t included trans poets here because I feel like that’s a separate list in and of itself, but if anyone wants to add any, please feel free!
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kookookachoo621 · 5 years
Lance: *holding a bunch of flowers* hey so I got these
Keith: oh, you headed to a graveyard or something
Lance: what, no, I got these for you
Keith: but I’m not sick
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kookookachoo621 · 5 years
how do you make a character [not to the point of a villain] unlikable to the other characters but likable to the readers
Writing an Unlikable but Reader-Liked Character
There’s really only one way to pull this off: you need to make sure your character has admirable motives that they–for some reason–keep hidden from everyone around them, but which the reader is privy to through the narrative. So, ultimately, this is a three-step process:
1) What is your character’s motivation/goals/hidden internal wound?
Some people are just assholes, but some people behave in unlikable ways to protect themselves or others. They may be overcompensating to mask a hidden internal wound; they may be putting on a show to deflect the attention, interest, or affection of others; they may even be behaving in a certain way to prevent an internal wound from being inflicted again–like being distrustful of others after somebody betrayed you and caused you emotional pain. So, it helps to know exactly why your character is behaving in ways that are unlikable and what it is that they’re hiding, protecting, or otherwise trying to accomplish. Also, it helps to know what their internal and external goals are. What about them (internally) needs to change? What about their external world or circumstances are they trying to change? Sometimes this pursuit leads to further behaviors/actions that may not be understood by those around them.
2) What behaviors and actions make your character unlikable as far as the other characters go?
There are all sorts of actions and behaviors that can make a person unlikable, such as being: closed off, unfriendly, secretive, uncooperative, distrustful, impolite, loud, obnoxious, unreliable, untrustworthy, disloyal, manipulative, gruff, stubborn, judgmental, vain, self-centered, narrow-minded, bigoted, cheap, cold-hearted, oversensitive, quick to anger, abusive, foul-mouthed, arrogant, cocky, vengeful, imposing, fake, overly sarcastic, grim, repetitive, sloppy, mean, competitive, aggressive, hostile, gossipy, boastful, conceited, dishonest, greedy, vindictive, unmotivated, vulgar… the list goes on and on. Consider your character’s motivation/goals/hidden internal wound and think about which of these (or other negative traits/behaviors) would make the most sense.
3) Let your reader see through the negativity, even if the other characters can’t.
Now that you know what your character is doing and why, it’s important for you to let the reader know. Start by establishing a little bit about your character’s back story, motivation, and goals in the beginning of the story, then continue to add to and build upon this information as the story goes on. Try to connect negative behaviors to the reasons behind them in ways that are subtle and organic. Most important of all, show that what’s inside your character is the opposite of what they’re displaying outwardly. Show that your character feels bad when they appear not to. Show that they feel guilt and remorse for behaving in ways that upset others. Show that they don’t enjoy putting others off but feel they have no choice. And also, let your reader see the softer, lighter side of your character even though others can’t. Just because your internally wounded character is a jerk to his colleagues all day doesn’t mean he can’t go home to his beloved puppy and the much loved grandfather he’s been caring for the past ten years.Just because your character appears callous and unfriendly on the outside doesn’t mean they’re not volunteering their time in homeless shelters when no one they know is looking.
One of my favorite examples of this is the character Charles Emerson Winchester on the old TV show, M*A*S*H. Charles frequently behaved in ways that were unlikable, but the audience (and eventually the other characters) got occasional glimpses into the good person he was on the inside. In one episode in particular, the 4077th throws a big Christmas party and invites the children from the nearby orphanage, but sadly the convoy carrying their holiday feast is plundered, so everyone bands together and donates whatever holiday goodies they got in care packages from home–all except for Charles who only parts with a measly tin of canned oysters, much to the dismay of everyone else. They call him out on the fact that he has received several large care packages from home that week, but he claims it was all just clothing–nothing the orphans would be interested in. Later, we see Charles sneaking the packages to the orphanage under the cover of night and we find out they actually contain oodles of homemade candy shipped from home. The man who runs the orphanage catches him dropping the items off and is so happy he wants to make a big deal about it, but Charles begs him to keep everything secret. He says making secret Christmas donations to the needy is part of a longtime family tradition. The next night, at the Christmas party, Charles confronts the man who runs the orphanage after finding out all of the candy was sold on the black market. Charles is furious, and all his coworkers see is him yelling at this poor man. In reality, the candy was sold to buy a month’s supply of nutritious food for the children instead, and Charles immediately understands and feels bad. The whole exchange is overheard by Klinger who later brings Charles some of the Christmas feast and admits he knows Charles did a nice thing. So he’s kind of a proxy for the audience at that point, even if everyone else doesn’t know about this wonderful thing Charles did. You can watch the clip here if you want. (And yes–if Charles’ voice sounds familiar, it’s because the actor is David Ogden Stiers, whom you probably know as the voice of Cogsworth in Disney’s animated Beauty and the Beast, as well as several other character voices.)I hope that helps!
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kookookachoo621 · 5 years
How do you write a fight scene without becoming repetitive? I feel like it just sounds like "she did this then this then this." Thanks so much!
I watch her as she fights. Her left leg flies through the air – a roundhouse – rolling into a spin. She misses, but I guess she’s supposed to. Her foot lands and launches her into a jump. Up she goes again, just as fast. The other leg pumps, high knee gaining altitude. The jumping leg tucks. Her body rolls midair, momentum carrying her sideways. She kicks. A tornado kick, they call it. The top of her foot slams into Rodrigo’s head, burying in his temple. Didn’t move back far enough, I guess.
His head, it snaps sideways like a ball knocked off a tee. Skull off the spine. His eyes roll back, and he slumps. Whole body limp. Legs just give out beneath him. He clatters to the sidewalk; wrist rolling off the curb.
She lands, making the full turn and spins back around. Her eyes are on his body. One foot on his chest. I don’t know if he’s alive. I don’t know if she cares. Nah, she’s looking over her shoulder. Looking at me.
The truth twists my gut. I should’ve started running a long time ago.
The first key to writing a good fight scene is to tell a story. The second key is having a grasp of combat rules and technique. The third is to describe what happens when someone gets hit. The fourth is to remember physics. Then, roll it all together. And remember: be entertaining.
If you find yourself in the “and then” trap, it’s because you don’t have a firm grasp of what exactly it is your writing. “He punched” then “She blocked” then “a kick” only gets you so far.
You’ve got to get a sense for shape and feeling, and a sense of motion. Take a page from the comic artist’s playbook and make a static image feel like it’s moving. Try to remember that violence is active. Unless your character is working with a very specific sort of soft style, they’re attacks are going to come with force. So, you’ve got to make your sentences feel like your hitting something or someone.
“Ahhh!” Mary yelled, and slammed her fist into the pine’s trunk. A sickening crack followed, then a whimper not long after.
Angie winced. “Feel better?”
Shaking out her hand, Mary bit her lip. Blood dripped from her knuckles, uninjured fingers gripping her wrist. She sniffed, loudly. “I…” she paused, “…no.”
“You break your hand?”
“I think so. Yeah.”
“Good,” Angie said. “Think twice next time before challenging a tree.”
Let your characters own their mistakes. If they hit something stupid in anger, like a wall or a tree then let them have consequences.Injury is part of combat. In the same way, “I should be running now” is. When the small consequences of physical activity invade the page, they bring reality with them.
People don’t just slug back and forth unless they don’t know how to fight, or their only exposure to combat is mostly movies or bloodsport like boxing. Either way, when one character hits another there are consequences. It doesn’t matter if they blocked it or even deflected it, some part of the force is going to be transitioned into them and some rebounds back at the person who attacked.
Your character is going to get hurt, and it’ll be painful. Whether that’s just a couple of bruises, a broken bone, or their life depends on how the fight goes.
However, this is fantasy. It is all happening inside our heads. Our characters are never in danger unless we say they are. They’ll never be hurt unless we allow it. A thousand ghost punches can be thrown and mean absolutely, utterly nothing at all to the state of the character. This is why it is all important to internalize the risks involved.
The writer is in charge of bringing a dose of reality into their fictional world. It is much easier to sell an idea which on some level mimics human behavior and human reactions. The ghost feels physical because we’ve seen it happen on television or relate to it happening to us when we get injured.
You’ve got five senses, use them. You know what it feels like to get injured. To be bruised. To fall down. To be out of breath. Use that.
Here’s something to take with you: when we fight, every technique brings us closer together. Unless it specifically knocks someone back. You need specific distances to be able to use certain techniques. There’s the kicking zone, the punching zone, and the grappling zone. It’s the order of operation, the inevitable fight progression. Eventually, two combatants will transition through all three zones and end up on the ground.
So, keep the zones in mind. If you go, “she punched, and then threw a roundhouse kick” that’s wrong unless you explain more. Why? Because if the character is close enough to throw a punch, then they’re too close to throw most kicks. The roundhouse will just slap a knee or a thigh against the other character’s ribs, and probably get caught. If you go, “she punched, rammed an uppercut into his stomach, and seized him by the back of the head”, then that’s right. You feel the fighters getting progressively closer together, which is how its supposed to work.
Use action verbs, and change them up. Rolled, rotated, spun, punched, kicked, slammed, rammed, jammed, whipped, cracked, etc.
You’ve got to sell it. You need to remember a human’s bodily limits, and place artificial ones. You need to keep track of injuries, every injury comes with a cost. Make sure they aren’t just trading blows forever.
I’ve seen advice that says fights all by themselves aren’t interesting. I challenge that assertion. If you’re good at writing action, then the sequence itself is compelling. You know when you are because it feels real. Your reader will tune out if it isn’t connecting, and the fight scene is a make or break for selling your fantasy. It is difficult to write or create engaging, well choreographed violence that a reader can easily follow and imagine happening.
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kookookachoo621 · 5 years
Gay Book you NEED! to READ!
you over there! you want to read gay books? YA gay books? good, here’s the must must MUST read books, AND MOST IMPORTANT! when you pick one up and read it TELL ME!
Earth to Charlie Boy Meets Boy Jack of Hearts Openly Straight One Man Guy Love & Other Curses The House of Impossible Beauties Totally Joe Hero Freak Show So Hard to Say Gives Light Alan Cole Is Not a Coward Alan Cole Doesn’t Dance How to Repair a Mechanical Heart Silent Tales from Foster High The Lightning-Struck Heart A Destiny of Dragons The Consumption of Magic A Wish Upon the Stars The Boy Who Couldn’t Fly Straight The Boy Who Couldn’t Fly Home The Dangerous Art of Blending In Social Intercourse Play Me, I’m Yours Peter Darling More Than This The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley Life as a Teenage Vampire Felix Yz Autoboyography Junior Hero Blues They Both Die at the End The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue Stranger Than Fanfiction History Is All You Left Me 366 Days The Red Sheet When Everything Feels Like the Movies Half Bad Half Wild Half Lost Here’s to You, Zeb Pike When Ryan Came Back Because You’ll Never Meet Me Wonders of the Invisible World Haffling The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second I’ll Give You the Sun Carry On Suicide Watch Ray of Sunlight More Happy Than Not Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda (In)visible After School Activities Two Boys Kissing Rainbow Boys There Goes Sunday School The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried The Darkest Part of the Forest We Are the Ants Marco Impossible Fan Art My Awesome/Awful Popularity Plan Grasshopper Jungle Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe Social Skills At the Edge of the Universe The Art of Starving The Song of Achilles The Love Interest Carry the Ocean How Not to Ask a Boy to Prom
if you have any questions need help picking something else, want to tell me about a book, really anything send me an ask I’m open 24/7 don’t be shy
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kookookachoo621 · 5 years
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Reminded me of this
Oh no… I saw a wiggly worm on the pavement and it looked sad and so I said “oh no, mister worm, you are in a very sorry state… back into the thicket with you!” and I gently put it back into the grass, and then I turned around and there was a TEENAGER LAUGHING AT ME… why are The Youth so cruel
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kookookachoo621 · 5 years
Books you need to read right now so some books, like Percy Jackson or Raven Boys have big happy fandoms and thats GREAT but here are some books I feel are just as good but never seem to have gotten the love they should
The Half Bad Trilogy (Half Bad, Half Wild, Half Lost) Bisexual main character, epic gay love story, Harry Potter by way of Raven Boys, go read them, cry.
Young Wizards (So You Want to Be a Wizard, Deep Wizardry, High Wizardry,  A Wizard Abroad, The Wizard’s Dilemma, A Wizard Alone) before there are a Harry Potter there was Nita and Kit, hispanic main character, a gay couple (in the 1980s no less!) magic by way of Star Trek
The Old Kingdom (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) do you want Lord of the Rings with a bad-ass woman lead? and way more magic? okay go read this, maybe the richest fantasy world ever written
The Dark Is Rising (Over Sea, Under Stone, The Dark Is Rising, Greenwitch, The Grey King, Sliver on the Tree) the classic of classics, one part Narnia, one part Lord of the Rings, and one part Harry Potter, weird and otherworldly 
Bartimaeus Sequence (The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem’s Eye, Ptolemy’s Gate) Steampunk magic, grubby Victorian London with demons and snobbish wizards and one sassy djinni
The Keys to the Kingdom (Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday, Lady Friday, Superior Saturday, Lord Sunday) steampunk clockwork weirdness, really I can’t think of a book to compare these too, a well realized and original world with lovable characters 
PC Peter Grant (Rivers of London, Moon Over Soho, Whispers Under Ground, Broken Homes, Foxglove Summer) With a mixed race main character and black goddesses it’s a diverse cast, Harry Potter as an all grown up police book, very smart and well written 
so go read them, now, come on what you waiting for? well I’ll be waiting, let me know if you do read any of them? 
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kookookachoo621 · 6 years
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kookookachoo621 · 6 years
Books you need to read right now so some books, like Percy Jackson or Raven Boys have big happy fandoms and thats GREAT but here are some books I feel are just as good but never seem to have gotten the love they should
The Half Bad Trilogy (Half Bad, Half Wild, Half Lost) Bisexual main character, epic gay love story, Harry Potter by way of Raven Boys, go read them, cry.
Young Wizards (So You Want to Be a Wizard, Deep Wizardry, High Wizardry,  A Wizard Abroad, The Wizard’s Dilemma, A Wizard Alone) before there are a Harry Potter there was Nita and Kit, hispanic main character, a gay couple (in the 1980s no less!) magic by way of Star Trek
The Old Kingdom (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen) do you want Lord of the Rings with a bad-ass woman lead? and way more magic? okay go read this, maybe the richest fantasy world ever written
The Dark Is Rising (Over Sea, Under Stone, The Dark Is Rising, Greenwitch, The Grey King, Sliver on the Tree) the classic of classics, one part Narnia, one part Lord of the Rings, and one part Harry Potter, weird and otherworldly 
Bartimaeus Sequence (The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem’s Eye, Ptolemy’s Gate) Steampunk magic, grubby Victorian London with demons and snobbish wizards and one sassy djinni
The Keys to the Kingdom (Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday, Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday, Lady Friday, Superior Saturday, Lord Sunday) steampunk clockwork weirdness, really I can’t think of a book to compare these too, a well realized and original world with lovable characters 
PC Peter Grant (Rivers of London, Moon Over Soho, Whispers Under Ground, Broken Homes, Foxglove Summer) With a mixed race main character and black goddesses it’s a diverse cast, Harry Potter as an all grown up police book, very smart and well written 
so go read them, now, come on what you waiting for? well I’ll be waiting, let me know if you do read any of them? 
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kookookachoo621 · 6 years
I wanted to write an indulgent story, where most of the characters were strong women. But as I was planning out a story, (a fantasy one where only women have magic) I realized that what a white woman wants to see in a strong woman might be different from anyone else, but I have no idea how to research that. Do you have any advice? (Sorry if this is worded awful! I hope you understand but it’s alright if you don’t.)
Writing Powerful Women of All Races
It’s great that you recognize that women’s representation is not one size fits all. What makes for good representation for white women is not the same for Women of Color.
Let’s consider how society handles women across the board:
White Women: 
Traditionally, white women are treated as delicate beings, meant to be protected and romanced by men. White women are the standard of femininity and beauty. Women of Color can be attractive, too, but in a “different” way. Most positive roles for white women depict them breaking from these definitions, either embracing sexual labels or evading them by throwing out the need to be dolled-up, gentle, or in a relationship.
Even these problems come with privilege as there is this need to “dirty” oneself up and prove physical and emotional strength. 
Anger in white women is seen as powerful. Anger in non-white women is either sexualized (see: the Spicy Latina) or seen as hostility and bitterness typical of their race (see: the Angry Black Woman). 
White women embracing sexuality and the “Slut” role is groundbreaking. That doesn’t always translate well for WoC who are inherently seen as overly sexual and impure, and have the highest rates of sexual assault to show for it.
Black Women: 
Black women are most often placed into the role of strong and independent, with an emotional and physical hardness that resists love and tenderness. They don’t need support, but they’ll be more than willing to use their backs to uplift others, no matter the gender, all and any races. Black women are rarely portrayed with classical softness or femininity. Note how Black women are so hard and impenetrable…except when it comes to helping everyone but themselves. Then they are your Mammy, warm and lovable and always there to support you, despite how much self-care they must neglect.
Asian Women: 
Comparably, Asian women, especially East Asian women but other Asian women are affected too, are placed in juxtaposition to Black women. Asian women are fragile and need shielding, but that comes with a sinister dose of fetishization. They are often viewed as submissive, and are given gross comparisons to dolls as if items to place on display and control. They’re desirable, but in an “exotifc” way, and of course are not seen to have the same worth as white women.
This is often depicted in works, both old and modern: The white man falls in love with the Asian woman. After he’s had his fun, he abandons her to settle down with a white woman. The Asian woman ends her life as it is worth nothing without him.
On the flip side: Asian women are fragile and worth protecting…except when they’re not. The Dragon Lady stereotype features Asian women (Mainly East Asian) who manipulate and dominate others. This stereotype is often depicted by them dominating white men for Yellow Peril ends. 
Native women: 
Native women are seen as simple and animalistic, their “simpler” culture relating to “primal” needs. The narrative starts with Pocahontas, a scantily clad Disney princess who shows a white settler the wonders of the “natural” world, and continues all throughout Halloween costumes, Noble Savage, and Animalistic Natives. This very exact fetishization makes them prime targets for toxic masculinity’s view that women actively desire the more “beastly”/forcible sex, basically assuming Native women will behave like animals in heat— because that’s what society believes Natives are: a type of animal. 
Women of Color: 
Although this is grouping a number of women into one, they share a common thread of being exotified and fetishized. From the Spicy Latina to the brown-skinned temptress. They’re fun and sexy, and on the same hand promiscuous and impure. WoC are often portrayed as mistresses and homewreckers.
Women of Color are treated as Other, and are rarely the default. Notice in media that there’s a reluctance to call Women of Color beautiful. Words like “Striking” “Stunning” and “Exotic” are often used in its place, with an overemphasis on certain features more common to the ethnicity. And when they are more certainly called attractive, you’ll often find qualifiers such as the Dark Beauty or “Pretty for a Black Girl.”
While there is a lot of desexualizing in association with Black women (e.g. mammy), there’s another side where a Black woman’s body (see: curves and full lips) are inherently sexual to the point where even teenagers are labeled as “ho’s” and “Thots” who seek to tempt men for simply wearing shorts.
It’s no wonder Women of Color are assaulted at the highest numbers. Native American women lead in those statistics, and are at risk for sexual assault at twice the rate of others. For more stats, follow the link: (X) 
A shared thread between all of these Women of Color is that, more often than not, people will not be content with these women being anything but their expected stereotypes. Also, there’s often a grumble by racist audiences when WoC are presented in relationships outside of their own race, particularly if they go anywhere near beloved white characters.
It’s time to break free of limited, dated molds and make society uncomfortable.
How do I respectfully represent these women?
I love your story concept, with all of these women having powers. Just keep in mind: what will work as positive representation for your white women may not work for Women of Color. We all have different histories that inform the struggles we have in society and what counts as proper representation.
Develop characters without applying what works for white women to all women. That is White Feminism. Intersectional feminism exists to consider Women of Color + other marginalizations and their needs as well. 
Create customized representation that uplifts each woman.
Develop personalities that don’t play into stereotypes. Choose powers that reflect individuality for each woman, not what is assumed about Black women, Mexican women, etc. What we hear and see in media informs our creative thought process, so your first idea may not be the most fitting one. Brainstorm! As a starting point, do opposite of the stereotypes and go from there. At the same time, find a balance to avoid extremes. 
For example, the fragile Asian woman’s opposing extreme is Dragon Lady. The Strong Black Woman’s opposing extreme leads to infantilization aka making her utterly helpless.
And even then! Consider that sometimes people do have traits that may seem stereotypical. If that’s the case, it’s your job as the author to show that there’s more to them. They are human and not a label. 
You can be physically strong, and still bubble with kindness, emotional softness and femininity.
Pink nail polish does not weaken a punch, or define someone as too girly or weak. It means you like pink.
You can show emotional vulnerability, fall in love and be loved in return, and still remain powerful and whole without becoming the Strong Black Women.
You can be gentle and worthy of protection while having self-worth and confidence.
You can be sensual and desirable without becoming an exotic commodity, but instead someone who is more than sexual, is in control, and 100% deserving of respect.
You can also just not be sexual, but that shouldn’t mean void of love to give and receive in return.
More reading: Stereotyped vs Nuanced Characters and Audience Perception  
There’s many places for you to start your research, and tons of it has been written right here on this page as well as all across the web in articles, blogs, vlogs, books etc. Seek topics on representation and intersectional feminism for the races you wish to portray. The best sources are written by the same people you’re reading about. Check out our Stereotypes & Tropes Navigation and the TVTropes List so you can recognize the displeasing ways WoC have been represented so you can avoid or amend it, and showcase people the way they want to be represented.
I also recommend you check out POC Profiles for the types of representation people who have submitted here are asking for. The WWC mods have also written on the topic in the Mod Wishlist post. 
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kookookachoo621 · 6 years
Also “Is this Keith and Lance or Baz and Simon?”
My favorite game is “Is this Sirius and Remus or Baz and Simon?”
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kookookachoo621 · 6 years
Fic Rec Meme: Klance
Short fic:
The eye of the hurricane
Long fic:
The message
Made me cry: (This isn’t a even an angsty fic, I just got really emotional)
Lion at my side
Made me laugh:
Call me beep me
Shamelessly Tropey:
Nothing quite as sweet
Under rated:  
Would you like fries with that? 
Fic by favorite author: 
Love bug
If you’re my soulmate, what the FUCK is wrong with my soul?
Cliche trope that does something unexpected:
Full Moon Roast
5+1 Things:
Part of a series: 
Of booty shorts and injuries
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kookookachoo621 · 6 years
So I found this cool website for learning ancient languages
go wild
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kookookachoo621 · 6 years
Ok but no one got as much character development as Matt Holt’s hair
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And that’s the tea
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kookookachoo621 · 6 years
Klance Fic Recs, AU Settings I
Okay so I might end up making multiple parts for AU settings. This one contains mostly occupational/hobby/setting AU stuff. So unless an AU fic prominently featured a certain element, it’ll go on another list. So there are some College AUs, 2 Soulmate AUs, and maybe a few others. 
Olympians house on fire by ilgaksu When Lance McClain is eighteen, he qualifies for the Olympics.
When he’s nineteen, he meets Keith.
Correlation does not mean cause, until it totally does.
your love is bright as ever by aknightley (gymnast!Keith, swimmer!Lance) A brief interlude in the future of the Olympic AU, Christmas with Keith and Lance and their cats.
“This always looks easier in those made for television movies,” Keith tells Blue, who rolls over and out of his lap, chasing her own bits of tinsel.
In It To Win It by Lucy_Claire One of two things was happening right now, either Lance was having a heart attack on of the biggest day of his life, or he had just laid eyes on his Soulmate. _______
Competitive swimmer Lance McClain feels his Timer counting down right when he’s about to jump in the water and finish up his race. He’s faced with two choices in this moment: Continue the race and miss meeting his Soulmate at their fateful time or abandon his life’s work for someone he never met.Lance makes his choice and has to suffer the consequence of never getting back what he missed out on. Or does he?
Swimmers Ocean Eyes by spacezuko Lance himself doesn’t even believe in his own abilities. He is drowning in his own pool of desire to be everything that he claims he is. Everything that he wants to be. Keith wonders if he’s broken Lance because he doesn’t say a word, his eyes filled with something opaque that Keith can’t quite pinpoint the meaning of. Lance’s eyes are a deep blue. Not the typical morning sky blue, but the kind of ocean blue one wants to drown in.
With legs like these by Queerswimming In which Lance finds out that there’s a pool in the castle and challenges Keith to a race.
Lance did NOT think this through. Because not a single thing in this universe could’ve prepare him for the sight of Keith in nothing but a red pair of swimming trunks.
Keith has one arm bend behind his head and stretches it with the other. His back arches beautifully, presenting Lance a perfect view of his well-defined torso. At least the last thing Lance sees right before he dies are those ripped abs.
Football Mistakes were made by Lynn1998 Lance can’t stand the captain of the football team…so why is he having sex with him? Part 1 of skinny band nerd takes it up the ass from the beefcake football captain series
Ice Skating/Hockey On Thin Ice (WIP) by Minadora Once upon a time, two Canadian nerds decided to start a figure skating au about their two space sons and their wonderful misfit friends. Ten pages of headcanons later we finally put electronic pen to electronic paper and created this monstrosity.
This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to “work on his footwork”. There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater.Enjoy the ride because it’s only just started.
Kiss My Ice (WIP) by delictor Lance hasn’t skated in a year since the accident that cost him the Olympics. Keith can’t skate for shit but that doesn’t stop him from catching Lance’s attention, even when he can’t so much as stand up after falling on the ice.
‘When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.’
“Soon as we’re off this ice you’re dead.” Keith’s threat is an empty one and he knows Lance can tell by the way he laughs at it. “Serious question though, do you not know who I am?” Lance questions. “Should I?” “No, I guess not.” Lance shrugs. “I’m gonna twirl you, okay?” “No, no don't—wait!” Keith cries out as he’s suddenly viewing the entire arena and his legs go rigid before colliding into Lance’s chest, his chest rising and falling with laughter, hands gripping Keith’s upper arms gently. “Put me back on land.” “Technically, we are on land.” “We’re on frozen water, get me off it.”
Quidditch (Non Hogwarts AU) The Marks We Make (WIP) by wittyy_name Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he’ll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don’t say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It’s not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can’t bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he’s resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by.
Keith Kogane dreads the day he’ll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He’s just an art student who’s struggling to find his place in the world. There’s so much he hasn’t been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can’t do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
Surfers (mostly surfer!Lance) Should I Stand Up on Fear (And Tell You How I Feel?) by Lulatic “So, it’s really a good thing that Lance got distracted before he dragged you out there with him,” Hunk chuckled. “I guess flirting became more important than your guys’ rivalry.’
Keith blushed again, looking away with a huff. “Yeah, whatever. He’ll probably be distracted long enough that I can go back to the Castle before he decides I need some surfing lessons.”
Pidge laughed, that kind of cheeky giggle that made Keith and Hunk look over at them with wide eyes. Pidge raised a single eyebrow at Keith, grinning mischievously. “Oh, but you won’t be going back to the Castle any time soon, now will you? Not when Lance is out there, soaking wet, wearing nothing but a pair of swimming trunks.”
Pride Tide by lemoninagin He’d stared up, watched the differing patches of sunlight play the most stunning array of colored patterns across Keith’s pale face as he grinned mischievously over him. Time slowed, his own breathing became laboured and caught in his throat.
“You can teach me, right?” Keith had asked in a shyer voice than usual, brushing the tangled mess of his windswept hair away from his eyes and cocking his head towards the boards.
Save his smile by Queerswimming Keith wants to protect Lance’s smile and finds his answer at the beach. Starring an awkward Keith, Surfer Lance and Hunk playing a giant ice berg.
Lance caresses the wood gently. His eyes turn soft as he speaks. “My big brother taught me how to build a board.” He laughs softly. “I always messed it up though. I wasn’t patient enough to do it right.“ He taps on the wood and looks at Keith with a sad smile that knocks the breath out of Keith lungs.
“Who would have thought that I would build a surf board in space though.”
He laughs at that but Keith can tell that Lance is faking it. He always can.
Roller Derby Like Devo by surveycorpsjean As rival jammers, they’re rough, skating around the rink, giving bruises, bloody noses, broken ribs and snapped fingers-
But when the cops show up, Keith grabs his hand and yanks Lance into the storm drain.
And thats how they start dating.
Streetracing Purple Lamborghini by warschach “I need you to focus on this race. No more hate flirting with Keith as much as I enjoy it. I like winning more.”
He scoffed, “I don’t flirt.”
“Then stop saying you’re going to teach him how to ride.”
“I was talking about driving. Duh,” Lance countered with an attitude mastered purely by Valley girls and entitled customers.
“Yea, Lance it doesn’t come off like that at all. It sounds like you’re gonna fuck him.”
“I’m not.”
ARTISTS (also including Musicians and Modeling)
Photographer Pretty Boy by MilkTeaMiku (photographer!Keith) A pretty Spanish boy shoves a bouquet of flowers under his nose and tells him to stop and smell the roses, so Keith does.
Roommates by manamune (photographer!Lance, artist!Keith) (13:24) Lance: Thank you!! Love you, Keith!!!
(13:55) Keith: I’m screenshotting that for the next time you deny it.
Sight for Sore Eyes by writewild Photographer!Lance’s deadline for the magazine he works on the side for is coming up really soon, and has to search last-minute photo opportunities soon. One boy catches his eye.
Riptide by songsofthespring (photographer!keith, surfer!Lance) Keith fumbles with the camera around his neck and lines up a shot. The boy coasting down a wave, one hand kissing the water. Keith zooms in as far as his lens will allow him. Droplets frame the boy’s brown skin and cling to his hair and chest. His eyes, little pinpricks of light from this distance, are nevertheless still recognizably as bright as the ocean itself. It looks like he could be dancing when he rides a wave; every part of his lanky frame seems to merge with the board and the ocean beneath him.
He’s beautiful.
Foreign Scenes  by bwyn Lance has been dreaming of travelling since the first time he heard stories from his family as a child. Now, having finally the time and money to do it, he goes on a trip to Europe to see some of the most culturally rich cities on the continent. Except he keeps bumping into the same guy over and over again, in random cities, doing stupid shit, and ultimately dragging Lance into his trouble, too.
Basically an AU in which Lance and Keith become impromptu travel buddies and get into trouble.
Artist 7 Days to Fall For You by saiikavon (artist!Keith, ballerina!Lance)
Keith is an art student who mostly keeps to himself, taking note of the beauty in life but keeping his distance from it. This includes the beautiful dancer he sees across the street from his apartment…until a week-long art project pushes him to change that.
(For Klance Secret Santa 2016)
And Now You’re Mine (WIP) by Samyx914 (some artist!Keith) “No, really. I’ve been thinking about that movie since I got up and that’s the only copy they have and I want it.”
“But, I was faster.”
“But, I want to watch it.” The stranger laughs.
“Well, you could always come home with me to watch it.” He says with a wink.
“Okay.” The stranger’s eyes widen. What the fuck, Keith? No. You don’t go home with strangers… Anymore. 
In which Keith wants to watch a movie, so he goes to find it at Walmart. When there’s only one copy left and someone else picks it up first, his only option is to go home with a stranger. Keith didn’t count on this stranger being so easy to fall for.
Visions by becca2793 "It’s funny, because as a tattoo artist he makes art that lasts pretty much forever – as far as the person who has it is concerned – but a street artist…their art lasts maybe a couple of days.”
Keith comes in for a tattoo; Lance immediately falls in love. With his art. His love for Keith comes later.
Take the Easel Way Out by svensationalist Oh no, he’s hot, Lance thinks while he’s dying.
(Pidge elbows Lance sharply a little while later. “You’re not dying, dumbass,” they whisper. “Pay attention, the pose started.”)
Written for klanceweek day 1, “Red/Blue”. Art class AU where Lance can’t focus because one of the new life drawing models is too attractive.
Cute as Fcuk by anonymouschupacabra Even though he had never seen the hot guy before in the year that he’d been going to college, it was like the dam had broken, because Lance saw him everywhere. From the sculpture rooms, to the library, to the cafeteria, the guy was everywhere Lance was, and it only made it that much harder to ignore the hot buzzing he felt inside every time he saw him.
Dancers 7 Days to Fall For You by saiikavon (ballerina!Lance) see above ^
i bet you look good on the dance floor by xShieru “So like in 'Step Up’?” Allura shrugs. “Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it’s just like in 'Step Up’.” The smile that she sends Shiro’s way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn’t believe in dance camps
Lance McClain’s dancing career begins and ends with Keith.
Keith just wants to find out what Lance’s deal is.
you raise me up by rhapsodyinpink “What, you don’t think I look like Patrick Swayze?”
Keith snickers. “Absolutely not. You are Jennifer Grey in this situation.”
“That’s a fair point. Nobody puts me in a corner,” replies Lance, nodding seriously, before his expression turns mischievous.
“So then…are you saying you want to call me Baby?”
Keith flushes red, but stands his ground as he leans in closer. “Are you saying you want me to?”
Shut Up and Dance With Me (WIP) by wittyy_name Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith.
Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.
With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals… or they might crash and burn.
Musicians That Would Be Alright by icedsonder And call it spur of the moment, his exacerbated pining over past few months, or even his own alcohol impaired judgment, but Keith let his inhibitions take a backseat as he took a step forward and pressed his forehead against Lance’s to sing his next lines.
“I know I’ll fall in love with you, baby”
Musically Insane by myparadisepalace It had only taken Lance three days after becoming the blue paladin to realize there were no instruments in the castle. And even if there were, Lance figured they’d be too obscure and strange for him to be able to play.
PROFESSIONS (i.e. cops, doctors, EMTs, waiters)
Soldiers/Assassins/Spies Counting in Code by DLanaDHZ There was no one better in the field. The Voltron Force was efficient and deadly, and they took no new recruits. They were hand-picked, and though they didn’t always get along, they were family. Under the stress of a mission, the team counted each other as a way to calm down and focus. But Keith couldn’t count, because counting meant he knew where everyone was, and right now all he had was a pair of bloody dog tags in place of his partner.
blink if you want me by xShieru He wakes up to Pidge’s face hovering above him. “You gotta stop running into him like this.” “Dude, he fucking shot me.” “I know. We saw.”
A hitmen AU wherein two thirsty assholes fall for each other and then jeopardize their respective missions because of it.
Retail/Food (waiters/cashiers/clerks) Melt With You by dumpsterdiva If you ask Keith what summer means to him, he’ll say shitty weather, a bag of quarters, sticky blue raspberry kisses, and not-quite-midnight sandwiches.
Summer job AU at the pier feat. Keith as a shaved ice slave and Lance as an aquarium camp counselor.
You Dropped a Bomb by quartetship Lance loved his job.
OR: The Klance LUSH au
Tollbooth Operator Drive Me Crazy by battleshidge Keith stared blankly at the tollbooth operator for a moment before trying to stifle a groan. Somehow, he always managed to get the booth with the flirtatious attendant, a lanky brown-haired man with clear blue eyes and a confident grin. It didn’t matter that he changed what lane he went through—at least three times a week on his way home from work, Keith was forced to suffer through the horrendous flirts that this man tossed his way.
Taxi Driver Finish What You Started by battleshidge “You were right,” Keith breathed, looking up at Lance with a fire in his eyes. “I did start this,” he lifted his chin, pressing a soft kiss to Lance’s jaw. And another. And another. Lance thought it was torture—sweet, sweet torture. And then that challenge sparked in Keith’s eyes again as he asked, tone low and resonant, “Are you going to finish it?”
Pizza Delivery You Stole a Pizza My Heart by KaSaPe Keith just wanted a pizza. The cute delivery boy with the weird grin and stupid flirting (?) had other plans.
Or: Keith just doesn’t get Lance’s flirting. At all.
Lifeguards six foot dive (WIP) by shizuoh “I’m bisexual,” Lance says.
Keith furrows his eyebrows. “Good… for you?”
“I’d like to buy you a drink,” he starts, and grins, “and then get sexual.”
Keith shoves him into the water.
(or: lance and his family go to california for a two-month vacation. cue hot lifeguard keith gyeong-kogane.)
Lessons by amycoolz and SylviaW1991 Keith has been nothing but a thorn in Lance’s side since the mullet-haired ass first walked into the classroom. But when he decides to get himself shoved into the deep end and, wow, can’t even swim, Lance has to save his pretty self and then Pidge volunteers him to teach Keith how to swim. Great. Just great.
Nurse Racing Heartbeats and Hospital Bedsheets by screwtodayimsleeping (nurse!Keith) Me: Hunk Me: Buddy Me: emergency!!!! HunkyBae: what’s up, lance? Are they not letting you out of the hospital yet? Me: HUNK Me: the male nurse that took my blood was probably the sexiest person i’ve ever seen Me: and im literally wearing two sheets as an outfit
BUSINESSES (e.g. Coffeeshop, flower shop, animal shelter)
Office eyes wide to you with wonder by aknightley Keith doesn’t dislike his job, but he definitely dislikes Lance. Probably. Maybe.
“Coran thinks you’ll bang at the Christmas party but I think that’s giving you guys way too much credit,” Pidge says thoughtfully. “Hunk is a romantic. He thinks Lance is gonna ask you out any day now. I think he’s got a week or so before he owes me like a hundred bucks.”
“Pidge, what the fuck?” Keith says, flustered. He nudges them again with his foot, this time slightly harder. They scowl at him, swatting him away. “Why would you bet on me and Lance?” Part 1 of Office AU
Flower Shop i’ll gift you the stars by Kyoshu_Koi Flowers and stars. At least they were giving him things he liked.
Cactus by PinkHitman When Keith moves from the desert in the middle of ass backwards nowhere, to plop in the middle of the big city, he doesn’t expect to instantly grow fond of the tall, endearing, jerk across the street. But it’s hard not to see roses when said person works in a flower shop.
Arcade got game by warschach Lance hates his job until the one day he doesn’t.
Bakery you’re so sweet; will you be mine?  by jojotext A new bakery pops up right across the street from Lance’s bakery. … In which Lance is an idiot, Keith is an asshole, and Pidge is the next Dr. Phil.
Coffeeshop nothing’s quite as sweet by dimpleforyourthoughts and thebrotherswinchester Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street.
SOCIAL MEDIA (Tumblr AU, bloggers, Youtubers, gamers)
Youtubers you had me at merlot by DJAlien “Oh my God,” Lance says as he covers his face. Keith’s tinny voice blares from his laptop speakers: “What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.” See, this joke might have been funny if someone charismatic and charming had said it, but Keith’s flat voice and even flatter expression effectively kidnaps, tortures, and then decapitates any chance of it being remotely humorous.
Keith accidentally starts a YouTube channel. Lance, of course, refuses to be left out. It goes about as well as you’d expect. (Ft. copious amounts of wine and a truly shameless number of references to MyDrunkKitchen, DailyGrace, and general pop culture)
The Boyfriend Tag by theoddpacolypse Keith and Lance are famous YouTubers, along with the rest of their friends, and though they consider each other “rivals” in some ways, they are actually incredibly close. So close that they are actually dating in secret and constantly dropping hints to their fans, whom desperately want them together. Part 1 of What Happens on Youtube series
Gamers Next Level (WIP) by battleshidge “Dammit, Blue, don’t die on us yet! We only just started!”
Red’s voice snapped in his ears, and Lance cursed under his breath. He tried to backpedal quickly, but being flat on his back with the enemy looming above made for certain movement limitations. On top of that, he was already injured, and he could see the red patch spreading across his thigh. He could really use some of Hunk’s portable healing pods, that was for sure. And that, Lance observed, was a very nasty looking knife that was about to plunge straight through his chest.
Well, shit.
Effect: +100% Love, -100% Logic (WIP) by manamune In the real world, Lance is barely making it by in his senior year. He’s failing most of his classes and is only one more fuck up away from being kicked off the swim team.
In the virtual reality game Voltron, Lance lives an entirely different life as the internationally-known Blue, an archer with impeccable aim. He’s filthy rich, has a trillion friends, and is a part of the most feared guild in the game.There’s just one problem: he’s madly in love one of his guildmates, Red.
Things begin to go downhill when a kid who acts suspiciously similar to Red transfers to Lance’s school.
Bloggers a recipe for two by battleshidge He wondered, briefly, what the look on Lance’s face would be if he actually did say yes.
It’s Mutual (Follow Back Already) by JessicaMDawn At twenty-four, Keith decides to figure out what this 'tumblr’ thing is. It’s confusing at first, but Keith learns to have fun with it with help from a few new friends. AKA Keith’s adventures on tumblr.
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