kopimanishitam · 5 years
“Invest in your private (i.e. ‘real’) life. Make it better than what you show the world. Treasures are meant to be hidden.”
Ustadh Amjad Tarsin
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
When you spread kindness, you’re actually giving the person strength. You’re not reminding him of his weakness. You’re empowering him to go forth and do what he has to do. You’re giving value to other people without expecting anything in return. That’s surely a good thing!
Mufti Ismail Menk
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
“The beauty of our religion is that the reward is dependent on the sincerity of trying, and not in the attainment of the result.”
— Yasir Qadhi
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
Hadirnya dirimu anak kecil—
Memberi seribu rahmat buat ayah bunda •
Moga rasa syukur ini semakin bertambah—
Dan hidup ini lebih dekat denganmu Tuhan •
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
Suami, saat dirimu lelah dengan kepenatan dunia—
Aku tetap teguh di belakang mendukung setia •
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
Tentang hari ini
Saat hujan menyejukkan bumi Tuhan—
Ada perasaan damai yang menyenangkan •
Siapa sangka hadirnya hujan saat ini—
Masih tetap memberi rasa bahagia—
Dan kekal membibit gugusan cinta •
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
“You cannot call yourself patient until you are willing and able to bear things that you have no wish to bear.”
— Salman al-Ouda
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
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I hope the person reading this, is having a beautiful Ramadan ❤️
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kopimanishitam · 5 years
Ramadan will be in 21 days…it’s time to prepare!
1. Make up days of fasting
2. Start reading the Quran even if it’s an ayah a day
3. Do spring cleaning and make your house ready as if a guest is coming over
4. Make a list of Ramadan goals
5. Make a list of duas
Haleh Banani
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kopimanishitam · 6 years
“If you wish to check how much you love Allah, then see how much your heart loves the Quran, and you will know the answer.”
— Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
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kopimanishitam · 6 years
Alhamdulillah 🌸
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kopimanishitam · 6 years
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Source: thebeautyofislam, via IslamicArtDB
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kopimanishitam · 6 years
True •
Beware the gossiper. He usually has bad intent. He speaks negatively about others & belittle their worth to increase his own. If you’re in the company of such people & the talk turns negative, look for ways to bring it back to a positive focus that is not belittling to others.
Mufti Ismail Menk
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kopimanishitam · 6 years
Sometimes when in a crisis, the only option we have is to hope things will get better. Together with prayer, hope and patience are great qualities to get us through the toughest of times. Remember, no difficulty is permanent. The Almighty has promised us with hardship comes ease!
Mufti Ismail Menk
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kopimanishitam · 6 years
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kopimanishitam · 6 years
Whatever it is you want to do, do it now. Don’t use the excuse of waiting for perfect timing to procrastinate. Perfection is not for this world. So before you end up miserable because you’ve been stuck waiting, act on it and start today.
Mufti Ismail Menk
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