koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
I aspire to be a woman who loves to wakes up early in the morning and loves what she does for a living everyday. Travels often, spiritually secured, and financially stable.
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
Please…girl…I’m beggin you
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
emoji spell to help clear up the skin
like to charge, reblog to cast.
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
concept: a few years from now, you’re living your best life. you have your dream job. you’ve evolved into the greatest version of yourself. you’re happy. you’re content.
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
being called baby?????? holding hands????!? being KISSED?!!!?!???????
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
*Looking at a scene where two girls or boys are kissing*
My parents:
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
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Conjugations are essential to every language as they help in indicating if an action is or has already happened. Today, we will learn about conjugating verbs and adjectives. If you haven’t noticed, all verbs and adjectives with the syllable “다”; this is the dictionary form of the verb/adjective. Removing 다 will leave the word with its stem.
The plain form is a type of conjugation that is mainly used in writing. It is rarely used in conversations but there are instances that this can be used more naturally. The plain form is often seen in news articles, magazines, tests, diary and/or journals, etc.
Present Tense (Verbs)
In conjugating a verb into the present tense using the plain form, remove “다” and add ~ㄴ다 if the syllable ends in a vowel otherwise, add ~는다. 
먹다 — 먹 + ~는다 = 먹는다 고양이는 생선을 먹는다. The cat eats fish.
가다 — 가 + ~ㄴ다 = 간다 나의 여동생은 학교에 간다. My sister goes to school.
이해하다 = 이해하 + ~ㄴ다 = 이해한다 나는 오늘 수학을 이해한다. I understand Math today.
 Present Tense (Adjectives)
The present tense of an adjective in the plain form is the same as its dictionary form. There is nothing to add, remove, and change. 
아름답다 = 아름답다 여자들은 다 아름답다. All women are beautiful.  
비싸다 = 비싸다 내가 좋아하는 드레쓰는 많이 비싸다. The dress I like is expensive
 Past Tense
The past tense of a verb/adjective can be conjugated by removing 다 and adding ~았다/었다/였다* at the end of the word. ~았다 is attached if the last vowel of the syllable ends inㅏ or ㅗ, ~었다 is attached if the last vowel of the syllable does not end in ㅏor ㅗ, and ~였다 is attached if the last syllable of the word is 하. However, for easier pronunciation, 하 + ~였다 = 했다. 
닫다 — 닫 + ~았다 = 닫았다 나는 문을 닫았다. I closed the door.
가다 — 가 + ~았다 = 갔다 NOT 가았다 (When the last letter of the stem is ㅏ, it is combined with ~았다 to make it easier and sound more natural) 나의 여동생은 학교에 갔다. My sister went to school.
오다 — 오 + ~았다 = 왔다 NOT 오았다 (When the last letter of the stem is ㅗ, it is combined with ~았다 to form 왔다 to make it easier and sound more natural) 나의 음식은 드디어 왔다. My food finally came.
보고싶다 — 보고싶 + ~었다 = 보고싶었다 나는 갑자기 나의 강아지를 보고싶었다. I suddenly missed my puppy.
배우다 — 배우 + ~었다 = 배웠다 NOT 배우었다 (When the last letter of the same is ㅜ, it is combined with 었다 to form 웠다 to make it easier and sound more natural) 나는 일본어를 배웠다. I learned Japanese.
건너다 — 건너 + ~었다 = 건넜다 NOT 건너었다 (When the last letter of the stem isㅓ, it is combined with ~었다 to make it easier and sound more natural) 나는 거리를 건넜다. I crossed the road.
던지다 — 던지 +  ~었다 = 던졌다 NOT 던지었다 (When the last letter of the stem isㅣ, it is combined with ~었다 to form 였다 which makes it easier and more natural to pronounce) 나는 나의 남자친구의 반지를 던졌다. I threw my boyfriend’s ring. 
하다 — 하 + ~였다 = 했다 NOT 하였다  나는 어제 숙제를 했다. I did my homework yesterday.
 Future Tense
For the future tense, remove 다 and attach ~겠다.
가다 — 가 + ~겠다 = 가겠다 나는 나중에 가겠다. I will go later.
똑똑하다 — 똑똑하 + ~겠다 = 똑똑하겠다 그 아기는 똑똑하겠다. That baby will be smart.
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
honestly like, dabbling in languages is fun and getting to learn little interesting facts about hundreds of different languages with different cultures, history and politics is so cool, because the world is so vast and has produced so much interesting content…
but nothing compares to really learning a language and going from nothing at all, to completely understanding it properly, knowing the culture and nuances of its speakers rather than just reading one article about it, being able to actually utilise the language to its full potential with its speakers and feel almost as though you have a second life because of it
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
don’t forget that love letters are still the cutest gifts
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
Just learn to say no and do so without explanation.
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
Im a big fan of anything that will help me chill the fuck out
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
do u ever realise that you’re gonna be an adult for the rest of your life
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
me daydreaming about d*ting someone and then remembering all my issues and problems which stop me from ever getting into a relationship 
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
you are enough as you are
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koreanwithjoo-blog · 5 years
my aesthetic is students at the library who have all their study materials out but are blatantly Not Studying
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