kosovo1212123-blog ยท 6 years
Need relationship advices
Hi everybody, so i've been with a girl now for 2 and a half years. To be honest, i was a big player before i met her, i used to have lots of girls , sometimes 2 or 3 at the same time. Ever since i met her, my life has completely changed. I love her, i love her with every cell of my body, i love her with all my heart and soul, i love her so much that believe me or not while texting this my eyes are full of tears right now, my love is huge, is extreme, and i srsly cant imagine my life without her! I cant imagine my life without waking up in the morning and telling her i love her. I never cheated on her, all the other girls are dead for me since i met her, im literally addicted to her, i swear! She never had a boyfriend before, so she s exactly like me! Our relationship is kind qeird but weird for good, we text every day, about 5-6 hours per day, and most of the texting is telling each other how much we love each other, we never get tired of it, never get tired of pretty much the same words that we say for each other! I often say to her im mad to the one who invented words, because he didnt invent enough good ones to tell you how much i love u and how much u mean to me and what i feel for u etcetc. I need advices, how to keep this relationship forever, everyone except her father knows about us because parents here in Kosovo are a little different from the other ones, im 19 and she s 18 btw! To some of you who think this relationship is kinda childish from spending all the time telling each other cute things and stuff, u should be on my skin to understand me. Are we doing anything wrong in this relationship? Should we change anything? Any advice would help, because damn it the love im feeling for her, i dont think anyone in the history of man kind ever felt this! Please try to understand me, im scared of losing her, i dont think id be able to live without her! And another advice i need is that whenever she goes out in public, she s beautiful and guys on street start throwing words at her and hitting on her, although she keeps her head up and minds her own business, still this makes me feel really mad but on the other side im not that kind of guy that tells his girl to stay locked up and this and that, i trust her totally! Thank you for your time.
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