kotomineshirouko · 8 months
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drawings i made when i was possessed
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kotomineshirouko · 8 months
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"Oh thank heavens, there's a plumber! Excuse Mister Mario Mario, there's a leak in the basement of the school and I cannot fix it. Could you please help?"
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"First name Mario, last name Mario."
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kotomineshirouko · 8 months
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"Fo' shizzle."
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kotomineshirouko · 8 months
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My spooky arts for Spooktober & Halloween >:)
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kotomineshirouko · 8 months
@lyriccl is a victim of abuse? Cry some more!
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"It is my duty as a priest to tell you that the LORD forgives. However, a little word of advice, The idol industry is known for that. Just because you have ability to mock someone suffering; while hiding behind the world of social media, just means that you have no control your own life and think bullying the latest transgression of a teenager makes you a tough social critic."
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"My sincerest hope goes out to whomever this idol is, though. She needs more support than you do, 2chan neckbeard~"
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kotomineshirouko · 8 months
"I am scared one day that bastard will find me and use me to kill you and the others." Marin admits to her. "I know it will not come to pass but my autonomy was taken from me by their hands before."
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"It's a rational fear to have." She said before taking a sip of her tea. "Trauma is something we all carry. Some better than others. I too still have fears of being controlled by someone. But one shouldn't go down the route I did."
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"Even if you are a vampire, you still have agency. Learn to channel those fears into something productive. You'd be surprised just how cunning one can become when they are hardened like a blade."
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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"Close range and fights like a bear. Interesting way to deal with the heresy known as Vampires." She stated.
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"Then hello there! I am Priestess Kotomine. I was sent to deal with a horde that has been spotted in the eastern mountains. I take it that they want me to tag along with you, since you this area like the back of your iron claws?"
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Marin reveals her Ash Lock, the gauntlet's dull clawed fingers sharpening at the prospect of battle. "I can fight. Very well in fact." she replied. Though due to her close quarters oriented combat style she lacks the finesse to use the Black Keys. Marin was brutish and inelegant even more so when she was using that Dead Apostle's 'gift' of hemomancy. "Though it's not the most elegant of methods I can hold my own in combat."
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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"You seem like a very charming person. I take it that you are one of the Church's Executioners. Fancy. As for helping. All depends. How good are you with the blade?"
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"....May help you...?"
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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"I have a tube full of brasso. That should keep you nice and shiny for years to come."
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"Mongrel, what the fuck."
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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"Rejoice! For every time you speak to Gilgamesh, you are being greeted by a golden trash can~"
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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"Why would I summon a fallen version of a hero? Humans are paradoxical beings. Under the armor of light, there is always dark. Male to Female. Binary to Nonbinary. Kotomine to Emiya."
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"Being a hero of justice is nonsense because of the contradiction. But there is one thing I can agree with, since at the end of the day I am still an off branch of the persona known as EMIYA. I am willing to sacrifice anything and everything for the sake of helping or protecting as many people as possible, even if it means using a tyrant that has lost everything. What else do I know, but that in my own life? Surviving a fire to end up in a Hell. What nonsense. If liberating people from the horrors of war, means becoming a monster myself...Then so be it. This is my Crusade."
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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"When waging war, you must never underestimate the tools you have around you. If Tohsaka has taught me anything...Something as simple as silver can do great damage. But setting traps alone will not will a Grail War. Alliances are. Trust can be easily toyed with. But who is the greater threat...My fake father or the Second Grail?"
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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//Friendly reminder for all of her infamy and talent Touko Aozaki is a massive disaster of a woman. As an example- She has gone to pick fights with teenagers on two separate occasions, one of those times being when she is very well past her forties the other was her own damn sister.
She is also horrifically prone to violent displays of anger especially when her failures come into play. Calling her 'scarred red' or reminding her that Aoko, a person she deems a blundering dunderhead, is the heir to the Aozaki family is a surefire way to get her to retaliate. One person purposely pushed this button and was violently murdered at least twelve times over and died once herself in her resultant rampage
When someone calls her the worst they really do mean it
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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No, GoldIe. This is more of your proper theme. 
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I'm bringing sexy back, yeah
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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“Of course. Riddles. You church folks like that kinda shit. Fine then. I’ll go an have a look ‘round the place then. Tell her I’m comin so I don’t scare the shit outta her when I show up. Its been a hot minute ya know?”
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“An keep your judgements to yerself. Jus doin what I gotta to keep my Master safe, thats all. Now go on. Scoot. Dont want a lil miss endin smellin like smoke. Them bloodsuckers’ll sniff you out a mile away.”
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“I’m not speaking in riddles. I’m being as straightforward as I can be. Lucky for you, he’s busy with the creepy worm man at this time, so he won’t have the Golden Trash Can around to interrupt me. She’s at the Tsundere’s master of Archer’s home..” 
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“And no worries. I have discovered an item more powerful than even garlic to keep the blood suckers at bay. But alas, I suppose I should see what things Archer is going to try and do to kill to me tonight. It is a rather funny interaction.”
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“Well then. Until we meet again.”
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"Hah. Imagine getting killed by your kid. Couldn't be me." Says the man who killed his own son.
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kotomineshirouko · 9 months
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Books aline the walls of an old home on the corner of Echonor Drive. They were the first the set foot in the place since its previous owner vanished the previous spring. Every sound bounces back and every ray of light becomes a face.
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