kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
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Something little cos the end of the anime hit me harder than expected.
I haven’t watched any seasonal anime in a long time, at least not from week to week. And even though I’ve read the manga 2 times before the second episode even came out, I kept coming back to the series.
Now, the anime adaptation….isn’t the best. It is littered with mistakes and wonky frames, which is understandable with everything that’s happening right now. But still, something about the anime was just so charming that I came back. And even if it had it’s downsides, the style in general was just drop-dead-gorgeous. Also, some scene’s where just put together so well that the impact was amazing (e.g., Tsukasa fading into existence in the background, that gave me chills)
And it’s not like the anime doesn’t have its strongsuits. First of, this anime has one of the best and most misleading first episodes ever. The ep itself looks pretty as hell and the comedy and character interactions are amazing. The first ep was what pushed me to read the manga, cos the artstyle, concept and characters drew me in. And with how comedy-heavy the start of the show is the more rewarding the drama and angst feel.
Second thing they’ve done amazingly is the audio. The ED is awesome and the OP is an absolute bop. The OST in general sounds nice, but damn, if the music box didn’t always make me emotional the moment it came on.
But the best thing is the voice acting. I have seen few anime in which the voice acting is this damn good. The performances just enhance the show so much. Like with Natsuhiko’s and Nene’s va, they make funny moments so much funnier. The ones I bow down to, however, are Kou’s va, Chiba Shouya, and Hanako/Tsukasa’s va, Megumi Ogata. Their performance was out of this world.  Kou can sound super cute and goofy, but where he really shines are the emotional scenes. I don’t know how Shouya-san does it, but something about his voice just sounds so raw, it sends shivers down my spine. And then Ogata-san. She’s always been a queen, but damn if she hasn’t ascended to goddess. I’ve always really liked her, but just something about how she brought the character’s to life really resonated with me. I mean, she made me love Tsukasa. Mind you, I always thought he was an interesting character and I always enjoyed him popping up in the manga, but just the way Ogata-san adds another layer to him is amazing. Alone the fact that she can make Hanako and Tsukasa sound so different is even more astounding. They have traits they share, but with Tsukasa she just puts on a voice that plays into all his deceiving cuteness. And also, the damn noices she makes. She always adds little sounds into backrgound and that really adds so much.
Anyways, long story short, even if the adaptation isn’t the best, I enjoyed it quiet a lot. If anything, I’m just grateful it introduced me to such an amazing manga and the amazing community behind it.
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
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don’t forget that, it’s important 😳
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
songs that i associate with kou
some have thorough explanations and some do not! i will most likely add to this
boys don’t cry - the cure
mr loverman - ricky montgomery
line without a hook - ricky montgomery
lemon boy - cavetown
this side of paradise - coyote theory
boys will be bugs- cavetown
505 - Arctic monkeys
yellow - coldplay
sparks - coldplay
el muchacho de los ojos tristes- jeanette
runaway baby - bruno mars
talk to me - cavetown
ain’t it fun - paramore
strawberry blond - mitski
ghost under my bed - johnny goth
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
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god just say you are soulmate jeez
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
𝖺 𝗌𝗆𝗈𝗅 𝖪𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍
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i love how Kou is always concerned and helpful to almost anybody he meets. he may talk about things he won't do immediately but he has determination. the determination that Hanako admired in the Three Clock Keepers Arc. the latest chapter made me look into his character more. imagine having his training plus thinking of a solution for his senpai's fate must have been heavy to shoulder. he is the also the one who cooks in his home. i feel bad for Kou, he doesn't have anyone to ask advice from. he wants to grant Mitsuba's wish as to be human again but he doesn't know how. he can't ask Teru for advice and he can't ask Hanako for advice either. then Natsuhiko just appears out of nowhere and tells him about No. 6. i feel like something bad would happen to Kou in this arc. i hope that isn't the case.
and can we talk about him almost ending his life so he could grant Mitsuba's wish of them being together forever? dang Kou, you're too precious for this cruel and unfair world.
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
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School mystery# 1 did great with this and I will die when it's animated
It does not help that the manga style is one of the prettiest things I've ever seen
Mistuba you lucky bastard you better take tour man before I do
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
Daily reminder that Kou Minamoto is an angel who respects women and deserves the world
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
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quick reminder
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
seeing someone who loves kou so much fills me with determination, thanks for existing, hope you're doing well
HDJSJJSAJ thank YOU for existing !!
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
Mitsuba: I wish I was a princess.
Minamoto: You're my princess, and this is our realm~
Mitsuba, looking around Minamoto's apartment: This kingdom sucks.
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
ok but like has no one exploited the angst of how scarred over kou's hands must be considering all the times he got electrocuted by his raiteijou and also grabbing teru's sword by the nlade with his bare hands, like that's gotta hurt to get and would probably raise some questions from yokoo and satou
yes it’s so strange how nobody has acknowledged it,, idk if it’s just a plothole or something but it’s sad that nobody has acknowledged his injuries
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
i had a dream about a mysic AU of JSHK, so Kou could play the piano, Mitsuba could play the guitar, and then Yashiro was really good at singing, and then Hanako was the songwriter, and then they played Tiny Light, and idk i just wanted to tell this to you for some reason
dude that is SO CUTE !! the thought of them all together playing tiny light,,,, nbvbjjgdfg ❤️❤️❤️
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
do you have any headcanons for kou??? if so pls share some, lovely angel deserves some more recognition!
I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION I’ll probably come up with more later on
•kou knows how to do different hairstyles because he gets his sister ready in the morning, so when mitsuba grows out his hair, kou happily braids it for him
• he has no idea how to use social media and posts things like “Here’s A Selfie, Out Having A Wonderful Training Day With My Family” (with a blurry picture of course)
• When someone he cares about is sad or crying, he’ll invite them over and cook for them
• The boy loves Christmas more than anything. By the time November hits you’ll hear Christmas music blasting from the Minamoto household
• He dresses up as Santa every year to cheer up the kids around the neighborhood
• Every year for Tiara’s birthday, he saves up to buy Disney passes for him, Teru, and Tiara
• He practices his scary face in the mirror before school every morning (in an attempt to scare evil spirits, of course)
• He’s SO quick to defend people from bullies. He’ll see someone getting bullied and full on tackle the bully while screaming
• my boy is painfully oblivious to any flirting.. Either that or he chooses to ignore it
In conclusion Kou Minamoto is best boy
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
i REALLY want to see kou snap and go psycho on tsukasa for revenge, revealing a hidden improvement with his exorcism skills or something like that. kou holds in all of his emotions and he’s been through things a 14 year old shouldn’t have to go through, so he’s got to EVENTUALLY snap, right?
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
alright, so for context i have an older sister who's 2 years older than me, then a little siser 2 years younger than me, and then realized yesterday that their age gap is 4 years which is just insane. So like, how do you think Kou would react to realizing that Teru and Tiara have a *badly does simple math* 12-ish years age gap?
kou would probably only realize how big the age gap was when it was mentioned by someone else
“WHAT?????????? TWELVE YEARS????? SO WHEN SHE’S MY AGE YOU’LL BE 26 ????????” **%#%^^€€><!’kuf
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
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More straight erasure for yall 
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kous-sharp-teef · 4 years
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wow! this scene from the manga just further strengthens their friendship!! such good pals. just guys being dudes. 😀👍
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