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We recently took part in sponsoring a local festival in Chiang Mai, called the Jai Thep festival! We teamed up with our partners from Eyekandi Solar and erected a fun ramp!
One of the great organisers from the event got in touch with us with a word of thanks. We're very excited to be apart of the team again next year!
“To Kovert Skate
Please pass on my gratitude to the team. I wanted to write a huge thank you to everyone that helped create something beautiful at Jai Thep. We are all so grateful. I cannot tell you how many comments we received on the yellow cars and on the skate ramp. Thank you so much, and I look forward to collaborating with you all in the future!”
Yeah! We'll be back... Thank you Jai Thep Festival peeps
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Thanks for taking the time to give some of ours (and your) followers information about you!
Introducing KoVert team skater, Wayha! Wayha is a local goofy footed skater and normally rides an 8ich board.
Where were you born and where did you spend most of your life?
I was born here in Chiang Mai but while I was growin up, I moved to many different cities around Thailand: Petchaburi, Phrae and Rayong.  My father worked as Government staff which caused all the moves but I finally moved back to Chiang Mai with my cousin.
How long have you been a Skater?
Since I was in high school, until now. It has been more than 20 years.
Who introduced you to skateboarding?
Some brother in high school brought a board to school and I asked him if i could try to ride it...I was hooked
What motivates you to carry on skating and to learn more tricks?
Everybody does. My friends, brothers and most importantly, ‘Lert’, who has been skating with me since we were kids.
How long will you be a skater for?
Until my body tells me that its impossible to skate
What do you like best about KoVert?
Underneath the big tree’s shadow, we’ve got a mini ramp. EPIC
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Get to know our team skater, Ortan
We had another interview recently with one of our Kovert skaters! Keep reading to learn about 23 year old Ortan...
Ortan, it's lovely to meet you, where were you born and where did you grow up?
I was born and bread here in Chiang Mai!
How long have you been skating for?
8 years already!
What or who introduced you to the world of Skate Boarding?
A long time ago I saw a dude skateboarding around the hood, then I asked him where her got it from, and he said online! Then I did the same thing. I bought a skateboard online, and here I am today :)
What motivates you to carry on skating and learn more tricks?
I get my inspiration from my bros, from the dudes and skater crew in my life and from online videos. I still skateboard because I am addicted it!
What age do you think you'll be too old too skate?
I'm sure I'll be skating until death
What do you like best about Kovert and the team?
When Kovert was rising in Chiang Mai they provided lots of cool activities around the sport of skateboarding such as building obstacles, designing skateboard decks, building mini ramps etc. It's also pretty great that they're now also sponsoring me :)
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Twenty-four year old #teamrider Bird answered some questions about himself for the crew to learn more about him.
Introducing #KovertRider Bird!
Where were you born and where did you grow up? "I was born here in Udon Thani" How long have you been skating for? "‘til this year I have been skating for 10 years!" Who introduced you to skating?  "My friend named Bank Narongdej, and I wanna be cool as him (LoL)"'
What motivates you to learn more tricks?  "Girls yelling and watching me keeps me focused and motivates me to carry on skateboarding and learn lots more tricks!" How long do you think you will be skating for?  "Until I cant skate anymore..." What do you enjoy most about KoVert?  "The KoVert support is so meaningful."
Thanks Bird! Great to meet you! See you out on the Kovert Skate ramp!
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KoVert introducing #teamrider James! He rides a variety of an 8, 8.125 and an 8.25 inch board, goofy footed.  #nine9james
Where are you from? "I was born and grew up here in Udonthani, Thailand"
How long have you been skating for? "13 years"
What was it that made you start skateboarding? "I learned about skateboarding when I was a 6 year old kid, when my aunt brought me a Cruiser Board from abroad. But I actually only started enjoying skateboarding when I started studying in high school. I was influenced by a TV game called ‘Tony Hawk 3’, which introduced me to the skating history.  I found the skating crew in Udon Thani when the TV program called ‘X Gen’ came here to film a Skateboard competition. This helped me to find out more information about skateboarding and I made some real skater friends. Finally it was good time to start skateboarding around m.5 (grade11)."   What motivates you to do more and learn more tricks on the board? "The motivation for me to learn more tricks is not to land harder tricks but to practice the tricks that I can land! The most important thing how happy I am once I have landed a trick. Many skaters have their own styles and creativities and there are many easy tricks that we never land so it doesn't  matter whether we practice hard or easy tricks. I still carry on skating because skateboarding is FUN and it makes me happy. Even pro-skaters get older but they are still skateboarding, and that pushes me to be a skater for as long as I can. Its all good!"   How old will you be when you stop skating do you think?  "As old as I am when I cant skate" What do you enjoy about KoVert? "I like the way KoVert doing as international skate team doing and this is hard to find here in Thailand"
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Introducing our local and international #KoVertteamriders! 
We're a team of 9 committed #skaters with room for many more passionate #skateboarders! We've conducted some cool interviews for you to learn about who we have on our team. 
This week we're featuring #rainskate! Watch this space to learn more about our #teamriders and their epic skate journey.
Rainny from Thailand
Rainny rides an 8.5 inch board with regular footing. Follow him on Instagram #rainskate.  After a short interview with Rainny we found out some cool info about him!
Where (What town/city) did you grow up?  Bangkok and Gold Coast
How many years have you been skating for?  FOREVER
Who or what introduced you to skate boarding?  High School Mates
What motivates you to learn more tricks and carry on skating?  Pushing myself and do my best
At what age do you think you'll be too old to skate?  If death is an age??
What do you like best about KoVert?  The family fun atmosphere and vibe
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KOVERT skater-kid Nicolai tail tapping on the half-pipe and Lert of Preduce getting some air at KOVERT headquarters.
Stay Local and hit the KOVERT mobile half-pipe
Ready to slam, slide, revert, ollie and ride?
Stay local, and head on down to the mobile half-pipe skate ramp erected by the KOVERT crew. Currently we're situated in Hang Dong on the small canal rd, however will be relocating shortly... watch this space to see the excitement building up!
Not only is there a big half-pipe set up, we also have an epic skate shop. A one stop shop for everything SKATE. And while you're at it, give the quarter-pipe and half-pipe upstairs a shot!
'Life's too short for regrets. Live on the edge or else you're taking up too much space!' said someone who obviously knew what they were talking about
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Stu Crook of Kovert made an epic film showing the construction of the quarter-pipe at KOVERT headquarters, Hang Dong Chiang Mai.
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Local male strip group and dark magic performance artists builds space launch ramp in Chiang Mai.
the beginning: Hang Dong Local Skate Park by KOVERT
What better way to encourage the skate community to keep the love of skating alive, then to build a SICK skate park and supply the best quality boards and equipment?
Our team at Eyekandi (wegetthingsmade.com) decided to tread on the wild side and do what they do best, GET SH!T MADE.
It started off with a concrete quarter-pipe in the garden at the Eyekandi office premises. Then we took it a notch higher and built a half-pipe, elevated, in our wooden 'tree-house'! This epic ramp has a little bit of history: it was salvaged from a bar called Vision. The main man from the CNX skatepark was a huge help in organising it for us.  And from there we went even further... watch this space!
KoVert is made up of a few cool guys who love to skate, but who can also GET SH!T MADE.
In 2016 we sponsored the Go Skate Day in Chiang Mai... this was only the beginning of the KOVERT adventure.
Check out our cool online store and swing past our SKATE PARK to meet the dudes and shred with us. All our merchandise is also available to purchase at the park.
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check out our website here ! 
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Open the Truth of SkateBoarding
s2art crook
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Stuart Crook in the deep end
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