kpmatthewskidd · 9 months
They paused, tapping a finger to their chin. After a moment of silence, they snapped their fingers—“Disclaimer.” They nodded. “There’s another rhyme.” K.P.’s grin was faint. “Yeah, I do. I know. But…I have to admit, I…I finally reached out to Grey, and…” They trailed off, nodding. “It was the best decision I’ve made since my first time with a needle.” K.P. shrugged. “Don’t let me tell you what to do, but…maybe you could at least try talking it out?” At his latter words, they chuckled, shrugging again. “Cats are cool,” they agreed. “I’m down for that.”
K.P. nodded slowly at his response, thinking over their words. "Well, is it what you want to do?" they questioned bluntly, shrugging. "Is it worth sticking him out? Is it worth doing what you love—or, depending on what you're looking for, worth the money?" They glanced at them. "Or is it better to cut your losses?" At their latter words, K.P. hid a grin. "Mm-hm," they replied sarcastically, "I bet." They nodded. "Cool. Any ideas?"
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kpmatthewskidd · 9 months
At Greyson’s response, K.P. nearly choked on their drink, quickly setting it down on the surface in front of them. “Oh dear god, don’t you dare,” they warned, waving a finger at him. “No, no, no. I’ve already seen that little fire bitch in action—don’t you dare sic her on me.” They grinned slightly. “Nobody wants to see that fight.”
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They nodded slowly, taking a long sip from the drink of their own. "Ditto." K.P. let out a sigh. The fallout of the engagement party was still fresh in their mind, but they were sick of thinking about it. They couldn't go anywhere without a book reminding them of Julia, without music reminding them of Dante. God, Dante. They shook their head, grin returning at Greyson's joke. "Not at all, idiot. Go get that hellspawn."
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kpmatthewskidd · 9 months
They grinned. “Maybe a little.” K.P. gave her a shrug. “Hey, you know me. I’m not ever gonna turn down happy hour at Deadlights, you feel me? And if happy hour runs a bit late, well…” They waved a hand. “So be it.” At her latter words, they nodded. “How’d you do it? Just forcing her to watch a bunch of games?” they joked.
"oh my god, seriously?" k.p. let out a chuckle, gratefully accepting the cup and immediately attempting to down approximately half the mug. finally taking a moment to breathe, they groaned. "remind me to never stay up past four a.m. again," they muttered, shaking their head. "does she really? i never took her for a sports kid." they grinned.
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kpmatthewskidd · 9 months
“No, in fact, I know you don’t, which is why I clarified,” they deadpanned, grinning. At his latter words, they let out a long exhale, nodding. “I know,” they murmured. “Three already? It’s insane.” K.P. shook their head, glancing away. “I don’t know who this is, or if they think it’s funny or something horrible, but I really just wish they’d knock it off. Can’t we have one week without this shit? I feel like I’m still recovering from the one a few months ago.”
K.P. laughed, shaking their head. "Physics, Santi. I'm talking about rocket science. Astronomy." At his latter words, they adjusted themselves on their seat, nodding as they listened to his thoughts. "Sounds good to me. I'll throw something together and get back to you, then." They raised an eyebrow. "Please. You don't know me by now?" K.P. rolled their eyes. "It'll look good. I promise." They grinned, taking a sip from their bottle. "Not much. Work's been kind of slow. Mostly just avoiding being murdered, I guess."
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kpmatthewskidd · 9 months
They raised their eyebrows indignantly. “Me? I didn’t throw it right? No, you just can’t catch for shit!” The grin on their face betrayed their joke, and they rolled their eyes, leaning over to grab their forgotten beer can from the sand nearby. “Oh, please, I’m not that stupid. I’m not gonna be able to catch a chicken, please. And again, what the hell would I even do with that?” They shook their head. “Nope. Better you keep the animals in this relationship.”
They nodded thoughtfully. "You know what? Good incentive." Bacon was always a good incentive. "I'll take the deal." At Bash's response, they let out a raucous burst of laughter, flipping the coin towards him. "Fine, fine. Keep your precious silver dollar, then. Guess I'll just have to survive off of Mama's bacon for the time being. But you owe me some, eh?"
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
They nodded thoughtfully. "You know what? Good incentive." Bacon was always a good incentive. "I'll take the deal." At Bash's response, they let out a raucous burst of laughter, flipping the coin towards him. "Fine, fine. Keep your precious silver dollar, then. Guess I'll just have to survive off of Mama's bacon for the time being. But you owe me some, eh?"
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"Now that's just awful. I've done nothing to deserve this treatment from you." Bash scoffs, turning his head in the opposite direction so he wasn't looking towards them. "You won't have to buy bacon for the next like two weeks, so you can't even front. And the baby-back? Massive!" he laughed knowing well that KP probably won't be taking the pig. Not alive that is. Where would they put it? "You're just full of jokes then, ain't you? That don't count. You already seen the date. I'm keeping my pig!"
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
They nodded, chuckling a bit. "Yeah, I knew what you meant, trust me." Resisting the urge to go into a rant about black holes, K.P. reached out to shake hands. "K.P. Nice to meet you."
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They shrugged. “Don’t know. Just something about your…energy.” They grinned. “Very exuberant. And not in a bad way. Just…nice.” K.P. raised their eyebrows. “Which there seems to be a black hole of around here recently,” they mumbled to themselves, shrugging again. “Sorry. That was probably a weird answer.”
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“No that was actually a really great answer, I’m happy I could fill your hole,” Jade said, before laughing. “The black hole, obviously,” she added, before shaking her head. She really wishes she could write her own dialogue in advance, because some of the things she said made her wish she never went out in public. “But yeah, I’m new and I’m Jade.”
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
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They nodded slowly, taking a long sip from the drink of their own. "Ditto." K.P. let out a sigh. The fallout of the engagement party was still fresh in their mind, but they were sick of thinking about it. They couldn't go anywhere without a book reminding them of Julia, without music reminding them of Dante. God, Dante. They shook their head, grin returning at Greyson's joke. "Not at all, idiot. Go get that hellspawn."
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He shrugged his shoulders as he picked up the glass to take a sip from his drink. "Trying to move on. You?" He didn't want to stay focused on the past and what happened to them. He wanted his attention brought back to people who were still here and his music, something that always helped him go through his life and recently he felt like the muse for it was coming back. "Why? You rooting against us?" He quirked a brow as he glanced at K.P., not long after giving them a small smile to indicate he was playing.
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
"I don't like you, either." K.P. laughed, grinning. "A pig? Bash, why would anyone but you want a pig? But fine, I accept." At his question, their grin only widened to a level some may have described as shit-eating, and they flipped the coin in their hand over, pointing their pinkie to the year inscribed on the coin. 2008. "I don't need a degree in coin-ology to read a date."
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"I don't like you." Bash joked, crossing his arms over his chest after being denied view. "I'll bet you a pig. How about it? A singular pig, and you get to pick which one. As long as it's not my old man George." he settled, taking a seat as he waited. There was no doubt in his mind now that KP was more than likely correct, but he wasn't going to give in. "What you got a coin degree that I didn't know about?"
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
K.P. nodded slowly at his response, thinking over their words. "Well, is it what you want to do?" they questioned bluntly, shrugging. "Is it worth sticking him out? Is it worth doing what you love—or, depending on what you're looking for, worth the money?" They glanced at them. "Or is it better to cut your losses?" At their latter words, K.P. hid a grin. "Mm-hm," they replied sarcastically, "I bet." They nodded. "Cool. Any ideas?"
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"Nothing -" They began - but faltered. KP was one of the few people Gabe didn't want to lie to about their well-being; they cared for them too much for that. " - It's just - I dunno, what's the fucking, point? I can barely get clients - I keep fucking, fighting with Jaz so I'm probably on my way out the door, anyways - I have other talents. I can do other things." It's not that convincing; there's only so much Gabe can do besides strum a guitar and re-watch the same '70s horror films. "I want a new chest piece, I think. But that's kinda fucking - massive. Maybe something on my arm, instead."
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
K.P. blinked, glancing over at the other. "...ohhh-kay?" They paused. "The hell is up with you?" they replied, equally blunt—though it's more expected coming from them, and there isn't any real ire behind the words. "Out of shop? More like out of it." They waved a hand at him playfully. "Earth to Gabe." At his response, they shrugged. "If you want me to."
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Gabe glanced up from trying to inconspicuously put all their belongings into a tote bag - except they had a lot of shit at the shop, like a little designated Gabe Corner; and it was getting increasingly harder to find the space to cram shit into. "No - Jaz doesn't let me book shit," They're blunt - blunter than normal, kicking the tote bag behind their feet before straightening up. "I haven't - noticed. I've been kind of - out of shop lately. If it's dead, you can tattoo over one of my tattoos - I'm getting kinda, like - bored of them?"
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
K.P. glanced up at him, a faint grin on their face. "Oh, yeah? You really think so?" They clasped their hand shut, hiding the coin from view. "Alright, prove it. How much you want to bet it's a—what did you call it? Spanish coin?" They mocked him playfully. "Because I bet you more that it's not. And I have a sneaky feeling I'll be winning that one."
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"A man can dream." he said sure of himself, "You think it's worth anything? You never know we could become millionaires with this." Odder things had happened before, surely. Bash leaned on over still assessing the coin from KP's hands. "No, you're blowing smoke. That got to be a Spanish coin."
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
They shrugged. "Don't know. Just something about your...energy." They grinned. "Very exuberant. And not in a bad way. Just...nice." K.P. raised their eyebrows. "Which there seems to be a black hole of around here recently," they mumbled to themselves, shrugging again. "Sorry. That was probably a weird answer."
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They chuckled at her reply, nodding. “That’s very true.” They cocked their head. “Are you new? I haven’t seen you around town. I mean, I know I don’t get out much, but at the same time, I feel like I’d remember you.” K.P. grinned. “Yeah, Nightrest parties are…generally very eventful. Great for the books.”
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“I am new... but why do you think you’d remember me?” Jade asked. She spent so much time focused on what other people put off she never thought about the energy she gave. “Sorry that was kind of a weird question.” 
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
"oh my god, seriously?" k.p. let out a chuckle, gratefully accepting the cup and immediately attempting to down approximately half the mug. finally taking a moment to breathe, they groaned. "remind me to never stay up past four a.m. again," they muttered, shaking their head. "does she really? i never took her for a sports kid." they grinned.
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location: k.p's house open to: @kpmatthewskidd
"i swear, the moment i mentioned to emine that we were going to the opening game for the michigan wolverines, she got all excited." pouring coffee for the two of them, she soon enough brought the cups over to were her friend was. handing k.p one of the cups, she sat down next to them. "you should see her at the games. i swear, she cheers louder than i do."
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
closed \ @bashxholm location \ pick a beach
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"A doubloon? What are you, in some kind of teen pirate movie?" K.P. shook their head, leaning over to pluck the coin out of his grasp. "It's just a dirty silver dollar. Still rare, yeah, but not centuries old." They chuckled.
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
closed \ @greysnkidd location : deadlights ;)
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"How're you holding up?" It felt like weeks since they'd seen Grey around the town. Granted, it had taken them a while to get out of the house again after the disaster at the engagement party, but even so. "You and Fey still going strong?" K.P. smirked.
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kpmatthewskidd · 10 months
closed \ @mcrtyrdoms location \ deadly inks
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"Got any appointments coming up?" K.P. asked, slipping into the chair across from Gabe. "I was just wondering—it's been a bit slower than usual around here." They shrugged. "Probably nothing."
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