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Park Jimin aka the boy who doesn’t know how to wear jackets
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3K notes · View notes
Pairing: Suga x reader
Genre: angst + fluff 
Word count: 2465
You liked Yoongi.
Yoongi liked you.
Simple. (Not)
Hogwarts!au because I'm trash. (Btw if you were wondering, on the original account I made on potter more I got sorted into hufflepuff, then made another account and got sorted into Slytherin but I believe I'm a huffleclaw/ravenpuff.)
EDIT: This was meant to go up for his birthday but obviously life had other plans. Happy late birthday Min Yoongi~~
NOTE: F/N = Friend’s name
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"Hyung, just ask her. There's no harm in trying!" Jimin said for the umpteenth time this week.
"Just drop it, ok? She doesn't want to be going out with a guy like me," Yoongi said, dumping his books on a table in the back of the library.
"What? A guy like you, a guy who's kind, who's smart who's-"
"Enough with the flattery," Yoongi says, opening his potions book.
Jimin sighs, knowing he wasn't getting anywhere, "oh by the way, I invited Y/N to study with us," 
"You, what?" Yoongi hisses.
"Yep and there she is now," Jimin waves at you.
"Hey, sorry I'm late. Quidditch practice went over and I had to go shower and-" you say before turning your attention to Yoongi, "oh, um, hey Yoongi."
Yoongi tries not to feel hurt at the way you responded to his presence, so instead he buries himself into his potions book. Fuck fuck fuck, he thinks I hate him. Good job Y/N! Make your crush think you hate him! You think to yourself.
"No worries!" Jimin smiles, sensing the tension, "so anyway, what do you need help with miss smarty-pants?" 
You blush, "actually, I'm pretty good in everything, I just needed extra time to study y'know?" 
"Really? Well Yoongi here is struggling in Care Of Magical Creatures!" Jimin says.
Upon hearing this, Yoongi's head snaps up.
"Really?" You ask, eyes wide.
"Uh, struggling is a strong word, let's say I got a bad mark on my last exam and leave it at that," Yoongi says, turning his attention to his book.
"Well, um, if you need help in anything and you need a tutor, you could just ask me." You say, offering a smile.
"Thanks." Yoongi says before turning to his book once more.
"I could use some help Y/N! Can you help me with this concept?" Jimin asks, point to a passage in his book.
You sigh as you sink into your bed.
"Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" One of you roommates (which happens to be your best friend) asks.
You sigh, "same old, same old."
She moves over to your bed and sits next to you, "tell me everything."
"Do you think Yoongi hates me?" You ask, looking directly into her eyes.
She thinks for a bit, "no. I don't think so, from my perspective it looks like he likes you."
"Well..." you begin to tell her the events that occurred only hours before.
"Why don't you talk to Jimin, I'm sure he'll know exactly what's going on.
Yoongi got back to the Slytherin common room after dinner and he wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and sleep. (Second only to wanting to curl up in a ball with you and sleep).
"Hey! Yoongi! Just the guy I've been looking for, you know Y/N, right?" Josh, a guy in his year asks.
"Yeah, why?" Yoongi asks.
"Just wondering, does she have a boyfriend?" Josh asks.
"None that I'm aware of," Yoongi said, aware of his cold tone.
"Ok, thanks mate," Josh said, pulling up the covers and knocking out shortly after.
Yoongi had never wanted to punch the brunette in the face until this moment. I have to ask her out, Yoongi thought, I need to know whether she likes me or not.
The next day
You wake up early the next day (which was weird because you normally had your best friend wake you up). Getting dressed into your robes with butterflies in your stomach, the talk with (F/N) fresh in your mind. You look into the mirror, as you fix your hair, deciding to do something different today. 
"Look who's up early!" Another roommate, Samantha remarks. You feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you walk out of your dorm room with your roommates.
In the great hall, you were subtly throwing glances in Yoongi's direction, willing him to look at you, to notice you. You sigh. You were in the middle of eating your breakfast, accepting the fact that Yoongi would never like a girl like you, (simply because you felt you weren't his type, the two of you were such different people) when Josh, a slytherin boy comes up to you. "Uh, hey, Y/N," he says. "Oh, hey Josh, what's up?" You ask, Josh was pretty good looking, but he was no Min Yoongi. "I was just wondering, d'ya wanna go on a date with me?" He asked coolly. You give him a soft smile, "Josh you're a really nice guy, but I'm afraid I like someone else. Please understand, I don't want to lead you on." "Oh, well, no worries," he said, shocked. No one has ever said no to a date with him before, "may I ask who he is?" You subconsciously look Yoongi's way for a split second, "um," "No no, it's ok. You don't want to share his name. Well, he's a lucky guy" he said, his grin as radiant as ever, before walking away. 
Yoongi saw the way Josh grinned and the way you smiled at him. All the hope he had of you liking him had withered away.
"I really think I like him," you sigh. You'd just spent the last twenty minutes explaining how much you liked Yoongi. "To be honest, I think you should just go for it!" Jimin said, trying to not explicitly tell you that Yoongi, too, really really liked you. "Are you sure? I don't think I'm his type," you say defeatedly. "Are you kidding??? You're Y/N L/N! You're amazing!" Jimin exclaimed. You chuckled. "How about you practice confessing to me, then it'll be easy when you have to confess to Yoongi?" Jimin suggests, facing you. "Ok," you smile before clearing your throat slightly, "hey, there's something I want to tell you," "Shoot," Jimin smiles. "I, I really like you, I have for a long time." You say shyly. "See! Wasn't that hard! Now go find yo man! I heard he was studying in the library," Jimin says. "Thanks Jimin!" You say as you get up out of your chair, "I owe you one!"
"I, I really like you, I have for a long time," the words kept echoing in his head as Yoongi clutched the rose he had gotten you so hard the stem might break. He should've expected this, he should've known you liked Jimin, not him. You were probably telling Josh you liked Jimin, which was why he was smiling so brightly. He ran to the library where he buried himself in his studies. It wasn't long before you walked through the library doors and saw Yoongi. You muster up all your courage and walk toward him, taking the seat across from him. "Hey, Yoongi," you say quietly, remembering you were in a library. He ignored you, continuing to read his book. "Yoongi?" You say softly, tapping him on the shoulder gently. "What? Can't you see I'm busy?" Yoongi said coldly. "Oh, um is this a bad time? Because I need to tell you something important." You reply. "Yes, it's a bad time." Yoongi said, shutting his book dramatically, "go bother Jimin or something," "Why're you being so mean?" You ask, your head down and your eyes watering. "I'm not being mean, you're being annoying," he scoffed. He gathered his things and walked away, leaving you alone and heartbroken on the table.
It had been almost a month after your encounter with Yoongi and you had been avoiding him at all costs, refusing to study with Jimin, refusing to leave your room, even going far enough to ask if you could swap partners in potions. (Which your professor allowed, due to the fact he needed you and your partner to work together and that simply wasn't happening with you next to Yoongi)
"Hey, Y/N, come out with us tonight, it'll be fun." (F/N) pleaded.
"Fine. Only because I finished my charms homework" you say begrudgingly, putting on jeans and a cute sweater before throwing on your shoes (and wand!) before walking out with her.
You were at the three broomsticks, clutching your first and only butter beer while (F/N) and all the other girls were pretty much drunk. Your gaze wanders around the room, unintentionally landing your eyes on Yoongi. A girl from Slytherin (what was her name? Holly? Heather? You couldn't remember) wrapped around him, that wasn't what caught your attention, though, what caught your attention was that they were making out. Like actually sucking face. It didn't gross you out, that much, it just made you sad- sad that Yoongi hated you and liked someone else. 
You sighed, maybe it was for the best. She was better for him anyway. Pure blood, skinny, feminine, long dark hair, a innocent yet sexy personality, everything Yoongi wanted in a girl. Everything any sane boy would want in a girl. You sighed, absentmindedly tracing patterns on the table.
"Hey Y/N~ do you want to have a drink?" F/N slurred. You sighed.
"Nah, not up to it," you say, checking the time, "I think I'd better go, I have a transfiguration quiz tomorrow," 
"Noooooo! Y/N don't leave me! You haven't even said hi to Yoongi yet!" She said drunkenly, your face reddened. Yoongi was sitting two tables away and her voice was way too loud.
"Why would I say hi to him?" You ask, looking toward said Slytherin, who was whispering into the girl's ear, "he's occupied,"
She followed your gaze, "fiiiiine," 
"We should go, you're going to be so hungover tomorrow," you say, grabbing your wand and her bag before slinging her arm around your shoulders. Just as you were walking out of the bar, Josh came up behind you, "hey, Y/N I just want to say that you're looking greaaaat!" He was drunk, you could practically taste the alcohol from where you were standing.
"Look, Josh, you're drunk. I have to go, see you tomorrow," you say, walking F/N back to the castle.
You wake up the next morning and get dressed, checking on F/N. "Hey, its time to wake up," you say softly, nudging her. She groaned, rolling over, "I have the worst head ache," "What did you expect?" You chuckle, getting her robes out of the drawers and placating them on the dresser, "come on, we're going to be late,"
You and F/N sit at your house table and dig in, having just missed announcements due to F/N's resistance. You gaze over to the Slytherin table from pure habit when you see Yoongi and that girl from last night sitting quite... close together, they were whispering and pointing and at one point she blushed. At another he kissed her. You sigh, losing your appetite at the sight.
You hadn't been eating right, it was the holidays and your parents were too busy to care for you. So, you had stayed at Hogwarts, you lived abroad so you barely ever got to see your parents. Holidays and the Summer break were the only times you saw them. 
You walk around the castle, bored. You head toward the owlery when you hear Yoongi's voice.
"Look, Haley, this isn't working," that was her name! 
"What do you mean? She's soooo jealous!"
"No, she's... lifeless. I can't do this to her anymore, whether she likes me or not," Yoongi was.. trying to make you jealous?
"So what? She's going to come for you eventually, let's keep going, maybe we should kiss again!" Haley said a bit too eagerly.
"Haley, we promised no strings attached, I don't have feelings for you. I have feelings for her,"
"WHY CANT YOU SEE? She doesn't love you Yoongi! She never has! But I do! I love you! Take what you can get, especially with your looks and body," she spat. Your heart clenched, you loved Yoongi. You loved everything about him, flaws and all. It was clear this girl didn't.
It was silent after that.
"You know what, fine. Good bye," Haley stormed out of there, glaring at you as she walked past.
You walked slowly into the owlry, seeing Yoongi hunched in a corner. You approach him carefully, "hey, Yoongi." You say softly, your hand reaching out towards his shoulder.
"Don't touch me," he said curtly.
You bit your lip nervously.
"How much did you hear?" He asked.
"Enough," you whisper, he sighed.
"Well, I guess the secret is out," he said.
"Yeah, I guess"
It was silent for a while, before you laughed.
"You know, you're really oblivious."
"Me? You're the one who confessed to Jimin!" He said angrily, your face fell.
"I wasn’t confessing to Jimin I-"
" ' I really like you, I have for a long time' come on tell me that's not a confession!"
You sigh, "I was practicing so I could confess to you! Because you're so cold to me! Because you act like I'm not there, because you never pay attention to me. Because you never showed any interest to be my friend at all! You never showed any care for me, I was scared. I was scared you'd reject a girl like me. I'm not your type hell Im not any guys' type. I'm not thin, I'm not pretty, I'm not-”
Yoongi moved forward, shutting you with the softest, sweetest kiss you've ever had. Alas, it was too short.
"Don't you ever fucking say that again. You're... absolutely exquisite." He breathed, "I'm the one who should be nervous, look at you, you're so, breath taking. You're smart, you're talented you're.. everything anyone could ever ask for. I'm fucking stupid, I have a scrawny body and well, my face doesn't really make up for anything, now does it?" He said, you were surprised, Yoongi had never told you these things before.
"Yoongi, listen to me. You're fucking perfect. You're so incredibly handsome, your body isn't scrawny, not in the slightest, and you're not stupid. I've met stupid people. You, handsome man, are not one of them." 
Yoongi chuckled, "it took this long for us to confess, the only reason why neither of us confessed is because he didn't think we were good enough for each other."
You smile, "we're both oblivious."
Yoongi shot you a gummy smile, "Y/N, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"
You smile, "I wouldn't have it any other way." 
The doorbell rings, you do final checks in the mirror before heading to the door. You open the door and your boyfriend is standing there wearing a white dress shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. "Ready to go?" He asks. You nod, taking his outstretched hand before locking the door behind you. You were happy the two of you confessed to one another in the owlery all those years ago, otherwise you wouldn't be dating Yoongi, the man you love.
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[Idol Side Seat] BTS - Jimin
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me: I’m so excited to write this fic, it’s going to be good, I love it, I’m so pumped
*writes it in head before sleeping, gets emotional over songs that could fit the story, elaborates background and characterisations, writes lines on phone*
also me, in front of laptop: yeah, but no, I’ve got nothing
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me at school
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© 감자처녀 | Do not edit.
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170216 Jimin’s Tweet
우리 아미 여러분 다들 많이 응원해줘서 고마워요 THANK YOU😍 #JIMIN #역시_자기자랑 #봄날 pic.twitter.com/FuDxyzjmBh
Our ARMY, thank you to everyone for supporting us so much THANK YOU😍 #JIMIN #AsAlways_SelfPraise #SpringDay
Trans cr; Alli @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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BTS HOMETOWNS X BTS MA CITY// Please like/reblog if using!
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Luhan’s wish is to fall in love in the new year…..
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namjoon: so whats the concept for this comeback
bighit: one of u is gonna die again and we gonna leave the fans confuse as usual
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bighit: did i fuckin stutter
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