kpopismytae · 5 years
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kpopismytae · 5 years
When Oli London Tells You He’s Jimin From BTS
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You hear a knock on your door as you’re putting on your face mask so you can look good for your date tomorrow. You tilt your head confused then go to the door and open it.
“Oli what are you doing here? And what the hell did you do to your face?” You ask curious since he looked decent the last time you saw him, “you look like a Ken doll on crack”
He looks offended, “Oli who? My names Jimin.”
“What..?” I judge him, “You’re not jimin. Oh my god are you actually on drugs again?”
“Yes but that’s not the point. I got plastic surgery to be Jimin and we’re like twins so my names Jimin,” he bows, “Hello my name is Jimin (in korean)”
You sigh, “get out of my house.”
“Why? Too blinded by my beautiful presence?”
“Beautiful? If I’m blinded it’s for the opposite reason. Now leave until you go to therapy and fix your face. Go,” you slam the door in his face then go back in your bathroom to apply the face mask then hear Oli in your backyard shouting the fan chant at the top of his lungs. You take out your phone and call the cops.
When they arrived and took Oli he was shouting, “DON’T TAKE ME. I’M FAMOUS! DONT YOU KNOW ME?!”
You heard the cops judging him, “Oh no not another mental case. Bring him to the facility.”
And that’s how you ended the friendship with Oli London after telling you he was now Jimin when he was actually a Ken doll on crack. Thank you.
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kpopismytae · 5 years
A Very Disturbing New Years FF (Kpop)
I hear a loud knock on the door and jumped up.
“Ugh. Can’t they knock quieter? I’m taking a nap,” I say sitting up, going out of my room and into the living room, opening the door and groaned, “Go away!”
I slam the door right in their faces until Minho opens it back up, “How welcoming.”
“That’s why Areum usually opens the door,” I walk to her room straight-faced, still in my pajamas and see her putting makeup on, “They’re here.”
She smiles and jumps up, “YAYYYYYYY” and ran into the living room.
I walk back in there and scratch my head, “why are you here so early?”
“It’s 9,” Kibum says, “We came at a normal time.”
“And where the hell is Sehun?”
Jonghyun said, “He’s coming later. He’ll be here in around 30 minutes.” “He’s the only person I was excited to see, “I sigh and go to the couch and lay down, “Shut up and let me sleep.”
Jinki runs into the kitchen and opens the fridge, “CHICKENNNNNNNNNNNNN”
“I said to shut up.”
“So mean,” Taemin laughs.
I glare at him, “shut. Up.”
Areum jumps up on Minho’s back and shouts, “TAKE ME AWAYYYYYY”
I get up and go to the kitchen and grab my pan. I run after them, but Minho is way too fast and wouldn’t let me hit her, which made much just want to hit him.
“Get your ass over here,” I shout.
A door opens and I turn my head to it and drop the pan, “Sehun!”
I run up to him and jump in his arms, “I missed youuuuuu”
He smiles, “I missed you too,” he looks at me from head to toe, “Why are you still in your pajamas?”
“I didn’t have anywhere to go so what’s the point?”
Minho comes over and chuckles, “Nobody would want to see her in a dress anyway.”
I jump out of Sehun’s arms and pick up my pan and start chasing him again, “Get back here you fuckin asshole!”
A pair of arms then picked me up and took the pan out of my hands, “calm down.”
He sets me down and I turn around and see who it is, “TAEMIN WHAT THE FUCK?! DON’T TOUCH ME LIKE THAT! I probably have aids now.”
“I don’t have aids!” he shouts
“I’m sure that’s true.”
“Stop flirting and just give us some food,” Kibum says, “I’m hungry.”
“Me tooooooo,” Areum whines.
“Nobody asked you,” I respond, “Starve.”
“Stop being so mean to meeeeee.”
“You should be used to it.”
“I don’t want to be used to it. It’s not nice!”
I roll my eyes, “I don’t care.”
I go into the kitchen and take out my cauliflower and sour cream and go to the table and eat it, “I thought you guys were hungry. Go eat something.”
“GO EAT A DICK!” Areum shouts.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Taemin mumbles, “eat my dick.”
I cringe, “ew no… That’s nasty. I don’t want bumps in my throat anyway.”
“Hey, I was kidding!”
Kibum sits down, “He probably does have herpes or something.”
Jonghyun sits next to him and leans on the table, “as long as he doesn’t spread them to anyone I don’t have a problem.”
“What if I have aids?”
“Then go get an std test I don’t want any in my asshole.”
“I don’t actually have any aids.”
Areum shouts, “You probably do!”
Jinki covers his ears, “Stop! The Easter bunny won’t give you any candy if you talk like that!”
I shout, “Shut up! You kids are giving me a headache.”
Sehun whispers to me, “shouldn’t Jinki go to the hospital.”
“Probably too late for that now. He got hit by it 10 years ago.”
“Fun times.”
Jinki shouts, “It hurt like a bi- AHHHHHH A BRAT!”
“Aww is Jinki not getting his easter candy?”
“I PEED ON THE EASTER BUNNY LAST YEAR!” he shouts, “It feels so good to finally tell someone.”
Everyone at the table judged him.
Taemin looks at me from across the table, “your eyes are so expressive and beautiful.”
A blush creeps on my cheeks, “w-what?”
He smiles, “I didn’t say anything.”
“Stop flirting with my sister,” he nudges him.
Jonghyun says, “well you don’t seem to have a problem flirting with my sister.”
Kibum rubs his chest, “calm down baby.”
“Fine,” he sighs.
Sehun leans over a bit and smiles, “see, he probably likes you too.”
I punch his shoulder, “shut up!”
I stand up and put my food away, “I’m done.”
Everyone stands up and goes into the living room and sits on the floor.
Areum says, “Who’s bored?”
Kibum says, “Everyone.”
“How about a game of 7 minutes in heaven?”
Minho looks at her and goes, “What? You’re going to have sex with someone else?”
Jonghyun looks at him and glares, “What?”
“I mean… nothing,” he smiles.
“We’re not dating anyway,” Areum says, “Just friends with benefits. I’ll call some girls over so we can have more people for the straight guys. If it is the gender you don’t have an interest or you’re related in you can just spin again.”
She took her phone out and called the neighbors and soon a knock came on the door and it opened.
“Irene, Wendy, and Yeri! Come in!”
“Why did you want us to come over?” Irene asks.
“7 minutes in heaven!”
Wendy says, “You need to get me drunk first. Where the soju?”
She told her where it was and she brought 2 bottles and shot glasses for everyone.
After we all got drunk, we all started playing spin the bottle with a now empty bottle of soju.
Areum leaned her head against Minho and started laughing hysterically. 
“Chillllllll,” I say in a drunk voice, “someone spinnnnn”
Areum stands up and starts spinning, “I’m spinninggggg.” “I WANNA SPIN TOO!” Jinki gets up and starts spinning with her until they both fall and laugh a lot.
Wendy raises her and says, “I will spin the bottle.”
She leans over and spins it and lands on Minho. They stand up and go into one of the rooms and begin their 7 minutes.
Areum starts sobbing, “SHE TOOK MY B-BOYFRIEND!”
“I thought you weren’t dating,” Jonghyun says.
“BUT I LOVE HIMMMMM,” she sobs harder and curls in a ball.
Irene goes to her and pats her back, “Areum it’ll be ok. Just have a good cry.” She starts crying with her.
“You guys are being so emotional,” I say, “Also, you’re the one who recommended this game.”
“I knowwwww,” Areum whines, wiping her tears and sits up, “I’m ok now.”
“You’re too drunk…”
Minho and Wendy come back with their clothes messed up and sit down.
I raised my hand, “I go now.”
I spun the bottle and landed on Taemin and smiled, “come on let’s do it”
He stands up and while leaving Minho shouts, “If you give my sister aids I‘ll chop your dick off.”
We got into my room and we sat on the bed and started making out. He put his hand up my shirt, ready to unhook my bra, but I stopped him, “w-wait.”
“I need to confess something. I’m a virgin and I don’t feel right losing my virginity like this.
“Honestly, I’m a virgin too.”
“What? You are?”
He nods, “But I’m embarrassed by it.”
6“So do you just want to make out?”
He attaches his lips to mine and moves down to my neck and sucks on my sensitive skin. A soft moan escapes my mouth and I run my fingers through his soft hair.
Areum comes and knocks on the door, “YOUR 7 MINUTES ARE UP! GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!”
He didn’t listen and kept leaving hickeys on my neck.
“Don’t you t-think we should go b-back?” I stutter out.
He puts his lips back on mine and we start backing up and going into the living room.
“Ooooh Seulgi’s getting some,” Areum says.
We sit back down, still making out.
Minho clears his throat, “I think it’s Areum’s turn.”
We detach our lips and Areum goes to the bottle and spins it, landing on Kibum.
Kibum says, “It’s the game. We have to.”
She sighs and stands up, “okay…”
They go into the room and finish their 7 minutes.
After playing 7 minutes and heaven and drinking 2 more bottles of soju we were tired so we all went into the rooms and Irene, Yeri, and Wendy went home.
(My room: Taemin, Kibum, and Sehun; Areums room: Jonghyun, Minho, and Jinki)
At 11 pm we all woke back up so we could celebrate the new year at 12 and we sobered up some. We went into the living room and drank a bit more because it’s new years. We watched some fireworks and at 12 watched the countdown on the tv.
“5,” the tv started counting, “4,” it continued, “3, 2, 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!”
Areum started making out with Minho. Taemin and I looked at each other and started making out again. Kibum and Jonghyun did too and I did overhear a special conversation that Sehun had with Jinki.
Sehun sighs, “I’m so lonely.”
“Me too,” Jinki whines.
“Are you at least a little gay?”
He shakes his head, “But I don’t mind trying something out.”
Sehun and Jinki started making out with each other and Jinki sat in his lap.
The next morning we all woke up in our rooms. I had no memory from last night and I was the last one sleeping so no one else was in the room.
I got off my bed and went into the hall and saw everyone sitting at the kitchen table. I saw Taemin and remembered everything. I put the hood of my onesie on and hid my face.
“What the fuck did I do?” I think to myself.
Sehun looks at me with a smile, “Oooooh Seulgi come here!”
Jinki rubs his head and pouts, “My head hurts.”
Minho slaps him in the back of his head, “That’s why you shouldn’t drink so much.”
“But he becomes more normal when he does,” I say.
“I’m scarred for life,” Areum says, “I had sex with Kibum.”
“Well, I had sex with Wendy,” Minho says, “Let’s just keep having sex with each other.”
Areum jumped up on him and they started making out then moved to her room.
“I’m too hungover to care,” Jonghyun says, looking depressed.
Kibum rubs his back, “I’ll get you some hangover soup.”
And that’s how everything got awkward.
Next: A Very Disturbing Valentines Day
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kpopismytae · 5 years
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You go outside at 12:00 AM on Christmas day, ready to sneak out to your friends house, where she’s having a christmas party. It’s cold out and you shiver and feel numb. Then something starts flying toward you. You think that you’re just seeing things. It looked like a deer flying and there’s no way reindeer exist. Or so that’s what you thought. You realize you’re not seeing things and know that something is about to hit you. It was a reindeer with a name tag that said Yeosang on it. Then, you got hit and got buried under the deep snow.
The end
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kpopismytae · 5 years
Imagine Mingi Crushing You Because You’re a Fly
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I lay in the wooden chair, nibbling on a crumb one of my roommates left on the chair earlier. I taste the sweet chip that has probably been left out for days. My favorite. Lately, I haven’t felt very welcomed in my new home. My roommates have been trying to hit me and chase me around with various objects. I didn’t do anything to them. It’s very upsetting. Suddenly, I hear loud footsteps coming in the room. Then the tv turns on and the footsteps come closer.  I look up and see a huge butt coming toward me. At this moment, I realize I am going to d-
And then you got crushed by Mingi’s butt.
Later that day, he was walking around the house when Jongho noticed something on his butt.
“What’s that?” Jongho asked.
“What?” Mingi responded.
“Something’s on your ass.”
Mingi looked at his butt and realized that he sat on you. This led him to tears. He lost his only friend... Y/N the fly.
The end.
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