kpoproleplayss · 1 year
Hey y’all!
Small update: I am finally hitting my finals and this past month or so has been quite stressful. However, after next Friday, I will only have to focus on working. So, I should finally be able to return. I apologize for disappearing so long. I hope that everybody has been well and healthy!
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kpoproleplayss · 1 year
Oh gee, what a can of worms. Thats awful, and I hope it goes by quickly for you!!!
I hope so too! It won’t take too long hopefully 😔
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kpoproleplayss · 1 year
I didn't realize I sent practically the same thing twice 😅 I just wanted to check in on you
Damn, that's rough. Can you ask her to clean her stuff up? Since its a mutual space personal items should be kept in a personal area (aka her room)?
I didn't realize anywhere did quarters ???? I think I thought you did trimesters... at least its not finals yet but gee, your roommate sounds difficult. I hope you can work it out somehow!! Do you live in school dorms and have an RA you could ask for advice ?
I’m in an apartment! We had an agreement that she could have some personal stuff in the living room since there was a bit of an argument about our bedrooms.. 🫢 but it’s okay! It’s only a month left with her and then I go home to work for the summer. I’ll probably visit home more in this next month to get away from it. I just haven’t mentioned it because she’s a character and I don’t want to cause problems. But it will be mentioned within the next two weeks or so, for sure. At least before June. Cause idk what the move out looks like and I think all my belongings have to be out but idk if hers do… it’s kind of complicated… it’s just been a lot to deal with.
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kpoproleplayss · 1 year
Is your semester wrapping up? How is it going?
Anddd in response to this, following the other, I have a month left until my finals. However, I very badly wish it was wrapped up. My roommate is driving me crazy. She’s a hoarder and she’s crowded our living room and it just kinda sends me in a spiral… she basically seems to think she’s the only one living here 🙄 it pisses me off. So it’s hard to try and do things, as I’m consistently dealing with that frustration. She’s not a bad person! But living with her has been hell. So I’m just trying to get through this last month, and then I’ll see how things go from there. hopefully better. I have managed to take today as relaxing/self-care with art but still, it sucks.
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kpoproleplayss · 1 year
Its been a bit, is it your finals? If so, I hope they're going well!
I wish, I still have a month left! My uni runs on a quarter system so I start in late Sept and end in early June
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kpoproleplayss · 1 year
How are you?
I’m doing alright, my body is just absolutely tired. I fell asleep around 6pm last night, and slept until 7am. Not straight through, I woke you in between but always went right back to bed
I’m trying to like.. find a minute to breathe but classes are crazy busy too
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kpoproleplayss · 1 year
Did you have a good trip?
But both trips were thankfully good ones!
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kpoproleplayss · 1 year
You definitely need some you time! Enjoy it 😋
Lol I never got me time, I just got back from a second trip 😔
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
How are you?
Busy but good!
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
ahhh I am back after a long time but I suppose you are too haha , hope your vacation was good <3 -Lilly
It’s nice to hear from you! I’m still on vacation atm lol but it’s been nice! Busy busy so I’m taking the morning tomorrow to just kick back and relax
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
Did you have a nice vacation?!!
Yes! I’ve just been busy. I’ve done things every single day, so I need a day to myself. Tomorrow, I’m saying no to everything in the morning. So I should be able to respond since I finally get to relax.
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
Hey guys! Sorry it’s been a month, I just took a vacation to see my family! I’ll respond tonight (I know my word doesn’t mean anything but still lol), I should be able to get responses out just fine.
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
Okay so given my current situation I will respond tomorrow. It has been 3 weeks and I am so so sorry. I have time tomorrow between assignments haha but it is going to be a little cramped and I wanna give good answers! I made a damn schedule I can’t even stick to lol. I’m sorry guys!! I’ll respond tomorrow afternoon!
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
How dare dumblr!
I'm sorry you keep getting sick! My mom is getting over a nasty cold and im so thankful I didn't catch it. My nose has been awful, so I can't even imagine how bad you must feel. I hope youre feeling better now though!! Take care of yourself
And yes! I think it’s just my seasonal allergies though because it’s kind of gone away again. But school + allergies = very tired lol I’ve been getting a lot of sleep. I have big assignments this next week since it’s finals for the quarter but then I get a break!
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
I hope youre having a good weekend!
Both these past weekends were so tiring for NO reason. I’ve been absolutely drained in all honesty lmao thank you for checking in
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
Yes I did! Her name was KT. She was a beautiful bay horse! I don’t know what breed lol but girlie had a personality
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kpoproleplayss · 2 years
Hi, so I’ve been having technical issues because I tried to post this a while ago. But it didn’t. So my mental health went to shit again after a busy weekend, hence why I still haven’t answered despite saying I would last week. I can respond this weekend. I’ve also been getting sick with the shift of seasons so I’ve been exhausted A LOT. Last night, I literally slept 12 hours (not straight but I was asleep very, very early). Thank you for your patience. I apologize for the delays.
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