kraveller · 3 years
Preferable Mode of Communication
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In this world, we express our affection for one another in various ways, either verbally or nonverbally. I am the kind of person who expresses love to a specific individual nonverbally since we can filter words while acts cannot since we act what our brain directly tells us. Every day, people lie and say things to satisfy others. You can only get insight into a person's real nature through observing their interactions with you and others. Actions should support, not contradict, verbal statements. If you make a promise, people may not trust you until you follow through on it. If we provide two conflicting signals, verbal and nonverbal, individuals are more likely to trust the nonverbal.
The people around me are aware that I am not a vocal person when it comes to showing my affection or love for them, even though I am communicative. I find this is much more genuine. So far, I'm familiar with gestures, body language and posture, proxemics, eye gaze and contact, and haptics. Nonverbal behaviors that I often employ include facial expressions, body movement and posture, and eye gazing and contact, mainly while working on a school assignment. I seem to be very confident in that video to maintain a high score or make that individual believe as if I possess that genuineness of my personality. However, when it comes to the people with whom I am genuinely close, such as my family, relatives, and boyfriend, aside from the previously mentioned nonverbal actions/expressions, I am incredibly touchy with them. Like I often am hugging or leaning on them to demonstrate that I am at ease when I am with them, which makes them special in my life. The one I described is also referred to as haptics. Finally, since I am comfortable with them, I often speak close to them or show the proxemics. Well, I also offer that to other people but not at a close distance.
Personally, I think that nonverbal signals really assist me in communicating since they breathe life into what you say. For instance, you may like someone, and that person may be aware of your feelings for them due to the way you treat them, such as by making them feel special. Your nonverbal communication cues—the way you listen, look, move, and react—indicate to the person you are talking about whether or not you care if you are being honest and how well you are listening. When your nonverbal cues complement your spoken communication, you build trust, clarity, and connection. Since I communicate more nonverbally, I have found this mode of communication to be much more effective and authentic.
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kraveller · 3 years
Kraveller’s Review: Full Individual Women’s Rhythmic Gymnastics
The different women have showed a wonderful performance and showed their skills in this sport. The marvelous performances mixed with their resilience and dedication, making everything excited to look at. 
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The size of the square floor is 13 meters by 13 metes with a security zone of 1 or 2 meters, according to different references. The carpeted area part of the floor should not be tacky or slippery. The ceiling height, the minimum is 8 meters, but the recommended height is 10-12 meters.
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There are quite a lot of equipment used by the players in the rhythmic gymnastics.
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The gymnasts are required to wear a leotard or a unitard, the color may vary depending on what the competitor wants to wear. Longs tights can be worn, which is only until the ankle, also the leotard with a skirt but the skirt should be higher than the upper thigh. Also the leotard can have a sleeve or not, the player has the freedom to choose but dance leotard is not allowed in this sport. Just like the previous sport that I have reviewed in my blog, there an be decorations in the customer but it should not fall because the player can earn minus points. The leotard should not be transparent. Lastly, the gymnasts can only be bare foot, or wear gymnastics slippers or rhythmic slippers and the hair should be neat to look at.
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The rope should be made up of hemp or synthetic material, the length can be anything, while the ends of the rope should have no handles. There could be one or two knots on the ends of the ropes and can even be covered by an anti-slip material that can be in any color or colorless which is also found in the ends of the ropes. While the rope’s shape can be uniform or the center can be thicker. Lastly, the color can be up to the player.
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The hoop can be made up of wood or plastic for a reason when thrown, it still has the same shape as it was before thrown. The diameter is required to be 60 to 90 centimeters while the minimum weight is 150 to 300 grams. Just like earlier, the color can be what the player desires, and the hoop can be covered with tape in different colors.
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The ball can be made up of rubber or synthetic material, while the required diameter is from 14 to 20 centimeters. And just like earlier, the player can also choose the color he or she desires.
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The clubs can be made up of wood or synthetic material while the length is from 25 to 50 centimeters. The shape of the club should be alike to a bottle. Just like earlier, the player can color the club or not, partially or every part of it.
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The stick can be made up of wood, bamboo, plastic or fiberglass. The diameter has a maximum of 1 centimeter while the shape can be cylindric or conical. The required length, with the ring where the ribbon is attached, is 45 or 60 centimeters. There can be a anti-slip tape or rubber in the end of the stick that has a maximum length of 10 centimeters. The color can also depend on the player.
The ribbon itself without the stick can be made up of satin or non-starched material, there could be single or many colors present. The width should be 4 to 6 centimeters. The end of the ribbon which is attached to the stick has a maximum length of 1 meter. The one that attaches the ribbon to the stick can be thread, nylon cord or series of articulated rings which is the length has a maximum length of 7 centimeters.
Basic Skills
There are quite a lot of basic skills that a gymnast should have in order to be able to execute the four needed elements in this sport which are the rope, hoop, ball and clubs. Every element has it’s own basic skills needed.
First one is rope, it consists of swings, circles, forward jumps/skips, releases and exchanges.
The swing should be done with 1 hand and 2 hands. The swing should be conducted side to side, and front and back.
Doing circles using the rope is also with 1 hand and 2 hands. The circles is done in the sagittal, frontal and horizontal part of the body.
Forward Jumps/Skips:
The forward jumps/skips, in order to execute it, one should have the proper jumping technique to the running forward and different variation of jumps.
Unlike the others mentioned earlier, the one needed to execute releases is for the gymnast is to know how to swing and catch.
For the gymnast to execute this, he or she should know how to do the horizontal circles whilst standing or sitting.
 Second one is the hoop, it consists of swings, circles, exchanges, rolls, passing through the hoop and spins.  
The swings should be done in the front (with 2 hands) and sagittal (1 hand) body position.
The circles are done in the frontal and horizontal part of the body.
The exchanges should be done horizontal swing, sagittal swing, low frontal swing and frontal overhead of the body.
Rolls (on ground)
The rolls are done side to side and forward.
Passing Through the Hoop
The passing through the hoop is done forward turn and sagittal hold.
The spins, obviously is done by turning around.
 Third one is the ball, the basic skills in this consists of swings, exchanges, rolls, bounces, rotations and tosses and catches.
The swings is done in pendulum with 2-hands.
The exchanges with the use with ball is done with frontal swing, horizontal swing and circles.
Rolls (on ground)
The rolls on ground is done around the legs then side to side and long roll forward.
Rolls (on body)
The rolls on body is done on the legs, arms, and chest.
The bounces are done by bounce/catch and rhythmic bounces.
The rotation is done between the hands.
 Last one is the ribbon. The following basic skills needed are swings, large circles, snakes and exchanges.
The swings are done in the frontal, sagittal and horizontal part of the body.
Large Circles
The large circles are done in the frontal and sagittal part of the body.
The snakes is done by the performer be able to perform stick preparation in the right and left side, vertical snakes, horizontal snakes and horizontal overhead.
The exchanges are done by the horizontal swing and sagittal swing.
Technical and Tactical Skills
First one equipment used is the hoop.
Margarita Mamun RUS
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Margarita Mamun has made an impressive move since she has her own signature move, the transition is also neat, the hoop did not waver as it was flown up into the air and she has used every part of her body. The negative part about her performance is the transition may be neat but it doesn’t suit the song she has chosen. The performer also didn’t dance with the beat of the song which doesn’t really have made an audience impact, she is too focused on the hoop making her performance not making the hoop not connected to her. Supposedly, the hoop should be interacting with her, making the dance seem like the hoop is connected with her.
Marina Durunda AZE
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Marina Durunda has a wonderful start of her performance, the emotions were there and the choreography has synced with the music she has chosen. But after seconds, the facial expression was not mirroring the song any longer since the song was sad but she was smiling. She almost earned a penalty since her hoop wavered as she threw it to the air which made the other parts of her performance dull after the first part because she was focused on making it safe. In the first part the audience was connected, but after her playing safe it all ended.
Yana Kudryavsteva RUS
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Yana Kudryavsteva has shown a marvelous performance out of the other performers I have seen. Her choreography and emotions were connected to the song, not did that only occur, she also had an interaction with the hoop making her performance look like the hoop and her is in one piece. Never did I felt that her hoop was not part of her body because she danced with it in harmony, in every choreography she did the hoop was part of it. What I also have I liked about her performance, she was not playing it safe, because she really made the hoop be in part of herself.
Katsiaryna Halkina BLR
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Katsiaryna Halkina has made a clean transition all throughout the dance, and has shown a control on the hoop, the hoop didn’t waver as she thrown it up in the air. But just like the other participants earlier, she has played safe. The hoop was not really used all throughout her body, it was usually present in the floor. Next was the choreography, it may be nicely made, it was not connected to the song and the gymnast was not emotionally connected with the song. The main point of this sport is to dance with the beat and make connection with the apparatus, which this gymnast lack on.
Kséniya Moustafaeva FRA
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Moustafaeva is unique from the other gymnasts, she had shown her emotions through her choreography and made it connected to the music which is not really seen on the other gymnasts. The transitions is wonderful, and have made sure that the hoop is with her making it look like the hoop and her all in one piece. But, the hoop was not handled well. The grip and throw of the hoop needs to have more practice in execution.
Melitina Staniouta BLR
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Melitina Staniouta has also made her own moves that made her unique from the other performers, the twists and turns that the hoop has gone through throughout her presentation were unlike the usual presentations. The song choice however was not suited to her choreography because it was fast-paced, because of this it made her have a difficulty in executing some of the parts because it was not well suited on the song.
Carolina Rodríguez ESP
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Carolina Rodriguez have presented just like Melitina, they had moves that were unique from the others, the execution were different and the song she used was daring because it was fast. But the difference of Carolina and Melitina was her choreography was quite in beat with the music she has chosen. All throughout her performance, it had a wonderful choreography but the problem was her hold of the apparatus. It was not rightly held throughout the performance especially that her song was quite fast.
Son Yeon-jae KOR
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Son Yeon-jae has one of the marvelous presentation that is quite similar to Yana Kudryavsteva, her choreography is connected to the song and made sure to handle the hoop well. But, there were parts of her dance that she played safe and she didn’t made it seem that the hoop is one with her naturally.
Ganna Rizatdinova UKR
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Ganna Rizatdinova over all of the participants on this part, she had the most audience impact out of all participants because of her song choice that is connected with the choreography she executed. She showed her flexibility on the positions she die. Her performance could’ve  been more wonderful than what she had done if the audience didn’t clap that is not in tempo with her song because it has distracted her on handling the hoop throughout her performance.
Neviana Vladinova BUL
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Neviana Vladinova also had a wonderful choreography and neat transition, both were connected to the song that makes her performance amazing. The only thing that she didn’t show on her performance was the high level of the elements that the officials are looking for on her performance.
Second is the ball.
Margarita Mamun RUS
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Margarita Mamun has shown an outstanding performance once again, she made the ball look like it is a part of her body. The choreography was suited on the music and her emotions. In her performance, one can see the passion she has on her dance then the ending is splendid. No words can explain how wonderful her execution on each part of her performance, as well as the smooth transition.
Marina Durunda AZE
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Marina Durunda’s performance is honestly comparable to what Margarita has shown, her performance is more forcused on executing the needed elements, but failing to utilize the ball throughout her performance. Unlike the first performance, she didn’t made a connection on her choreography and emotion to the music.
Yana Kudryavsteva RUS
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Yana Kudryavsteva’s performance is also outstanding since the executions she has shown were high levels already, and she is more focused on controlling the ball. Honestly, despite doing the following, I did not really see the connection of her emotions to the dance and her choreography. Her only goal throughout the performance is to perform the high levels of the elements needed to be executed.
Kséniya Moustafaeva FRA
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Moustafaeva’s performance is very splendid, the choreography was perfectly portrayed as well as the emotions was connected to the music. She has shown in her performance that having a fast song will not hinder her from showing a marvelous performance because it was wonderful throughout. Unfortunately, the choreography she has shown was not in high levels unlike the others since she has played safe throughout her performance.
Melitina Staniouta BLR
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Melitina Staniouta has shown her feeligs into the song, as well as the choreography. But, the choreography is not in timing with the song, which is her only downfall in her performance since the execution with the apparatus was wonderful.
Carolina Rodríguez ESP
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Carolina Rodriguez’s start of the performance until the end really showed her personality and feelings that is connected to the song she has chosen. The execution of her choreography was wonderfully executed, but to utilize the apparatus is not that seen in her performance.
Son Yeon-jae KOR
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Son Yeon-jae showed a wonderful performance, she let the ball move around her body but there is a limit on her moves. There were times that she seems to be connected to the song and there are times she is not, maybe because she has doubts that the performance might turn into mess.
Ganna Rizatdinova UKR
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Ganna Rizatdinova, just like the previous apparatus performance, she once again conquered the audience’s attention. The song choice is a wise decision, it’s not only what she likes to perform, but it’s also what the audience likes to listen in their ears. Unlike her previous performance, she has maintained the consistency and focus into her performance. She also has the excellent handling of the ball and timing.
Neviana Vladinova BUL
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Neviana Vladinova has an outstanding performance, she had utilized the ball by including it in every movement in her performance and her choreography is wonderful that is suits on her song. But in her performance, there was no consistency of her hold on the ball.
Next is the clubs
Margarita Mamun RUS
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Margarita Mamun’s performance is once again, wonderful. The song she has chosen is not that fast and not too slow, and it suits well on the apparatus which is the clubs. The execution with the clubs is well done, every movement she makes the club is always there as a companion. Next is that she made the club be one with her throughout the dance which is magnificient.
Marina Durunda AZE
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Marina Durunda has also chose a song that suits the type of the apparatus she is using which is the clubs. The choreography is connected to the song, but the difficulty level of her presentation is not that high. If you have noticed in her presentation, there are three parts wherein it’s like a space because she didn’t get a good hold of the clubs or she slowly positioned them which is quite the downfall of her score.
Yana Kudryavsteva RUS
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Yana Kudryavsteva in her performance, except the last part, had a seamless transition, and showed her mastery on the execution as well on using the apparatus, the club. The emotions were also seen in her performance, but the goal of this sport is perfection of the execution and the difficult. Since she has made a mistake, which is in the last part, that could’ve been wonderful and can make her win.
Katsiaryna Halkina BLR
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Katsiaryna Halkina, similar to the other performers before her has chosen a wonderful song. Unlike the others, the song she has chosen was not that fast but she did not fail to place the emotions into the choreography. Overall the execution was wonderfully made by the gymnast, the only problem was the level of difficult of her execution. Her performance, there are times that it has shown that she is making it slow to be safe from making mistakes.
Kséniya Moustafaeva FRA
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The performance that Moustafaeva has executed was similar to Katsiaryna, not the choreography but the mistake that they have made in their presentation. The presentation that she showed suited her personality, she has shown it as well as the outfit and the music. The execution was wonderful as well, but the level of the difficulty is not that high and she was not able to catch the club as she threw it up to the air which deducts the score that much.
Melitina Staniouta BLR
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The performances of these women shows that handling the clubs is indeed difficult, Melitina Staniouta has the same problem of the women before her. Her choreography is wonderful as well as the choice of music, but the handling of her clubs is a problem throughout her performance.
Carolina Rodríguez ESP
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Carolina Rodriguez has done an amazing job, the clubs did not fell everytime she threw them up and the execution was well done as well. The clubs might be the strongest apparatus out of the four since she did a good job, especially in getting the audience’s attention. But then again, the criteria needs the difficulty level not only the execution. The level of difficulty of her performance is not that high that made an impact on her score.
Son Yeon-jae KOR
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Son Yeon-jae has made an outstanding performance with her clubs. There are quite problems in her clubs handling because of the level of difficulty of her performance, which is quite understandable. But her alignment and execution was well done that makes her deserving to have a good score for this apparatus.
Ganna Rizatdinova UKR
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The overall performance that Ganna Rizatdinova was splendid, she has captured the attention of the audience once again. Her tactic is pretty much to make the audience’s attention towards her. Ganna Rizatdinova, similar to Margarita has showed a wonderful balance. She also showed the theme of the song through her dance. The only thing she should consider next time is the level of difficulty of her performance.
Neviana Vladinova BUL
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Neviana Vladinova has made a glow up from her previous performances, while watching the others and knowing her mistakes, she made her performance much better than the previous apparatus. In the first part of her performance, not much movement with the clubs were seen and the movements that she made was more focused on. The choreography was not much in rhythm with the song but in the middle part, she made it happen by making some of her movements fast or slow, it depends on the beat of the music. She also has showed unique steps sch as using her lap to make the clubs jump.
Lastly, is the ribbon.
Margarita Mamun RUS
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Margarita Mamun has made a tremendous performance, everything felt like a storytelling. She showed climax and the other parts of the story which made me feel goosebumps throughout her performance. The apparatus was something like one of the elements in her storytelling. All of her apparatus’ presentation is focused on making a story and showing emotions, from the color of the apparatus and costume are utilized to make a story with the music that she used.
Marina Durunda AZE
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Marina Durunda also had shown a nice performance, the positions she showed as she handled the apparatus evidently showed that she has a good flexibility. But she had a difficulty in handling the ribbon, from catching it to throwing it to the other part of the floor. The difficulty of her performance is supposedly high, but because she had difficulty, it was not that much.
Katsiaryna Halkina BLR
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Katsiaryna Halkina, unlike her previous performance, she has made a tremendous job once again. From the choice of the color of the apparatus to the costume, it was wonderful. She gave her best throughout the performance, to gain the 2nd place atleast. Similar to Margarita, it also seems like she is telling a story as she performed. She performed elegantly and showed a good balance.
Kséniya Moustafaeva FRA
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Moustafaeva’s performance was not that good, her performance is more focused on showing the elements that the judges were looking for, not really focusing on connecting the choreography or dance to the song. She’s more on dancing on the beat, unlike the other performers who has a story to tell, she doesn’t have it.
Melitina Staniouta BLR
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Melitina Staniouta’s performance has showed that she has a difficulty in handling the apparatus because it got stuck for a few times as she presented. In the first part of her performance, she was nervous that made her look like so careful on her moves but after a while she was enjoying it. There was a part that is an obvious mistake that made her downfall in earning a good score.
Carolina Rodríguez ESP
Carolina Rodriguez’s performance was actually wonderful. In the start of her performance, she has shown her emotions that is connected unto the choreography and song that she chose. The balance that she has and positions were wonderful, but she made a mistake that is a major one. She failed to grab the ribbon after throwing it unto the air, because she threw it not that high for her to be able to grab it after executing other movements. She could have earned much more scores.
Son Yeon-jae KOR
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Son Yeon-jae has showed throughout her performance that she enjoyed it and the execution was also wonderfully made. The difficulty that she showed in her performance is quite high, that’s why there are minor errors that she have made as she performed in the floor. She’s showing in her performance that she’s doing her best for the last.
Ganna Rizatdinova UKR
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Ganna Rizatdinova has shown an tremendous performance, she looked daring in the first part. She has showed once again her mastery in the gymnastics positions, that captured the attention of the audience once again. She has consistency of her positions despite the difficulty of her executions which made her deserving on the third place.
Neviana Vladinova BUL
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Neviana Vladinova showed her enjoyment as she performed, the difficulty is quite high that resulted to her making mistakes as she performed that is also her downfall because this sport is more focused on perfection. She has quite the energy as performing which gave justice to the song because she really showed the theme of the song to the audience.
Rules of the Game
The first rule is for the leaps and jumps, they should be executed in a good height with a clear shape and nice amplitude for them to be able to catch the apparatus. Next is the leaps with the back arched, while executing it, the head should be in contact with the leg.
Next is one is about the balance, all of the balances should be performed in the knees or toes, while executing this, it should be held clearly and have a fixed shape.
The next one is the pivot; the pivot combinations should be performed with the use of the toes without the heel support.
The fourth one is regarding the use of the equipment. First is the ribbon, the gymnasts should move their wrists while moving the ribbon. There will be deductions if the ribbon touches the floor or it gets tangled. Second is the hoop, when thrown to the air it should be caught by the gymnast and if rotations are made, it should around the hand or other parts of the body.  If there will be vibrations made in the hoop if its in the air, the gymnast receives a penalty.
The other rules are the court dimension and the standard size of the equipment which are stated in the first two parts of this blog.
The next one is, in performing each of the apparatus, the given time is less than 2 minutes.
How to Officiate the Sport
The referee is the one who makes sure that the rules are applied throughout the performance. The referee is also the one who approves the medical things with the medical advisor in case of emergency in the competition. The referee also makes sure that the juries are not talking with each other, bring notes together with them, look at the scores of the other judges and like since he is the spokesperson of the Officials. Reminds the juries regarding the rules before the event starts. Has the power to stop the performance or to delay or to restart, and to rule over the decision if the ice is eligible to be performed on. There are a lot of responsibilities that a referee has, he or she can interfere on the decision and actions of the other officiates of the sport and the whole event.
Difficulty and Execution Juries
The juries are the ones who looks closely in each performance, they are divided into two: the difficulty and execution because the goal of this sport is to have a perfect performance which requires strict observation. The juries are not allowed to talk to each other regarding the performance of a competitor nor show expression because of an error that a performer has made. There should be no communications within them. Also, there should be no prepared marks. Deductions are made when the judges as well as the referee has made a meeting, there will be no deductions made if there is split vote.
Each performance on each performer is timed, especially that there are quite a lot apparatus to be used. The timers are the ones who looks into the time if the performer has used a lot of time already or not. The time affects the score of the participant.
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kraveller · 3 years
Kraveller’s Review: Figure Skating Short Program
Another wonderful women who shows their wonderful skill in the figure skating, they have awed me in their unique performances. To have the access to the clip that I am about the review, the click is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEtYYtwX1sM
Disclaimer: Please note I intend no copyright infringement to the pictures in this blog. The author does not own or claim the pictures found in this blog.
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Rink Dimension
The court-like in figure skating is the rectangular rink that has no sharp edges. The measurements in terms of length are usually 60 meters. It must not be less than 56 meters. While thirty meters in width, which should not be less than 26 meters. The edges have 8.5 meters radius. And the total area of the rink is 1738 meters squared. For more understanding of the rink dimension, the picture is below.
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A skater can use much equipment in this sport, but the following are the needed equipment that a skater should have to execute this sport.
Ice skates
The first thing you should have is the ice skates for you to go to the rink. Choosing the best ice skate is relevant for the performer's comfort to have no problem executing the performance.
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This can be unique I every competitor, they may connect it their music or emotions on the song, and can even use it for their presentation just like what Alina Zagitova did, if you didn’t notice in the video, try to watch it again. The only thing that a skater should remember in choosing a costume, it should be something that doesn’t fall to the ground because it can cost a 0.5 deduction in the score.
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Socks, which can’t be really be seen in the video since they are underneath the ice skates. The skaters use it to avoid having a cold feet, but it can affect their presentation since socks causes friction. It’s advisable to use thin socks to still have a control on their presentation and in the same time don’t have a cold feet.
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Skate guards
In the video, if you have noticed, after they present and go outside the rink they directly grab the skate guards. It is important because once you use it outside the rink, you will not be able to use it anymore. The skate is only exclusive within the ice.
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Basic Skills
Unlike most sports, these basic skills can be used in other sports such as hockey and speedskating. The following basic skills are from the Go Figure Skating website.
The figure skating steps should be executed based on the music's message or what the performer wants the audience and judges to understand the music. The only need on the step is for the performer to use the entire rink.  
The spin is one of the sensational thing that a skater can do, especially if well executed and is connected with the song. There is one of the skaters in the performance wherein she used a very sad song and as she did the spin, she made it look like she is deeply saddened which makes it very wonderful. Not only well executed and connected to the song, but if it is done fast because of how clean and graceful the performer is in the audience’s eyes. There are three spins that are needed to be executed, the camel, sit and upright.
This is similar to the spin but is executed in the air, a lot of skaters find this hard to do or earn a deduction on the score after doing this. Maintaining balance and using strength in landing is important in executing this, which makes it different to women who petite or small. This is very hard that’s why the International Judging System made this contain a big score in the criteria, especially in the triple and quadrupole jumps. There are skaters who have good tactics, they have failed some of the elements in the criteria, so they execute these jumps perfectly that makes them still attain a good score. The jump sequences required in this are two, first can be any type of jump after that is an axel jump.
When you read it, you find it easy but it is not that easy. There are many types of turns that can help a player a lot in his/her performance, it actually helps in the advance part of the figure skating. There may be basic turns, there are also difficult turns. What turn is really essential in this sport is that it aids in jumping, like it gives time for the skater to regain more strength such as in the three turn or mohawk.
These are the ones that can usually be seen in the last part of the performance, it is the one wherein the one leg glides up in the air. Before executing this, the skater is thought a ballet position which is the arabesque, the leg is able to reach the waist height afterwards the catch foot wherein the leg goes above the head height. If one does changes in the edges, it will receive more points which only some of the participants have done, can be seen in the next part of this blog.
Technical and Tactical Skills
1. Bradie Tennell (USA)
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In the first part, it immensely scared me that she might have a low score since she used a fast song. Once a person uses a quick piece, the person will feel pressure because of the beat, but she proved me wrong in my thoughts. Her basic skill is level 4. For someone who ages 20 years old, this one is pretty huge given the age. Speaking about her basic skills, her turns were executed neatly. It felt like she was like a wind, that flawless. The steps, spins, jumps, and her movement as well. But she had a problem doing a spiral, and she fell because of the footwork.
The movements she has shown on her performance have shown how she is knowledgeable in the basic skills, knowing what they are, and how they are executed. The performance she showed was not perfect, but she gave her best. She is a performer that really used her height to her advantage; since her jumps were good and the landing, there was a mistake because she made a mistake on her footwork that made her lose balance in making the triple toe. But everything else were perfectly executed. The triple toe is understandable since this basic skill that needs to be executed is difficult to execute, executing this requires great strength and body control. According to my research, only 11 women have successfully executed this in competitions, and in the same time this affects a lot on one’s score.
2. Isadora Williams (Brazil)
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The choice of the song is matched with the emotion of the performer and costume. From the first until the end of her performance, she has not made my eyes look away from her marvelous performance. If you have noticed on the way she performed, she poured her emotions into the song that it made her connect to the audience. In the same time, even she has poured her emotions into the song, she did not forget to make a wonderful execution of the things. The transition was neat, it seemed like a storybook, the audience throughout were captivated. She did make a mistake such as the lay back spin, she needs to be more flexible. The emcees stated that the height does help a person to execute this, but in my perspective, it is not the height alone but also the flexibility of the person. There were even some competitors in the competition which were small yet their spin was wonderfully executed.
As you look into her performance, she had problems on her turns and spins. Even the emcees have saw her tactical, for her to be safe was to make it slow, especially after her mistake in the lay back spin.
3. Anna Khnychenkova (Ukraine)
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This one has a performance which the performer was not able to give her best. The emcees had said her performances in the previous competitions, which were all impressive. The author of this blog alone, looking at them and I can say that it is indeed spectacular to even be able to join a lot of competitions alone, how much win. Rudeness is what I refuse to be seen in the manner I will be writing my thoughts about her performance since I know that this sport is difficult to do in the first place. She knows how to execute the basic skills but was not able to have the consistency of it. The choice she had in her music had affected her entire performance, since her song is fast it pressured her throughout her performance. With her basic skills, it has affected her planning of her tactical skills because her mistakes were like the domino effect, they were happening after another. She has a lot to improve, especially her confidence in what she is doing. There were a lot of times in her performance that she didn’t trust the things she was doing in the rink.
4. Diana Nikitina (Latin)
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Before anything else, it amazes me that there are a lot of young people in this event. I have personally expected people who are older to join this kind of competition. Back to Nikitina, her performance was not that clean, well she has a lot of room for improvement. Her choreography was nice, but the execution of it was not the judges were looking for in the criteria. The basic skills such as turns, steps, spins, jumps, spirals and moves were executed, but there was no consistency of the proper execution of these basic skills. Such as the spin, she didn’t trip but her spin was under rotated which also mean that her spin was not properly executed. And her tactic was to dance with the beat as she performs, and every time she is thinking about her next move she jumps. In her performance, there was a frequent jumping happening.
5. Kim Hanul (South Korea)
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This is the participant who have shown the audience that height is never a hindrance for one to give a lovely performance, she has showed her flexibility throughout her performance. Regarding her basic skills, she was also to execute everything but she also had problem regarding the consistency. Actually, the only basic skill that she was not able to do that well was the spin. Just like Isadora Williams, she was enjoying herself perform in the rink and vibe with the song to make the audience connect into her performance. Which can affect the score of the person since the jumps should be based off on the rhythm, the take-offs and landing do matter in this. Her footwork has also influenced her performance, she might not have fell down but the judges have looked into her footwork before doing the given actions that are included in the criteria. One of the favorite tactical skill that she has shown was her using the area in the rink, she made a good use for her to wonderfully express her emotions into her performance.
6. Anita Oestlund (Sweden)
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The song she chose fits her costume, she looked daring which I really thought that she will beat Bradie Tennel, the first one in the chart as she performed. Before her downfall and the tactic, she had that I loved the most, let’s go through the basic skills that she has shown to the audience. She actually did the turns, steps, spins, jumps, spirals and moves but are not able to give the proper justification of theses steps or like give emphasis to it. In watching the video, you get to be like having the eyes of the judges as well, this sport is not only looking at if the person have done the basic skills but also if it looks so clean like it’s pleasing to the eye. This sport is like an art, which the basic skills are part of the canvas that should be given emphasis.
Proceeding to what really caused a downfall on her performance was her missing the triple toe which is the one that can affect the score that much. She did made a mistake in doing the triple toe without getting herself be confident in the rink. If you look into the video closely, when she first entered, she looked confident but her breathing says otherwise. She had missed the triple toe because she did not trust herself to be able to do it, she had second thoughts. But what I loved about her tactic was she became more confident and daring like after the mistake she had made. She made a mistake and directly made a mental note in mind to not do it again and made her performance much better. Certainly missing one has affected her score that much, but her coping mechanism is very much commendable.
7. Li Xiangning (China)
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Before commenting about her great tactics, the author of the blog is astonished that despite their young age (we have the same age), they have done something so wonderful in life like joining this kind of competition. Going to the basic skills, she actually have done everything but the execution was not perfectly made such as the spin, there was a slight of awkwardness as she executed it. There were parts that the execution were not perfectly made but the choreography was actually wonderful. The tactics that I recommend on this wonderful woman was to think carefully on her next moves, especially the one that a lot have a problem to execute like the triple toe, since this is the most difficult. She carefully considered the footwork too since it affects the other movement she will execute in her performance, intelligent woman indeed.
8. Alexia Paganini (Switzerland)
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The starting of her performance, the vibes it gets to the audience is impactful, especially the song with her outfit that is similar with Juliet. An astonishing performance made by the youngest competitor of this program. Speaking about her basic skills, it was very fantastic in the first part of the presentation, but just like the other performers they also lacked the consistency. As she did the spins, she tripped which did made the judges give her minus points. But on her technical, she actually did think thoroughly about the next actions that she will do next which is remarkable. Carefully thinking about the next movement is essential because slight error of this can place big change on one’s score.
9. Aiza Mambekova (Kazakhstan)
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Her confidence as she entered the rink is visible, but her confidence did outshine her memory on the next moves. She was able to do the basic skills in the first part of the performance, but after she made a mistake, just like the domino effect, everything fell. After the mistake, she made low jumps and under rotated spins. The energy she had in the first part of the presentation was wasted if you ask me, because everything fell apart just because of one mistake.
Her tactical skills is personally not that commendable because once she made one mistake, she did get it into her head until she was not able to execute the other movements properly.
10. Emmi Peltonen (Finland)
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Another confident and classy woman who had made a high quality of triple toe, which is difficult to attain by many in this competition. Before criticizing her technical and tactical skills, I would like to commend her song choice it helped her a lot in thinking on the next move, the transition was smooth despite the fact that she made a mistake. Going to her technical skills, the first part which is the triple toe is remarkable. She had a good tactical on doing this because she made sure to do it slowly to have it done marvelously. The other basic skills, she was able to execute but not perfectly. Usually, the women in this competition actually has made a mistake in their footwork, but with her it’s more on the strength. Probably because of the chills she earned because of this competition, she was not able to eat well. My commendable tactic she should have next time is to eat well, it really provide a suffice energy.
11. Larkyn Austman (Canada)
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Being nervous in the Olympics is normal since you are fighting over the top with different marvelous ladies who are also good in that sport in different parts of the world, but playing everything easily so that there will be no deductions is sometimes dangerous. In her performance, she can execute the basic skills but she has the hesitation in what she is doing in the rink. With this hesitation that she has, it is stopping her from executing the movements perfectly, it’s like an acid damaging her performance slowly. The main cause of her performance to downfall is her no confidence on herself, which made her lose her balance and forget the proper footwork that a skater should do before executing something like the triple toe and others. She needs work on her confidence in the rink and feel like she owns it since the rink is hers alone to enjoy.
 12. Mae Berenice Meite (France)
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Height is an advantage in this kind of sport since it helps one for jumping because of the enormous strength stored in the legs. The execution of the basic skills was actually marvelous, but she needs to choose a song next time that she can express herself more than just turning around which is in her freestyle. If you have noticed in her board, almost everything were green, but in terms of freestyle it seems like the skater was just vibing with the song. Well, it’s good that one is enjoying the song but the choreography should also be considered. Overall, she enjoyed her performance but the choreography is not commendable. But it’s good that she is very good in the doing the basic skills, she has a lot of opportunities for her to become more better in this sport.
13. Kailani Crane (Australia)
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The performance was like a musical, but there is only one performer. She actually has chosen a good song for her, but the audience were not captivated enough on the song because not a lot of people watched Mary Poppins nor their songs are that known by a lot of people. Personally if you ask me, that’s the only thing she is missing that made her score not that big which I thought it will be since the execution of the basic skills as well as her tactics such as the foot working plan before doing an element is very commendable. What also is a wonderful in her performance was her expression, she really expressed what the song wants to express. Sadly, not much people got connected with the song since it is not that known.
14. Ivett Toth (Hungary)
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This contestant is really shocking, usually the skaters use soothing songs, but she used a rock song. Her costume did suit the song, it’s like she’s having her own rock concert in the rink. Now, let’s proceed to the basic skills, she actually have done everything but consistency is also not present. Just like the other performers, she also was not able to balance herself from the triple loots and other jump. Since her song is rock, she finds it difficult to show her expression on the song. A bit more of practicing her footwork after jumping and a song where she can express herself a bit more.
15. Giada Russo (Italy)
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Another marvelous woman who wants to make the games turn round and be considered unique from the other participants which I greatly am in awe with her presentation, especially in the first part. Her tactic is to become unique, the last part of her presentation is very wonderful that it made my eyes stick into the screen. Let’s admit that her tactical skills are good, but the elements required were not executed since she forgot to execute it. She forgot to execute the combination of the triple toe, and missed another element. It was maybe because of her past mistake which was the triple toe, but after a while she didn’t let it faze her anymore and enjoyed her performance.
16. Loena Hendrickx (Belgium)
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Just like Giada earlier, she also wanted to be unique, but she forgot to remember that the footwork and other basics are given importance in this sport or perfection on those, and confidence on oneself to be able to execute is important. It’s great to focus into perfection, but one should also look into the fundamentals. During her execution in the triple toe, she only earned the yellow mark because she almost fell since the footwork that she decided to use is risky for one to fall. After that she failed to execute the double spin because she hesitated, the cause of this can be her almost fall in the first part of her performance. She can be a very good skater in the future once she gets to have the feeling like she owns the rink to gain confidence and be able to connect with the audience, and her footwork should be focused.
17. Nicole Schott (Germany)
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Honestly, I love her music choice and her performance overall. There might be problems regarding her footwork because she almost fell in executing the jump. After all, she did it near the wall, so she limited her movement. Her mistakes were covered by her giving details or emphasis on the dance using her hands and expression, and it made the audience be somewhat connected to her. Her tactic is to give meaning to the song or give emphasis on it, which makes her remarkable. After her performance, she became the 2nd in the chart after America, in her time of execution. Overall, she just needs more work on the footwork and planning on when to execute the following elements needed to be executed in this sport.
18. Nicole Rajicova (Slovakia)
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Before anything else, the more and more skaters that have performed the more my expectations with them. The longer I watched, the more wonderful the skaters are in this show, and it has indeed making me love this clip. Let’s proceed to Nicole, she has impressed me because of the wonderful execution since she used her music as a guide for her performance. The transition of her performance is clean, her jumps were big. Well, just like the other performers she has also a problem in the triple toe. She executed it near the boundery of the rink which made her limit her movement just like the other skater earlier. Her basic skills were lovely, but her freestyle was not much an enjoyment of the audience. She has gotten knowledge of the elements, she just needs more movement to emphasize her movements and connect to the audience. Connecting to the audience is also important in this sport, she may use hand movements or face expression, it’s not only focus on the enjoyment of the performer of the song or the performance itself.
19. Kaori Sakamoto  (Japan) 
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This one has almost reached the level of perfection and during the duration of her performance I was in awe. The jumps, triple axel, camel, and other elements were well executed, she made it seems so effortless.  She chose a wonderful song which people has different ways of expressing and she has shown her interpretation of the song just from her costume, expression and dance itself. The others doesn’t really correlate the dance to the song, but she has done it wonderfully. The only thing that she needs to work into is the audience impact, maybe because of the different interpretation of the song, but her performance overall is wonderful. Shocking from a 17 years old, she has made a wonderful road of her career in skating and I am sure that I can see more of her in the future.
20. Mirai Nagasu (USA)
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When she entered the rink, we can see the muscle tapes In her back and thighs, she may have an injury that made her muscles not be able to balance her for a jump in this performance. Throughout her performance, despite her muscle problems she made sure to make it sensational. There is a time that she fell in the triple toe, since she made a mistake in her footwork so totally missed the triple axel. But what I love about her is that after she made a mistake, it didn’t faze her. She smiled even with it, she made her mistake a ground for her to make her performance better which did improve. Her transition and flow looked like effortless after that, and she regained her body control.
21. Gabrielle Daleman (Canada)
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Another wonderful performance especially in the freestyle, she had used her music effectively for the steps in her dance. A very good tactic that she has used is that she made her music connect to her emotions as well that made her performance wonderful. Just like the other performers, she also has problem regarding her footwork, she fell but stands up again and make her performance better again. In her landing from doing the triple toe, the one which a lot of the women make a mistake of, she fell that greatly affected her score but because she poured her heart into her performance not only did the audience appreciated a lot from her but also the judges did. Her performance has showed that the interpretation or the emotions of the skater does affect the score. The one that she needs to work on is her balance and footwork, these are the common problems that almost all of the performers have.
22. Karen Chen (USA)
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Just like Gabriella, she has connected her dance to the song which makes it magnificent. Her choreography is very good but the execution is not that good. She doesn’t have a really balance and the speed has slowed down which needs to have a consistency. As she did the camel, her speed has slowed down that much. What I actually love about her tactic was to do a double jump and other plus points movements for her to gain more points despite her errors, she really is a wise woman. Not only that, she also performed sparrow that gives goosebumps to the crowd since she did it with the song’s beat, wonderful indeed. Overall, she needs to work on the consistency of her movement such as the speed and her balance should be coordinated on her body like what Kaori has shown.
23. Elizabet Tursynbaeva (Kazakhstan)
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There are few women in this competition who have used a fast-paced song that did affect their performance either good or bad, but a lot has contributed them badly. The pressure being under the watch of a humongous crowd then the pressurized song can really affect the performance and one of which is Tursynbaeva. In the start of her performance, she missed the triple toe which has the highest score in the technical score. Since her song is fast-paced, her thoughts on her footwork was lost because of the other thoughts. Not only that, but it has also affected her strength. The tactic she should have next time is to deal with her performance despite the pressure and the song choice not only because it’s famous and the crowd loves it, but she should also look into her comfort.
24. Dabin Choi (South Korea) 
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This one from her outfit to the song, it looks like she is fragile because of it. Looking at her, it seems scary if she falls or fails to do something because she looks like a jar or someone who should be looked after. All through her performance as I carefully watch it, she made it look like the flow of water, transition is neat and effortless movements. There is a bit of a problem regarding the footwork, and in the emotions because there were parts she was smiling then sad. She was able to express her interpretation in the dance, but she was not able to show it in terms of her expression in her face that broke me out from feeling her performance. Honestly, it was wonderful just the emotions needed.
25. Evgenia Medvedeva (Russia)
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During her performance, the audience neither did the emcees had any comment nor talked. She did the elements so clean and natural; the balance and speed were present. The longer the time in this competition, the more wonderful the skaters are in the rink. The choreography is connected to herself, it’s like she’s expressing herself. In the rink she looked like a mature woman, her choreography to expression to costume were wonderfully planned to form a whole level of performance. The timing of the beat of the song, fits on her choreography. The interpretation she has of the song did not show that clearly but her presentation is wonderful. These women in the rink are wonderful, and I have lost my words with these amazing performances.
26. Satoko Miyahara (Japan)
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Since the previous skaters have done a splendid performance, the bars set are that high. And Satoko did not disappoint, she did execute short jump which is the only mistake that she have done in the duration of her performance, but she did a wonderful presentation because she made the flow like a story. The seven elements that are needed to be performed was connected for a wonderful delivery of a story. Her balance and speed are very good, she just lacks more strength for her delivery on her presentation. Not only in the jumping, but also for the other elements.
27. Kaetlyn Osmond (Canada)
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Just like the other ones, she also had the perfected balance and speed throughout her performance. What amazes me is that the last performers, the ones in the group 5 really did a good job in doing the triple axel which a lot of woman failed to do. They made it look so smooth or easy to do even it really isn’t, well if you are a beginner. Her performance is extraordinary, she did really show her personality for people to be connected to her performance. It gave the feeling of Europe restaurant, it’s like the language was shown in her dance which makes it marvelous. The jumps were wonderful also since they were big, there were parts she needs to look into her footwork, but overall I loved it.
28. Alina Zagitova (Russia)
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Russia are filled with wonderful skaters, and this one is their best as they have said in the comment section of the video in Youtube. Before watching the video, I have read the comment section to know who to anticipate and she did not disappoint me. First off is the costume, if you haven’t noticed she rolled her sleeves to transform the white swan into a black swan as her song changed transition, the song she has used is a mix of two wonderful famous songs. Second is how daring her movements are, usually the presenters are playing the safe game, but she did not follow that. She did not do the elements directly, she made sure that she tells a story. Not only that, when she did the third to the last element, she did it after one another which is difficult but she did it, looking so effortless. She even executed the ones that can add up to her score, her movement made the story she want to express to other people go to them. Third, the emotions, it was all there, from the face, hand movements to the choreography. And lastly, all the basic skills of the skate have moved in harmony which makes her performance deserving to earn the gold medal.
29. Carolina Kostner (Italy)
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Just like the other performers, she also had problems in doing the triple loop. Despite her mistake, she still continued to show her emotions as she presented, the interpretation of the song is really shown in the choreography and in the facial expression of the presenter. Also similar to the other skaters, she also needs work on her balance and strength, in landing she really needs this since she has problems regarding it. The thing in this sport, perfection is needed, but even her elements were not perfectly in green, she did her best to give emphasis on her emotions to the song which is very good.
30. Maria Sotskova (Russia)
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The last performer wherein the expectation are placed into, not because she is the last one to present but also she is a Russian. A lot of Russians in this event have marvelously performed with their best such as Alina Zagitova, this is why the presentation of Maria had a lot of mistakes. She might have been buried with thoughts about it, and additionally her song is fast that makes it not help her calm down as she perform. In the start of her performance, she did the triple loop which was a fail because of her hand which cause her lose balance. There were a lot of factors that made her make mistakes during her performance, but the important thing is that she is one of the skaters that can make it to the full program. The speed is also a problem of hers, since when she did the camel, it was very slow which didn’t go with the beat of the song. We really couldn’t blame her because of a lot of pressure, but I know for sure she performed very well if without the pressure.
These women have done a job well done, even the mistakes one should always rise up again and make the performance better than the past. Hands up with these wonderful women.  
 Rules of the Game
There are different rules in figure skating, since this is for singles, there is a different rule for this game. Let’s talk about the Level 1 Freeskate program which is used in this game, the rules are from the Olympics.
1. The skater can start his or her performance in any part of the rink.
2. The judging and timing of the performance starts as the songs starts. The song chosen by the skater can be music, instrumental or vocal.
3. If a required element is not done by the performer and does additional elements or other elements that are not intended to be included, the box of the required element is still blocked or the skater will not receive points on the required element.
4. If the presenter does an unlisted element and makes a mistake, it does not affect his/her score in the overall presentation.
5. The following should be seen in the performance: double axel Paulsen, double or triple loop jump, jump combination that may consist of two double jumps or one double and one triple jump or two triple jumps, flying sit spin, lay back or sideways leaning spin or camel spin without change of foot, spin combination with one change foot and step sequence wherein the performer uses the rink effectively.
6. Every fall of the presenter, costume and music failure has 0.5 deduction.
How to officiate the sport
The referee is the one who makes sure that the rules are applied throughout the performance. The referee is also the one who approves the medical things with the medical advisor in case of emergency in the competition. The referee also makes sure that the judges are not talking with each other, bring notes together with them, look at the scores of the other judges and like since he is the spokesperson of the Officials. Reminds the judges regarding the rules before the event starts. Has the power to stop the performance or to delay or to restart, and to rule over the decision if the ice is eligible to be performed on. There are a lot of responsibilities that a referee has, he or she can interfere on the decision and actions of the other officiates of the sport and the whole event.
The judges are not allowed to talk to each other regarding the performance of a competitor nor show expression because of an error that a performer has made. There should be no communications within them. Also, there should be no prepared marks. Deductions are made when the judges as well as the referee has made a meeting, there will be no deductions made if there is  split vote.
Technical Controller
The technical controller is the one who has the power and authority to correct the illegal elements or movements or the deletion of elements. The one that supervises the Technical specialists and Data Operator on their works and decisions. Attends the practice session before the competition for the preparations and assists the referee in the Round Table Discussion where the judges are present.
Technical Specialist
The technical specialist is the one who looks into the performed elements, illegal elements, falls, level of difficulty of the elements and deletes the additional elements.
Assistant Technical Specialist
Same responsibilities with the technical specialist since she or her makes decisions with the technical specialist.
Data Operator
The data operator is the one who inputs the elements seen the performance, levels of difficulty of them and the one that corrects it in the direction of the technical controller. The data operator is the one that sends the additional elements to the technical specialist and technical controller through the computer.
Replay Operator
The one that makes a record of each element that the presenter has performed for the reference of the Technical Panel, Referee and Judges.
0 notes
kraveller · 3 years
Kraveller’s Review: Artistic Swimming
Swimming can not only be swimming alone, but it can be also be mixed with art that makes a different level of sports that can make one feel a lot of emotions. The artistic swimming may not be familiar to many, but trust me, it is indeed a hidden gem out of all the sports I have encountered. Dancing in the water is hard, especially if technical perfection, synchronization, choreography, artistry, and expressive power matter. On behalf of the women's empowerment month, the next sport I will be reviewing is the RIO Olympics' artistic swimming by powerful women. You may also watch the video by clicking the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRGQDubSAqw. 
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Pool Dimension
The pool dimension where the player does their artistic swimming is 20m wide x 30m long with a depth of 2.5m. There should be an area of the pool that is 12x12m which may be larger than that but should have at least 3m deep. The change of depth should be over a distance of equal to 8m or less than.
Unlike the other sports, the one important is the temperature, depth, and clearness of the pool. Talking about the temperature, the pool should be at least 27°C or 80.6°F, plus or minus degree. The temperature checking is for the participants' comfort since in artistic swimming, the participants go underneath to do some gymnastics like jump to the air and back to the pool. The pool should be clear so that the judges and audience can see what the participants are doing underneath, to help the grading the performance.
Since this performance is an Olympic game, there is a different dimension to the other artistic swimming games that are not international. I'll present the Olympic games pool dimension of artistic swimming. It is different because there is a lot to consider in an Olympic game, such as the speakers and like.
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Costumes: If you have noticed in the video, the participants have a costume, makeup, and coordinated head adornments. Unlike traditional swimming, artistic swimming doesn't allow googles unless required for medical reasons. The outfits' style should also reflect the theme that they will present since it makes the judges understand more about the dance. In the Olympics, the judges are not informed on the theme that the participants are about to perform, and costumes indeed help the judges understand their presentation.
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Gel: In the video, you notice the participants with wet hair, and it seems quite sticky. The participants used gel. They use gel for their hair not to disturb them during the presentation, and it makes them look neat throughout.
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Nose clip: All of the participants, as they appear, they have a nose clip on their nose. It's like a small clip made up of plastic that prevents problems or disturbance to the performers, such as entering the sinuses, mainly because they have many stunts underneath the water that is indeed quite a significant risk.
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Speaker: The sport, since it is focused on synchronization, the players should know what part of the song it is for them to know the timing. A speaker is needed, not only on the ground, near the judges, but also underneath the pool. The picture below shows the speaker used in the pool for the players to hear the song. It's a Piezoelectric Technology.
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Basic Skills
Unlike other sports, there isn’t a lot of basic skills that a player should know in artistic swimming. There are only 2, which are the only ones I saw while researching across the website. There are only two basic skills, but they are challenging to perform, mainly performed in the water. 
To execute the following essential skills that I am about to state, the swimmer should know to execute the prominent positions: crane position, ballet leg double position, side fishtail position, knight position, flamingo position, and split position. If you have noticed on the positions, this sport is relatively connected with gymnastics.
A scull is performed by doing hand movements for the body to move quickly. The usual sculls used are the paddle scull, split-arm, barrel scull, standard scull, torpedo scull, and support scull. When a player is trained in this sport, usually they are taught to learn propeller or the reverse one. The skull can bring a lot of help to the player in moving and handling the body during performing.
An eggbeater is a kick in the artistic swimming wherein one of the legs rotates clockwise, and the other does the opposite. It makes the swimmers let their hands perform above the water but are stabilize underneath. If you have noticed in their performance, their hands move above the water but are still stable, that is the importance of this fundamental skill. The average height in performing an eggbeater is above the chest level.
In summary, the sculls use the hands to make the feet perform, while the eggbeater uses the feet to make the hands perform.
Technical and Tactical Skills
The women in the game have performed a marvelous performance, and they have tried their best, especially that performing in the water is difficult.
 First, let's talk about the technical skills in Egypt. Given that it's their first time performing, they can do the essential skills needed to be performed, but sometimes they don't execute it properly. I can understand that they had a performance like it because they were shaking when they first entered the arena. Regarding their Artistic Impression, it was just similar to the Technical Merit or the basic skills, and the height of the legs of these women did not have the same height, as well as their formation is kind of messy. But these girls have a lot of years to practice for this sport, especially that all of them are young, they can use the experience to be better in the future.
Second is Australia, one can tell the theme, they were able to execute the Technical Merit, but the part on the Artistic Impression, the moves they have performed is just like the Technical Merit. Honestly, when they used their hands part, it was kind of messy.
The third is the Italians, they have an exciting start, but it didn't last long. They were able to execute the basic skills, there were parts of that they were not uniform, but you can see that they tried their best. The transitions they had were neat, even though it was a little bit difficult. But overall, you can see that they have enjoyed their performance.
Fourth is Brazil. Since the Olympics occurred in Brazil, the swimmers had a tremendous audience impact that fueled their energy. Their performance was very energetic, they had quick movements, but their Artistic Impression doesn't have that sense of originality. If you have noticed from Egypt, Australia, Italy, and Brazil, they have quite the same moves, and they used excessive use of hand movements that are not pleasing to the eye.
Fifth is Russia, this one I had no words for the entire performance. From the music choice they chose to the costume and their performance, it was amazingly planned. They had a massive impact; it had made me stick my eyes on their performance. Their feet height was the same, the use of hands was not a lot that can cause a not so neat performance, and they ideally make their choreography on their own. Unlike the other teams, they did not have excessive use of the hands. They usually used their feet because it shows emphasis, and they exaggerated the movement to emphasize their theme. Honestly, I did not see any mistakes they had made in their entire performance. Everything was perfectly executed.
Sixth is Ukraine. Their theme was an illusion. I saw parts that were having a hard time executing their performance, especially the hands part that makes it quite messy. Just like the other teams, they focused more on their hands that makes it somewhat chaotic.
Seventh is China. They are pretty similar to Russia. They also had unique stunts, and I noticed that they did not rest for the entire performance, which resulted in some being lost from executing some, which was only a little bit. But overall, it was fantastic that made them the second placer. They deserve it.
Eighth is Japan. This one is lively. They were fast and included quite some gymnastic stunts that made their score a bit higher than Ukraine because of this. Some parts, the swimmers were late because of the fast pace they also had, there was even a time when they executed the jump that was a little bit short, you can see in their faces that it was not a part of their plan, but overall, their performance is terrific as well.
 Rules of the game
Like other sports, there is also a governing body that facilitates and controls the international aquatic competitions, namely FINA or Federation Internationale de Natation which the rules are made from. The following are the rules of the game for the team. The duet is excluded since we are focusing on the team.
 Before one is eligible to join the Olympics artistic swimming, the players should have entered such competitions that make them qualify. In the team artistic swimming competition, the team should consist of eight swimmers, and one alternate swimmer, the limit of the free routine is 4:00 while the technical routine is 2:50 minutes. The limit rest during the performance is 15 seconds. For more information regarding the free routine, from the name itself, the team can make their own steps that show their creativity in their choreography, dancing, and coordination. While the technical routine, there are rubrics that the team should include in their performance. The judges judge the technical and free routine and the level of difficulty of their performance. In this sport, ten judges will give 0 to 10 points that have a one-tenth-point increment. There are five judges for the Technical Merit, while the other five are for the Artistic Impression. The criteria for technical merit are the execution, synchronization, and difficulty, while the Artistic Impression requirements are the choreography, music interpretation, and manner of presentation.
Just like other sports, this one also penalties. There are only three types of penalties in this sport, one, two, and half-point deduction. The one-point removal occurs if the team exceeds the time limit for 10 seconds, just for their deck movements and drifting from the specific timeline just to execute a routine. The two-point deduction is when a swimmer uses the pool's bottom to perform some routines or help another teammate. Simultaneously, the three-point deduction if the team forgets to execute something in the Technical Routine is supposedly required.
The scoring is quite tricky but will do explain for everyone to understand. There are two types of scoring systems, the Technical Merit, in which the score is multiplied by .35, while the Artistic Impression score is multiplied by .65. The two will be added together, which is equivalent to the routine score or the overall placement.
How to officiate the sport
Before talking about the game's officials, the game's judges for the Technical Merit and Artistic Impression undergo a lot of training. People should not question their abilities. The picture below shows what they undergo.
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The following artistic swimming officials are the referee, assistant referee, chief recorder, scorers, clerks, timers, announcer, and organizer.
Referee: The referee is the one who controls everything in the game. He is the one who makes sure that the rules and decisions are made relatively used in the game. There is a lot a referee can execute. The referee is the head of everything in the game.
Assistant referee: The assistant referee is the one who replaces the referee is the referee has encountered problems such as in terms of medically, the assistant referee takes place. The assistant referee is also the one who helps the referee in making decisions.
Chief recorder: The chief recorder is the one who passes information to the press and public, such as the result list, checks the accuracy of the scores, looks into the preparation of the result list, and checks the electronic scoring system.
Scorers: The scorer is the one who records the finals scores and makes the computations.
Clerks: The clerks are the one who does things that the referee has assigned. The clerks are the one who makes sure that the players are ready at that specific time.
Timers: The timers are the ones who make sure that the players did not exceed the time limit.
Announcer: In the video, we can hear the announcer. The announcer is the one who makes announcements that the referee approves.
Organizer: The organizer makes sure that the pool is the one looking for in the rules, makes sure that the equipment used for the game is present, provides the underwear speaker, plans the entry forms, plans and makes the list of entries and judges, provides cards for the referee to communicate with the judges if there are errors quickly, and produces the video records of the game.
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kraveller · 4 years
Kraveller’s Review: Women’s Tennis Singles Final Rio 2016
A game that has a passion-filled player, despite the first time in joining such a world game. Tennis is tough. The length of the court is humongous if you compare it with table tennis. Tennis is like table tennis, but you are at the table, a big one. An excellent game, a winner, filled with passion to make her country win the first time in the Rio Olympics. This is my review of Monica Puig and Angelique Kerber’s tennis game in the Women’s Tennis Singles, filled with the court dimensions, equipment, basic skills, technical and tactical skills, rules of the game, and how to officiate the sport.
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Court Dimensions
 There are different areas that the tennis court has, but before that, let’s talk about the overall length, width, and surface area of the court. Since tennis there are singles and doubles, let’s talk about singles since the game being reviewed is singles. The singles and doubles have the same overall length, but it is different when it comes to the width and surface area.
 These are the following measurements:  The overall length is 78 ft/3.77, the overall width is for singles is 27ft/8.23 m, while the general surface area is 2,106 sq. ft/195.7 sq meters. While the other regions of the court are indicated in the picture below.  
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Just like table tennis, it doesn't have a lot of equipment needed. The only needed equipment in this sport is a racket, tennis ball, shoes, net, court, and the dress code, all present in the game. 
Racket: This is one of the needed equipment or mandatory because, without it, you can't play the game. Choosing the racket varies on you, the player. It would help if you looked at the racket's following aspects: the length, head shape, grip size, and strings. It would be best to look into the elements for your comfort since the game lasts for hours. It's better to be comfortable to have an outstanding performance in the game, without any problems on your racket. So far, there are no rules regarding the racket. 
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Tennis Ball: When it comes to tennis balls, there is a rule regarding that. According to the ITF rules, which make tennis rules, the tennis ball should be color red, spherical shape, diameter between 2.5 and 2.625 inches, and their weight between 2 and 21/16 oz. 
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Shoes: There are specific tennis shoes because the game needs a lot of traveling since the court area is immense. Tennis shoes are essential so that the person will not fall while traveling to different sides of the court and give them stability while moving. 
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Net and Pole: Like the other sports that require net-like table tennis and volleyball, there are also specific measurements for the tennis net. The net should be tied 3 feet above the ground and should be placed in the court's center to divide the court's two sides. 
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Court: The rules for the court are already discussed in the court dimension. The court is essential since its lines are for the players, officials, and the audience to know if the ball is out and like.  
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Dress Code: In this game, the two women who played followed the dress code. They are advised to wear shirts made with polyester and shorts that don't cover their kneed in men. Simultaneously, the women are advised to wear any comfortable dress or shirt paired with a short skirt. 
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Basic Skills
 In tennis, there are 9 fundamental basic skills that a player should have in order to play the game well.
Forehand: This essential fundamental skill is probably the most natural one since it is the most basic and most straightforward. This is executed wherein the dominant hand holds the racquet, and the direction of the front part of the racquet is facing the place the player wants it to go. 
Backhand: In tennis, the player can choose over forehand or backhand; the player should master both. In executing the backhand, the dominant hand should be present at the bottom of the racket hand while the non-dominant hand is on the top of the racket hand. A quick tip, the way you place your hands on the racket or your grip can control where the ball is going. Mastering the backhand and forehand is essential for the player to respond to both sides where the ball is going.
Volley: One can execute volley with the forehand or the backhand. It depends on the player. Volley is more on hitting the ball with your left or right hand or short backswing than little follow-through. This is usually present in Monica Puig’s tactic since she usually goes close to the net to change the direction.
Serve: In tennis, the player is only given two tries before the point goes to the other player. In a tennis game, many people are being confused about how the service works. The service is considered a bad service when the player steps on the baseline, the ball hits the out area of the court, or the ball hits the net. A good serve is crucial so that the opponent’s return can be weak enough for you to gain points. 
Lob: Angelique Kerber usually uses the lob. If you have noticed, there are times that her shot takes time in the air. This one is one of her tactics since it makes the opponent make it challenging to receive. There were times that Monica Puig thinks that it was over the court, that’s why she doesn’t get it, but she’s wrong. Not only is that the reason why it isn’t easy to handle, but it’s also because the ball may be spinning and like. 
Overhead: From the name itself, we already get how this is done. Overhead is when the player hits the ball above his or her head. This may be easy to do, but in reality, it isn’t. One of which is smashing, which is claimed to be the most challenging thing to master in tennis. This is probably the most potent shot wherein you can finish the game efficiently. 
Drop Shot: This one is also compelling, which can have a surprising effect on the opponent. This one is like the backhand slice, but the racket angle is more open. Monica Puig did this. If you have noticed, there was a time when the rally was already consistent. Then she suddenly does the drop shot-making Angelique Kerber be surprised by the sudden attack since the ball went towards the front part of the court, wherein she is far from it. 
Technical and Tactical Skills
At the start of the game, both of the players were exchanging points. When one got a higher score, the other one catches up. But what surprised me was Monica Puig mirroring Kerber’s tactics. In the first part of the game, Kerber does the sudden change of direction of the ball, and then when Monica Puig sensed it, she also did it. Kerber did a great job at the start of the game, but Monica Puig has mirrored her action, making her have difficulty catching up. Monica Puig didn’t show her tactics that much, unlike Kerber in the first part of the game. Kerber, what I noticed in the game can’t suppress what she feels like whenever she is glad or mad. It has affected her performance ever since the start of the game. I like Puig because she might be frustrated, but she has that passion for fighting and suppressing what she feels. I realize in the game that what you think can affect your grip. It’s hazardous because it affects the direction of the ball. They can execute all of the basic skills about their technical skills, but both haven’t mastered it yet, such as they serve. What I think that Kerber should develop is to stay calm throughout the game, if she has lost the chance or not, because, in the serving part, there were times in the game where she has wasted points because she failed the service since she was frustrated already. But what made me like Kerber as she gave her best even though she had an injury, she gave her best in the second set.
Now let’s talk about Monica Puig. She’s suppressing her feelings throughout the game. Her emotions were fighting over, yet she tried her best to do her best again. She had a wise move. There was a time in the game that she didn’t give her best. Well, specifically, it was in the second set of the game. It was for her to rest. In the second set, it was where Kerber had an injury. She didn’t go hard on Kerber so that she could also take a rest. If you have noticed on her stance, she wasn’t giving her best in that set. Her primary tactical skill is actually what I found impressive since she goes near to the net to change the direction easily for Kerber not to catch it up. What truly makes Monica Puig have an advantage is her age; given that she is 22, she has a lot of energy compared to Kerber. In the first part of the game, you can see her strength to go in both court directions. Not only that, but throughout the game, she has a fantastic hit point because she places it in the end line of the court, which even made Kerber clap.
Rules of the Game
 Just like other sports, there are a lot of rules that a player should remember. The following rules are from the International Tennis Federation.
The first one is the court which I explained in the first part of the blog, is the court dimension. The court dimension should be followed and be strictly observed in all of the courts, especially in international games.
 The second rule of the game is the permanent position of the officials and the court. There should be no changes.
The third rule of the game is the ball. The ball should follow the exact ball measurement, the one accepted in the International Tennis Federation, stated earlier in the equipment. Not only the measure, in any tournament, but the Internation Tennis Federation should also take the ball.
The fourth rule of the game is the racket, the racket should not have more than one set of strings, and the player is not allowed to use more than one racket in the game unless there are problems.
The fifth rule of the game is the scoring. In a game, there are three sets, and a player or team needs to win two sets to win the match. Every set, the player should win the deuse point, which is the score greater than 40. Points in tennis are represented by 15, 30, and 40.
The sixth rule of the game is before starting the game, to know who will serve first.
The seventh rule of the game is the ball is active once the server hits the ball then goes to the in-court.
The eighth rule of the game is the serve fault, the server is not allowed to stand behind the part of the baseline between the singles sideline, and the server serves when the receiver is not ready. Also, in serving, the server is given two chances before it is given to the other player. The receiver can even position wherever he/she likes whenever there is a serve.
The ninth rule of the game is the game's aim is to win the rally. One will get the point when the opponent fails to return the ball to the other side.
How to officiate the sport
There are three officials in tennis: the line umpires, chair umpires, and referees.
 Line Umpires: They are the ones in that is a team between three and nine line umpires. Each line umpire is assigned by the chair umpire. The line umpire is the one that gives signals using hands or head for the chair umpire to make a decision.
Chair Umpires: The chair umpire is the one who makes the final decision of everything such as managing the players and applying the rules to the game. According to research, the chair umpire should have 20:20 vision.
Referees: The referee is the one that ensures that the rules are followed, such as deciding arguments that is in the game.
 One does not only know the following officiates of the game, one should know the hand signals that the offiicials use which are the following: 
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Credits to the owner of the following pictures, the blogger doesn’t claim any rights on the following. 
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kraveller · 4 years
Kraveller’s Review: Table Tennis
The game that the article we’lll be talking about is table tennis, which is the only sport that fuels me whenever I watch it. I underestimated the game when I first didn’t know about it, but as I learned the game, it became something I always look for even though there is a lot of hindrances, such as the pandemic.
This is link to the game which I will be giving focus on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5H-Eq_Kcxw
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Court Dimensions
The table tennis table has different designs in every company selling it, but almost all have the same dimension to show respect to the table's standard sizes. The measurements were followed, which was according to the International Table Tennis Federation or ITTF. Before talking about the table's dimension, the table should be a rectangle. All of the table tennis should be in this shape. The picture below shows the standard sizes. The white lines (except the one in the center) limit the table tennis table. Outside on, we consider this out. The point goes to the other player or team. The net's height from the surface of the table should be 15.25 cm above.  
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Credits to the owner of the picture, the author doesn’t claim rights on the picture. 
 Unlike other sports, table tennis doesn't need a lot of pieces of equipment. In the past reviews, there is a lot of equipment. There are for the knees, elbows, and such, far from table tennis because the game only is active when the ball is on the table. The players don't need to jump towards the floor. It's very different from the other sports, and shockingly there are only four pieces of equipment which I will elaborate each. The other equipment depends on the player. They are not required. 
Ball: This one is essential. Without this, there will be no game. The purpose of the game is to pass the ball, make it hit the surface of the side of the opponent, and avoid hitting your side, except when serving. Despite that it is merely a ball, some standard weights and sizes are set up by the International Table Tennis Federation or ITTF. The ball should be made out of plastic and should be ITTF approved. The ball's weight should be 2.7 grams, while the sizes should have a range from 38 mm to 54 mm. According to the data I grabbed from the internet, 40mm is used in international games such as the Rio Olympics, which is the video I am reviewing. 
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Blades: We connect the blade with the rubber to make a racquet or paddle, the one used to hit the ball. According to ITTF, the table tennis blades should be 85 percent wood, and the other may be graphite. 
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Rubber: The rubber is the one attached to the blade. There is a lot of variety of rubbers. Personally, my coach told me to buy a separate blade and rubber to make an excellent combination for beginners like me, not only do I do it, but also the other players.  
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Table Tennis Table: The table tennis table's dimensions are already stated in the first part of the review. I'll just say some descriptions about the table tennis table. So the table can have different colors such as blue, green and black, there is no standard for this. Besides the table's dimensions, the important thing about this is the surface should be smooth for the game to have a smooth flow also. 
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 Net and Post:  The net is essential for the players to distinguish which side is their side or if the score is theirs or the opponent since it is in the middle of the table. The net should be six feet long and six inches wide. At the same time, the upper white tape of the net should not exceed 15mm width. Simultaneously, the post is also essential to hold the net from falling as the ball passes through it.
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Basic Skills
Like the other sports, there is a need for the players to know and execute this not to be clueless in playing and having a good game. There are five essential skills, according to my research, on table tennis.
The first one is the stance and footwork. If you have noticed in the game, Ma in the team China missed the ball when he didn't execute the correct position of the stance and footwork. The posture and footwork do have significant work. It makes the player move from different sides in a flash and control their strength as they hit the ball. Once you are in training, the coaches state that this kind of position makes the player relax. The player needs to relax because the racquet is already heavy. The player is tested to control his strength. Not only that but with this position, the player can see what the opponent will do next.
The second is the grip or holding the paddle. There are different types of holding a grip. It depends on the player's choice, but always remember that each grip has various advantages and disadvantages.
Next is the basic ball control. The most common is the forehand drive, backhand drive, which is difficult, especially with the beginners, backhand push and forehand push. The player can choose two or more. He needs to practice when to use it because, in table tennis, the game needs fast thinking. If you have noticed in the game, whenever they change the way they hold the racquet, they miss the ball. It's because the strokes have a specific use. It's for attacking and defending.
The last one is serve. This one is one of my favorite essential skills personally if you are learning table tennis. The reason is, you can win easily if you are good at serving. There are many ways to serve, but the most difficult to learn but can make you win easily is the spinning serve. It makes the ball spin as you serve, making the opponent unable to control the ball.
Technical and Tactical Skills
In the other games that I have reviewed, it was easy to distinguish the different technical and tactical of the two groups or two players, but this one is the most world-class game that I have reviewed. It's intense, maybe because I also played table tennis before, that's why I know many aspects of the game. Both can execute the necessary skills, but it's not that perfect when you look at it. Well, there are no perfect people in this world, but if you ask me, it's already a very awesome game despite the flaws. Both of them have given their best to show a very excellent game.
The champion made flaws at the start of the game, he had done the correct stance, but he chose to do it near the edge of the table. Not only that, but Ma didn't have a consistent stance on the first part of the game, which he fixed on the following parts of the game maybe because he was frustrated and could not handle his emotions. In table tennis, it's best to shout whenever you have the training if you feel frustrated or happy. The reason is to let out the emotions you have to control your strength on your racket. His tactic is actually by letting out his feelings. It even annoys the opponent. Zhang could've let out his emotions too for him to be able to release everything and have control once again on the ball.
The second winner, Zhang, is an outstanding player too, even he didn't win. His best move happened in 10:45. It's a perfect hit because the ball landed in the line of the table, which is impressive. He can execute the grip but cannot choose what is appropriate for him. If you have noticed, there are parts of the game that he missed the ball because he suddenly changed the grip. I am not saying that one should not change the grip. He decides that he makes mistakes since the ball was already towards him, and he chose the kind of hold that he isn't yet used to. Almost for the whole game, he also can do the stance, but he executes it near the edge of the table. Even when I was taught to play table tennis, the coach always scolded me because I should not play near the table. When I did it, I eventually learned the reason why. The player can quickly move from side to side, like catch the ball efficiently and see the opponent's next move, which is very important. Besides that, what I love about Zhang is his change of direction. He changes the direction of the ball so that the player wouldn't be able to catch up.
Honestly, both of them are imposing players, and all I can say is wow. They may have flaws, but even myself, I find it challenging to do.
Rules of the Game
There are actually not much rules in table tennis, I will just enumerate the ones that are basic, which individual table tennis beginners like me should know.
First is the scoring, every set, the winning point is 11 points, but if the both has 11, there will be an additional 2 points to end the set. A match, just like the game that I reviewed, is generally the best three of five games.
Second is an alternate score after one player earns two points.
Third is when you serve, it should land on the server’s side first before the opponent’s side because if you won’t, the point goes to the opposing team.
Fourth, unlike volleyball, in table tennis the ball can touch the net except in serving. If your ball do touch the net while serving, the point goes to the other group.
Fifth, you are not allowed to touch the surface of the table with your non-paddled hand because the point goes to the opponent. But you padded heand and other parts of your body can touch the table.
How to officiate the sport
 Unlike the number of equipments, there are quite a lot of officials in table tennis. There are 6 officials in table tennis such as referee, umpire, assistant umpire, timekeeper and stroke counter.
Umpire: The umpire is the one who decides who gains a point in a rally, since the umpire is the one who makes decisions based on the laws and regulations. The umpire’s decision is the final decision, just like the volleyball game.
Assistant Umpire: The assistant umpire, from the name assistant, is the one who takes over or may execute some of the umpire’s duties. The assistant umpire has the same powers that the umpire has.
Referee: The referee is the one who makes sure that the game is played fairly, that the game is following the rules of the game.
Timekeeper: The timekeeper is the one who looks into the duration of the game, if there are suspensions, he/she also keeps on track on that as well as the intervals of the game.
Stroke Counter: The stroke counter is the one that counts the return of the receiver.
The umpire is in charge of making decisions, so that it’ll be easy for the officials, players and viewers understand the game, the umpire and referee does hand signals which will be shown for you to have more understanding in the game.
The following are the hand signals: 
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The umpire shows either three cards, the yellow, red or white card. The white card means time-out. While the yellow and red cards are shown whenever the player or the coach breaks the rules on the game.
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The sign translates into the ball is not resting on the palm.
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 The sign translate into the palm is not open nor flat.
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  The sign translates into the ball is not in the playing surface or the ball is below.
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The sign translates into the ball is inside the gaming space or inside the end line.
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The sign translates into the ball is not thrown atleast 6 inches, which happens in every serve, it should be higher than 6 inches.
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The sign translates into the ball is not vertically upwards, it is a violation.
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The sign translates into the ball is hidden from the receiver, it may be the elbow, shoulder, or any part of the body.
Before ending the blog, the following pictures are not claimed by the author, they have their respectives owners. Hope you enjoyed, stay safe and God Bless! 
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kraveller · 4 years
Men’s Singles Sea Games 2019: Philippines vs. Thailand Review
The badminton sport can be played either in Singles or in Doubles. From the word Singles, the game consists of 1 versus 1 game, while Doubles consists of 2 versus 2 games. There are two categories of singles, the women’s and men's. While the doubles have three categories. The women’s, men’s and mixed which consist of a man and woman. The game that will be reviewed is men’s singles, which is Philippines vs. Thailand. The review will have five parts.
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Court Dimension
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The badminton court size consists of a total width of 20ft and a total length of 44 ft. And the length is divided into two equal parts, the center of which is the net, which is 22ft on each side. 
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Notice the lines in the picture, it is white but it could also be yellow. The purpose of these lines is to know if the shuttlecock has reached the limit where it should not go. There are different rules for the doubles and singles for this one. Like the doubles, the shuttlecock is out when it goes out from all of the lines in the court, while the single goes out from the sidelines and long service line for singles.
Unlike the other sports, the types of equipment for badminton players are not that much compared to the other sports that I gave a review. 
Equipment for the court
Badminton Net and poles: This is why a lot of people play badminton, the equipment needed is not that much. In the equipment for court, is the net so that the players will know if the ball reached the other team or it’s still in their space. And the pole is to make sure the shuttlecock is hit between the poles and to hold the net so that the net will not fall despite the players smashing the shuttlecock.
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Equipment for the players
The following equipments are he ones that the reviewer noticed in the game. 
Badminton Racket: The racket is used to hit the shuttle or shuttlecock, different sources use different terms for this. Without this, the game will have no sense at all because of the badminton game. Well, if you imagine the game without the badminton racket, it will be funny.
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Shuttle or Shuttlecock or Birdie: The shuttle is like the ‘ball’ of the game wherein this is the one passed by the players. There are different rules on where the shuttle location is limited. 
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Badminton Shoes: The badminton shoes are important for your feet or you to prevent discomfort and injuries, given the fact that badminton requires agility and slight jumping. The badminton shoes depend if you will play indoor or outdoor, both have different parts to adapt to the environment.
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Badminton Outfit: This is not at the level of the importance of the three pieces of equipment mentioned above. The badminton outfit is for the player to be comfortable while playing, with this the player will be able to play fast and will be comfortable, with no distractions in the game. Having the proper outfit for a sport may prevent discomforts and injuries.
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Basic Skills
Six basic skills are needed in playing badminton will be discussed thoroughly below.
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The grip is one of the important basic skills because the strength that you insert into your racket will be affected by your grip. There are two types of grip, there is the forehand and backhand grip. If you have noticed in the game, the player in the Philippines has a wrong grip that makes his ball go towards the net or out of the court. This is how important the grip is also given importance.
2. Serve
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Serve is one of the important basic skills because this is the starting point of the game. It can give you a probability to have an additional score. Which depends on how good you serve. There are two types of services, the lower hand serve and backhand serve, each serve has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of a lower hand serve is that you can guarantee that the shuttlecock is inside the opponent's side and it is easier to do especially for a beginner. While its disadvantage is that a lower hand serve makes the ball higher, there is a possibility that the opponent will give you a perfect smash and it will tend to affect the opponent’s score. Backhand serve is more common in championship games or any badminton athlete. Its advantages are that you may control the ball wherever you want it to land and it makes the opponent difficult in receiving it. Its disadvantage is that this serve is prone to short serves. You may know what serve is the most appropriate to use if you learn the weakness of your opponent
3. Footwork
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If you have noticed in the game, the player that represents Thailand can smoothly move from the back to the front because of his footwork. This is how important the footwork also is in playing volleyball. That’s why the player representing the Philippines usually doesn’t get the shuttle, it’s because of his footwork. It can affect his speed or agility in playing the game. There are different types of footwork on Singles Category, first is the V-Front which is where you are near the net and it forms a V shape, next is the V-Back which is the same as the first but is applicable in the back of the court, next is the Side, it is self-explanatory already it is footwork that is applicable for the side of the court, Lastly is the forward and backward footwork, this footwork is only applicable if you can’t go back in the middle of the court.
4. Stance
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The stance is also important, not only for you to have a great amount of speed in moving but also for you to be able to see the shuttle. In the game, if you have noticed, the player that represents the Philippines was executing a bad stance resulting in him not being able to follow the ball.
5. Stroke
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Stroke is not the stroke wherein people with heart problems experience, but the stroke that executes superior shots that can give us a big chance to earn points. There are three types, a player can use the forehand, backhand, or side shots wherein the place where the shuttle hits on the part of your racket which affects the finger that you use in doing it.
6. Smash 
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This is a kind of defense in Badminton. Doing this can make the player have an instant earn of points, the player that represents Thailand usually executes this. If you have noticed in the game, when the player that represents Thailand does smash, he usually wins the game with this. Because the player in the Philippines doesn’t have a good stance and footwork to be able to reply to this action. 
This is how important the basic skills, not only the knowledge on how to execute them but to make all of the basic skills sync together in one player, makes the person have easy access to earn points. 
Technical and Tactical Skills
The player representing Thailand can execute the basic skills and can identify when to execute each of them for him to win the game. There are times that his emotions may disrupt him in executing them, but he regains them back again if you have noticed in the game. 
While the player in the Philippines needs more training when it comes to technical skills because his execution of the basic skills is wrong. Especially when it comes to doing the basic skills simultaneously. The reason for this is the Philippines is not investing in the players, the player has the capabilities it’s just that the training is not enough because he executed the basic skills. There are a lot of times that the player is not able to control his strength on the racket, sometimes it goes to the net or even out of the court. Not only that, but he can’t also hit the shuttle a lot of times because of his footwork and stance. This shows how important the basic skills are in making you score in the game. 
Once you know how to execute the basic skills and when to execute them simultaneously, your tactical skills will be an absolute win for you. Let’s take the player that represents Thailand as an example. Whenever the pacing of the game is slow, he makes it slow for a bit then suddenly smashes the shuttle making the opponent not be able to react that quickly because of the sudden change of pacing of the game. In the first set, the player’s move is predictable but in the second set, the player representing the Philippines was able to know how to react to his smash, he started to make his moves unpredictable. Knowing his opponent’s weaknesses and strengths during the game can be a very big help, the player is an absolute genius if you have noticed because studying the game takes time but with him after the opposing player got the technique after one or two losses, he changed his tactics. Impressive for me. 
The player in the Philippines needs more training from the experts, with this he will be able to know what to do next on his move quickly and respond to the smashes or shots from the other player. 
Rules of the Game 
Unlike the other sports which have quite a lengthy list of rules, badminton is different from them, especially in the singles. 
Let’s first talk about the scoring, if you have observed, a player should earn 21 points to finish the first set. There are two sets, but if both are equal, there will be the third set. And the score is only 15 points. If both of the players are still equal, there will be a decision made. 
A player can score if the opponent hits the shuttle out or towards the net or if you can land the shuttle unto the opponent's court and the opponent cannot hit it.
In serving, the player should serve diagonally depending on the scores that’s why in the game if you have noticed, they executed this. As you can see in the game if the player won a point then it’s an even number then the serving will be on the right side, while an odd number is on the left side. There are no second chances in serving. If you are not able to execute it properly, the score will go to the opponent without any effort coming from him.
In serving, the players should hit underarm or below the server’s waist. Not executing this can lead to the opponent gaining points. 
When the shuttle or shuttlecock is ‘alive’, the player can move everywhere in the court, even out of the playing area. Unlike the other sports, there are a lot of rules about this. But if you won’t catch up with the shuttle outside the playing area, you will earn points, so it’s better not to catch the shuttle when it is out of the playing area. 
Just like volleyball, touching the net is not allowed, if you do the point goes to the opponent, just like earlier without any effort made by the opponent. 
All the games are overlooked by the referee/umpire who sits on a high chair and by line judges. The referee will be the one who manages the calls about infringements of faults. 
The players can only rest two times in the game. After the first set, the player can rest 90 seconds and 5 minutes rest after the second set. 
How to Officiate the Game 
Umpire: The ‘main judge’ of a badminton game. The umpire has a lot of power for he or she can overrule the decision that is made by the judge or the line judges. The main goal of the umpire is to ensure that the game is smooth, with no delays. The umpire is also responsible for looking at the faults committed and making a flat call. 
Service Judge: The service judge is the one who makes a ‘service fault’ call and gives shuttles to the players. This can be also a job for the umpire, but it may depend on the officials.
Line Judges: Line judges sit beside the badminton court to overlook the game if the shuttle is inside or outside the boundaries of the court.
Now that you know the following responsibilities of the different officials of badminton, you should know the following signs that the judges do in the game and what it means to have a better understanding. 
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The picture above means that the server took too much to serve, the judge will swing their right arm to the left that means that they penalize the player. 
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The picture above means that the server’s feel should not touch any lines in the court and the server and receiver should stand diagonally opposite on each other, both should not be within the outbounds of the court lines. 
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This sign is usually present if the serving that the server did is at fault, which means that the shuttle is striked above his waist. We usually see this in international games. 
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In serving, the handles of the racket should face the ground because if not, the service judge will call this a violation. 
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If you have noticed in the game, the lines judges usually execute this which means that the shuttle is outside the line of the court. 
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This one is also made by the line judges, earlier it was outside the court, but now it lands inside the lines of the court. 
Note: The author doesn’t intend to own the copyright of the following pictures. 
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kraveller · 4 years
Rio 2016: Basketball Gold Match Review
The game is the finals of the Rio Olympics Basketball when I saw who the teams will battle up each other. I thought that there is a big probability that the champion will be the USA since they comprise outstanding basketball players. Still, it will be surprising if Serbia will win the game. This review can be found by pressing this. 
My review of the game will have the following parts: 
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Court Dimension
Since the game is an international game, they follow the standard size in FIBA rules on the court dimensions. But if you have noticed there is ample space after the court, they did that on purpose since the best players are present in the court, the game will probably be intense, and to prevent hurting the viewers, they did it. The basketball court's size overall, which is 28x15m. The full court diagonal distance is known by using the Pythagoras theorem, which is 31.76m. This is very helpful to see the center of the court know where the side of the two teams is playing. These measurements are derived from the overall size of the basketball court, which is 28x15m. The picture below is the total measurement of the court in the game.
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Jersey and Shorts 
This is one of the essential standard equipment that the players have with them, well this one is needed for them to be known on whose player's team are they.
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Shoes and Socks
This one is also crucial standard equipment that the players for them to be able to move faster. This game is the finals of the Rio Olympics Basketball, which requires their speed and power. Both of these equipment is one of which factors that help them get their speed and power.
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Elbow Pads, Knee Pads, Leg Sleeve, and Shooting Sleeves 
The three of them are present in the game for they have a significant role in protecting the elbow, knees, and legs when the players fall that may lead to the skin feeling that burn, to prevent that burn feeling as well as the effects such as bruises, they use the following equipment. But usually, if you have noticed, they don't have equiments on their upper body.
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As far as I observed, there is only a player that used this, and the person has thick hair, probably because he also sweats a lot, to prevent the sweat going to his eyes and disturb him in playing the game.
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This one is important, especially if the player sweats a lot. They use it to wipe off their sweat. Almost all of the players use this, if you have noticed, in the game.
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Referee Uniform
The picture posted is not the same as what the referee wore in the game. Their uniform consists of green, black, and grey. It is essential to distinguish between the players and the referee since they are sometimes in the court.
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The watch is essential for the referee to know how many seconds the players have left in the game. This is why referees have watches in their wrists. There might be a game clock, but there are times they look at their wrists since bringing the watch with you in the game can be quickly glanced.
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The referees have a whistle for them to give a sign to the other officials and the players to stop the game because of a fall, ball out of bounds, and timeout.
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The game without them will be impossible to happen since the game is possible with them.
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The following equipment is vital for the scorer to keep the game's data, how many fouls does the team or player have and like.
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Next is the timekeeper. These are important to keep track of how many seconds are given to that team to provide the other team an opportunity. It can also guide on how many seconds the team has for them to shoot the ball.
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Basic Skills
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1. Dribbling
Dribbling is one of the necessary skills found in the game because when you watch the video, they always dribble whenever they are about to pass or rebound. It's also beneficial to fool the player because they can pass the ball to the other player smoothly while making the opponent not expecting the move. That makes the opponent slow down, for he didn't expect the pass of the ball. Suppose you have watched the game. All of the players have executed dribbling, but only some have fooled the opponent. What I noticed in the game, Serbia knows the basics of dribbling but cannot master them well, maybe because their opponents are professionals when it comes to the necessary skills.
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2. Passing
There is a good passing of Serbia players, especially in the first quarter, but the USA team is good at blocking and stealing the ball from them. In the game, they are good players and coordinate with one another, but they need the power and speed or train more to have a good pass, especially if your opponent is professionals.
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3. Shooting
I will not deny that the team USA players are very excellent when it comes to this, especially Durant, who makes it look so easy to make a 3-point shot in the game, and Thompson. Not only that but in creating ways to shoot, I salute the USA team for splendid shots. I noticed in the team Serbia that they usually come close to the rim to shoot the ball. They need some work for their shooting skills, especially if their opponents are very skilled when it comes to basketball.
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4. Rebounding
The game is the finals, no offense to the team Serbia but team USA is mighty when rebounding. As I study the game, team Serbia can win if they are good at recovering, but team USA is good at stealing the ball from them, making them have a small probability of rebounding the ball, which is quite tricky.
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5. Defense
As I watched the game, Serbia isn't excellent when it comes to defending the ball, given the fact that the team USA has the agility and power when it comes to playing this game to have the ball.
Technical and Tactical Skills
Technical Skills
Let's talk about the tremendous offensive technical skills of the players in the game. All the players could do the offensive footwork because they place their pivot foot in the ground whenever they have the ball. Which is they are following the excellent footwork. They all can execute, but not all are good at it, especially in the team Serbia. As usual, this is not a bias statement. This is what I noticed on the game. Knowing that team USA players are professional players, they could not fall because of their stops. Sometimes, the players fell but because they tripped on someone's foot and like.​
Not only that, but what I noticed is that the team Serbia and USA knows the necessary skills but team Serbia's players haven't mastered it. Especially in passing, there are many times when the USA team players stole the ball from them. They quite lack the offensive skills. Almost every time they have the ball, the team USA players have the power and speed to get the ball whenever they make a pass. Imagine team USA has some of the best NBA players such as Irving, Thompson, Durant, and Green, usually from the Golden State Warriors basketball team.
In terms of the defensive skills, team USA still has my heads up for that. There is a part in the game where the player in the team Serbia didn't notice that the ball is passed towards him. That's why Durant got the ball without that much effort then scored two points. Honestly, the game isn't that intense, but I am in awe of the team USA players' skills. It shows that the USA does have influential players when it comes to basketball. Their mastery of the necessary skills and make it possible to harmonize excellently to watch. In team Serbia, they need to coordinate the essential skills they know because those crucial skills are necessary for them to execute all of the beautiful harmonized actions of crucial skills such as the triple-threat position.
Tactical Skills
The players in Team Serbia usually have miscommunication. If there is harmony on their team, it doesn't happen that much because it is usually stolen by the opposing team's players whenever the ball is in their hands. I also noticed on the players in Team Serbia that most of their players connect to their emotions. Like, Nikola, who got fouled out from the game because of the number of fouls he made, he is mad that their team has a large gap from the other team. Their team can catch up if they won't get with their emotions because when they are mad, it disturbs them in playing with their best moves. They could've studied the opposing players if they cleared the mind.
While the team USA cleared their minds when the team Serbia caught up in the first part of the first quarter and studied their tactics like who to, they should guard since the game is using the man-to-man zone defense usual. They plan who to defend on the opposing group that pairs the player on their team.
Rules of the Game
We apply the rule of the game in basketball to all basketball games. The rules of the game stated in this blog are rules the author noticed that the game has violated. Usually, they are fouls. Well, also the size of the basketball court. There are many rules. That is why the author will cover the ones being violated. A full copy of the regulations is present below. Just press this.
Now, let's proceed to the rules the players violated.
Traveling: Traveling didn't occur on Team Serbia, but it did happen a few times by the team USA. What I noticed in watching the international games and NBA games, the American players are usually.
Twenty-four seconds: The ball must leave the players' hand(s) before the shot clock sounds. There is only one time or maybe a few that a player violated this because the guard of team USA is that strong that they could not even go close to the rim, given the fact that they are not that good when it comes to 3-points shoot.
Screening: Screening is used to block the defensive players from the player with the ball. The player who blocks should not move when the defensive player touches the offensive player. A few times, the players were not able to follow these rules because of the intense game wherein both of the teams want to win the championship.
Contacting an opponent with the hand (s) and or arm (s): There is a part in the game wherein the player hooks the opponent to steal the ball, which is a significant violation because the player is connecting his feelings to the game. Forgetting the sportsmanship in the game.
Personal foul, technical foul, and unsportsmanlike foul: There are many kinds of violations found in the game. Even a player was banned from playing in the court because of the number of fouls he omitted. This is why we should not be very attached to things because it'll distract us from what we should be focusing on.
How to officiate the sport
Before knowing what they do, we should know who are the officiates of the game. 
​​Referee: Both during and after the match, a referee is the person in charge. He is the official who observes a game or match to ensure compliance with the rules and sometimes to arbitrate on matters. He is entirely responsible for enforcing the laws and maintaining the order of the game. For issues pertaining, the referee has the final say. He also controls the game and takes up opposite positions on the court.
Commissioner: This is the person between the scorer and timer, which is found in the table. His responsibility is to look at the table officials' work and guide the crew chief and umpire(s) for the game to be smooth.
Crew Chief: The person is in charge of the overall game, the one who makes the final decision. The crew chief is the one who inspects the game and types of equipment. He is also responsible for choosing the officials for the game. Also, he has the power on the scoresheet and the decision of the referee. He has a lot of power that is not stated in the rules.
Scorer and assistant: The scorer and assistant are the ones who list down the total points, fouls of the player and the head coach, also the ones who tell timeout to the referee.
Timer and Shot Clock operator: Both should have a game clock and stopwatch. The clock should be loud enough for the referee to hear. The clock should be reset to 24 seconds when the ball is shot to the rim. They give the team free throw or backcourt throw-in. 
One should know the officials in the game, but one should also know what the referee signals are. It could make you even know what happened in the game if you couldn't understand what happened.
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Note: The following pictures are owned by the FIBA and the author of this blog is not afficiated with them 
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kraveller · 4 years
ASEAN Volleyball Philippines vs. Vietnam Detailed Review
The Filipinos await this volleyball game between the Philippines and Vietnam since the game is held in the Philippines’ PhilSports Arena in Pasig. Not only that, but I know the players representing the Philippines to be one of the players, not everyone, such as Santiago, who is known to be a good blocker in the sport.
The game is below for you to be guided on my review. 
Court Dimension
The size of the court in the game seems to be larger than the standard. The reason why the size of the court appears bigger is that the planner of the game sensed that the game would have quite a lot of rally since the game is filled with good players, such as one of the best spikers in the Philippines which is Alyssa Valdez present in the game. But they follow the standard size of the court. They have a bigger space since the rally has a big chance to take a while.
The event is held on a court 18 meters (59 ft) long and 9 meters (29.5 foot) wide, which is separated into two halves of 9 m x 9 m by a one-meter (40-inch) broad net set. The top of the net is 2.43 meters (7 feet 11 5/8 inches) above the middle of the men's competition court, and 2.24 meters (7 feet 4 1/8 inches) for women's competition, which is the one used in this game. Not only that, but the line that you see divides the three players in front and back. Also called the attack line, it is marked 10 feet from the center to both sides. The Volleyball poles are also placed 36 feet apart and 3 feet from the side.
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Not all of the equipment types are really needed, except the court's equipment and the things needed by the officials of the game, because without it, the game will not be challenging to play, mostly when one doesn't know where the opponents' side is. 
Equipments for the court:
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Net: This one is essential for the team to know where their side is and not their side, but the net should not be touched, which is one of the game rules. A net should be 9.5 to 10 meters wide, then has a distance of one meter from the side, and the net’s distance from the ground is 2.24 meters. Wherein the total height of the net is 7 feet 4 1/8 inches for women.
Pole: This is where the net is attached, which is present in the game. So that the net will not fall since the pole is quite heavy.
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Ball: Not only this game has the ball, but all volleyball games. The game will have no sense if there is no ball since the game is all about the ball being passed by the players or known as rally, which usually happens if the players mastered the necessary skills and see the game's rules. The ball used in the game could be a leather ball since the game occurred indoors.
Equipments for the players:
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Uniform jerseys and shorts: As you can see in the game, there is one jersey on the team, the libero. The libero is different from others because the libero players are the ones who can leave the court casually, especially when there is a rotation because they are not allowed to go near the net or pass the attack line unless a rally happens. The libero players are the kind of players designed only for defense. That’s why the others are wearing the same jersey while the liberos are different.
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Knee Pads: The knee pads are one of the critical equipment found in the game so that the players will prevent bruising and feel the floor burns. It can help the pain not to affect the players since it contains it.
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Ankle Braces: The ankle braces are essential equipment that a player should have, which is present in the game because, without them, there is a significant risk that a player will have an ankle injury. That’s why when you have watched the game, you noticed that most of them have this since the surgery for the ankle injury is quite pricey, and one can’t play anymore because of this.
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Arm Sleeves: The arm sleeves are also one of the important, especially to the libero. If you haven’t noticed, they are usually short because it’ll be easy for them to catch the ball on the floor. They need this. That is why the liberos have this in the game, which is noticed in the Philippines ’ team.
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Elbow Pads: The elbow pads are essential, especially when the player dives. All players in the Philippines’ team have this, and some in Vietnam’s team.
Equipments for the coach:
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Coaches Clipboard: The clipboard is essential because this is where the coach places his plan for the players, what they should do when the opposite team does this.
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Uniform: If you have noticed in the game, they have the same primary color of their team, to show that they are part of that group and are the coaches. Both coaches in different teams are wearing uniforms.
Equipments for the first and second referee:
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Whistle: The first referee uses this to signal the players to start the rally, gives the call that the team can serve, and nature or player is at fault. At the same time, the second referee makes the hand gestures as the first referee whistles. There are quite a dozen of uses the whistle has to the first. And this blog will discuss the second referee on how to officiate the sport.
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Penalty Card: This is raised whenever there is a violation that a team has done or the player. When the players have done the block touch, every set of both of the teams has done this.
Equipments for the Scorekeeper and assistant scorer:
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Scoresheet: The scoresheet is that important since this is the official record of the game since the score sheet is where the officials look.
Equipments for the Line Judges:
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Flag: This is needed for the line judges to make signs for the referee to drive a judgment like they make a signal if the ball is in or out, the ball touched, judgment impossible, and such.
Basic Skills
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Passing/ Receiving: Passing is known to be an essential skill that a volleyball player should learn. And it is the most critical skill to learn as a player because a nasty receive means the setter can’t give a nice toss. Passing is the most crucial skill that a volleyball player should have since it can lead to a successful team. A successful pass would make it easy for the setter to have the hitter make a good setup. If you have noticed the rally in the game, the ball is a while passed. If the players haven’t mastered this, there will be no thrill in the game. The people will lose interest because what volleyball attracts people who don’t know how to play is the ball’s direction since they feel satisfaction. Having a good pass within the team shows that the players have good communication and confidence in the game. There are eight types of passing, which all are used by the two groups because of the intense rally.
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Setting: The setting is a skill that a setter needs to master. Setting the ball is more advisable if you want to give your team a spike the ball. This is executed when the referee blows the whistle, indicating that the player can set the ball if you have noticed the video. This may be achieved when the player swings the arm and sends the ball to the other court. The component can be it can either be from the bottom or in the back of the head.
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Spiking: Spike is where Alyssa Valdez is good. If you have watched the 49:27 part of the game, the Philippines' team gained a score because of the Monster Back Row Attack, since the spike brings the ball towards the ground, which is the opposing team's side. The spike isn't used in the rallies of the game because usually, they were using passing. If you have noticed, when someone does a good spike, the rally directly ends. That's how spike is powerful.
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Blocking: Blocking can be present in every rally that the game has. This is usually done by the three players in the front of the attack line. This is important when the team needs offense. The blocking consists of 2-3 people since they are the ones near the net. That’s why when there is a ball towards these three players. They form a wall using their hands to stop the spiked ball.
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Digging: A libero player usually uses this skill. Digging is like receiving, but it is more down. Digging is generally used when there are no players in the area, and the place is a bit far from the player. That’s why the players usually use this. Suppose you have noticed in the game. The players execute the digging whenever there is a space, and the ball is towards it. This is a big saver when the game is currently doing the rally, but it is quite challenging to execute. The player needs to use a lot of energy to make the ball dig up so that the players can make the rally's second contact.
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Serving: This one might be a necessary problematic skill to master, the individual player is the only one tasked to do this, there is no teamwork to do this. I could say that this might be one of the essential skills to master. Because even in the game, the players lose the chance to gain a point because of this. Serving can help a lot to the team if is it a good serve. If you have noticed in the video, if the player did good service with good speed, it makes the opponents have less time to react, making them have a score in just a serve. One of which serve that I like in the video is the float serve. It makes the opposing player look like a beginner since they do is a good service as well the speed is fast.
Technical and Tactical Skills
Technical Skill: 
The two teams can execute the necessary skills, but they lack control over their strength or the ball itself and the speed. For short, they can achieve, but they haven't mastered them yet. There are times that they can execute it excellently, sometimes not. For example, in the jump floater serve of both teams, when they try to achieve it, the ball may go out of the court or get stuck on the net. Also, in the way they pass, there are times that the players lack strength and focus on making the ball go to the other team's side; sometimes, they miss the ball, it gets stuck in the net or even passes it to where their teammates are not present. Overall, the players have the right footwork and communication with the teammates. The players need to practice shot selection, upper and lower body strength, hand penetration, timing, and ball control. Players need to master the technical skills of each essential skill and know-how to apply those skills in tactical situations. Both teams' technical skill level is actually at the same level, but the way they plan to execute it as a team changed over time, which will be explained in the tactical skill.
Tactical Skill:
Both teams could not make an aggressive serve in the four sets, except the last set. Since the previous set is getting intense, there is an aggressive serve wherein the service is towards the setter then the three players are close to each other. It made the author jump in her seat because of how wise the setter is. Honestly, both teams have very outstanding tactic skills, except that the Philippines' team coach could not study the other team's tactic skills.
In terms of the overall team's tactical skill, the Vietnam coach was able to read the Philippines' tactical skills and plan to play the ball to avoid the excellent attack of Alyssa, which is found in 49:27. It is also known as Monster Back Row Attack since she always does it in the center in the middle of the rally wherein the players are near the net or win against the team Philippines. I noticed in the game that the Philippines' coach did not watch the game that much because he couldn't read the opponent's tactical skill. If he could've, the Philippine team has won. The Philippines' coach didn't let Gonzaga and Jia Valdez, one of the right volleyball players, including in the crucial sets wherein Vietnam got to know their tactics. Maybe because she's a serious player when playing, but that's not a valid reason since they know the international game. Imagine, after Gonzaga scored, why was she placed on the bench. Not only that, he should've made Gonzaga, Jia, and Maddie join the first six-line since they are useful in doing the blocking and are good at attacking. The players are good, but the coach may intentionally or unintentionally didn't handle the game pretty well. With this, the Vietnam group gained an advantage. When you look at the game in the middle of the second set, you get to know the opponent's weaknesses and strengths. That's why they got better. There might be a small distance on both teams, but overall, the game is good. The Philippine coaches need a little bit of training and should know the players' strengths and weaknesses.
Rules of the game
Let’s start with the basic volleyball rules in the game that the players follow. There are six players in the court, which should be the only players in the court. There are other players on the bench, but they are just for emergency or substitution purposes. The second is there is only a top hit per side. That’s why the players try their best like even execute digging to make the ball go to the other team to have a probability of scoring because, in a set, there are only 25 points. Third, the players are not allowed to hit in succession. If you have noticed that there is only one hit in a rally, it directly goes to the other team. Hit is the right choice if the player hits it towards the floor now. Fourth is the ball’s boundary line. If it is inside and does not pass the boundary line, it means that the ball is “in,” but if it goes outside the court, it is “out,” which means that the team has made a violation. Next is, it is illegal for a player to catch, hold or throw the ball. One part of the game wherein one player had the ball called out by the referee. Sixth is when two or more players get in touch with the ball, it is also called out for violation. Seventh, the players in the front line may switch positions after the serve. The last one is the officiates. The following are the first referee, second referee, scorekeeper, assistant scorer, and line judgers which their duties and responsibilities will be explained in the how-to officiate the sport part.
The author made a bullet form so that her dear readers wouldn’t have a hard time reading the paragraph form, the following are the basic rules and violates that a player should have.
Basic Volleyball Rules
· 6 players on the floor at any one time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back row
· Maximum of 3 hits per side
· Points are made on every serve for winning team of rally (rally-point scoring).
· Player may not hit the ball twice in succession. (A block is not considered a hit.)
· Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve.
· A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
· A ball is out if it hits an antenna, the floor completely outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the antennae, the referee stands or pole, the ceiling above a non-playable area.
· It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s body.
· It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
· A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside the 10-foot line.
· After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at the net.
· Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on level of play. 3-set matches are 2 sets to 25 points and a third set to 15. Each set must be won by two points. The winner is the first team to win 2 sets. 5-set matches are 4 sets to 25 points and fifth set to 15. The team must win by 2 unless tournament rules dictate otherwise. The winner is the first team to win three sets.
Basic Volleyball Rule Violations
Take note: Rule violations that result in a point for the opponent
· When serving, the player steps on or across the service line as while making contact with the ball.
· Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
· Ball-handling errors. Contacting the ball illegally (double touching, lifting, carrying, throwing, etc.)
· Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play.
· When blocking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, it’s illegal to contact the ball when reaching over the net if both your opponent has not used 3 contacts AND they have a player there to make a play on the ball.
· When attacking a ball coming from the opponent’s court, contacting the ball when reaching over the net is a violation if the ball has not yet broken the vertical plane of the net.
· Crossing the court centerline with any part of your body is a violation. Exception: if it is the hand or foot. In this case, the entire hand or entire foot must cross for it to be a violation.
· Serving out of rotation/order.
· Back-row player blocking (deflecting a ball coming from the opponent) when, at the moment of contact, the back-row player is near the net and has part of his/her body above the top of the net. This is an illegal block.
· Back-row player attacking a ball inside the front zone (the area inside the 3M/10-foot line) when, at the moment of contact, the ball is completely above the net. This is an illegal attack.
For the complete details of the volleyball rules, I recommend to visit this link since it is complete: https://www.fivb.org/EN/Refereeing-Rules/documents/FIVB-Volleyball_Rules_2017-2020-EN-v06.pdf 
How to officiate the sport:
There are five volleyball sports officials: first referee, second referee, scorekeeper, assistant scorer, and line judgers. 
First referee: The first referee is the one found on the side of the net. The first referee is the head of all of the officiates in the said sport, wherein the other officials can ask about their responsibilities in the game. If you had seen the video, this official is given importance, maybe because he is the head of the game.
Second referee: The second referee takes the first referee position on the opposite side of the court. Second referee responsibilities before the match include Ensure the names of the volleyball officials appear on the first set score sheet. Ensure the coaches have lined up sheets at least 10 minutes before the end of each team's timed warm-up periods. The second referee collects the lineup sheets from each team at the 3-minute mark on the clock, timing the pre-match warm ups and submits them to the scorekeeper.
Scorekeeper: From the name of the official, the scorekeeper is the one who lists the scores of both teams, watches the server if there is a mistake in the position of the players in the rotation, lists the substitutions, sanctions, other events that the referee wants to be listed, and signs the scoresheet.
Assistant scorer: The assistant scorer, also known as the libero tracker, is beside the scorekeeper wherein the primary responsibility is to record the replacements of the libero on the libero tracking sheet if the libero is in the wrong position on the reserve since the libero's position is not allowed, also checks the record of the scorekeeper in the scoresheet to ensure that everything is right.
Line judges: The line judges in the game are the ones who are wearing bright green with the flag on their hands. There are line judges in each corner of the borderline, which makes the line judges 4 in this game, the purpose of the line judges is to help the referee make decisions by creating signals with the help of the flag in their hand. There are different signals, one of which is the ball in and ball out.
Now that we know their duties  and responsibilities, let’s proceed to the one of the important part that an official should know what to do, which is the handsigns and such.
Disclaimer: The pictures below are not owned by me, they are owned by FIVB. The author of this blog does not claim rights on the pictures below. The pictures above are edited by the author herself. 
The pictures are from this site: http://www.fivb.org/EN/Refereeing-Rules/Documents/FIVB_Volleyball_Hand_Signal_Poster_2015-2016.pdf
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Next is the signs that the line guards do with their flags. 
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kraveller · 4 years
Intense Game in NBA review
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Lakers vs. Warriors 2018 Game 2 Finals full game is the video below, which is also known as the game that's awaited by many. For powerful players fight each other to earn the crown. The author will review the intense game on their court dimension, equipments and such. 
Court Dimension
First, let’s talk about the court dimension. The basketball court is following the standard size of the basketball court, which should be the size according to the FIBA basketball rules in the handbook filled with the rules in playing the game. The basketball court’s size overall, which is 28x15m. The full court diagonal distance is known by the use of the Pythagoras theorem, which is 31.76m, this is very helpful to know the center of the court to know where is the side of the two teams playing. All of this measurement are derived from the overall measurement of the basketball court, which is 28x15m. The picture below is the total measurement of the court in the game.
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The equipments used in the game followed the rules in the 2020 Official Basketball Rules of FIBA. The color of their jerseys differ from the pictures below, Lebron James' color of uniform before was yellow that is why his name is present in the jersey example below while the Golden State Warriors used their other jersey. Before it was usually yellow, which is also the primary reason the pictures are abundant in yellow, because the Golden State Warriors' home court is used in the game. The following equipments are what the author observed on the games, it's not only we observe the players but the court, and the officials of the game as well. 
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The pictures above are for the players, if there are equipments missing, it may be because of the slow internet connection, the video quality is not that good for the author. 
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Let’s not also forget the referee, the one who decides if the player has gone over the rule. We should not forget one of the important officials. 
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Next is the court, we should not forget these equipments because the game wouldn’t be possible without it. 
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The equipments of the scorer is also important, with these equipments, the game will be fair. 
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Next is the timekeeper. These are important to keep in track how many seconds are given to that team so that it will give the other team an opportunity. 
Basic Skills
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Dribbling is one of the basic skills found in the game because when you watch the video, whenever they are about to pass or rebound, they always dribble. It's very helpful also to fool the player, because with this, they can pass the ball to the other player smoothly while making the opponent not expecting the move. That makes the opponent slow down, for he didn't expect the pass of the ball. When you watch the full game, even the Cavaliers try to guard them, they weaken because of the dribbling since the ball is close to the ground, but when the player in Warriors suddenly passes using the overhead pass, they cannot expect it. This is one reason the Warriors won the game.  
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The way each player passes in the game is incredible if you ask me. In less than 30 seconds, the Warriors players could fight the guard of the Cavaliers. You can watch it yourself in 8:41 minutes of the game. The author of this blog even thought that they cannot make a goal because of Stephen Curry who fell towards the floor because he tripped on the opponent's shoes. 
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The players in Cleveland Cavaliers usually come closer to the rim because they are not a master when it comes to 3-point shoot, unlike Warriors. They make it look like easy. Whenever the Cleveland players try to make a goal, the Warriors are aggressive and they try their best not to let them earn points. Just like what their coach said, they should be aggressive to win the game, which made them really win the game. 
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Both of the teams are trying their best to have a rebound, the one who usually earn points from the rebound is Warriors in the first quarter. The authors think that the reason for this is how young the players are in Golden State Warriors. Well, the players in Milwaukee are way younger. Klay Thompson, Green and Stephen Curry have the aggression and power to earn a rebound. The blog might seem bias, the author loves both of the teams, but the way Warriors played in this game is outstanding, for they usually gain points from their rebounds because of their height and young age. 
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The author observed that the players in the Cleveland Cavaliers on the first quarter could not guard the players of the other team that well. Since they only get to have the ball when the other team has already gained points. When the guard is weak, it is an advantage to the other team because they can easily go through the other players. But in second and third quarter, the guard of the Cleveland Cavaliers were getting strong. They have a brief gap from the score of the Warriors. In the fourth quarter, the Warriors could get pass their guard despite the strong fuse in the game. The tension could be felt. Therefore, defense is that important. 
Technical and Tactical Skills
Technical Skills
First, let's talk about the amazing offensive technical skills of the players in the game. All the players could do the offensive footwork, having the ball, they place their pivot foot in the ground which is good footwork. Knowing that they are professional players, they were able not to fall because of their stops, sometimes the players fell but because they tripped on someone's foot and like.​
The primary reason they get to fool the opponents is because of their triple-threat position, in doing a jab step, they can fool the opponent, making them have space to either pass or shoot the ball. They also do well in their dribbling position. The ball is close to the floor, making the defender have a hard time getting the ball, especially when the player does the reverse dribble. The Warriors usually do the reverse dribble, sometimes they get lost in touch with the ball because of it, which is quite risky if you do that position.
In terms of their passing positions, heads up to the aggressive and fast players in Warriors, it is the disadvantage of the Cleveland Cavaliers. The Warriors players are fast because of their height, they are higher than the players in the Cleveland Cavaliers, especially Durant. While the shooting, it's quite difficult for the Cleveland Cavaliers to earn points given that their opponent is quite tall, and is good at earning 3 points shoot. Stephen Curry in the first and second quarter could do 9 3-points shoots. In the first quarter, the Warriors are really energetic; the passing is quick, even your dear author was astonished. But the Cleveland Cavaliers didn't want to be far behind. By the second to the third quarter, they were trying their best to pass quickly since the best players were not in the court because of their fouls.
What the author observed, the Warriors don't really do a layup, because the players make the 3-point shoots look easy to do. The Cavaliers almost always execute the layup, they haven't mastered yet the 3-points, but they have players such as Lebron James and Kevin Heart. This is also the disadvantage of Cavaliers, especially that their major player is disturbed because of the uncomfy feeling on his eye, Green caused which was on the first game of the finals.
Both teams are good at executing offensive rebounds, but just like the previous, the Warriors have a great advantage on the height and speed of their players, especially Durant, Curry, and Thompson, which are the point guard, small forward, and power forward of the team.
Next is the defensive technical skills. What the author also observed was the Warriors has a significant advantage that the game was on their home court, if you have observed, Lebron James fell because he bumped with Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson. It should be given to Lebron James again, but the referees made Stephen Curry have the free throw. Not only that, but the players were just too aggressive, especially the Warriors players. The defensive positioning. It never stated that the defensive player can touch the player, yet there were many times in the game that Klay Thompson and Durant were touching the bodies of the Cleveland players just to steal the ball. If the game was in FIBA, there will be strict consequences.
Tactical Skills
Let's be honest, the game was intense. If I was in the court, I can feel the radiating intense aggression of both teams. Well, not really to the Cavaliers, I can feel Lebron James' madness through the screen. With this, they used the man-to-man defense. If they did the zone, we all know that will make a team lose, knowing that the players are smart with their moves, making it hard to defend. When they offend, they usually do the screen. With powerful people, they indeed need it to do this kind of tactic. The powerful screen could be watched in 49:22 minutes of the game. They are good in doing their screens because the players know how to move without the ball, especially the Warriors. They don't look at the player with the ball or the ball itself; they look for space wherein they can receive the ball and easily pass it around or directly shoot it to the rim or also known as give-and-go.
Sometimes, the author observes, what a great advantage it is if the players in the team are fast, the Warriors are usually doing the fast break, making it easy for them to gain points, what the Cavaliers always do that makes them get fooled easily is, they got close to the player who has the ball; it is quite hard to pass when there are people around you, but the players in Warriors are quite tall, making it a significant advantage indeed.
So far these are the tactical skills observed by the author while watching the video, height, and speed when used together is indeed a significant advantage of a player, because they are professional players, they know the tactics to use.
Rule of the Game 
We apply the rule of the game in basketball to all basketball games. The rules of the game stated in this blog is the rules the author noticed that on the game has violated. Usually, they are fouls. There are a lot of rules, that is why the author will just cover the ones being violated. The full copy of the rules are present below, just press 'Copy of the Basketball Rules'.
Now, let’s proceed to the rules the players violated.
Traveling: Traveling occurred quite a few times in the game, with the intense feeling that some players has within, making them forget the pivot foot should be always stayed in the ground unless they don't have the ball with them anymore. Sometimes, when they jump, they cannot execute the jump shot, that is why they end up receiving a penalty. 
24 seconds: The ball must leave the players' hand(s) before the shot clock sounds, but the game was intense that the guard was strong that is why this is usually violated in the game.
Screening: Screening is used to block the defensive players from the player with the ball, the player who blocks should not move when the defensive player moves. But because of the intense game, the screen will move just for their team to gain points even though the player will receive a penalty.
Contacting an opponent with the hand (s) and or arm (s): The players in the game were aggressive, that's why this is usually violated. There is a part in the game in the middle of the first and second quarter where Lebron James hooked his arms on one player in the opposing team, making the player fall over,
Personal foul. technical foul and unsportsmanlike foul: The three fouls are common in the game because there was no fair play, the players were rough and violent just to win and earn points. 
How to Officiate the Sport
Before knowing what they do, we should know who are the officiates of the game. 
​​Referee: Both during and after the match, a referee is the person in charge. He is the official who observes a game or match to ensure compliance with the rules and sometimes to arbitrate on matters. He is entirely responsible for enforcing the rules and maintaining the order of the game. On matters pertaining, the referee has the final say. He also controls the game and takes up opposite positions on the court.
Commissioner: Is the person who is between the scorer and timer which is found in the table. His responsibility is to look at the work of the table officials and guide the crew chief and umpire(s) for the game to be smooth.
Crew Chief: The person is in charge of overall game, the one who makes the final decision. The crew chief is the one who inspects the game and types of equipment. He is also responsible for choosing the officials for the game. Also, he has the power on the scoresheet and the decision of the referee. He has a lot of power that is not stated in the rules.
Scorer and assistant: The scorer and assistant are the ones who list down the total points, fouls of the player and the head coach, also the ones who tell timeout to the referee.
Timer and Shot Clock operator: Both should have a game clock and stopwatch, the clock should be loud enough for the referee to hear. The clock should be reset to 24 seconds when the ball is shoot to the rim, they give the team free throw or backcourt throw-in. 
One should not only know the officials who are in the game, but one should also know what is the referee signals, it can make you also know what happened in the game if you weren’t able to understand what happened. 
Referee Signals: 
1. The first picture below is very common, these are the signs that the referees make when the group made 1, 2 or 3 points.
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2. This is mentioned above, but the referees are the one who decides if the team deserves a free throw. What your author observed, the referees are quite in favor with the opposite team in giving the free throws. 
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3. These signs are grouped because they are all fouls. The game was that intense, since it was final, the players committed many of fouls, even in the game's starting. The players forgot their fair play attitude, that's why there are some who were given technical foul or unsportsmanlike foul. Some disregard the rule such as no touching when in defensive mode, if it happens in the FIBA, it will be very strict regarding that.
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4. The violations below are observed by the author because of the intense game, the players want to own the ball, just to earn points that makes the game be filled with traveling, illegal dribble, the double dribbling and carrying the ball. 
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5. The referee does this when there is a substitution of players. The author while watching the video observed that this happens when the player makes a foul. They come back after the quarter. 
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6. The clock resets when the team scored and received points, received a free throw or backcourt throw-in. 
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Now, you have reached the end of the review of your dear author, be reminded that the pictures are not from the author herself, the pictures are from the FIBA Handbook, where the author got more understanding on the sport. 
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kraveller · 4 years
Speeches: Message
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There were clips of speeches of different people given to us, which I will be explaining throughout the paragraph.
The first speech was delivered by Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela is known to be a person who stopped the apartheid in Africa, spoke a speech in the Harvard University. His speech is more of informing people that despite the past both nations has shared, there is a fruitful union between the two nations. Nelson Mandela didn’t really achieve the purpose of informing his audience, because of his pronounciation, use of words and emotions weren’t placed within the speech. Personally, I listened to the speech a couple of times to understand what he meant because emotions were rarely noticed as he spoke and the words he used are not for general audience, which is understandable since his audience were intellectual ones. This is the downfall of reading a speech through a manuscript, the highlights of his speech was not emphasized, personally, found it boring when I listened because of lack of emotions and the words used were not for general audience.  
Emma Watson, known for her character in Harry Potter, also spoke a persuasive speech about Gender Equality. Emma Watson achieved the purpose of her speech by explaining the gender equality, feminism and how is it important to both of the sexes. She stated examples that are really common in the world, how people are limiting themselves from their emotions to their passion just because of the usual beliefs on what their gender should and not should do. Just by listening to her speech, it was captivating and indeed can make one’s thoughts be moved, this is why she achieved the purpose of her speech. The speech is memorized since she had a manuscript with her, yet she captivated her audience despite this. Every word, sentence in her speech were prepared and memorized for the speech is formal and the audience are filled with people who are professional. Despite it was memorized, she captivated the eyes of her audiences, as well as I who watched her speech.  
The last speaker is Darren Tay, his speech is entitled ‘Outsmart,Outlast’, which is an entertainment speech about using those insults of bullies into making yourself better. The speech from the start is quite entertaining yet the purpose isn’t that really clear, I was contemplating on what was really his message, maybe because it was just half of the speech. The speaker is more focusing on the impact of the audience than the connection that he will form with the audience. His speech might be funny but the fact that the message is not really conveyed, has gotten me. The way he spoke his speech was alright, but it is quite pointless if the speech doesn’t have a good content in it. I have a lot of thoughts regarding the message he wants to convey, even the comments of the video were filled with different understanding on the speech. The speech is clearly memorized, the way he speaks it, it isn’t natural, and is clearly rehearsed, which is one of the factors why the audience didn’t really get the message.
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kraveller · 4 years
Nakatagong Yaman: Etniko
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Ang Pilipinas ay hinahati ng maraming mga pangkat etniko, bawat isa ay may mga kakaibang kultura na sumisimbolo sa kanila. May isang pangkat etniko na sinalakay ng mga banyaga ngunit hindi na apektohan ang kanilang kultura, sapagkat ang isla na sila’y matatagpuan ay malayo sa mga katabing isla at ang panahon at posibleng mga darating na kalamidad sa isla ay hindi madaling hulaan. Ngunit, marami pa ring tao dumayo dito kahit malaki ang presyo ng babayaran nila dahil ang kultura ay kakaiba sa ibang kultura ng mga pangkat etniko sa bansa, sila’y tinatawag Ivatan, matatagpuan sila sa Batanes na nasa pinakataas ng ating bansang Pilipinas.
Sa ating mga social media, marami tayong makikita na mga bahay na ang dingding ay may mga patong na bato at korales, ito ang bahay ng mga Ivatan. Ito ang sikat sa kanilang kultura, sapagkat dito lang makikita ang mga bahay na ganito sa bansa. Sa kadahilanan na ang kanilang panahon ay hindi mahuhulaan, ang kanilang mga bahay ay ganito upang sila’y maprotektahan sa ano mang kalamidad.
Isa rin sa rason kung bakit ang kanilang isla ay dinadayo ng mga turista kada taon ay ang kanilang magandang tanawin. Kadalasan, ang makikita natin ay mga gusali, wala na talagang kalikasan, ngunit sa kanila ito’y naalagaan ng mabuti. Ito’y inaalagaan nila sa paraan na walang halong kemikal ang ginagamit nila sa pagsasaka, isa na rin sa kanilang paniniwala ay dapat pagpapahalagahaan ang kalikasan. Nakasanayan na rin nila ang pagrecycle kaysa sa pagtapon ng mga basura.
Malikhain din ang mga Ivatan, sa kanilang isla sila’y nagbabayanihan, walang naiiwan. Kapag sila’y dinaraan ng bagyo, may tinatawag sila na Yaru,  ibig sabihin na ang mga mamayan ay magkakaisa na magtulungan sa pag-ayos ng kanilang komunidad. Hindi lang ‘yan, kumakanta din sila habang nagsasaka o pagpuputol ng puno, sa kanilang paniniwala na magbibigay motibasyon sa mga manggawa sa kanilang ginagawa at palalakasin ang relasyon ng bawat isa, na tinawag nila na kalusa. Meron din silang tinatawag na  Payuhuan, ang pagtulong-tulong ng mga mamamayan sa paglilinis o pagtatanim.
Kaya maraming turista na ganadong-ganado na pumunta dito dahil sa kanilang pagkatao. Kung ika’y nagdadalawang-isip dahil sa kanilang wika, sila’y nagsasalita ng Tagalog, kaya sila’y madaling kausapin. Sa katunayan nga, sila’y may literacy rate na 95%, mas mataas pa sa mga normal na porsiyento na 93%.  Sila rin ay tinuruan ng mga katangiang lingguwistiko ng Tagalog, isa na dito ang ponolohiya, morpolohiya at iba pa. Ang dayalekto naman nila ay Tagalog Ivatan. Ang kanilang katangiang lingguwistiko ay sumisimbolo sa kanilang sistemang ideolohikal o kultura, kasi ang kanilang paniniwala ay: ang lahat ay dapat magbubuklod, ang kalikasan ay dapat pahalagahan at dapat walang maiiwan.Kaya silang lahat ay may alam sa wikang Tagalog o sa kanilang dayalekto na Tagalog Ivatan.  
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kraveller · 4 years
Ted Failon: Effective Communication as TV News Anchor
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TV news anchor's job is difficult even if it just merely looking at a camera, for they need to connect with their audience despite only facing the camera. My family and I watched the news every day, so they are familiar with Ted Failon and his show. Ted Failon has been working for more than a decade in ABS-CBN, one of my family's favorite news anchors. According to my father, what he likes about him is how he delivers the news, naturally. He is not talking like scripted, he is talking naturally, but he based it on facts and actual information, unlike those thoughts. While in my mother's point of view, she likes how he is passionate about his job. My mom is a fan of his show, Ted Failon, for her Ted Failon is working to serve his fellow Filipinos, not because of his salary. But in my opinion, what is likable about him is the way he connects to his audience and the knowledge he has about the topic. Every day, his job is to manage and connect to his audience, which he did, primarily, since he knows the issue.
Ted Failon faces pressure every day yet delivers the message that he needs to convey to his audience very well. He quickly organizes his thoughts, especially when he forgets his lines since he knows the topic. He is knowledgeable because he knows what he is talking about when you watch his Ted Failon show. That's why the audience understood what he wants to convey. Since he is knowledgeable about the topic, people will tend to listen to him. That's why he engages people in the discussion. He expresses the message he wants to convey to the audience very well.
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kraveller · 4 years
The King’s Speech
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The movie is a true story about how a man faces his problems to speak to the world. It all started when King George delivered a speech in public, but his stammering problem came along, failing in his speech. His stuttering, or what the king calls 'stammering' problem has affected his internal, physical, psychological, and social struggle. His anger drove him mad; his therapist did not help either. His wife, Queen Elizabeth Angela Bowes-Lyon, dearly loved her husband, searched for another therapist. Then the president of the Speech Therapist in England has recommended Lionel Logue. King George was hesitant at first, thinking his stammering problem will be his problem forever. He was not yet the king. He was called "His Highness Prince Albert of York." He wants to prove to himself that he can be a better person, to prove to his family that he is not a failure. In their first session, King George outraged and left the room, leaving Lionel Logue. He keeps on telling that he cannot do it, that his stammering problem will forever perish, leading him to the inability to lead.
When he heard from the recorded disk that he spoke without stammering, he came back willingly. Every day, he was working with Lionel Logue. Making progress, making himself a better person, and making their friendship stronger. Unfortunately, his father has died, making his brother, Edward VIII, hailed as the new king of England. In his grief, he went to Lionel Logue, confessing the truth behind the stammering problem, and gave Lionel Logue a key to fix the problem. Lionel Logue encouraged him to be the king. He deserves the king's position as his brother planned to resign to marry the divorcee; King George VI stubbornly did not believe in him and outraged for it can be called treason. Then he stopped their sessions. King George was about to make a speech in front of the palace's people, which failed because of the stammering problem. Then, he came back to Lionel Logue, and they both fixed the misunderstandings. As time flew, the problem arose as King George VI reigned as the king of England, facing why England must go to war. People needed confirmation on how the king will address this problem; then, the palace let the king broadcast regarding this issue. The king's fear in delivering his speech if he stutters will lead to nobody listening to him and failing his country. Lionel Logue was with him throughout his speech, making it possible to have a terrific outcome. The king afterward bloomed with confidence, and he has conquered his enemy.
In the first part of the video, King George VI’s speech failed not only because of his way of delivering the speech, for he was stammering, leading to confusion to the listeners. Not only that, but also of his lack of confidence and his mic, which is the channel used to make King George VI’s speech to be understood by the people since his voice was echoing. While watching the video, King George VI’s problem is ruining his internal, physical, psychological, and social aspects, which is the big reason that hinders him from being confident, which is a psychological problem. There are many hindrances seen in this movie, the speaker channel, and the communicative situation.
As King George had his sessions with Lionel Logue, he is slowly developing without realizing it. His confidence is slowly rising, enabling him to speak with minimal stuttering with his supportive wife and therapist, who became his friend. When he and his father told Lionel Logue about the reason, he keeps on stuttering. The phenomenon is not surprising because, as Lionel Logue said, ‘No one is born stammering.'. The saying is correct; there is always a phenomenon that triggered it. In the part where King George VI and his brother quarreled, he could not respond verbally in his brother’s mockery of his stuttering. In this scene, watchers sympathize with him because of his psychological problem, which hindered him from doing it.
When he became the king, his biggest challenge came is to speak for the people of England. This one is challenging for him, for when he fails it, he will also fail his country. His speech should be formal and intentional, expressed verbally or orally, which is his problem. He does not want his listeners to laugh or not listen to his speech regarding the serious matter. With his friend, Lionel, he could do his speech without his stammering problem coming along. After his speech, it made him more confident that he could do it even difficult since he proved to himself that he could do it even difficult.
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kraveller · 4 years
The “Art” of Communication by Jimmy Nelson Reflection
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The man in the video, his eyes sparkle throughout the video for his arousal within him that the fact he will share his experiences, a speech that amazed me the entire time. His experiences rarely happen in everyone's life, we are surrounded by people who speak the same language as us, but he has looked for new and amazing places, people with a rarely used language. Communication is essential in our daily life, but in his part that he didn’t even know their language, it shows us how important genuine communication is important in all aspects of communication. Even though they didn't understand each other they have different languages, but that he is sincere despite the language barrier strikes differently and his works show this for the story behind. The language barrier shouldn't be a reason other people don't talk to people of another language, you just have to be sincere. In communication, it is not only the words but also the feelings that one conveys, people will feel what you feel when you are just sincere about it, with exactly what you want to convey, the passion in your eyes. Being genuine despite the language barrier can still attain understanding one another. 
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kraveller · 4 years
Campilan’s Model of Communication
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Description: Communication is very important in our daily life and with this action, there is a process to get there. I base my communication model on scientific theories and other communication models.
I divide the process into three: speaker, signal, and receiver. Under speaker are the brain, frontal lobe, and transmission. While the signal is interfered with by a noisy environment and mental health problem. The last is the receiver, the person will decode and give feedback to what the speaker has said.
Explanation: I divided them into three: speaker, signal, and receiver. In the speaker, the brain comes first, because here we are thinking about what we want to share with others. The second is the frontal lobe, it's the only part of the brain to enable you to speak, for it contains the storage of language. Both ideas I have mentioned are scientific facts. Then it is the transmission, such as using your mouth or your gadgets just by chatting.
Then the signal comes, you send the message, but there are interventions such as a noisy environment and psychological problems. Both can take place simultaneously on the online courses. There is this student with a noisy environment and when the teacher asks a participant, the student has the answer but the surrounding environment was noisy and his fear took over him.
The last part is the role of the recipient, it is the message decoder, the part of the brain functions. After decrypting the message, it will say something about it, also called feedback.
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kraveller · 4 years
Communication: Unites Despite the Challenge
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Communication plays a fundamental role, especially in this situation we are facing, providing us with information and uniting us even when we are not physically together. The government wants to protect everyone while continuing to publish new protocols, especially when it sees loopholes that could affect and spread recent cases of COVID-19 and spread them on social networks, communication is present, with technology, they will notify us. In communication, information is relayed by the mayor to people watching the show to neighbors, until everyone is aware of it.
Besides the fact that information can be easily transferred from one to another, some people feel lonely, while others have mental health issues. Being alone makes a person so lonely and confused that they will have a hard time controlling themselves, which can lead to stress, anxiety, or depression. If you can't share your thoughts and feelings with someone, the person will fight within himself, torn apart by feelings and thoughts, sleepless nights and endless mental struggles. If someone is holding back their thoughts, it can be very stressful, it can change their brain and body making them feel sick or sick. It can be stopped by communicating with this person, sharing your thoughts and feelings, will reduce the pain and slowly make the person happy and healthy, improving their well-being. 
This is how useful communication is, especially this time, to keep everyone informed, alert, and safe, not just about this pandemic. Also, the whole aspect of health, namely their mental, social, emotional, physical and spiritual being.
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