krigarena · 10 years
      She was sweating her ass off, though she may have     been one of the fitter of the girls, that didn’t mean that     the heat and the non-stop walking for the passed week     wasn’t slowly wearing her down bit by bit. Faye turned     to Bella as she approached, and rather with good news     with even worse news. They had rationed their food and     their water and still they were running low.
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         ”Great.” Faye remarked dryly as she pulled on the           front of her shirt several time in the vain attempt to           fan some air against her skin. Her eyes flinted to           their two leaders, Sonya and Harriet looked as worn           down as she felt.
    “Looks like it’s on us. C’mon. Let’s find some water.”
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          "Yeah." Not sure what to say next, Bella bit            her lip and started jogging in a random            direction. She thought she'd heard running            water from there a while ago, but it could just            be a trick of her mind. The warrior turned around,            her gaze flicking uncomfortably between Faye            and the ground. Whoever she was before the            arrived in the Glen, she must have failed at             socializing.                                        Failed badly.             Bella saw how sweaty the other was, not that           she was any less worn out, and put her sunburn            hands on her hips. "Would you rather walk?"
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krigarena · 10 years
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       "Hill? Everythin' okay? You          look a bit sad, y'know."
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krigarena · 10 years
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Starter call! You know the drill, like and you'll get one c;
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krigarena · 10 years
w e a k.              I hate that feeling.
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krigarena · 10 years
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—Falling into silence, Minhee really had no idea what else to say next…No topics came to mind and she just met the girl. It would be a completely different situation if it was a Glader but right now, she lacked something to break the silence. "….Were you a Bagger before you escaped?" she asked, frowning at her awkward question.
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       Bella frowned. "A what?" Group A had other words        than group B, a fact that she had experienced more         than once. Bagger was probably another of those         words. She tried to figure out what it was on her own,         but failed. Group A was some strange sticks indeed.
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krigarena · 10 years
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        "Could you pass me that?"
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krigarena · 10 years
► name ➔ Ellie ► will you answer all questions truthfully ➔ Sure ► are you single ➔  Yap ► are you happy ➔ ehh ► are you Italian ➔ Nope ► are you german ➔ Nay ► are you asian ➔ Nope ► are you angry? ➔ Not at the moment ► are you irish ➔ Nope ► are your parents still married ➔  No; dad doesn't believe in marriage but they still live together if that's what you mean.
TEN FACTS: ► birth place ➔  Dalarna, Sweden ► hair color ➔  Blonde. ► eye color ➔  Greenishblueish isk ► birthday ➔  Nov 24 ► mood ➔ tired, mostly ► gender ➔ Female ► lefty or righty ➔ Lefty ► summer or winter ➔  depends ► morning or afternoon ➔ Afternoon
TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE:  ► are you in love? ➔  Ain't nobody got time for dat! ► do you believe in love at first sight? ➔ pft ► have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ ?? ► are you afraid of commitments? ➔ Nah ► have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ My parents and my brother..? ► have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔ How would I know? ► have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Nah
TEN CHOICES: ► love or lust ➔i dunno. ► lemonade or iced tea ➔ iced tea ► cats or dogs ➔ dogs ► a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ a few best friends ► television or internet ➔ inTERNET ► pepsi or coke ➔ pepsi ► wild night out or romantic night in ➔ haven't experienced either one ► day or night ➔ night ► IM or phone ➔ phone
TEN HAVE YOU EVER: ► been caught sneaking out ➔  no ► fallen down/up the stairs ➔ ......yes..... ► finished an entire jawbreaker ➔ ?? huh ?? ► wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Internet yes ► prank called a store ➔ Nope ► skipped school ➔ No ► wanted to disappear ➔ Yea ► smile or eyes ➔ Both ► light or dark hair ➔ Ehh… ► shorter or taller ➔ Taller ► intelligence or attraction ➔ Intelligence but both is good! ► hook-up or relationship ➔ relationship but I dunno ► funny and poor OR rich and serious ➔ funny and poor
ABOUT ME: ► last phone call ➔ My mother ► last phone call you received ➔ same ► last person you hung out with ➔ Oh that was a long time ago ► last thing you ate ➔ Pringles ► last thing you drank ➔ Coke (hey it's friday night don't judge!) ► last site you went to ➔ Tumblr aha ► last place you were ➔ at home
FAMILY: ► do you and your family get along  ➔ Most of the time ► would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Yes ► have you ever run away from home ➔ When I was like five for three minutes or something yes ► have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Nope
about the blogger
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krigarena · 10 years
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          "Same," Bella bowed her head quickly. While she           didn't have a problem with the girl, she wasn't overly           fond of people and her social skills was at zero. She           had no idea what to say.
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—Minhee wrinkled her nose at the mention of the subject number and title. She didn’t like either one of them…The title was okay, she could deal with it but the subject number…
"Pleasure to meet you…" she said.
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krigarena · 10 years
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       "Bella. Subject 'b25', the warrior, or whatever,         if you wanted to go into detail."                        She rolled her eyes at the b25 part. Bella hated to                      be called a subject, but she didn't know much else                      about herself.
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—"…True. What’s your name? I’m Minhee,"
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krigarena · 10 years
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        "Just asking. Can't have something against          people who's been through the same as I have."
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—"Yeah, what’s it to you? Got something against the Gladers?"
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krigarena · 10 years
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     "Strength I've got plenty, it's       the faith I'm running short of."
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"If you have enough strength And believe enough in yourself and those around you I’m sure we can make it.”
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krigarena · 10 years
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   ' You're from group A, correct? '
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krigarena · 10 years
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    "Do you think we'll make it? To      the the safe Haven I mean."
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krigarena · 10 years
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       "We're nearly out of water."              Bella walks towards the person with              quick, long steps. She hadn't drunk              any water today, so the thirst made              her a little bit weaker, and put her              in a bad mood as well. Not that she              would ever show it, there were others              who needed water more than she did.                                                 "We won't last until we get to the Safe                      Haven unless we find some very soon."                           Well, her title clearly wasn't 'the optimist'.
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krigarena · 10 years
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i am a master hunter. i cured my skin, now nothing gets in. nothing, not as hard as it tries.
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krigarena · 10 years
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meera protecting jojen to his last breath
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krigarena · 10 years
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Brown-haired, green-eyed, and flat as a boy, she walked with a supple grace that Bran could only watch and envy. Meera wore a long sharp dagger, but her favorite way to fight was with a slender three-pronged frog spear in one hand and a woven net in the other. “Who’s hungry?” she asked, holding up her catch.
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