krishna-arun · 3 hours
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you could say I'm enjoying the game again
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krishna-arun · 1 year
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had someone compliment this glam and fully flustered me so shout out to them, thank you very much, I only fucked up my opener for a full 10 seconds over it lmao
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krishna-arun · 1 year
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the live letter showed us that horrible lantern mount and I Need it, so I’m back on my island bullshit
just hit rank 7 so pray for me, it’s gonna be a struggle
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krishna-arun · 1 year
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how good is your wol at various jobs? - @evacybele on twitter
fun little thing going around twitter that I felt I could actually do for Krishna fairly accurately!
black mage is their bread and butter, could do the magic in their sleep (please don’t) and they are viciously good at it; dark knight is the class they fell into during the events of Heavensward after a bad rebound of void magic while losing the Scions shook them pretty hard, it’s how they learned to trust themself again; samurai was the class they picked up to help them focus and get into proper routine and astrologian is the only healer that actually works for them without a large effort involved
they don’t personally like fighting as a reaper because the way it uses void power feels Wrong to them, but he is fairly adept at it despite his reluctance
he’s terrible at using white magic and barely has any in him (it is slowly getting better with each piece of his soul he reclaims, but Hecate wasn’t very good with that aspect either) so white mage is beyond his capabilities and the little he can pull off is exhausting; in a similar vein, his aether is so volatile that when he tries to make cartridges for his gunbreaker sword, they’re more like small nukes and completely unusable unless he gets really okay with friendly fire and collateral damage
as for the crafting/gathering spread, he actually really enjoys alchemy because he can use it to shore up his weakness with healing magic; blacksmithing he pulls out periodically for his own weapon and armor needs and culinarian is mostly skills he picked up from his aunt’s tea shop and out of necessity on the road; mining and botany are just general material grabs, he isn’t exceptionally knowledgeable about the rare goods but can get by on the road and same with fisher, but he forgets the gear for it more often than not and just hunts/forages instead
the other jobs are either things he’s done in passing (ninja is actually how he got his scar over his eye, he got stupid with a dagger lol) or things he just doesn’t care to get better at (he does like paladin, but weak white magic makes some aspects of it harder so he sticks with dark knight)
and that is Krishna’s skill spread, he likes casting big magic but isn’t afraid to get in your face with a mouth full of fangs and huge sword in hand
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krishna-arun · 2 years
Lore Workshop
Mostly just to look at while I figure out what’s staying, getting reworked, expanded on, and so on (no the Sin Eater doesn’t have a proper name yet because the naming conventions for the Wardens was Whack)
Ascian Counterpart:
Hecate - goddess of magic and necromancy; crossroads, entrance-ways, night, light, magic, witchcraft, the Moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery
Worked in Elpis developing concepts before taking the seat of Azem to gain a better understanding of the world they were making things for. Gender fluid, using he/she/they though among the trio mostly went by they. Venat was one of the few able to keep up with them. A gremlin menace who would workshop their spell concepts anywhere, including around others in the city. Was notoriously bad at resting, spending every waking moment researching, developing, and bothering Hades and Hythlodaeus.
Primal Counterpart:
Merikh the Void Mourner
A voidsent-like being bent on keeping the things he treasured safe whether said things want to be kept or not.
Primal transformation triggered after they lose too many companions, overwhelmed by grief and helplessness
Collection of bottles with people and treasures strapped and tied all over him, or does he pin them into a large book? Could have the souls leaking out between the pages like little ghostie goos
Big fluffer tail(s?)
His casting staff double as a great sword for that slick black mage dark knight duality
Black sclera and pitch tears, though in phase one seems more gleefully manic than anything
Phase two has him begging the players to stop fighting before they too disappear, pleading for them to join his collection and be safe
Mechanics have him swapping between staff and sword modes
Sin Eater Counterpart:
Phase 1: Eternal Life
Mouth covered by wings, bleeding light, a shambling corpse of a heavenly knight riddled with weapons, dragging a great sword behind them, repeats “kill” over and over, jerking almost reluctant movements when he attacks, has a cracked core acting as a heart, begs for death right before phase change
Phase 2: Eternal Spirit
Puppet master guiding the heavenly knight, wings covering their eyes, many hands to pull the strings, looms above the field, body covered by sets of wings, traps the knight in their chest for the remainder of the fight, the knight will claw his way out, reaching for the players and becomes a weak spot to dish out damage to like Shinryu’s heart, calls down the heavens as attacks
The Tumblr Tags: (I spoke about this on my main blog lol)
#their Ancient counterpart was Hecate who was very genderfluid and caused so much trouble workshopping new magic around people #their shard from the void managed to latch onto them as a baby when they cast magic for the first time near a tear and later #it manifests as their Esteem/Inner Darkness #their canon jobs are Black Mage and Dark Knight but they’ve dabbled in Astrologer Reaper and Ninja #Reaper left them feeling a very Wrong connection to the void so they only resort to that power when extremely put out #Krishna uses he/they pronouns! #I’m a little put off shipping an OC with a npc for some reason #but if I had to pick canon ships for him he would have a passing fling with Aymeric whenever they both have the time #and then he’s very attached to G’raha Tia #he had strained relations with the Scions for a long time when he first started adventuring but they are more like family now #the twins are his little siblings and he will maim anyone for them #he gave himself the scar over his eye during training for Ninja and the void magic lashed out to fix it #hence the one purple eye #he can still kind of see out of it but it’s actually better for tracing void magic and detecting tears now than actual sight #he was raised by his aunt Manvah in Ul’dah but born in the forests of Gridania by Quarrymill
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krishna-arun · 2 years
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while I try to scrape together more cohesive lore, please enjoy the boi, he’s very cute and I love him
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