krislove14-blog · 7 years
AD theory. Toby is AD and Spencer's twin is black Widow!
Toby A.D. Theory & Spencer Twin Twist …………….I have a lot more to add to this to make even more sense.. but this is it for now. This theory will only include, aside from a couple, clues from the Timejump (6B on) and after. It will explain why I believe Toby is the Big Bad as well as a Spencer Twin reveal as the twist. *The number 5 will play a big role in this theory! Marlene King likes numbers and I think that after the time jump the new number 5 and multiples of 5 (10,15,20…) reappeared often! Clues! ⦁ In ep. 6.11 spencer visits Toby and there is a large 5 on one of the work bench. ⦁ Next we see a car with the license plate 55555 ⦁ When the liars are watching the camera of Aria leaving the Radley the time is 3:11:55 which added equals 15 (multiple of 5). ⦁ Toby was out of town when Hannah received the breakfast saying, “Poor Jordy”. ⦁ In Ep. 6.13 we seen that AD is wearing a hunter green jacket in the closing scene while cleaning off the electrical levers in Radley. Toby is wearing this exact later on in episode 7.07! Emily and Caleb both are seen wearing a green jacket in the series but these are different colors and both have fitted sleeves around the wrist, Tobys is exactly the same. ⦁ The hole in Sarahs closet was sealed off by someone with extensive carpentry skills ⦁ PREGNANCY CLUE: When Spencer has a flashback of her pregnancy scare it makes a point to show us the clock… it is 3:12 which = 5!! Toby is sitting beside the clock. There is also a “Deer Crossing Sign” on her wall which is odd; this refers to Tobys accident later on. ⦁ In the episode Caleb sends a virus to AD’s Computer there is a carpenter/workman vest laying in AD’s car seat. ⦁ In Ep. 6.18 hannah sends the message to AD that she killed Charlotte. The closing scene shows AD building the BOARDGAME in the background. We can see the beginning of the BG and the tools all around. There is red electrical wire, a white foldable tape measure, a bright red thing with two handles on the end and a lot more. The wire, tape measure, and red thing are ALL at tobys house in 6.13 when Caleb tells him about spencer; same color same everything! BAD Toby! Also, in the AD closing scene is the Hastings campaign background; Toby is also tied to the election. This and the jacket are HUGE clues! ⦁ Toby is well rehearsed in FRENCH and so is AD. Also Toby has glasses now and AD pretty much always wear glasses. ⦁ In Ep 6.20 a lady calls Toby pretty eyes, which is something that all A’s have been called. ⦁ When the cop in the mask attacks hannah, you can see he has green eyes if you pause it at the right time. Also cop cars are not easy to come by, but Toby has one. ⦁ OOhhh.. remember when TOBY could draw very well. In the first ever episode Toby was drawing and was good it. AD can draw which relates to the comic book. ⦁ When they find DOLL hannah at the Bell tower, caleb looks at his phone it says 4:01 which equals 5!! If you notice toby is being odd when they are talking about who killed charlotte, he knows a lot of details and is seriously invested in this convo I believe this is bc he is AD and wants to know who killed Charlotte of course. He doesnt have a whole lot on interest in helping the girls after this. ⦁ MARY DRAKE CONNECTION- When toby and Spencer break into Marys room at the Lost Woods it Focuses on her room number which is non other than 5! In Marys room we also see a book that says MASK MAKING. She is tied to AD. ⦁ Also Toby has learned to many new skills such as using dibblers to break into places and also keeps one on him all the time. ⦁ When Toby is getting engaged we also see a large number 5 again right next to the Red thing that AD had while building the GAMEBOARD. ⦁ The address to Rollins burner apartment is 23 Wexford st apartment 109. The first number =5 and the second set =10. her they are again. ⦁ When Toby shows up the the burner apartment he has a KEY! This is odd, cops do not get access to these things, not to mention the girls already bribed the apartment manager for his key. Toby unlocks the door without saying anything and then realizes the chain is locked. After that is only when he announces himself as a cop because he knew rollins wouldnt change the door. Remember when the girls used rollins phone to text the mystery # to meet at the usual spot? Jenna showed up to alisons house which was not the usual spot; not at alisons thats to open. Who shows up to the usual spot… TOBY! Also this season when cops show up its more than one or at least the detective, they would not send Toby by himself then call in for backup. This story was all Tobys cover. Also the address is a direct link to TOBY. ⦁ SPENCER TWIN Connection- When Aria and Jason are at family services aria says that they are number 5 in line. They are looking for Mary Drakes other child. The number 5 is here again. I will ADD more clues later, but these are also some observations I want to point out. 1. Hannah, Aria, and Alision were the girls that were injured by AD. Alision was beat by the cop and had a spill down the stairs, aria and the fire, and hannah was tortured. Emily eggs were stolen and spencer has been hurt in regards to family matters. AD is much easier on Emily and Spencer physically; the eggs thing with Emily is a awful situation, but I do believe AD thinks he is being easier on her. He dont want to harm her (even though he is, but his twisted mind dont see it this way). 2. Hannahs career was wrecked, Aria has been torn from her friends, alision is carrying a baby and has lost all of her money not to mention the set up marriage, yet AD helped emily with a test and helped Spencer find her birthmother and has given her answers she has wanted since though started (even though it has caused a lot of problems). AD is Definitely trying to be better to them. Toby has always been close to Emily and Spencer. Motive: I believe Toby has a connection to Bethany Young and has been A from the beginning. I am not a fan of bethany being alive, but these are the clues that she is. ⦁ Marlene King Wrote on a blackboard the PLL ride is over soon. BY BY. Obviously this isnt how you spell Bye so I think this means Bethany Young. ⦁ Bethany is tied to horses and we see horses throughout 6B on. ⦁ Alsion wears a horse shirt through an entire episode, even when all the girls change she comes to her dinner party in this shirt. ⦁ There is a Horse drawing in Lucas’ apartment. ⦁ We see wooden horses at the Amish Furniture Place. ⦁ Patsy Cline Clue- Patsy loved horse; there is also a farm called Black Widow Farm/Walkin in the Moonlight Farm; you can adopt horses from this place…. remember when Bethany had the adopted horse name Custard?? ⦁ Melissa buried Bethany… who is the only person aside from that liars circle that is being messed with… Melissa. ⦁ Bethany is being brought up a lot this season. ⦁ Major Clue!!! Remember how Bethany was supposedly 17?? When the girls find Mary Drakes file Spencer makes the comment, “Charles was actually almost the same age is Jason. They changed his age so his connection couldnt be discovered.” Charlotte is already dead therefore this comment has nothing to do with her, it is talking about Bethany and giving us a clue that she can actually be same age as the girls. SPENCER HAS A TWIN CLUES ⦁ Hannahs Dream… Im sure everyone has read about it by now lol ⦁ The weird Spencer at the airport ⦁ Spencer in the last episode… no apple watch, changed four times, and yes she had a scar but it doesnt exactly look like a gunshot wound. ⦁ We know that veronica took spencer straight from Radley, well one child has been presumably been placed in family services; hence the redacted info Jason got. ⦁ Spencer was in a PINK blanket, yet one baby was seen being carried out in a white blanket. ⦁ The file that the girls find in the storm celler that Mrs. D used was Mary Drakes. When the girls discover that Mary has another child and they are reading about them it says, “BOTH STABLE”! Both as in two!!! ⦁ Dr. Cochran said he delivered two of Marys babies as there could be another one. ⦁ Tyler Blackburn the actor that plays Caleb said we have kind of seen AD, but not really, and that when we see it we will understand what he means. Sounds like a look a like to me. ⦁ Mary Drake once said the families even have hidden people…. we have already seen her so I believe this is foreshadowing something deeper. Okay so now my motive… I believe Toby is tied to Bethany Young somehow.. Remember his tattoo 9.01 FREE at LAST? Well this is the same night Bethany also ran away from RADLEY and if she is alive she is also FREE! What else, if you add 901 together it = 10! Which is another multiple of 5. Rollins burner apartment also has the numbers 901 in them as did a couple others. These numbers are significant. Above I have shows how Toby is tied to AD, Mary Drake, a pregnancy, and Bethany Young. The girls was the reason Toby was sent away at one point and they also blinded Jenna… but I think it is much deeper than that. I think it all comes back to Bethany. I think parts of Charlottes story was real, but not the part about Tobys mother. Bethany Young is the twin of Spencer Hastings. In the finale I believe that Toby will be revealed as AD, and then the twist will be that Spencer has a twin which is none other than Bethany Young and she is the black widow. Above I have connected Bethany to the Black Widow horse farm. Bethany has all the motive in the world to be a part of this. Falsely led out that night, she dont know who killed her, she was buried alive, was gave up for adoption while spencer had a great life; she would definitely want to hurt the Hastings and this has been happening a lot since 6B on. Also a fun note AD is the initials for LOST LOVE in FRENCH and could also been abandoned daughter. I truly believe this is the meaning of Tobys tattoo and the Jenna thing was always a cover. Im sure Toby didn’t really want to explain that his tattoo meant it was the day his step sister stopped sexually abusing him to everyone that asks; this would brand his body with a memory of a horrific experience.
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
Thank you. I have much more clues! I'm new to tumbler though so I can't get anyone to read it lol.
AD theory. Toby is AD and Spencer's twin is black Widow!
Toby A.D. Theory & Spencer Twin Twist …………….I have a lot more to add to this to make even more sense.. but this is it for now. This theory will only include, aside from a couple, clues from the Timejump (6B on) and after. It will explain why I believe Toby is the Big Bad as well as a Spencer Twin reveal as the twist. *The number 5 will play a big role in this theory! Marlene King likes numbers and I think that after the time jump the new number 5 and multiples of 5 (10,15,20…) reappeared often! Clues! ⦁ In ep. 6.11 spencer visits Toby and there is a large 5 on one of the work bench. ⦁ Next we see a car with the license plate 55555 ⦁ When the liars are watching the camera of Aria leaving the Radley the time is 3:11:55 which added equals 15 (multiple of 5). ⦁ Toby was out of town when Hannah received the breakfast saying, “Poor Jordy”. ⦁ In Ep. 6.13 we seen that AD is wearing a hunter green jacket in the closing scene while cleaning off the electrical levers in Radley. Toby is wearing this exact later on in episode 7.07! Emily and Caleb both are seen wearing a green jacket in the series but these are different colors and both have fitted sleeves around the wrist, Tobys is exactly the same. ⦁ The hole in Sarahs closet was sealed off by someone with extensive carpentry skills ⦁ PREGNANCY CLUE: When Spencer has a flashback of her pregnancy scare it makes a point to show us the clock… it is 3:12 which = 5!! Toby is sitting beside the clock. There is also a “Deer Crossing Sign” on her wall which is odd; this refers to Tobys accident later on. ⦁ In the episode Caleb sends a virus to AD’s Computer there is a carpenter/workman vest laying in AD’s car seat. ⦁ In Ep. 6.18 hannah sends the message to AD that she killed Charlotte. The closing scene shows AD building the BOARDGAME in the background. We can see the beginning of the BG and the tools all around. There is red electrical wire, a white foldable tape measure, a bright red thing with two handles on the end and a lot more. The wire, tape measure, and red thing are ALL at tobys house in 6.13 when Caleb tells him about spencer; same color same everything! BAD Toby! Also, in the AD closing scene is the Hastings campaign background; Toby is also tied to the election. This and the jacket are HUGE clues! ⦁ Toby is well rehearsed in FRENCH and so is AD. Also Toby has glasses now and AD pretty much always wear glasses. ⦁ In Ep 6.20 a lady calls Toby pretty eyes, which is something that all A’s have been called. ⦁ When the cop in the mask attacks hannah, you can see he has green eyes if you pause it at the right time. Also cop cars are not easy to come by, but Toby has one. ⦁ OOhhh.. remember when TOBY could draw very well. In the first ever episode Toby was drawing and was good it. AD can draw which relates to the comic book. ⦁ When they find DOLL hannah at the Bell tower, caleb looks at his phone it says 4:01 which equals 5!! If you notice toby is being odd when they are talking about who killed charlotte, he knows a lot of details and is seriously invested in this convo I believe this is bc he is AD and wants to know who killed Charlotte of course. He doesnt have a whole lot on interest in helping the girls after this. ⦁ MARY DRAKE CONNECTION- When toby and Spencer break into Marys room at the Lost Woods it Focuses on her room number which is non other than 5! In Marys room we also see a book that says MASK MAKING. She is tied to AD. ⦁ Also Toby has learned to many new skills such as using dibblers to break into places and also keeps one on him all the time. ⦁ When Toby is getting engaged we also see a large number 5 again right next to the Red thing that AD had while building the GAMEBOARD. ⦁ The address to Rollins burner apartment is 23 Wexford st apartment 109. The first number =5 and the second set =10. her they are again. ⦁ When Toby shows up the the burner apartment he has a KEY! This is odd, cops do not get access to these things, not to mention the girls already bribed the apartment manager for his key. Toby unlocks the door without saying anything and then realizes the chain is locked. After that is only when he announces himself as a cop because he knew rollins wouldnt change the door. Remember when the girls used rollins phone to text the mystery # to meet at the usual spot? Jenna showed up to alisons house which was not the usual spot; not at alisons thats to open. Who shows up to the usual spot… TOBY! Also this season when cops show up its more than one or at least the detective, they would not send Toby by himself then call in for backup. This story was all Tobys cover. Also the address is a direct link to TOBY. ⦁ SPENCER TWIN Connection- When Aria and Jason are at family services aria says that they are number 5 in line. They are looking for Mary Drakes other child. The number 5 is here again. I will ADD more clues later, but these are also some observations I want to point out. 1. Hannah, Aria, and Alision were the girls that were injured by AD. Alision was beat by the cop and had a spill down the stairs, aria and the fire, and hannah was tortured. Emily eggs were stolen and spencer has been hurt in regards to family matters. AD is much easier on Emily and Spencer physically; the eggs thing with Emily is a awful situation, but I do believe AD thinks he is being easier on her. He dont want to harm her (even though he is, but his twisted mind dont see it this way). 2. Hannahs career was wrecked, Aria has been torn from her friends, alision is carrying a baby and has lost all of her money not to mention the set up marriage, yet AD helped emily with a test and helped Spencer find her birthmother and has given her answers she has wanted since though started (even though it has caused a lot of problems). AD is Definitely trying to be better to them. Toby has always been close to Emily and Spencer. Motive: I believe Toby has a connection to Bethany Young and has been A from the beginning. I am not a fan of bethany being alive, but these are the clues that she is. ⦁ Marlene King Wrote on a blackboard the PLL ride is over soon. BY BY. Obviously this isnt how you spell Bye so I think this means Bethany Young. ⦁ Bethany is tied to horses and we see horses throughout 6B on. ⦁ Alsion wears a horse shirt through an entire episode, even when all the girls change she comes to her dinner party in this shirt. ⦁ There is a Horse drawing in Lucas’ apartment. ⦁ We see wooden horses at the Amish Furniture Place. ⦁ Patsy Cline Clue- Patsy loved horse; there is also a farm called Black Widow Farm/Walkin in the Moonlight Farm; you can adopt horses from this place…. remember when Bethany had the adopted horse name Custard?? ⦁ Melissa buried Bethany… who is the only person aside from that liars circle that is being messed with… Melissa. ⦁ Bethany is being brought up a lot this season. ⦁ Major Clue!!! Remember how Bethany was supposedly 17?? When the girls find Mary Drakes file Spencer makes the comment, “Charles was actually almost the same age is Jason. They changed his age so his connection couldnt be discovered.” Charlotte is already dead therefore this comment has nothing to do with her, it is talking about Bethany and giving us a clue that she can actually be same age as the girls. SPENCER HAS A TWIN CLUES ⦁ Hannahs Dream… Im sure everyone has read about it by now lol ⦁ The weird Spencer at the airport ⦁ Spencer in the last episode… no apple watch, changed four times, and yes she had a scar but it doesnt exactly look like a gunshot wound. ⦁ We know that veronica took spencer straight from Radley, well one child has been presumably been placed in family services; hence the redacted info Jason got. ⦁ Spencer was in a PINK blanket, yet one baby was seen being carried out in a white blanket. ⦁ The file that the girls find in the storm celler that Mrs. D used was Mary Drakes. When the girls discover that Mary has another child and they are reading about them it says, “BOTH STABLE”! Both as in two!!! ⦁ Dr. Cochran said he delivered two of Marys babies as there could be another one. ⦁ Tyler Blackburn the actor that plays Caleb said we have kind of seen AD, but not really, and that when we see it we will understand what he means. Sounds like a look a like to me. ⦁ Mary Drake once said the families even have hidden people…. we have already seen her so I believe this is foreshadowing something deeper. Okay so now my motive… I believe Toby is tied to Bethany Young somehow.. Remember his tattoo 9.01 FREE at LAST? Well this is the same night Bethany also ran away from RADLEY and if she is alive she is also FREE! What else, if you add 901 together it = 10! Which is another multiple of 5. Rollins burner apartment also has the numbers 901 in them as did a couple others. These numbers are significant. Above I have shows how Toby is tied to AD, Mary Drake, a pregnancy, and Bethany Young. The girls was the reason Toby was sent away at one point and they also blinded Jenna… but I think it is much deeper than that. I think it all comes back to Bethany. I think parts of Charlottes story was real, but not the part about Tobys mother. Bethany Young is the twin of Spencer Hastings. In the finale I believe that Toby will be revealed as AD, and then the twist will be that Spencer has a twin which is none other than Bethany Young and she is the black widow. Above I have connected Bethany to the Black Widow horse farm. Bethany has all the motive in the world to be a part of this. Falsely led out that night, she dont know who killed her, she was buried alive, was gave up for adoption while spencer had a great life; she would definitely want to hurt the Hastings and this has been happening a lot since 6B on. Also a fun note AD is the initials for LOST LOVE in FRENCH and could also been abandoned daughter. I truly believe this is the meaning of Tobys tattoo and the Jenna thing was always a cover. Im sure Toby didn’t really want to explain that his tattoo meant it was the day his step sister stopped sexually abusing him to everyone that asks; this would brand his body with a memory of a horrific experience.
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
I will lol. I have a theory I can't get going because it doesn't show up anywhere.
I want to be more active, especially with the finale coming up…but there are NO PLL blogs on my dash for some reason. Reblog this if you’re a PLL blog and I’ll follow you so my dash can once again be full of this shit show
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
This is a thought out theory that makes sense... unlike some. Caleb would definitely break a few hearts!!
I actually have a really good theory on Toby and the black widow. I spent days on it watching and rewatching It's long and well thought out. However, I just started my tumbler account so it's not getting in any feeds. You should definitely check it out though!
Artful Dodger is A.D/Caleb Rivers.
There is a big possibility that A.D. is Caleb and stands for Artful Dodger.
In 6B, Caleb gave Hanna that “bug-free” phone. But it maybe wasn’t for the right reasons. It could also have been a trick to track her. Let’s not forget that Ezra tracked the Liars’ in similar ways.
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Worried that something bad may happen involving Haleb, Mrs. Grunwald went to Hanna in 7x08. She sensed a darkness around them which doesn’t actually suggest both of them are in trouble but maybe Hanna is in trouble and Caleb is involved with A.D.
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In the same episode, Grunwald knew whoever was after them had a connection to the hotel. Hanna thought it was Noel because he was staying at the hotel for a little, but it’s really Caleb because he’s been staying with Hanna there and works for Ashley. Grunwald said how the person involved is “very close to Hanna.” I don’t think she meant Noel  who were feet from thembecause she is not that literal and what she said has a deeper meaning than we’d think. Caleb is the “darkness”.
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Caleb is a high-tech genius and not only has the skills, but time to perform A.D. technical things. He also works for RH and handles the security system.
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He knows how to build an electric fence…Dollhouse anyone?
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Caleb was suddenly in a rush to marry Hanna. Why? Legal spouses can’t testify against each other. He had to hurry to marry Hanna in order for them not to have to testify against each other in court.
Marlene said the reveal of A.D would be heartbreaking which means its most likely based on not only the characters, but fans as well. If Caleb is A.D., then all of the Liars will be heartbroken along with many fans of both Haleb, Spaleb, and the general show.  Marlene also said we wouldn’t know if Haleb would end up together until the very end, but we can see so far that they will, but not if Caleb is A.D.
PART 2: (Credits to @ pll-215-owls-b26-paris.tumblr.com/ )
Now all the cast and Marlene have said everything goes back to season one right?
Spencer(to Hanna about Caleb):What’s going on between you and the Artful Dodger?
Jack Dawkins, better known as the Artful Dodger, is a character in the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. Dodger is a pickpocket, so called for his skill and cunning in that respect. He is the leader of the gang of child criminals, trained by the elderly Fagin.
In the novel, he becomes Oliver’s closest friend (although Jack betrays him when Oliver stumbles onto a crime)
Later in the series, Spencer goes on to tell Hanna that this guy is dark and Hanna says at one point “he’s no Arthur Dogger or whoever that is”
Also in season one Emily tells Hanna to be careful with him and Hanna says she’s a good judge of character and Emily points out that Hanna set Aria up with Noel and Hanna says “well Noel Kahn had everyone fooled” and Emily replies “maybe Caleb is the same”
Mona in season 4 said to Ezra “I have had quite the DICKENSIAN life full of folly and FALSE IMPRISONMENT
As we know, Mona will try to solve the game board by herself and may solve it, but not before she is caught by A.D….Caleb. Mona is Oliver Twist but instead of manipulating her like Aria, Caleb will kill her as he knows she can’t be manipulated.
Arcturus the Avenger
The Oliver Twist novel is actually similar to the Arcturus graphic novel. Arcturus’ close friend was Lucas and he created the graphic novel with Charles who he didn’t know was Charlotte/Cece.
Lucas provided all of the details on how Alison bullied everyone.
But Caleb was with Hanna in the tent when A.D. drew in the rest of the second novel of Arcturus? How would this make sense? Caleb isn’t working alone.
A.D. also stands for Arcturus Drake. Originally, I thought Wren was Charles. But really think Charles may be another important character.
Together, the Artful Dodger and Arcturus Drake are A.D..
Caleb the criminal Caleb the hacker Caleb the Artful Dodger
Update Tomorrow Guys!
Caleb the criminal Caleb the hacker Caleb the Artful Dodger
Update Tomorrow Guys!
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
AD theory. Toby is AD and Spencer's twin is black Widow!
Toby A.D. Theory & Spencer Twin Twist …………….I have a lot more to add to this to make even more sense.. but this is it for now. This theory will only include, aside from a couple, clues from the Timejump (6B on) and after. It will explain why I believe Toby is the Big Bad as well as a Spencer Twin reveal as the twist. *The number 5 will play a big role in this theory! Marlene King likes numbers and I think that after the time jump the new number 5 and multiples of 5 (10,15,20…) reappeared often! Clues! ⦁ In ep. 6.11 spencer visits Toby and there is a large 5 on one of the work bench. ⦁ Next we see a car with the license plate 55555 ⦁ When the liars are watching the camera of Aria leaving the Radley the time is 3:11:55 which added equals 15 (multiple of 5). ⦁ Toby was out of town when Hannah received the breakfast saying, “Poor Jordy”. ⦁ In Ep. 6.13 we seen that AD is wearing a hunter green jacket in the closing scene while cleaning off the electrical levers in Radley. Toby is wearing this exact later on in episode 7.07! Emily and Caleb both are seen wearing a green jacket in the series but these are different colors and both have fitted sleeves around the wrist, Tobys is exactly the same. ⦁ The hole in Sarahs closet was sealed off by someone with extensive carpentry skills ⦁ PREGNANCY CLUE: When Spencer has a flashback of her pregnancy scare it makes a point to show us the clock… it is 3:12 which = 5!! Toby is sitting beside the clock. There is also a “Deer Crossing Sign” on her wall which is odd; this refers to Tobys accident later on. ⦁ In the episode Caleb sends a virus to AD’s Computer there is a carpenter/workman vest laying in AD’s car seat. ⦁ In Ep. 6.18 hannah sends the message to AD that she killed Charlotte. The closing scene shows AD building the BOARDGAME in the background. We can see the beginning of the BG and the tools all around. There is red electrical wire, a white foldable tape measure, a bright red thing with two handles on the end and a lot more. The wire, tape measure, and red thing are ALL at tobys house in 6.13 when Caleb tells him about spencer; same color same everything! BAD Toby! Also, in the AD closing scene is the Hastings campaign background; Toby is also tied to the election. This and the jacket are HUGE clues! ⦁ Toby is well rehearsed in FRENCH and so is AD. Also Toby has glasses now and AD pretty much always wear glasses. ⦁ In Ep 6.20 a lady calls Toby pretty eyes, which is something that all A’s have been called. ⦁ When the cop in the mask attacks hannah, you can see he has green eyes if you pause it at the right time. Also cop cars are not easy to come by, but Toby has one. ⦁ OOhhh.. remember when TOBY could draw very well. In the first ever episode Toby was drawing and was good it. AD can draw which relates to the comic book. ⦁ When they find DOLL hannah at the Bell tower, caleb looks at his phone it says 4:01 which equals 5!! If you notice toby is being odd when they are talking about who killed charlotte, he knows a lot of details and is seriously invested in this convo I believe this is bc he is AD and wants to know who killed Charlotte of course. He doesnt have a whole lot on interest in helping the girls after this. ⦁ MARY DRAKE CONNECTION- When toby and Spencer break into Marys room at the Lost Woods it Focuses on her room number which is non other than 5! In Marys room we also see a book that says MASK MAKING. She is tied to AD. ⦁ Also Toby has learned to many new skills such as using dibblers to break into places and also keeps one on him all the time. ⦁ When Toby is getting engaged we also see a large number 5 again right next to the Red thing that AD had while building the GAMEBOARD. ⦁ The address to Rollins burner apartment is 23 Wexford st apartment 109. The first number =5 and the second set =10. her they are again. ⦁ When Toby shows up the the burner apartment he has a KEY! This is odd, cops do not get access to these things, not to mention the girls already bribed the apartment manager for his key. Toby unlocks the door without saying anything and then realizes the chain is locked. After that is only when he announces himself as a cop because he knew rollins wouldnt change the door. Remember when the girls used rollins phone to text the mystery # to meet at the usual spot? Jenna showed up to alisons house which was not the usual spot; not at alisons thats to open. Who shows up to the usual spot… TOBY! Also this season when cops show up its more than one or at least the detective, they would not send Toby by himself then call in for backup. This story was all Tobys cover. Also the address is a direct link to TOBY. ⦁ SPENCER TWIN Connection- When Aria and Jason are at family services aria says that they are number 5 in line. They are looking for Mary Drakes other child. The number 5 is here again. I will ADD more clues later, but these are also some observations I want to point out. 1. Hannah, Aria, and Alision were the girls that were injured by AD. Alision was beat by the cop and had a spill down the stairs, aria and the fire, and hannah was tortured. Emily eggs were stolen and spencer has been hurt in regards to family matters. AD is much easier on Emily and Spencer physically; the eggs thing with Emily is a awful situation, but I do believe AD thinks he is being easier on her. He dont want to harm her (even though he is, but his twisted mind dont see it this way). 2. Hannahs career was wrecked, Aria has been torn from her friends, alision is carrying a baby and has lost all of her money not to mention the set up marriage, yet AD helped emily with a test and helped Spencer find her birthmother and has given her answers she has wanted since though started (even though it has caused a lot of problems). AD is Definitely trying to be better to them. Toby has always been close to Emily and Spencer. Motive: I believe Toby has a connection to Bethany Young and has been A from the beginning. I am not a fan of bethany being alive, but these are the clues that she is. ⦁ Marlene King Wrote on a blackboard the PLL ride is over soon. BY BY. Obviously this isnt how you spell Bye so I think this means Bethany Young. ⦁ Bethany is tied to horses and we see horses throughout 6B on. ⦁ Alsion wears a horse shirt through an entire episode, even when all the girls change she comes to her dinner party in this shirt. ⦁ There is a Horse drawing in Lucas’ apartment. ⦁ We see wooden horses at the Amish Furniture Place. ⦁ Patsy Cline Clue- Patsy loved horse; there is also a farm called Black Widow Farm/Walkin in the Moonlight Farm; you can adopt horses from this place…. remember when Bethany had the adopted horse name Custard?? ⦁ Melissa buried Bethany… who is the only person aside from that liars circle that is being messed with… Melissa. ⦁ Bethany is being brought up a lot this season. ⦁ Major Clue!!! Remember how Bethany was supposedly 17?? When the girls find Mary Drakes file Spencer makes the comment, “Charles was actually almost the same age is Jason. They changed his age so his connection couldnt be discovered.” Charlotte is already dead therefore this comment has nothing to do with her, it is talking about Bethany and giving us a clue that she can actually be same age as the girls. SPENCER HAS A TWIN CLUES ⦁ Hannahs Dream… Im sure everyone has read about it by now lol ⦁ The weird Spencer at the airport ⦁ Spencer in the last episode… no apple watch, changed four times, and yes she had a scar but it doesnt exactly look like a gunshot wound. ⦁ We know that veronica took spencer straight from Radley, well one child has been presumably been placed in family services; hence the redacted info Jason got. ⦁ Spencer was in a PINK blanket, yet one baby was seen being carried out in a white blanket. ⦁ The file that the girls find in the storm celler that Mrs. D used was Mary Drakes. When the girls discover that Mary has another child and they are reading about them it says, “BOTH STABLE”! Both as in two!!! ⦁ Dr. Cochran said he delivered two of Marys babies as there could be another one. ⦁ Tyler Blackburn the actor that plays Caleb said we have kind of seen AD, but not really, and that when we see it we will understand what he means. Sounds like a look a like to me. ⦁ Mary Drake once said the families even have hidden people…. we have already seen her so I believe this is foreshadowing something deeper. Okay so now my motive… I believe Toby is tied to Bethany Young somehow.. Remember his tattoo 9.01 FREE at LAST? Well this is the same night Bethany also ran away from RADLEY and if she is alive she is also FREE! What else, if you add 901 together it = 10! Which is another multiple of 5. Rollins burner apartment also has the numbers 901 in them as did a couple others. These numbers are significant. Above I have shows how Toby is tied to AD, Mary Drake, a pregnancy, and Bethany Young. The girls was the reason Toby was sent away at one point and they also blinded Jenna… but I think it is much deeper than that. I think it all comes back to Bethany. I think parts of Charlottes story was real, but not the part about Tobys mother. Bethany Young is the twin of Spencer Hastings. In the finale I believe that Toby will be revealed as AD, and then the twist will be that Spencer has a twin which is none other than Bethany Young and she is the black widow. Above I have connected Bethany to the Black Widow horse farm. Bethany has all the motive in the world to be a part of this. Falsely led out that night, she dont know who killed her, she was buried alive, was gave up for adoption while spencer had a great life; she would definitely want to hurt the Hastings and this has been happening a lot since 6B on. Also a fun note AD is the initials for LOST LOVE in FRENCH and could also been abandoned daughter. I truly believe this is the meaning of Tobys tattoo and the Jenna thing was always a cover. Im sure Toby didn’t really want to explain that his tattoo meant it was the day his step sister stopped sexually abusing him to everyone that asks; this would brand his body with a memory of a horrific experience.
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
I have an amazing theory for AD on my page. I think it makes a lot of sense anyway!
how many of you think that twincer is going to happen & would you like it or not? personally, i wouldn’t be over the moon about it but I’d be fine if it made sense.
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
Mona and Melissa killed Charlotte.
i definitely think melissa finished her off, mona tried. repeating the night of bethany’s murder for sure
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
Also Marlene king said AD did not have anything to do with Toby's accident!
AD theory. Toby is AD and Spencer's twin is black Widow!
Toby A.D. Theory & Spencer Twin Twist …………….I have a lot more to add to this to make even more sense.. but this is it for now. This theory will only include, aside from a couple, clues from the Timejump (6B on) and after. It will explain why I believe Toby is the Big Bad as well as a Spencer Twin reveal as the twist. *The number 5 will play a big role in this theory! Marlene King likes numbers and I think that after the time jump the new number 5 and multiples of 5 (10,15,20…) reappeared often! Clues! ⦁ In ep. 6.11 spencer visits Toby and there is a large 5 on one of the work bench. ⦁ Next we see a car with the license plate 55555 ⦁ When the liars are watching the camera of Aria leaving the Radley the time is 3:11:55 which added equals 15 (multiple of 5). ⦁ Toby was out of town when Hannah received the breakfast saying, “Poor Jordy”. ⦁ In Ep. 6.13 we seen that AD is wearing a hunter green jacket in the closing scene while cleaning off the electrical levers in Radley. Toby is wearing this exact later on in episode 7.07! Emily and Caleb both are seen wearing a green jacket in the series but these are different colors and both have fitted sleeves around the wrist, Tobys is exactly the same. ⦁ The hole in Sarahs closet was sealed off by someone with extensive carpentry skills ⦁ PREGNANCY CLUE: When Spencer has a flashback of her pregnancy scare it makes a point to show us the clock… it is 3:12 which = 5!! Toby is sitting beside the clock. There is also a “Deer Crossing Sign” on her wall which is odd; this refers to Tobys accident later on. ⦁ In the episode Caleb sends a virus to AD’s Computer there is a carpenter/workman vest laying in AD’s car seat. ⦁ In Ep. 6.18 hannah sends the message to AD that she killed Charlotte. The closing scene shows AD building the BOARDGAME in the background. We can see the beginning of the BG and the tools all around. There is red electrical wire, a white foldable tape measure, a bright red thing with two handles on the end and a lot more. The wire, tape measure, and red thing are ALL at tobys house in 6.13 when Caleb tells him about spencer; same color same everything! BAD Toby! Also, in the AD closing scene is the Hastings campaign background; Toby is also tied to the election. This and the jacket are HUGE clues! ⦁ Toby is well rehearsed in FRENCH and so is AD. Also Toby has glasses now and AD pretty much always wear glasses. ⦁ In Ep 6.20 a lady calls Toby pretty eyes, which is something that all A’s have been called. ⦁ When the cop in the mask attacks hannah, you can see he has green eyes if you pause it at the right time. Also cop cars are not easy to come by, but Toby has one. ⦁ OOhhh.. remember when TOBY could draw very well. In the first ever episode Toby was drawing and was good it. AD can draw which relates to the comic book. ⦁ When they find DOLL hannah at the Bell tower, caleb looks at his phone it says 4:01 which equals 5!! If you notice toby is being odd when they are talking about who killed charlotte, he knows a lot of details and is seriously invested in this convo I believe this is bc he is AD and wants to know who killed Charlotte of course. He doesnt have a whole lot on interest in helping the girls after this. ⦁ MARY DRAKE CONNECTION- When toby and Spencer break into Marys room at the Lost Woods it Focuses on her room number which is non other than 5! In Marys room we also see a book that says MASK MAKING. She is tied to AD. ⦁ Also Toby has learned to many new skills such as using dibblers to break into places and also keeps one on him all the time. ⦁ When Toby is getting engaged we also see a large number 5 again right next to the Red thing that AD had while building the GAMEBOARD. ⦁ The address to Rollins burner apartment is 23 Wexford st apartment 109. The first number =5 and the second set =10. her they are again. ⦁ When Toby shows up the the burner apartment he has a KEY! This is odd, cops do not get access to these things, not to mention the girls already bribed the apartment manager for his key. Toby unlocks the door without saying anything and then realizes the chain is locked. After that is only when he announces himself as a cop because he knew rollins wouldnt change the door. Remember when the girls used rollins phone to text the mystery # to meet at the usual spot? Jenna showed up to alisons house which was not the usual spot; not at alisons thats to open. Who shows up to the usual spot… TOBY! Also this season when cops show up its more than one or at least the detective, they would not send Toby by himself then call in for backup. This story was all Tobys cover. Also the address is a direct link to TOBY. ⦁ SPENCER TWIN Connection- When Aria and Jason are at family services aria says that they are number 5 in line. They are looking for Mary Drakes other child. The number 5 is here again. I will ADD more clues later, but these are also some observations I want to point out. 1. Hannah, Aria, and Alision were the girls that were injured by AD. Alision was beat by the cop and had a spill down the stairs, aria and the fire, and hannah was tortured. Emily eggs were stolen and spencer has been hurt in regards to family matters. AD is much easier on Emily and Spencer physically; the eggs thing with Emily is a awful situation, but I do believe AD thinks he is being easier on her. He dont want to harm her (even though he is, but his twisted mind dont see it this way). 2. Hannahs career was wrecked, Aria has been torn from her friends, alision is carrying a baby and has lost all of her money not to mention the set up marriage, yet AD helped emily with a test and helped Spencer find her birthmother and has given her answers she has wanted since though started (even though it has caused a lot of problems). AD is Definitely trying to be better to them. Toby has always been close to Emily and Spencer. Motive: I believe Toby has a connection to Bethany Young and has been A from the beginning. I am not a fan of bethany being alive, but these are the clues that she is. ⦁ Marlene King Wrote on a blackboard the PLL ride is over soon. BY BY. Obviously this isnt how you spell Bye so I think this means Bethany Young. ⦁ Bethany is tied to horses and we see horses throughout 6B on. ⦁ Alsion wears a horse shirt through an entire episode, even when all the girls change she comes to her dinner party in this shirt. ⦁ There is a Horse drawing in Lucas’ apartment. ⦁ We see wooden horses at the Amish Furniture Place. ⦁ Patsy Cline Clue- Patsy loved horse; there is also a farm called Black Widow Farm/Walkin in the Moonlight Farm; you can adopt horses from this place…. remember when Bethany had the adopted horse name Custard?? ⦁ Melissa buried Bethany… who is the only person aside from that liars circle that is being messed with… Melissa. ⦁ Bethany is being brought up a lot this season. ⦁ Major Clue!!! Remember how Bethany was supposedly 17?? When the girls find Mary Drakes file Spencer makes the comment, “Charles was actually almost the same age is Jason. They changed his age so his connection couldnt be discovered.” Charlotte is already dead therefore this comment has nothing to do with her, it is talking about Bethany and giving us a clue that she can actually be same age as the girls. SPENCER HAS A TWIN CLUES ⦁ Hannahs Dream… Im sure everyone has read about it by now lol ⦁ The weird Spencer at the airport ⦁ Spencer in the last episode… no apple watch, changed four times, and yes she had a scar but it doesnt exactly look like a gunshot wound. ⦁ We know that veronica took spencer straight from Radley, well one child has been presumably been placed in family services; hence the redacted info Jason got. ⦁ Spencer was in a PINK blanket, yet one baby was seen being carried out in a white blanket. ⦁ The file that the girls find in the storm celler that Mrs. D used was Mary Drakes. When the girls discover that Mary has another child and they are reading about them it says, “BOTH STABLE”! Both as in two!!! ⦁ Dr. Cochran said he delivered two of Marys babies as there could be another one. ⦁ Tyler Blackburn the actor that plays Caleb said we have kind of seen AD, but not really, and that when we see it we will understand what he means. Sounds like a look a like to me. ⦁ Mary Drake once said the families even have hidden people…. we have already seen her so I believe this is foreshadowing something deeper. Okay so now my motive… I believe Toby is tied to Bethany Young somehow.. Remember his tattoo 9.01 FREE at LAST? Well this is the same night Bethany also ran away from RADLEY and if she is alive she is also FREE! What else, if you add 901 together it = 10! Which is another multiple of 5. Rollins burner apartment also has the numbers 901 in them as did a couple others. These numbers are significant. Above I have shows how Toby is tied to AD, Mary Drake, a pregnancy, and Bethany Young. The girls was the reason Toby was sent away at one point and they also blinded Jenna… but I think it is much deeper than that. I think it all comes back to Bethany. I think parts of Charlottes story was real, but not the part about Tobys mother. Bethany Young is the twin of Spencer Hastings. In the finale I believe that Toby will be revealed as AD, and then the twist will be that Spencer has a twin which is none other than Bethany Young and she is the black widow. Above I have connected Bethany to the Black Widow horse farm. Bethany has all the motive in the world to be a part of this. Falsely led out that night, she dont know who killed her, she was buried alive, was gave up for adoption while spencer had a great life; she would definitely want to hurt the Hastings and this has been happening a lot since 6B on. Also a fun note AD is the initials for LOST LOVE in FRENCH and could also been abandoned daughter. I truly believe this is the meaning of Tobys tattoo and the Jenna thing was always a cover. Im sure Toby didn’t really want to explain that his tattoo meant it was the day his step sister stopped sexually abusing him to everyone that asks; this would brand his body with a memory of a horrific experience.
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
Mona killed Charlotte!! HUGE CLUE!
I’ve seen a lot of people say Mona did this, but nothing to back it up! When Em visits the car shop to see who owned the jeep the car next to it has a pair of lucky dice around the mirror. Seconds later who had a pair of lucky dice in her hands???? None other than ms. Mona Vanderwall! Charlottes killed was the one in the jeep bc they wanted the murder weapon back. Ohh Mona… your not AD, but your are a great liar 💕💕👍🥇
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
Mona killed Charlotte!! HUGE CLUE!
I've seen a lot of people say Mona did this, but nothing to back it up! When Em visits the car shop to see who owned the jeep the car next to it has a pair of lucky dice around the mirror. Seconds later who had a pair of lucky dice in her hands???? None other than ms. Mona Vanderwall! Charlottes killed was the one in the jeep bc they wanted the murder weapon back. Ohh Mona... your not AD, but your are a great liar 💕💕👍🥇
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
Mona your bad!
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Mona’s lairs: S02E25 | S03E16 | S04E01 | S07E17
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
Love Ashley & Hannah of course...
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
@bryan-gleek-liar-oncer-potter check out my theory!
AD theory. Toby is AD and Spencer's twin is black Widow!
Toby A.D. Theory & Spencer Twin Twist …………….I have a lot more to add to this to make even more sense.. but this is it for now. This theory will only include, aside from a couple, clues from the Timejump (6B on) and after. It will explain why I believe Toby is the Big Bad as well as a Spencer Twin reveal as the twist. *The number 5 will play a big role in this theory! Marlene King likes numbers and I think that after the time jump the new number 5 and multiples of 5 (10,15,20…) reappeared often! Clues! ⦁ In ep. 6.11 spencer visits Toby and there is a large 5 on one of the work bench. ⦁ Next we see a car with the license plate 55555 ⦁ When the liars are watching the camera of Aria leaving the Radley the time is 3:11:55 which added equals 15 (multiple of 5). ⦁ Toby was out of town when Hannah received the breakfast saying, “Poor Jordy”. ⦁ In Ep. 6.13 we seen that AD is wearing a hunter green jacket in the closing scene while cleaning off the electrical levers in Radley. Toby is wearing this exact later on in episode 7.07! Emily and Caleb both are seen wearing a green jacket in the series but these are different colors and both have fitted sleeves around the wrist, Tobys is exactly the same. ⦁ The hole in Sarahs closet was sealed off by someone with extensive carpentry skills ⦁ PREGNANCY CLUE: When Spencer has a flashback of her pregnancy scare it makes a point to show us the clock… it is 3:12 which = 5!! Toby is sitting beside the clock. There is also a “Deer Crossing Sign” on her wall which is odd; this refers to Tobys accident later on. ⦁ In the episode Caleb sends a virus to AD’s Computer there is a carpenter/workman vest laying in AD’s car seat. ⦁ In Ep. 6.18 hannah sends the message to AD that she killed Charlotte. The closing scene shows AD building the BOARDGAME in the background. We can see the beginning of the BG and the tools all around. There is red electrical wire, a white foldable tape measure, a bright red thing with two handles on the end and a lot more. The wire, tape measure, and red thing are ALL at tobys house in 6.13 when Caleb tells him about spencer; same color same everything! BAD Toby! Also, in the AD closing scene is the Hastings campaign background; Toby is also tied to the election. This and the jacket are HUGE clues! ⦁ Toby is well rehearsed in FRENCH and so is AD. Also Toby has glasses now and AD pretty much always wear glasses. ⦁ In Ep 6.20 a lady calls Toby pretty eyes, which is something that all A’s have been called. ⦁ When the cop in the mask attacks hannah, you can see he has green eyes if you pause it at the right time. Also cop cars are not easy to come by, but Toby has one. ⦁ OOhhh.. remember when TOBY could draw very well. In the first ever episode Toby was drawing and was good it. AD can draw which relates to the comic book. ⦁ When they find DOLL hannah at the Bell tower, caleb looks at his phone it says 4:01 which equals 5!! If you notice toby is being odd when they are talking about who killed charlotte, he knows a lot of details and is seriously invested in this convo I believe this is bc he is AD and wants to know who killed Charlotte of course. He doesnt have a whole lot on interest in helping the girls after this. ⦁ MARY DRAKE CONNECTION- When toby and Spencer break into Marys room at the Lost Woods it Focuses on her room number which is non other than 5! In Marys room we also see a book that says MASK MAKING. She is tied to AD. ⦁ Also Toby has learned to many new skills such as using dibblers to break into places and also keeps one on him all the time. ⦁ When Toby is getting engaged we also see a large number 5 again right next to the Red thing that AD had while building the GAMEBOARD. ⦁ The address to Rollins burner apartment is 23 Wexford st apartment 109. The first number =5 and the second set =10. her they are again. ⦁ When Toby shows up the the burner apartment he has a KEY! This is odd, cops do not get access to these things, not to mention the girls already bribed the apartment manager for his key. Toby unlocks the door without saying anything and then realizes the chain is locked. After that is only when he announces himself as a cop because he knew rollins wouldnt change the door. Remember when the girls used rollins phone to text the mystery # to meet at the usual spot? Jenna showed up to alisons house which was not the usual spot; not at alisons thats to open. Who shows up to the usual spot… TOBY! Also this season when cops show up its more than one or at least the detective, they would not send Toby by himself then call in for backup. This story was all Tobys cover. Also the address is a direct link to TOBY. ⦁ SPENCER TWIN Connection- When Aria and Jason are at family services aria says that they are number 5 in line. They are looking for Mary Drakes other child. The number 5 is here again. I will ADD more clues later, but these are also some observations I want to point out. 1. Hannah, Aria, and Alision were the girls that were injured by AD. Alision was beat by the cop and had a spill down the stairs, aria and the fire, and hannah was tortured. Emily eggs were stolen and spencer has been hurt in regards to family matters. AD is much easier on Emily and Spencer physically; the eggs thing with Emily is a awful situation, but I do believe AD thinks he is being easier on her. He dont want to harm her (even though he is, but his twisted mind dont see it this way). 2. Hannahs career was wrecked, Aria has been torn from her friends, alision is carrying a baby and has lost all of her money not to mention the set up marriage, yet AD helped emily with a test and helped Spencer find her birthmother and has given her answers she has wanted since though started (even though it has caused a lot of problems). AD is Definitely trying to be better to them. Toby has always been close to Emily and Spencer. Motive: I believe Toby has a connection to Bethany Young and has been A from the beginning. I am not a fan of bethany being alive, but these are the clues that she is. ⦁ Marlene King Wrote on a blackboard the PLL ride is over soon. BY BY. Obviously this isnt how you spell Bye so I think this means Bethany Young. ⦁ Bethany is tied to horses and we see horses throughout 6B on. ⦁ Alsion wears a horse shirt through an entire episode, even when all the girls change she comes to her dinner party in this shirt. ⦁ There is a Horse drawing in Lucas’ apartment. ⦁ We see wooden horses at the Amish Furniture Place. ⦁ Patsy Cline Clue- Patsy loved horse; there is also a farm called Black Widow Farm/Walkin in the Moonlight Farm; you can adopt horses from this place…. remember when Bethany had the adopted horse name Custard?? ⦁ Melissa buried Bethany… who is the only person aside from that liars circle that is being messed with… Melissa. ⦁ Bethany is being brought up a lot this season. ⦁ Major Clue!!! Remember how Bethany was supposedly 17?? When the girls find Mary Drakes file Spencer makes the comment, “Charles was actually almost the same age is Jason. They changed his age so his connection couldnt be discovered.” Charlotte is already dead therefore this comment has nothing to do with her, it is talking about Bethany and giving us a clue that she can actually be same age as the girls. SPENCER HAS A TWIN CLUES ⦁ Hannahs Dream… Im sure everyone has read about it by now lol ⦁ The weird Spencer at the airport ⦁ Spencer in the last episode… no apple watch, changed four times, and yes she had a scar but it doesnt exactly look like a gunshot wound. ⦁ We know that veronica took spencer straight from Radley, well one child has been presumably been placed in family services; hence the redacted info Jason got. ⦁ Spencer was in a PINK blanket, yet one baby was seen being carried out in a white blanket. ⦁ The file that the girls find in the storm celler that Mrs. D used was Mary Drakes. When the girls discover that Mary has another child and they are reading about them it says, “BOTH STABLE”! Both as in two!!! ⦁ Dr. Cochran said he delivered two of Marys babies as there could be another one. ⦁ Tyler Blackburn the actor that plays Caleb said we have kind of seen AD, but not really, and that when we see it we will understand what he means. Sounds like a look a like to me. ⦁ Mary Drake once said the families even have hidden people…. we have already seen her so I believe this is foreshadowing something deeper. Okay so now my motive… I believe Toby is tied to Bethany Young somehow.. Remember his tattoo 9.01 FREE at LAST? Well this is the same night Bethany also ran away from RADLEY and if she is alive she is also FREE! What else, if you add 901 together it = 10! Which is another multiple of 5. Rollins burner apartment also has the numbers 901 in them as did a couple others. These numbers are significant. Above I have shows how Toby is tied to AD, Mary Drake, a pregnancy, and Bethany Young. The girls was the reason Toby was sent away at one point and they also blinded Jenna… but I think it is much deeper than that. I think it all comes back to Bethany. I think parts of Charlottes story was real, but not the part about Tobys mother. Bethany Young is the twin of Spencer Hastings. In the finale I believe that Toby will be revealed as AD, and then the twist will be that Spencer has a twin which is none other than Bethany Young and she is the black widow. Above I have connected Bethany to the Black Widow horse farm. Bethany has all the motive in the world to be a part of this. Falsely led out that night, she dont know who killed her, she was buried alive, was gave up for adoption while spencer had a great life; she would definitely want to hurt the Hastings and this has been happening a lot since 6B on. Also a fun note AD is the initials for LOST LOVE in FRENCH and could also been abandoned daughter. I truly believe this is the meaning of Tobys tattoo and the Jenna thing was always a cover. Im sure Toby didn’t really want to explain that his tattoo meant it was the day his step sister stopped sexually abusing him to everyone that asks; this would brand his body with a memory of a horrific experience.
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
AD theory. Toby is AD and Spencer's twin is black Widow!
Toby A.D. Theory & Spencer Twin Twist …………….I have a lot more to add to this to make even more sense.. but this is it for now. This theory will only include, aside from a couple, clues from the Timejump (6B on) and after. It will explain why I believe Toby is the Big Bad as well as a Spencer Twin reveal as the twist. *The number 5 will play a big role in this theory! Marlene King likes numbers and I think that after the time jump the new number 5 and multiples of 5 (10,15,20…) reappeared often! Clues! ⦁ In ep. 6.11 spencer visits Toby and there is a large 5 on one of the work bench. ⦁ Next we see a car with the license plate 55555 ⦁ When the liars are watching the camera of Aria leaving the Radley the time is 3:11:55 which added equals 15 (multiple of 5). ⦁ Toby was out of town when Hannah received the breakfast saying, “Poor Jordy”. ⦁ In Ep. 6.13 we seen that AD is wearing a hunter green jacket in the closing scene while cleaning off the electrical levers in Radley. Toby is wearing this exact later on in episode 7.07! Emily and Caleb both are seen wearing a green jacket in the series but these are different colors and both have fitted sleeves around the wrist, Tobys is exactly the same. ⦁ The hole in Sarahs closet was sealed off by someone with extensive carpentry skills ⦁ PREGNANCY CLUE: When Spencer has a flashback of her pregnancy scare it makes a point to show us the clock… it is 3:12 which = 5!! Toby is sitting beside the clock. There is also a “Deer Crossing Sign” on her wall which is odd; this refers to Tobys accident later on. ⦁ In the episode Caleb sends a virus to AD’s Computer there is a carpenter/workman vest laying in AD’s car seat. ⦁ In Ep. 6.18 hannah sends the message to AD that she killed Charlotte. The closing scene shows AD building the BOARDGAME in the background. We can see the beginning of the BG and the tools all around. There is red electrical wire, a white foldable tape measure, a bright red thing with two handles on the end and a lot more. The wire, tape measure, and red thing are ALL at tobys house in 6.13 when Caleb tells him about spencer; same color same everything! BAD Toby! Also, in the AD closing scene is the Hastings campaign background; Toby is also tied to the election. This and the jacket are HUGE clues! ⦁ Toby is well rehearsed in FRENCH and so is AD. Also Toby has glasses now and AD pretty much always wear glasses. ⦁ In Ep 6.20 a lady calls Toby pretty eyes, which is something that all A’s have been called. ⦁ When the cop in the mask attacks hannah, you can see he has green eyes if you pause it at the right time. Also cop cars are not easy to come by, but Toby has one. ⦁ OOhhh.. remember when TOBY could draw very well. In the first ever episode Toby was drawing and was good it. AD can draw which relates to the comic book. ⦁ When they find DOLL hannah at the Bell tower, caleb looks at his phone it says 4:01 which equals 5!! If you notice toby is being odd when they are talking about who killed charlotte, he knows a lot of details and is seriously invested in this convo I believe this is bc he is AD and wants to know who killed Charlotte of course. He doesnt have a whole lot on interest in helping the girls after this. ⦁ MARY DRAKE CONNECTION- When toby and Spencer break into Marys room at the Lost Woods it Focuses on her room number which is non other than 5! In Marys room we also see a book that says MASK MAKING. She is tied to AD. ⦁ Also Toby has learned to many new skills such as using dibblers to break into places and also keeps one on him all the time. ⦁ When Toby is getting engaged we also see a large number 5 again right next to the Red thing that AD had while building the GAMEBOARD. ⦁ The address to Rollins burner apartment is 23 Wexford st apartment 109. The first number =5 and the second set =10. her they are again. ⦁ When Toby shows up the the burner apartment he has a KEY! This is odd, cops do not get access to these things, not to mention the girls already bribed the apartment manager for his key. Toby unlocks the door without saying anything and then realizes the chain is locked. After that is only when he announces himself as a cop because he knew rollins wouldnt change the door. Remember when the girls used rollins phone to text the mystery # to meet at the usual spot? Jenna showed up to alisons house which was not the usual spot; not at alisons thats to open. Who shows up to the usual spot… TOBY! Also this season when cops show up its more than one or at least the detective, they would not send Toby by himself then call in for backup. This story was all Tobys cover. Also the address is a direct link to TOBY. ⦁ SPENCER TWIN Connection- When Aria and Jason are at family services aria says that they are number 5 in line. They are looking for Mary Drakes other child. The number 5 is here again. I will ADD more clues later, but these are also some observations I want to point out. 1. Hannah, Aria, and Alision were the girls that were injured by AD. Alision was beat by the cop and had a spill down the stairs, aria and the fire, and hannah was tortured. Emily eggs were stolen and spencer has been hurt in regards to family matters. AD is much easier on Emily and Spencer physically; the eggs thing with Emily is a awful situation, but I do believe AD thinks he is being easier on her. He dont want to harm her (even though he is, but his twisted mind dont see it this way). 2. Hannahs career was wrecked, Aria has been torn from her friends, alision is carrying a baby and has lost all of her money not to mention the set up marriage, yet AD helped emily with a test and helped Spencer find her birthmother and has given her answers she has wanted since though started (even though it has caused a lot of problems). AD is Definitely trying to be better to them. Toby has always been close to Emily and Spencer. Motive: I believe Toby has a connection to Bethany Young and has been A from the beginning. I am not a fan of bethany being alive, but these are the clues that she is. ⦁ Marlene King Wrote on a blackboard the PLL ride is over soon. BY BY. Obviously this isnt how you spell Bye so I think this means Bethany Young. ⦁ Bethany is tied to horses and we see horses throughout 6B on. ⦁ Alsion wears a horse shirt through an entire episode, even when all the girls change she comes to her dinner party in this shirt. ⦁ There is a Horse drawing in Lucas’ apartment. ⦁ We see wooden horses at the Amish Furniture Place. ⦁ Patsy Cline Clue- Patsy loved horse; there is also a farm called Black Widow Farm/Walkin in the Moonlight Farm; you can adopt horses from this place…. remember when Bethany had the adopted horse name Custard?? ⦁ Melissa buried Bethany… who is the only person aside from that liars circle that is being messed with… Melissa. ⦁ Bethany is being brought up a lot this season. ⦁ Major Clue!!! Remember how Bethany was supposedly 17?? When the girls find Mary Drakes file Spencer makes the comment, “Charles was actually almost the same age is Jason. They changed his age so his connection couldnt be discovered.” Charlotte is already dead therefore this comment has nothing to do with her, it is talking about Bethany and giving us a clue that she can actually be same age as the girls. SPENCER HAS A TWIN CLUES ⦁ Hannahs Dream… Im sure everyone has read about it by now lol ⦁ The weird Spencer at the airport ⦁ Spencer in the last episode… no apple watch, changed four times, and yes she had a scar but it doesnt exactly look like a gunshot wound. ⦁ We know that veronica took spencer straight from Radley, well one child has been presumably been placed in family services; hence the redacted info Jason got. ⦁ Spencer was in a PINK blanket, yet one baby was seen being carried out in a white blanket. ⦁ The file that the girls find in the storm celler that Mrs. D used was Mary Drakes. When the girls discover that Mary has another child and they are reading about them it says, “BOTH STABLE”! Both as in two!!! ⦁ Dr. Cochran said he delivered two of Marys babies as there could be another one. ⦁ Tyler Blackburn the actor that plays Caleb said we have kind of seen AD, but not really, and that when we see it we will understand what he means. Sounds like a look a like to me. ⦁ Mary Drake once said the families even have hidden people…. we have already seen her so I believe this is foreshadowing something deeper. Okay so now my motive… I believe Toby is tied to Bethany Young somehow.. Remember his tattoo 9.01 FREE at LAST? Well this is the same night Bethany also ran away from RADLEY and if she is alive she is also FREE! What else, if you add 901 together it = 10! Which is another multiple of 5. Rollins burner apartment also has the numbers 901 in them as did a couple others. These numbers are significant. Above I have shows how Toby is tied to AD, Mary Drake, a pregnancy, and Bethany Young. The girls was the reason Toby was sent away at one point and they also blinded Jenna… but I think it is much deeper than that. I think it all comes back to Bethany. I think parts of Charlottes story was real, but not the part about Tobys mother. Bethany Young is the twin of Spencer Hastings. In the finale I believe that Toby will be revealed as AD, and then the twist will be that Spencer has a twin which is none other than Bethany Young and she is the black widow. Above I have connected Bethany to the Black Widow horse farm. Bethany has all the motive in the world to be a part of this. Falsely led out that night, she dont know who killed her, she was buried alive, was gave up for adoption while spencer had a great life; she would definitely want to hurt the Hastings and this has been happening a lot since 6B on. Also a fun note AD is the initials for LOST LOVE in FRENCH and could also been abandoned daughter. I truly believe this is the meaning of Tobys tattoo and the Jenna thing was always a cover. Im sure Toby didn’t really want to explain that his tattoo meant it was the day his step sister stopped sexually abusing him to everyone that asks; this would brand his body with a memory of a horrific experience.
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
AD theory Toby and Spencer Twin
Toby A.D. Theory & Spencer Twin Twist …………….I have a lot more to add to this to make even more sense.. but this is it for now. This theory will only include, aside from a couple, clues from the Timejump (6B on) and after. It will explain why I believe Toby is the Big Bad as well as a Spencer Twin reveal as the twist. *The number 5 will play a big role in this theory! Marlene King likes numbers and I think that after the time jump the new number 5 and multiples of 5 (10,15,20…) reappeared often! Clues! ⦁ In ep. 6.11 spencer visits Toby and there is a large 5 on one of the work bench. ⦁ Next we see a car with the license plate 55555 ⦁ When the liars are watching the camera of Aria leaving the Radley the time is 3:11:55 which added equals 15 (multiple of 5). ⦁ Toby was out of town when Hannah received the breakfast saying, “Poor Jordy”. ⦁ In Ep. 6.13 we seen that AD is wearing a hunter green jacket in the closing scene while cleaning off the electrical levers in Radley. Toby is wearing this exact later on in episode 7.07! Emily and Caleb both are seen wearing a green jacket in the series but these are different colors and both have fitted sleeves around the wrist, Tobys is exactly the same. ⦁ The hole in Sarahs closet was sealed off by someone with extensive carpentry skills ⦁ PREGNANCY CLUE: When Spencer has a flashback of her pregnancy scare it makes a point to show us the clock… it is 3:12 which = 5!! Toby is sitting beside the clock. There is also a “Deer Crossing Sign” on her wall which is odd; this refers to Tobys accident later on. ⦁ In the episode Caleb sends a virus to AD’s Computer there is a carpenter/workman vest laying in AD’s car seat. ⦁ In Ep. 6.18 hannah sends the message to AD that she killed Charlotte. The closing scene shows AD building the BOARDGAME in the background. We can see the beginning of the BG and the tools all around. There is red electrical wire, a white foldable tape measure, a bright red thing with two handles on the end and a lot more. The wire, tape measure, and red thing are ALL at tobys house in 6.13 when Caleb tells him about spencer; same color same everything! BAD Toby! Also, in the AD closing scene is the Hastings campaign background; Toby is also tied to the election. This and the jacket are HUGE clues! ⦁ Toby is well rehearsed in FRENCH and so is AD. Also Toby has glasses now and AD pretty much always wear glasses. ⦁ In Ep 6.20 a lady calls Toby pretty eyes, which is something that all A’s have been called. ⦁ When the cop in the mask attacks hannah, you can see he has green eyes if you pause it at the right time. Also cop cars are not easy to come by, but Toby has one. ⦁ OOhhh.. remember when TOBY could draw very well. In the first ever episode Toby was drawing and was good it. AD can draw which relates to the comic book. ⦁ When they find DOLL hannah at the Bell tower, caleb looks at his phone it says 4:01 which equals 5!! If you notice toby is being odd when they are talking about who killed charlotte, he knows a lot of details and is seriously invested in this convo I believe this is bc he is AD and wants to know who killed Charlotte of course. He doesnt have a whole lot on interest in helping the girls after this. ⦁ MARY DRAKE CONNECTION- When toby and Spencer break into Marys room at the Lost Woods it Focuses on her room number which is non other than 5! In Marys room we also see a book that says MASK MAKING. She is tied to AD. ⦁ Also Toby has learned to many new skills such as using dibblers to break into places and also keeps one on him all the time. ⦁ When Toby is getting engaged we also see a large number 5 again right next to the Red thing that AD had while building the GAMEBOARD. ⦁ The address to Rollins burner apartment is 23 Wexford st apartment 109. The first number =5 and the second set =10. her they are again. ⦁ When Toby shows up the the burner apartment he has a KEY! This is odd, cops do not get access to these things, not to mention the girls already bribed the apartment manager for his key. Toby unlocks the door without saying anything and then realizes the chain is locked. After that is only when he announces himself as a cop because he knew rollins wouldnt change the door. Remember when the girls used rollins phone to text the mystery # to meet at the usual spot? Jenna showed up to alisons house which was not the usual spot; not at alisons thats to open. Who shows up to the usual spot… TOBY! Also this season when cops show up its more than one or at least the detective, they would not send Toby by himself then call in for backup. This story was all Tobys cover. Also the address is a direct link to TOBY. ⦁ SPENCER TWIN Connection- When Aria and Jason are at family services aria says that they are number 5 in line. They are looking for Mary Drakes other child. The number 5 is here again. I will ADD more clues later, but these are also some observations I want to point out. 1. Hannah, Aria, and Alision were the girls that were injured by AD. Alision was beat by the cop and had a spill down the stairs, aria and the fire, and hannah was tortured. Emily eggs were stolen and spencer has been hurt in regards to family matters. AD is much easier on Emily and Spencer physically; the eggs thing with Emily is a awful situation, but I do believe AD thinks he is being easier on her. He dont want to harm her (even though he is, but his twisted mind dont see it this way). 2. Hannahs career was wrecked, Aria has been torn from her friends, alision is carrying a baby and has lost all of her money not to mention the set up marriage, yet AD helped emily with a test and helped Spencer find her birthmother and has given her answers she has wanted since though started (even though it has caused a lot of problems). AD is Definitely trying to be better to them. Toby has always been close to Emily and Spencer. Motive: I believe Toby has a connection to Bethany Young and has been A from the beginning. I am not a fan of bethany being alive, but these are the clues that she is. ⦁ Marlene King Wrote on a blackboard the PLL ride is over soon. BY BY. Obviously this isnt how you spell Bye so I think this means Bethany Young. ⦁ Bethany is tied to horses and we see horses throughout 6B on. ⦁ Alsion wears a horse shirt through an entire episode, even when all the girls change she comes to her dinner party in this shirt. ⦁ There is a Horse drawing in Lucas’ apartment. ⦁ We see wooden horses at the Amish Furniture Place. ⦁ Patsy Cline Clue- Patsy loved horse; there is also a farm called Black Widow Farm/Walkin in the Moonlight Farm; you can adopt horses from this place…. remember when Bethany had the adopted horse name Custard?? ⦁ Melissa buried Bethany… who is the only person aside from that liars circle that is being messed with… Melissa. ⦁ Bethany is being brought up a lot this season. ⦁ Major Clue!!! Remember how Bethany was supposedly 17?? When the girls find Mary Drakes file Spencer makes the comment, “Charles was actually almost the same age is Jason. They changed his age so his connection couldnt be discovered.” Charlotte is already dead therefore this comment has nothing to do with her, it is talking about Bethany and giving us a clue that she can actually be same age as the girls. SPENCER HAS A TWIN CLUES ⦁ Hannahs Dream… Im sure everyone has read about it by now lol ⦁ The weird Spencer at the airport ⦁ Spencer in the last episode… no apple watch, changed four times, and yes she had a scar but it doesnt exactly look like a gunshot wound. ⦁ We know that veronica took spencer straight from Radley, well one child has been presumably been placed in family services; hence the redacted info Jason got. ⦁ Spencer was in a PINK blanket, yet one baby was seen being carried out in a white blanket. ⦁ The file that the girls find in the storm celler that Mrs. D used was Mary Drakes. When the girls discover that Mary has another child and they are reading about them it says, “BOTH STABLE”! Both as in two!!! ⦁ Dr. Cochran said he delivered two of Marys babies as there could be another one. ⦁ Tyler Blackburn the actor that plays Caleb said we have kind of seen AD, but not really, and that when we see it we will understand what he means. Sounds like a look a like to me. ⦁ Mary Drake once said the families even have hidden people…. we have already seen her so I believe this is foreshadowing something deeper. Okay so now my motive… I believe Toby is tied to Bethany Young somehow.. Remember his tattoo 9.01 FREE at LAST? Well this is the same night Bethany also ran away from RADLEY and if she is alive she is also FREE! What else, if you add 901 together it = 10! Which is another multiple of 5. Rollins burner apartment also has the numbers 901 in them as did a couple others. These numbers are significant. Above I have shows how Toby is tied to AD, Mary Drake, a pregnancy, and Bethany Young. The girls was the reason Toby was sent away at one point and they also blinded Jenna… but I think it is much deeper than that. I think it all comes back to Bethany. I think parts of Charlottes story was real, but not the part about Tobys mother. Bethany Young is the twin of Spencer Hastings. In the finale I believe that Toby will be revealed as AD, and then the twist will be that Spencer has a twin which is none other than Bethany Young and she is the black widow. Above I have connected Bethany to the Black Widow horse farm. Bethany has all the motive in the world to be a part of this. Falsely led out that night, she dont know who killed her, she was buried alive, was gave up for adoption while spencer had a great life; she would definitely want to hurt the Hastings and this has been happening a lot since 6B on. Also a fun note AD is the initials for LOST LOVE in FRENCH and could also been abandoned daughter. I truly believe this is the meaning of Tobys tattoo and the Jenna thing was always a cover. Im sure Toby didn’t really want to explain that his tattoo meant it was the day his step sister stopped sexually abusing him to everyone that asks; this would brand his body with a memory of a horrific experience.
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krislove14-blog · 7 years
AD theory. Toby is AD and Spencer's twin is black Widow!
Toby A.D. Theory & Spencer Twin Twist …………….I have a lot more to add to this to make even more sense.. but this is it for now. This theory will only include, aside from a couple, clues from the Timejump (6B on) and after. It will explain why I believe Toby is the Big Bad as well as a Spencer Twin reveal as the twist. *The number 5 will play a big role in this theory! Marlene King likes numbers and I think that after the time jump the new number 5 and multiples of 5 (10,15,20…) reappeared often! Clues! ⦁ In ep. 6.11 spencer visits Toby and there is a large 5 on one of the work bench. ⦁ Next we see a car with the license plate 55555 ⦁ When the liars are watching the camera of Aria leaving the Radley the time is 3:11:55 which added equals 15 (multiple of 5). ⦁ Toby was out of town when Hannah received the breakfast saying, “Poor Jordy”. ⦁ In Ep. 6.13 we seen that AD is wearing a hunter green jacket in the closing scene while cleaning off the electrical levers in Radley. Toby is wearing this exact later on in episode 7.07! Emily and Caleb both are seen wearing a green jacket in the series but these are different colors and both have fitted sleeves around the wrist, Tobys is exactly the same. ⦁ The hole in Sarahs closet was sealed off by someone with extensive carpentry skills ⦁ PREGNANCY CLUE: When Spencer has a flashback of her pregnancy scare it makes a point to show us the clock… it is 3:12 which = 5!! Toby is sitting beside the clock. There is also a “Deer Crossing Sign” on her wall which is odd; this refers to Tobys accident later on. ⦁ In the episode Caleb sends a virus to AD’s Computer there is a carpenter/workman vest laying in AD’s car seat. ⦁ In Ep. 6.18 hannah sends the message to AD that she killed Charlotte. The closing scene shows AD building the BOARDGAME in the background. We can see the beginning of the BG and the tools all around. There is red electrical wire, a white foldable tape measure, a bright red thing with two handles on the end and a lot more. The wire, tape measure, and red thing are ALL at tobys house in 6.13 when Caleb tells him about spencer; same color same everything! BAD Toby! Also, in the AD closing scene is the Hastings campaign background; Toby is also tied to the election. This and the jacket are HUGE clues! ⦁ Toby is well rehearsed in FRENCH and so is AD. Also Toby has glasses now and AD pretty much always wear glasses. ⦁ In Ep 6.20 a lady calls Toby pretty eyes, which is something that all A’s have been called. ⦁ When the cop in the mask attacks hannah, you can see he has green eyes if you pause it at the right time. Also cop cars are not easy to come by, but Toby has one. ⦁ OOhhh.. remember when TOBY could draw very well. In the first ever episode Toby was drawing and was good it. AD can draw which relates to the comic book. ⦁ When they find DOLL hannah at the Bell tower, caleb looks at his phone it says 4:01 which equals 5!! If you notice toby is being odd when they are talking about who killed charlotte, he knows a lot of details and is seriously invested in this convo I believe this is bc he is AD and wants to know who killed Charlotte of course. He doesnt have a whole lot on interest in helping the girls after this. ⦁ MARY DRAKE CONNECTION- When toby and Spencer break into Marys room at the Lost Woods it Focuses on her room number which is non other than 5! In Marys room we also see a book that says MASK MAKING. She is tied to AD. ⦁ Also Toby has learned to many new skills such as using dibblers to break into places and also keeps one on him all the time. ⦁ When Toby is getting engaged we also see a large number 5 again right next to the Red thing that AD had while building the GAMEBOARD. ⦁ The address to Rollins burner apartment is 23 Wexford st apartment 109. The first number =5 and the second set =10. her they are again. ⦁ When Toby shows up the the burner apartment he has a KEY! This is odd, cops do not get access to these things, not to mention the girls already bribed the apartment manager for his key. Toby unlocks the door without saying anything and then realizes the chain is locked. After that is only when he announces himself as a cop because he knew rollins wouldnt change the door. Remember when the girls used rollins phone to text the mystery # to meet at the usual spot? Jenna showed up to alisons house which was not the usual spot; not at alisons thats to open. Who shows up to the usual spot… TOBY! Also this season when cops show up its more than one or at least the detective, they would not send Toby by himself then call in for backup. This story was all Tobys cover. Also the address is a direct link to TOBY. ⦁ SPENCER TWIN Connection- When Aria and Jason are at family services aria says that they are number 5 in line. They are looking for Mary Drakes other child. The number 5 is here again. I will ADD more clues later, but these are also some observations I want to point out. 1. Hannah, Aria, and Alision were the girls that were injured by AD. Alision was beat by the cop and had a spill down the stairs, aria and the fire, and hannah was tortured. Emily eggs were stolen and spencer has been hurt in regards to family matters. AD is much easier on Emily and Spencer physically; the eggs thing with Emily is a awful situation, but I do believe AD thinks he is being easier on her. He dont want to harm her (even though he is, but his twisted mind dont see it this way). 2. Hannahs career was wrecked, Aria has been torn from her friends, alision is carrying a baby and has lost all of her money not to mention the set up marriage, yet AD helped emily with a test and helped Spencer find her birthmother and has given her answers she has wanted since though started (even though it has caused a lot of problems). AD is Definitely trying to be better to them. Toby has always been close to Emily and Spencer. Motive: I believe Toby has a connection to Bethany Young and has been A from the beginning. I am not a fan of bethany being alive, but these are the clues that she is. ⦁ Marlene King Wrote on a blackboard the PLL ride is over soon. BY BY. Obviously this isnt how you spell Bye so I think this means Bethany Young. ⦁ Bethany is tied to horses and we see horses throughout 6B on. ⦁ Alsion wears a horse shirt through an entire episode, even when all the girls change she comes to her dinner party in this shirt. ⦁ There is a Horse drawing in Lucas’ apartment. ⦁ We see wooden horses at the Amish Furniture Place. ⦁ Patsy Cline Clue- Patsy loved horse; there is also a farm called Black Widow Farm/Walkin in the Moonlight Farm; you can adopt horses from this place…. remember when Bethany had the adopted horse name Custard?? ⦁ Melissa buried Bethany… who is the only person aside from that liars circle that is being messed with… Melissa. ⦁ Bethany is being brought up a lot this season. ⦁ Major Clue!!! Remember how Bethany was supposedly 17?? When the girls find Mary Drakes file Spencer makes the comment, “Charles was actually almost the same age is Jason. They changed his age so his connection couldnt be discovered.” Charlotte is already dead therefore this comment has nothing to do with her, it is talking about Bethany and giving us a clue that she can actually be same age as the girls. SPENCER HAS A TWIN CLUES ⦁ Hannahs Dream… Im sure everyone has read about it by now lol ⦁ The weird Spencer at the airport ⦁ Spencer in the last episode… no apple watch, changed four times, and yes she had a scar but it doesnt exactly look like a gunshot wound. ⦁ We know that veronica took spencer straight from Radley, well one child has been presumably been placed in family services; hence the redacted info Jason got. ⦁ Spencer was in a PINK blanket, yet one baby was seen being carried out in a white blanket. ⦁ The file that the girls find in the storm celler that Mrs. D used was Mary Drakes. When the girls discover that Mary has another child and they are reading about them it says, “BOTH STABLE”! Both as in two!!! ⦁ Dr. Cochran said he delivered two of Marys babies as there could be another one. ⦁ Tyler Blackburn the actor that plays Caleb said we have kind of seen AD, but not really, and that when we see it we will understand what he means. Sounds like a look a like to me. ⦁ Mary Drake once said the families even have hidden people…. we have already seen her so I believe this is foreshadowing something deeper. Okay so now my motive… I believe Toby is tied to Bethany Young somehow.. Remember his tattoo 9.01 FREE at LAST? Well this is the same night Bethany also ran away from RADLEY and if she is alive she is also FREE! What else, if you add 901 together it = 10! Which is another multiple of 5. Rollins burner apartment also has the numbers 901 in them as did a couple others. These numbers are significant. Above I have shows how Toby is tied to AD, Mary Drake, a pregnancy, and Bethany Young. The girls was the reason Toby was sent away at one point and they also blinded Jenna… but I think it is much deeper than that. I think it all comes back to Bethany. I think parts of Charlottes story was real, but not the part about Tobys mother. Bethany Young is the twin of Spencer Hastings. In the finale I believe that Toby will be revealed as AD, and then the twist will be that Spencer has a twin which is none other than Bethany Young and she is the black widow. Above I have connected Bethany to the Black Widow horse farm. Bethany has all the motive in the world to be a part of this. Falsely led out that night, she dont know who killed her, she was buried alive, was gave up for adoption while spencer had a great life; she would definitely want to hurt the Hastings and this has been happening a lot since 6B on. Also a fun note AD is the initials for LOST LOVE in FRENCH and could also been abandoned daughter. I truly believe this is the meaning of Tobys tattoo and the Jenna thing was always a cover. Im sure Toby didn’t really want to explain that his tattoo meant it was the day his step sister stopped sexually abusing him to everyone that asks; this would brand his body with a memory of a horrific experience.
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