krism98 · 6 years
The Mask (Nash Grier)
Request for @wtfstanlon: “Hi. Idk if you do this, but I want to request a Nash Grier imagine where he finds my self-harm scars on my wrist please.”
A/N: Before I begin, I want to say that there is going to be some triggering material in this imagine and if you are easily triggered I suggest maybe you not read it. It’s completely up to you. In addition, if you ever need to talk to someone, my inbox is open. I will also post my email and you can email me if you think that would be best. Please, don’t do this to yourselves my loves. I’ve been there and I know it sucks but it’s not worth it. I promise. 
Y/N sniffles, sitting on the cold tile of her bathroom floor. All she can do is cry. Her hand is shaking, the razor blade firmly clutched between her left forefinger and thumb. The blade that has been her best friend since she was 12 years old. Pulling up her sleeve, she creates a slice on the inside of her right wrist. 
“One for being fat. Two for being a slut. Three for being stupid. Four for being ugly. Five for not being good enough.” Her tears fall as she creates five lines of blood on her right wrist, before repeating the same with her left. The tears falling from her face land on the cuts, the salt of her tears creating a soothing sting. The physical pain makes everything else go away. Even if just for a moment. As she wipes her tears, Y/N checks the time. Only five minutes until Nash comes over to watch movies. Lowering her sleeves, she lets out a few sighs before splashing cold water across her face. “I need to act normal. For him.” There’s the sound of keys unlocking Y/N’s apartment door. He’s early. 
“Honey, I’m home!” Nash yells, laughing. 
“I’ll be right there!” She yells, plastering a fake smile on her face. She has to mask how she really feels. So as not to let anyone down. Going down the stairs, Y/N smiles at Nash, who’s face drops.
“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve been crying.” 
“I did a face mask earlier and when I went to wash it off, the mask mud and some soap got in my eyes.” Not a complete lie. She really did get mud and soap in her eyes. She just didn’t cry recently because of it.
“Only you, Y/N.” Nash laughed. “I brought stuff to make cookies. Come on!” Nash grabbed Y/N’s wrist, not noticing the wince on her face at the pressure of his fingers on her cuts. Once in the kitchen, Nash put a paper hat on, that said ‘Sexy Chef’ in blue pen. 
“You’re so cheesy!” She giggled, hiding the pain behind her mask. No more than ten minutes later. the cookies were abandoned. There was a full on war in the kitchen. After having egg splattered across the top of her head, Y/N waved a white towel. “I surrender! Let’s actually bake.” She giggled. Without even thinking about it, Y/N took off her sweatshirt, the kitchen war having made her forget her cuts. 
“Y/N.” Nash quietly said, his voice somber. 
“What?” She asked, before she saw the tears on his face. He strode up to her, and grabbed her wrists. “Shit.” 
“How long.” He asked, voice shaky and choked. 
“Since I was twelve. I can’t get myself to stop. No matter what.” Tears were freely rolling down both of their faces. Nash gently kissed each and every scar, both old and new that were on Y/N’s wrists, leaving a few tears behind.
“Every time you get the urge to do this, call me babygirl. Doing this hurts me just as much if not more than it hurts you. I want to help you stop.” 
“Okay.” Y/N gave a watery smile, before Nash enveloped her in his arms, both of them silently crying.
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krism98 · 6 years
Hi. Idk if you do this, but I want to request a Nash Grier imagine where he finds my self harm scars on my wrists please.
Darling I am soooo sorry it took this long for me to get to this. I have no excuses aside from me being too lazy to log in to Tumblr and I profusley apologize. I will get right on that sweetheart. 
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krism98 · 6 years
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I found this on Pinterest – I’m not sure whose it is, so if it belongs to you, please speak up!! I just…it made me cry, especially since I have literally pretended Sam and Dean were there for me when no one else was – they are my biggest characters for coping. This is so special
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krism98 · 7 years
When I Was Your Man Pt 1
Anon: Can I get a Kian imagine where him and the reader fight and he sings to her to make up for it? Thank you!!
A/N: so, this went in a completely different direction that I anticipated. Hopefully it’s okay.
I sit on the couch, waiting for Kian, again. We have our own apartment close to the others but Kian never seems to be home or over there. A tear slips down my face, as I realize that he hasn’t spent more than maybe a few hours with me at the most this week. He never has time for me anymore. The lock turns and clicks, signaling that he’s home. 
“Hey, Kian...” I start off.
“Not now, I’m tired.” He mumbles. “I’m going to bed.”
“No. Get your ass over here. We need to talk.” I straightened up, standing my ground. My voice had a bit of authority to it. 
“We can talk in the morning.” 
“Well, what if I won’t be here in the morning? It seems like you’re doing just fine without me.” He stopped in his tracks.
“Princess, what are you talking about?” He asked.
“Kian, when was the last time we actually had a real conversation? Not just small talk.” I asked. He said nothing. “My point exactly. You don’t need me, and you obviously have more important things than your girlfriend.” I snapped.
“Y/N, please don’t do this. You know I love you.” He walked over to try and kiss me but I pushed his chest. 
“I can’t tell if you do by your actions. Actions speak louder than words, Ki. And right now, yours are telling me that you don’t give a shit. Which is why I’m leaving. My stuff is already out, I just needed to get this off my chest. Here’s the key to the apartment, and my promise ring. I can’t tolerate being treated like this.” Grabbing my purse I walked out the door, leaving Kian behind in shock. I had decided to move in with Franny and the guys. They both agreed that Kian was being an ass. Unlocking their apartment, I hear footsteps pounding after me. Just as I start to shut the door Kian blocks it with his foot. 
“Please. No. I can’t lose you.” He begged. 
“Too late. You already have.” My voice began shaking.
“I thought you loved me!” Kian yelled, tears choking him up.
“I did and I still do! You just don’t seem to show whether you still love me or not!” I yelled back. He grabbed my upper arm trying to pull me into his arms. “Kian! Let go!” I yelled. The sounds of multiple pairs of feet were getting closer. 
“Hey, dude. Let her go.” Corey came up with Bobby, Harrison, Franny, JC and Anderson. JC tried to disconnect us, and Kian started thrashing, accidentally hitting me in the process. With Harrison’s help, JC was able to seperate us and Franny rushed me into the kitchen to clean up my face. There was a lot of yelling in the front door, and then a loud slam and the door locked. I didn’t even realize I was crying until sobs started to move my body violently. There was a small cut on my upper lip where Kian’s hand had accidentally smashed it against my teeth. Franny cleaned it and waited for the bleeding to stop before putting healing ointment on it. I was pulled into a pair of warm arms, one of the hands rubbing my back. Bobby. 
“Hey, come on. Let’s get you in bed, you have to be exhausted.” He murmered. Right now, I was sharing a room with Franny with a pullout bed, makeshift until we could get me a bed of my own. I nodded but made no motion to get up, still upset by everything that happened. Bobby picked me up and walked me to Franny’s bedroom himself. As he laid me down on the bed, I sniffled. 
“I don’t understand why he acts like this. I’ve been wanting to tell him something but I don’t think he deserves to know anymore.” I softly spoke, as Bobby sat next to me. 
“What did you need to tell him?” 
“I found out that I’m pregnant. I found out about a month and a half ago, I just was waiting for him to actually pay attention to me so that I could tell him. I tried once, putting hamburger buns in the oven but he just got mad and left for the day. I don’t know what to do, Bobby.” I cried. 
“Well, first, you need to tell him.” 
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krism98 · 7 years
Hey can you do a kian imagine where you collab with the dolan twins and kian gets jealous. Thank you so much!!
Hello love. If you are the one who sent in this prompt once before I am so sorry I haven’t been able to get to it yet. College has been putting me through the wringer! Anywho, I will be getting this done as soon as I possibly can. Love you to bits!
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krism98 · 7 years
There's over 9 million users on Tumblr now. Reblog if you're one of the few who's never EVER left anon hate in somebody's ask box.
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krism98 · 7 years
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No offense,but Harry Styles running around playing with a toddler is literally the cutest thing in the world!😊😍🙈🙊🙈
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krism98 · 7 years
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Harry Styles as Mick Jagger on SNL’s Celebrity Family Feud
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krism98 · 7 years
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it worked out.
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krism98 · 7 years
Thank God. I just thought I was becoming a psychopath
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krism98 · 7 years
Reblog and you might save someone’s life, especially with all our Black Girls going missing #ProtectBlackGirls #SaveLife
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krism98 · 7 years
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krism98 · 7 years
I think I just stopped breathing
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Matthew Daddario appreciation post <3
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krism98 · 7 years
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imagine having sex in the sewers with pennywise but u gotta be careful in case someone hears and u hear footsteps so he stops but he cant help himself so he just goes IN and his fat clown nuts honk as they go in ur ass
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krism98 · 7 years
Hey babe! You should do a dance imagine to the song fall for you!!
Just posted it love.
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krism98 · 7 years
Fall for You (Jc Caylen)
Anon: Hey babe! You should do a dance imagine to the song fall for you!!
A/N: I really liked this video not just because she is good at dancing but because this dancer isn’t a skinny twig. As a girl who isn’t small in that way, who could be considered a little thick, I really appreciate her doing dance. 
‘Go on tour.’ they said. ‘It’ll be fun’. they said. Right now, I’m cramped inside of a minuscule bunk in a tour bus, trying not to have a claustrophobia attack. It was loud and almost midnight. We were around nothing but cornfields and the sides of the highway. How I got into being apart of DigiTour, I have no clue. They’ve never had dancers on here before. Not to mention I keep getting stuck with the most annoying prick ever, Jc Caylen. He never shuts up and he never turns off his freaking camera. Not to mention he has zero respect for the dancing arts. 
“Kian!!” He yelled. That’s another one. His best friend Kian. The one who always starts shit. “Stop!” I’ve reached my boiling point. I hop down from my bunk and storm into the main area. 
“Hey assfucks! Why don’t you shut the hell up for once?” I scream. The entire bus goes quiet. I never cuss. 
“Aww is someone on her lady week?” Jc says in a baby voice. I walked right up to him. I cranked back my arm, ready to punch him but was dragged backwards by someone. Harrison. The only person keeping me sane in this hell hole. 
“Calm down. Calm down. He’s just being an ass.” He whispered dragging me into the back room. Harrison is literally the brother I never had. He actually asked me to approve before he started dating Franny. I finally broke down. 
“Why does he hate me so much? What did I ever do to make him mad, Harrison? I always thought he was this really nice guy from how you talked about him and honestly I have a huge crush on him and it’s tearing me apart because I like him but I also want to hate him at the same time. I don’t know how much longer I can take this.” Tears were rolling down my face as I exploded verbally. 
“Y/N, we haven’t even had the first show yet.” 
“That’s the horrible part. We haven’t even gotten to the first stop and I can’t stand him or Kian.” I whimpered. “Plus, that bunk is so freaking small. I can’t do confined spaces. I don’t know how the hell I’m supposed to sleep in that thing.” I cried. I slumped into Harrison’s lap, and curled into a ball. Eventually, I fell asleep from being exhausted by the emotional rollercoaster. 
Jc’s POV
I stood there, watching as Harrison wrestled Y/N into the back of the bus. She actually wanted to punch me. 
“Dude, that was not cool.” Corey said, shaking his head. “You do realize that Harrison is the closest thing she has to a family, right? She literally buried her only living relative not even a week ago and still decided to come on tour.” 
“Oh shit.” I mumbled. “I just.. I don’t know. I like her so damn much and she obviously doesn’t like me. I thought if I made her hate me then we could be distant and I would get over her.” 
“Dude, you have the worst ideas ever when it comes to chicks.” Kian laughed a little. I shook my head and walked to my bed, which was right next to Y/N’s. She wasn’t there, which surprised me. I thought she would have been back in there by now.
I’m shaking. Today is the first show and it’s going on right now. My first show on DigiTour. I’m going to be closing the show out with my dance. Hopefully to help everyone get a bit more calmed down before they are released into the city and to the meet and greet portion. The show is going fine. Bobby performed a bit and Corey is out there now with Kian, Jc, and Harrison. Bobby soon joins them and they’re just goofing off on stage, being idiots. 
“Alright guys. It’s been great being here but we have another YouTuber here to close out. Her name is Y/N and she’s a great dancer. Give it up!” Corey screamed into the microphone. The boys left the stage and I walked on, trying to control my breathing. I get in my position, the music starting. My mind goes blank, and I become one with the flow of the music.
I watched from the side of the stage, as Y/N danced. She was so beautiful and graceful. I couldn’t believe that anyone would be able to move like that so fluidly. Especially after losing the rest of her family. She put me in a trance, just watching her flip across the stage. How the hell I’m supposed to get out of the hole I just dug for myself. I don’t realize I’m staring until Kian smacks my back. 
“Dude, she’s done. You can stop drooling now.” He laughs. I shake my head, and we all walk out on the stage for the final good bye. Soon, the lights dim and we’re ushered out into the bigger area for Meet and Greet and pictures. 
Part two later...?
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krism98 · 7 years
Hey girl! You should do a kian imagine where the reader is dancing to perfect by ed sheeran and you can take it in any direction you want! Lots of love 💖
I just posted it.
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