kriso · 8 years
Here’s a GoFundMe to help the family of Alton Sterling.
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kriso · 8 years
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kriso · 8 years
The UK and US distracting themselves with memes while their countries fall apart.
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kriso · 8 years
Shit people have forgotten about the Bush Era:
Free Speech Zones, which were a real thing and not a plot element in a particularly ham-handed dystopian novel.
The phrase “hidey hole.”
Watching a budget surplus become a massive deficit that was bigger than it even looked because the White House was just like, “Okay, we’ll just not put the wars on the books and just ask for more money for those every few months.”
The sheer number of times Alberto Gonzalez said, “I don’t recall,” to Congress regarding war crimes and human rights violations.
“…now watch this drive.”
Mission Accomplished.
“The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence,” “yellowcake uranium,” Condoleeza’s “mushroom clouds” fearmongering, and all the other bullshit we were fed to get into Iraq.
The President of the United States said so many stupid things that there were one-a-day calendars consisting of an individual quote for each day of the year. They didn’t all have the exact same quotes.
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kriso · 8 years
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Fonthill Castle Library in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, USA
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kriso · 8 years
I’m in tears right now, I can’t stop shaking:
Some racist hooligan assaulted a black couple who just came to Italy from Nigeria as war refugees. He killed the husband, Emmanuel Chidi Namdi , who was defending his wife, Chimiary, after that man started calling her racial slurs out of nowhere. He is dead, the hooligan killed him WITH A ROAD SIGN. He hit him again and again, in front of his wife.
This happened in Fermo, Italy, twenty minutes away from where I live. This has shocked me so much. Racism is a serious problem in Italy, fascism and intolerance are escalating, horrible politicians like Salvini (the Italian equivalent of Donald Trump) are encouraging racism and are actively trying to block the refugees from entering out country.
Please don’t let this go unnoticed: tumblr is pretty US-centric, but people need to know the names of all the victims of hate, from all over the world. Emmanuel needs to be remembered and mourned. Please, don’t let racism win. I’m still shocked, this happened so close to my hometown. Don’t let them win. Fight this horrible hate.
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kriso · 8 years
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kriso · 8 years
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Pay attention, because this was always their real intention…
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kriso · 8 years
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Alton Sterling was executed by police on video.
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kriso · 8 years
Seek to know your own heart & learning what it best loves – try to enjoy that.
Mary Shelley, from a diary entry featured in The Journals of Mary Shelley (via loveage-moondream)
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kriso · 8 years
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kriso · 8 years
Me: Okay, so here are two proofs. Let me know which one of them you prefer so I can move forward with the design.
Client: That looks great.
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kriso · 9 years
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kriso · 9 years
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kriso · 9 years
You should not have to rip yourself in pieces to keep others whole.
HYPLRIKZ.COM (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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kriso · 9 years
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Bring It Home: Miya Black & White Cat Mug Set by polyvore-editorial featuring drinkware ❤ liked on Polyvore
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kriso · 9 years
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Opium. Couverture illustrée pour “Lélie, fumeuse d'opium ” de Willy. Paris, Éditions Albin Michel.1911.
Art by Raphaël Krichner.
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