kristiannetheloser ¡ 5 years
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Thor: The Dark World (2013) Loki deleted scene
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
It baffles and infuriates me that Hogwarts students don’t take Latin or Greek. Accio? Literally “I summon.” Lumos? Fucking “light.” Expelliarmus? Expel weapon!! Ooooh I wonder what Levicorpus does– you Dumb Ass Bastard. You ILLITERATE. It’s called Levicorpus, it lifts someone’s body, it LEVIES your goddamn CORPUS-
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
women & their sun beauty
aries: fiery attitudes, regal figures, sensitive eyes, lush cheeks.
taurus: ethereal faces, warm smiles, fresh skin, musical bodies.
gemini: mesmerising hair, rosy cheeks, picturesque figures, endless smiles.
cancer: soft smiles, kissable lips, sunkissed hair, feminine lashes.
leo: charismatic expressions, addictive eyes, audacious movements, royal lips.
virgo: angelic voices, daring eyes, soporific bodies, winsome expressions.
libra: lustful eyes, lady-like figures, floral scents, fairy lashes.
scorpio: enticing figures, rich expressions, beatific eyes, feline smiles.
sagittarius: cheerful laughter, full lips, wondrous skin, magnificent bodies, fearless eyes.
capricorn: pristine bodies, sensual movements, doll-like eyes, virtuous expressions.
aquarius: elegiac eyes, mysterious auras, magnetic bodies, pure skin.
pisces:  airy eyes, graceful bodies, dreamy expressions, heart-warming smiles.
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
an authority figure: [expresses slight, arguable disappointment in me]
me, shaking: Wow. Can’t Believe I’m The Worst Person Alive
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
Bleeeeugh om niom niomniom blereegh
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
*I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys comes on*
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
10 Types Of Toxic People In Your Life And How to Deal With Them
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A shocking conclusion has been drawn over the last few years: Toxic people are not good for you. It sounds wild, right? Who would have guessed that negative people would bring negative energy and influences into your life? If you’ve been having issues with someone, or have been feeling down and can’t quite figure out why, toxic people may be the cause. Toxic people can fly under your radar. You might not know you’re even dealing with one until their ugly side starts to come out. Oftentimes these people seem sweet and nice in passing, waiting (consciously or not) until they’re more deeply involved in your life to cause havoc. Worried you might have some toxic energy around you? Read on and see if these descriptions match up with anyone you know. Knowing what the issue is is the first step to fixing it, after all!
1. Gossipers
Sure, we all love to hear about the latest news. We want to celebrate our friends’ accomplishments, and mourn their losses as a means of support. It seems innocent and sweet on the outside, but it can quickly turn vicious. Gossipers will…..
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
I support dudes moaning.
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
SUN: Basic personality, your ego, how you express your creativity, how acquaintances and friends get to know you, your father.
MOON: The more private aspect of your personality, your emotions, how you express your sensitivity, the most intimate part of you, how your family knows you, your mother, your childhood.
MERCURY: Communication, how you process information, how you think, speech patterns, sense of humor, your wit, your siblings.
VENUS: Love and relationships, how you relate to others socially, how you show affection to others, your charm, your beauty standards, what you find attractive in others, the women you attract in your life.
MARS: Drive, ambition, stamina, willpower, what your goals are and how you achieve them, how you show your passion, how you react when you're angry, how you express yourself sexually, the men you attract in your life.
JUPITER: Philosophy, religion, higher-level of thinking, luck, how you express your faith, how you just 'trust', what your life purpose is, where you get your lucky breaks, how you experience prosperity.
SATURN: Authority, time, karma, limitations, methodical planning, how you ground yourself, your fears, where you feel weakest, your responsibilities, your commitments, how you have to focus, how you must improve.
URANUS: Technology, change, enlightenment, novelty, chaos, disruption, intuition, how you express your individualism, how you’re erratic and unpredictable, how you need your independence, how you need to break boundaries.
NEPTUNE: Dreams, illusion, spirituality, sensitivity, art, cinema, media, glamor, how you express your idealism and imagination, how you feel disappointment, how you wear rose-colored glasses, the mysterious, the unclear, the undefinable.
PLUTO: Personal power, transformation, where you’re both self-destructive and creative, how you face power struggles and upheaval, how you regenerate, how you heal.
CHIRON: Your deepest pain, where you feel inadequate, your personal sound, where you overcompensate, how you can heal others.
ASCENDANT/RISING SIGN (1ST HOUSE): How you first come across to people, your facial expression, your mannerisms, your appearance, how you initially approach things, your view on life.
2ND HOUSE: Your self esteem, your resources and possessions, your wealth, your income, your talents, your values and morals.
3RD HOUSE: Your observation and analysis skills, your thinking skills, your basic education, your curiosity, short trips, your local community and neighborhood.
Imum Coeli/IC (4TH HOUSE): Latin for "bottom of the sky." Your home, your family, your traditions, your history, where you feel the most comfortable, the most private part of your personality.
5TH HOUSE: Self-expression, creativity, recreation, drama, art, writing, romance, romance and dating, your children or your attitude towards them.
6TH HOUSE: How you serve others, your workplace, everyday routine, small pets, your health and how you maintain it, your organization and schedule.
DESCENDANT (7th HOUSE): One-on-one partnerships, traits and characteristics you seek in others, business partnerships, marriage, open enemies, competitors, roommates.
8TH HOUSE: Intimacy, transformation, how you let certain parts of yourself "die" or "fade away", how you reform, how you restore, the give and take of control.
9TH HOUSE: The higher truth, higher-education, travelling to foreign lands, learning about new culture or ways of life, enlightenment, looking at the bigger picture.
MEDIUM COELI/MIDHEAVEN (10TH HOUSE): Latin for "middle of the sky." Your aspirations in life, your goals, your career, who you want to be, your reputation, what the public views you as.
11TH HOUSE: Your hopes and dreams, your friends, your acquaintances, how you network, humanitarian concerns, philanthropy, ideals you seek to live by.
12TH HOUSE: Your secret motives, your hidden agendas, self-sacrifice, co-dependence, serving others, healing, hidden knowledge, hidden personality, spirituality.
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
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I love these! From a series by photographer Sophia Vogel called With and Without. Which she summarises (translated from German):
The project and each individual image is intended to encourage society to think about itself, its own body, about acceptance. For diversity and against beauty ideals (advertising) and all the environs for the exterior. I advocate in this work for self-love and acceptance of one’s own body, as well as the acceptance of others with their peculiarities.
It’s also an excellent illustration of the absurdity of our default clothed habits. Even if you’re not able to overcome the wider cultural taboo of nudity, why wear clothes at home when it’s not cold? What purpose do clothes serve when you’re just sat at a computer or watering your plants? You don’t need protection from clothing most of the time. Indeed sometimes, like doing yoga, they’re just a hindrance! 
Being naked should be normal; we all have bodies, and they are far both far more diverse and far more alike than the media representation of bodies would have so many believe. I think we’d all be happier healthier people if we weren’t so scared of our own physical forms.
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
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Louis Aston Knight (1873 - 1948), A Beaumont-le-Roger.
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kristiannetheloser ¡ 6 years
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