kristianvill-blog1 · 5 years
A case of plagiarism
In August 2016, A mexican president Peña Nieto faced allegations that nearly 29% of his 1991 law thesis was copied from other authors without attribution. Nieto, for his part, was dismissive of the allegations saying that they were 25 years old and had no relevance today. He went on to say that he did not plagiarize and that he simply made “style errors” in the work. For Nieto it was his second scandal from this team of researchers. Just two years prior, they had uncovered that he had purchased a $7 million home from a government contractor, sparking an integrity scandal. At the time of plagiarism scandal, Nieto’s party, PRI, had a 23% approval rating. However, Nieto does not face reelection again until 2018 and remains President as of this writing.
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kristianvill-blog1 · 5 years
Blog# 2 The medium is the message
It is from a person named Marshall McLuhan, all i know that the meaning of this is humanity has been captivated by the methods it uses to convey and preserve information. How we communicate with each other defines who we are and constitutes so much of what makes a culture and an individual unique.
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kristianvill-blog1 · 5 years
Blog# 1 Importance of being informative and media literate
Why do we need to be a informative and being media literate? Being a media literate is one of essential that 21st century learners needed while browsing or surfing through internet. Internet is sometimes safe and sometime very dangerous because of some cases that might appear out of nowhere, it might be you are hacked and etc,. So you should be a media literate and informative at the same time because many things can occur every single time out of nowhere. You can be a very secured inside of the internet world by installing some very high secured anti-viruses and some other anti-virus applications but beware of some fake anti-virus apps because it can broke your computer or in the worst case hacked, so be informative about the apps that you are checking, read first all the comments and axamine it to see if this or that app is good.
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kristianvill-blog1 · 5 years
10 rules to protect yourself from cybercrime
1. Use a full-service internet security suite 2. Use strong passwords 3. Keep your software updated 4. Take measures to help protect yourself against identity theft 5. Know that identity theft can happen anywhere 6. Don't share your personal information to others 7. Know what to do if you become a victim 8. Encrypt and back up your most important data 9. Lock or log off your computer when you step away 10. Think before you click
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