kristinjb · 6 years
are those two dudes from supernatural ok? it’s been like 14 years. there’s high schoolers younger than their contract. i don’t think i’ve ever seen them in any other shows. are they allowed to leave? do they feed them?
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kristinjb · 6 years
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David Tennant and Michael Sheen tell us a bit about each other’s characters (the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley) in Good Omens
at New York Comic Con - October 2018
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kristinjb · 6 years
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kristinjb · 6 years
Moon Moon?!
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Keep up the great work, lads
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kristinjb · 6 years
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kristinjb · 6 years
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I just rediscovered how glorious this image is so excuse me while I laugh uncontrollably every time I look at it again.
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kristinjb · 6 years
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Of course I drew faithful!
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kristinjb · 6 years
who isn’t??? [demanded tearfully]
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kristinjb · 6 years
Elmo plays D&D
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kristinjb · 6 years
Reading aloud is for everyone
So I told the boy he had to read the Alanna series, as part of understanding who I am as a person and how I got to be that way.
He’s got a form of dyslexia (short term visual memory challenges) so it’s hard for him to pick up a book sometimes, though he does read quite a lot. 
This has led to 3 nights of reading aloud to him while we cuddle up in bed. He laughs aloud, LOVES Raoul Goldenlake and was thrilled what Ralon got what he deserved. 
He remembers that I’ve mentioned Jon and George, and was excited to meet George - who he approves of already. (Especially after hearing about the ear collection). 
He is so responsive and willing to laugh big and loud and oh boy do I love him.
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kristinjb · 6 years
More fun facts about ancient Celtic marriage laws: There were no laws against interclass or interracial marriage, no laws against open homosexual relationships (although they weren’t considered ‘marriages’ since the definition of a marriage was ‘couple with child’), no requirement for women to take their husband’s names or give up their property, but comedians couldn’t get married
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kristinjb · 6 years
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war boys be like ‘oh shit who brought fucking death death’
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kristinjb · 6 years
harry can’t duel
harry can’t duel
harry cannot duel
he only uses expelliarmus and he cannot duel
even if he’s dueling the FUCKING DARK LORD
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kristinjb · 6 years
Smoking cigarettes can cause plaque buildup in your arteries, which can lead to heart attack or stroke. 
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kristinjb · 6 years
Hey what’s up, that HTTYD 3 poster got me fucked up
So this official poster has been released for How To Train Your Dragon 3 and it has left me with… opinions. 
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My first initial reaction was excitement! Oh hell yeah HTTYD 3 is coming out! I adored the first two! But then i saw…
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SIIIIIGGGGGGGHHHHHHH I knew immediately that this was most likely a female night fury and fuck yeah shit fuck it is which is so disappointing. I could write a huge essay on how female characters are portrayed in media. I could write a massive blog about smurfette syndrome and how female characters are always just a pink, soft version of their male counterparts, or how female animal or anthro characters still have to fall into society’s beauty standards so we do crazy things like give ducks tits or large eyelashes. 
I COULD talk about why these things occur, and how this is a worrying reflection of how society views human females, that males are the default and females are the other… but I’m not going to do that TODAY.
Hi my name is India and not only do I have an animation degree, but I also have a degree in animal and veterinary science.
This design doesn’t just insult me as an animator. This design insults me as a scientist. 
Let’s begin. 
Keep reading
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kristinjb · 6 years
You know you’re a Labor lawyer when you find this hilarious
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kristinjb · 6 years
Just remember. There is no such thing as a fake geek girl. There are only fake geek boys. Science fiction was invented by a woman.
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