krizzia · 4 years
Hey it's been a while, and now I'm in the chapter 11! We discuss the Digital Self today and all I can say that I can totally relate in this topic, when it comes in using social medias lol. I am an addict meme sharer haha I love to share memes and I can do it all day! I have reason why I love memes. One of the main reason is that I want to lessen my loneliness. I am an only child, my dad just passed away last April and then my mom, she's always at work, so I'm always alone. I always feel alone. I always feel anxious. I'm not a showy person and I love to keep all my problems in me, I don't want to depend to others, I don't them to worry about me. And I don't want them to pity at me. It's my first time to share this but every night I always cry since the day my father died, my dad is the only person I can trust and when it comes to my problems he's the only person who's always there to help and guide me. That's why it's too hard for me to accept that my dad is already gone. I feel like I don't have any reason to survive and live at all. Everyday and every night I always think that why should be my father? Why I always the one who will suffer? The person who's always been there to me through ups and down are already gone. Meme is one of the big helpful to lessen all my problems. But anyways, Digital has a very big impact to oneself and most of people over use this and one of the example is my "so called friend" she's very famous in social media she can get 1k likes of her picture just for one day, a lot of people adores her because of her beauty and her fanciness in social media. But the thing is all of her post are faked! Like she's claiming that she's rich and all but she's not! I'm not saying that she should ashamed because of her social status but she should ashamed on her attitude and behavior! Why she's doing this? Because she want to gain attention, she want all people idolize her and the point is in what way? In telling lies? As her so called friend I always advice her to stop telling lies because I know that if she will continue all her shit, she will be ending up pity. No one will ever trust her anymore. Social media blown her mind in to toxicity.
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krizzia · 4 years
Let’s look back into my life wherein a materialistic side taste is existing! As a teen, I was frequently shopping with friends and checking out the latest fashion trends. After all, I was taught by teachers, schools, media, etc. that they were the most important goals to work for, something that I shared in my purpose story. When you live in a city with extravagant shopping malls everywhere and billboards of fancy clothes, food, and things to buy, these become the things you aim for by diffusion. This was the same for those around me. Everyone around me aspired to earn more money and own material possessions like new clothes, new makeup, a car, etc. as we believed they would improve our lives. This was further reinforced by my personal experience — as a teen, I would feel happy when I got a material item I had been yearning for, and this was so for my friends too. Having more money meant having the means to get the things that I wanted. Having more money meant being better off than if I had less money. Intuitively, you would think that people with huge wealth and material possessions would be happy.
Today, my relationship with material goods and money is totally different from in the past. This is liberating because I no longer base my happiness on my possessions. Whether my bank account has a lot or a little money, it doesn’t change the way I feel about myself. Whether I’m wearing fancy or simple clothes, it doesn’t change how I feel about myself. Regardless of what I wear or what I have, it doesn’t affect how I feel. Don’t look toward material possessions as your source of happiness, because you will hit a dead end with this path. Material possessions are just a temporary ornament in life. Instead, work on achieving happiness from within, independent of material goods and wealth. That’s where you will find an unwavering source of happiness and contentment.
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krizzia · 4 years
Hi self! Do you know how happy am I right now? Like feeling free and being free to give your opinion here in the Philippines? As a teenager, living upon this nation there is always election given to us every election year called SK Election at the age limit of 17 wherein you can vote your desire youth politician running in a certain position. But like me, when you enter the legality age or 18 years old, you can now vote for the presidency candidate and the rest position that is running in the year.
Of course, this is not always what voters get, even when they faithfully exercise their right to choose. Roadblocks in the process remain, resulting in an occasional disconnect between what voters want, and what they are eventually given. Recent reforms – such as those automating the process and synchronizing elections in different parts of the country – have sought to lessen fraud, intimidation of voters and the exercise of patronage. These instances, however, are far from being wiped out completely. While incidents of poll violence were significantly lower in the most recent mid-term elections, putting an end to vote-buying and the general exercise of political patronage continues to be a challenge. More significantly, while the Philippines has embraced the democratic traditions of participation and the freedom of choice and expression, the longer-term challenge remains to deepen the quality of its democracy. Building political parties on ideology and merit rather than personality, strengthening accountability mechanisms within government, creating alternative sources of reliable information, and enabling the electorate to make informed choices – there is clearly much more work that needs to be done, despite the progress that has been made. Democracy may be more fun in the Philippines, but this is not a country that takes or makes its choices lightly. Stay tuned.
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krizzia · 4 years
What an interesting to start the day self! Before engaging in marriage, an individual ought to assert him/herself where he/she will spend most of his lifetime. One should know what he/she really wants in life, the vision and mission to achieve in life. After this self-realization, one can now comfortably get married and be assured of a stable family. Personally, I do not plan to have children at my tender age. In our society today, many young teenagers, especially girls, become pregnant at the age of 15-30 years. However, the issue of planning for pregnancy should be approached consciously, since proper planning and preparation is essential. The fact that an individual has a good financial base and a stable marriage does not mean the couple is ready to have children. The couple should be well prepared to embrace the role of parenthood. I think that religion plays a significant role in influencing sexuality. For instance, Christianity condemns polygamy while upholding monogamy. Many church doctrines uphold sexual purity and chastity. In addition, the church advocates for abstinence during widowhood. A virtuous spouse is considered the highest manifestation of sexual purity.
Many people never appreciate the fullness and satisfaction of sex after marriage. It is worth noting that I can become those people at any time, but they cannot become me. Despite the pressure from my colleagues to engage in sexual activities during my studying at college, I never bent my principles. My friends even advised me to forget about my principles. They even laughed and considered me a chaste, but I never took them seriously. I did what I felt was right for me and not to please anyone. In conclusion, every person has the right to decide when to get married or to have children. One should decide when to have sex and with whom. It is an individual right of every human.
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krizzia · 4 years
Every day is a very good day to start. But, let me start the day with a word of God, Romans 8:6 - For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. A “good,” personal relationship with God involves even more. Not only do I feel connected and believe God is involved in my life, but I also cherish the relationship. I believe God loves me…personally. God knows my name, and cherishes me, too. In spite of all the dark moments in my life, I’ve discovered a deep, personal connection to God that has given me so much life, love and hope—all the while knowing that I have only had a small taste of all the God has in mind for those who seek a personal relationship with their God.
In my past life living in the world that God created beautifully, I experience being a spiritual leader in a Christian Organization. Being part of the leaders is very blessed because I really experienced the personal connection with our Almighty God. The more leaders see themselves as precious children of God, created to experience the love of God deeply and personally and to live out their calling in love, the more leaders will be able to function powerfully and effectively from a deeply spiritual base. The basic image is one of a deep well, filled with clean, refreshing water that flows freely to all those who tap into its source. The more leaders become deep spiritual wells, the more they will be capable of meeting the incredible challenges in today’s world and of leading others to greater depth, wholeness, and fruitfulness. When I say “experience the love of God personally and deeply,” I mean having a sense of being embraced by God in life-changing and loving ways. For some the experience may come as a gentle calling of their name; for others, there will be an overwhelming conviction that they must bend their knee to their Creator. In the dynamic relationship that is formed, there is acceptance, forgiveness, submission, and cooperation. There is release, joy, lightness of being, and love. There is transformation. There is life. Let me end my entry with a bible verse again, Galatians 5:25 - If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
Spiritual self
As per definition the term spiritual self refers to your innermost self that gives an accurate description of who you are, where you belong, and how you reflect yourself in times of distress. We may not think much about spiritual well-being but one thing's for sure. It plays a vital role in someone's life by allowing ourselves to be more engaged with nature and God. Our spiritual self is something we can feel from within. In this, we can feel the true meaning of hope, self-love, peace, worth, values, and purpose. If you lack and don't care about your spiritual self then it is really hard for you or us to cope up with certain problems in life like now in the new normal.
We are already aware and have felt the spirit of this new normal where everything that we do is now controlled specifically in education. We are discouraged to go school because of the hard situation and now, we are adjusting and accepting a new mode of learning which is the "self-directed learning" where students learn according to their own pace and let them monitor their own scholastic performance. With that being said, we can say that it is burdening, more tasks are being addressed, the student's become more stressed, and learning is somehow labeled as 'compliance'. To avoid all of these and to get away from depression in these uncertain times, we need to take good care of ourselves, we need to unwind, go to a place where we can find our peace and make time for ourselves. It is indeed important to recognize our stressors in life so that we would be able to calm and filled ourselves with peace and tranquility. By these, our minds will become more functional and at ease. It's really hard to solely endure our problems in life, it may lead us to depression and much worst, suicide that is why there is a need to love ourselves intrinsically to have a strong personal value system, positive outlook in life, and a purpose to strive harder and harder in thy journey.
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krizzia · 4 years
What a very good day to start self! I never really understood the concept of good enough. I first heard it on Oprah, and it didn’t resonate with me. It seemed like settling for “just okay.” Of course, I was good enough, but I am going for something a little bit better than that! However, I think it means quite a bit more in terms of this discussion. It means that you feel inside that you look good enough that you don’t need to worry about it so much. We all know physical appearance is just a part of who you are. Clearly too much emphasis has been placed on appearance in Kardashian Culture. So, if appearance says little about your value as a person, what does say something about your character and value as a person to you? How do you define yourself? Is it in terms of being a loving mom? A kind friends? Capable at your job? It's probably a combination of these things that make up your whole you. “Physical appearance has nothing to do with the quality of a person.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich once said.
Good enough means, "I am feeling fine with this aspect of myself," and I don't need to spend time trying to fix it. This is about balance. Is your appearance good enough to do what you are doing at this point in your life? Maybe it already is. Maybe your struggle with the scale and your body is not the magnitude of a problem in relation to the space that it takes up in your life? What would you be doing with the space in your mind that is being used for thinking about your body and eating if we waived a magic wand and took that issue away? My belief is that the more confident that you are in yourself and your appearance, the more likely you are to not put in as much effort in your outfits because you feel that you don’t need to. The mindset of, “I’ll look good in anything.” This is the kind of belief that I don’t have myself, but that I used when observing others. I think this space is an opportunity to find other joys and ways of valuing, developing, and defining yourself. When you find more generative ways to spend your time, you might define yourself less by your appearance. You could focus more on your own value to yourself rather than how society values a women’s appearance – especially in our shallow Kardashian Culture.
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krizzia · 4 years
In Chapter 5, we discuss the Western and Eastern Concept of the Self. I know we have different perspective or beliefs when it comes in the concept of self, but personally I believe that we are the one who's molding ourselves, from personality, attitudes or etc. But if I will base on the discussion, I must say that Western and Eastern has a similarities with my beliefs. In Western, they believe that we should think and be wise in different situation. As for myself, there's times where I don't really think carefully in doing decision making such as talking hurtful jokes towards my friends not knowingly that it hurt their feelings and also by posting in a social media where I thought it would be okay to post it but not knowingly that it's not okay. In Eastern, they're goal is to be a better person to the society or to one another. In this believe I must say that people must do the same. Respecting one another is the best way to have a good relationship towards each other. Based on my observation, most of the Filipinos right now has a lack of respect specially to the elders. To be honest I'm so disappointed in this generation, I feel so embarrassed to be part in this generation, because upon seeing their personalities and attitudes I must say that they definitely out of control, they didn't even know the word "respect" at all. Well anyways, in the Eastern Concept of self they've mention the Hinduism where law of karma introduced, this is one of the most important doctrine of Hinduism. Personally I believe in the law of karma, because I already experienced it. During my highschool days, I do have a lot of boyfriend to the point that I have two to three boyfriend at the same time. without them knowing of course, I really love playing boys, I love seeing them crying and begging to not breaking up with them. but your girl is a play girl, So I still break up with them. During my senior high school days, I'll stop from being a play girl when I fell in love with my ex like my whole world sorrunds him, I don't want to lose him. So this time I take the relationship in to serious relationship I thought he love me the way I love him, but NO! He cheated on me not just once but many times! But then I still forgive him that's how dumb I am, even though I am the one who caught him cheating, I am still the one who's begging not to breaking up with me. I am stupid. I know. but not until I realized all of this shit. It's a karma bitch.
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krizzia · 4 years
I'm now in Chapter 4, where we discuss the Psychological Perspective of the Self. This topic really hits me in different ways. Let me start in the ideal self and real self, well throughout my journey in life, I always keep hearing people talking about me, they always keep saying that I am a spoiled brat and traunt but the truth is not. They don't know my real self is, they just judge me on what they see and hear but not knowing who really I am. My real self is too different on what they're describing. I am a person loves to hangout but I always asked my mom a permission before I go, I always keep in touch to her wherever I go. I've never been a traunt and my mom knows that. And being a "spoiled brat" is not my thing, I didn't even get my new phone for past 2years now and If I go out with my friends, I've never asked my mom to give me a money, I always used my own money because I know she worked hard for that money and I don't have a right to use it in my own personal wants. And I believe that is my real self by knowing my limitation and priorities. While my ideal self is too high, I have a big dream. I want to be an Optometrist because of the influence of my Grandmother where she want me to be like her, she wants to bequeath here optical to me and that is no problem to me. But in the other hand, I also want to be a Flight Attendant and a Business woman. I want to fly at the same time owning a business such as a restaurant , bar and cafeteria. I loved to work under pressure because I know this will help me to reach my goals. And after reaching all that goals, I want to use the money in a right way by helping those people who need it. I want to help those people who can't eat, those people who can't see, and those people can't have there own home. I have a big dream to my self but reaching all that goals is not possible without a person who help me, the person who work hard, the person who deserve to be congratulate, and that is my Mother. All the hardworks and effort she provide, she deserve all the happiness in life. I want to build her own house, I want to give her a vacation everywhere she wants to go, I want her to take a rest. And that is my ideal self, prioritizing my family, and others before myself. I keep hiding my true self to others because I don't want to disappoint them, I want to reach their standards I want to reach the society demands. But still I want to let my self out of the cage.
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krizzia · 4 years
Hello, I'm now in chapter 3! Where the topic is all about the Anthropological Conceptualization of self. In this topic I can reflect to on how my name was form. Honestly I don't like my first name, but I can't do anything but to accept it lol. Well based on my Mother, my first name is given by my Grandmother who suggested that I should be named Krizzia Mae. While my surname is already given by my Father lol. But honestly I'm so excited to change my surname, where I will change it by my future husband surname! What an Ideal of mine. And also, I can't wait to have an O.D before my name, the future Doctor of Optometry. Yeah! Just strive hard. A wife and Doctor at the same time? Well, I can't wait to achieve it!
In the Cultural Construction of Self and Identity, I'm must say that I'm one of those people who overcome the obstacles in life. Since then, I already knew what my goal is. I'm kind of person where I don't relay to others. I always do what I want in "education basis" but when it comes to what I look and how I act, I always depending on will people says. I always feel like I'm in the cage where I always need to be the person what they like. I am now living in the culture of criticism where they always find ways to criticize and where you should be perfect of the eyes of others.
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krizzia · 4 years
Hi there! Today I will be reflecting the topic of Sociological perspective: The self as a product of society. How does society contribute to me? Well, Society has a big contribution to me specially in molding myself and my personalities. My personality is unpredictable sometimes I'm happy or sad but most of the time I'm angry, to the point that I'm ending up fighting with my friends and boyfriend, not just during my period time but everyday, Everytime and every second I'm always a moody person. People sorrunds me also contributing to my personality or self identity, where I always based on the trends, such as changing how I look by basing to the demands or trends from the clothes, make-up and etc. I also got to the point where changing myself based on how people will satisfy even though I don't like, I already don't know myself anymore because of changing myself towards to the Society demands.
Well anyways, George Herbert Mead introduce us the 3 stages in molding ourselves. First is the preparatory stage, in which I am around 0-3 years old in this stage. I could say that don't have a strong knowledge of doing something or understanding something. While in Play stage, I am around 3-5 years old and in this stage as far as I can remember this is a stage where I learn how to talk and communicate. During this stage I've been playing around with my friends such us playing with our Barbie dolls and Cooking fake vegetables like those kind of things. And during my Game stage I am around 8 years old and above. this is where I already taking up my role in the society where I already know how to do dishes, cleaning, cooking and alot of things. And in this stage, I already taking up my studies, I already know how to read and spell. In this stage I mold my feelings towards to someone or something , I have a lot of crush since my adolescence hits and also I got to the point where I have a boyfriends, with "s" because I have 5 ex's I'm not bragging or what but that's how my beauty affect others lol. Temptation and Distraction? I've always been there. The day I've reach my curiosity about "Sex" I'm too hot to try it because I feel pressured, most of my friends already tried to have sex and I feel so jealous since I don't have try it yet. I feel so out of place Everytime they talk sex. I want to try it but I'm too scared. I know I made a right decision on not pursuing my curiosity about Sex , because upon seeing my friends who's pregnant right now I feel so happy not because they got pregnant early, but I'm not one of them. To be pregnant early is not easy, it really affects your life from your studies and goals. There's always right time for that, it's not bad to enjoy life but not to the point that it will destroy your/my future. I'm not proclaiming that I'm so innocent, I also have a bad habit that my mom's doesn't know. She doesn't know how I love to drink alcohol drinks, mild drinks? No thanks. I prefer to drink hard drinks such as Black Label, Vodka, Tequila even Tanduay. I love to go clubbing, I always do cutting classes every Friday just to hangout and drink with my friends and little did she know until now I still go outside and go to my friend's house just to drink! Probably after this liquor ban I could see myself in different places doing road trip and drinking lol.
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krizzia · 4 years
Good day self! I just want to write down the reflection in our discussion last time, where we discuss the concept of "self" from various philosophical perspectives. And to be honest I've learned a lot in finding myself specially to the Socrates and Aristotle perspective. Socrates introduce the "Introspection" where It gives me an idea or reason that I should really examine myself first than to listen to others. Well, it's good to listen to others but you should listen to yourself too. Because I have reached the point where I no longer listen to myself, I prefer to listen to what others say and that gives me a low self esteem, especially when hurtful words are said. There is also a time when I wonder if this is really me? because I always follow what others want for me more than I do. I am afraid to be judged and criticized, I would rather listen to others than myself. But After doing my "me time" I realized that it's not bad to be true. I should give myself to think. Ask myself if I'm happy? If I'm okay? I should Ignore what others says to me. I won't let them control me just to satisfy them. I will do anything I want as long as I don't step to others. While in Aristotle perspective, He introduce us that we should "Pursue happiness in life" we should strive happiness in life. there are times when I can't find my happiness, to the point that I look my happiness to others. especially when my father died, I was so depressed that time and I reached the point where I could no longer find my happiness. I feel that all the bad luck are on me, why does my father have to die? I am a daddy's girl so it was very painful when he disappeared with us. even my mother, friends and all people sorrunds me are worried, they can't approach me because I prefer to be alone. But they didn't give up, they always at my back no matter how hard headed I am. They still keeping and keeping in touch on me just to feel there love for me and by that little by little I also realize why I am sad? I still have family and friends who will love me so much. Why should I look for my happiness if they are there? If I want more than that happiness I could make that possible as long I am dedicated I won't let my sadness prevail. This lessons in life serve a very big help for me to find myself and happiness. I am no longer in the cage, I am now free and happy.
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