krkekcnehx · 5 years
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
Sometimes I can’t believe I sit through this shit for one whole hour of my life just to get ten seconds of negan content
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
Maggie is single handedly the most irritating character I’ve ever been subjected to lmao I hope she dies this episode
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
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“Come on up…”
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
I love this so much omg
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Just chillin’ in my crib.
(credits to crossbow_twd IG)
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
just got out of a really toxic and horrible relationship and I’m mentally healthy and ready to write again woohoo
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
Finally getting round to start the next chapter
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
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@negan-love ❤
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
Haven’t given up on this fic just everything is very overwhelming and I haven’t got these mood meds yet and I am spiralling lol if anyone’s following this story there’s a chapter soon I’m forcing myself to write through my depression slump
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
Negan’s Rose - Chapter 4
Word count: 3039
Warnings: mentions of being underweight. I don’t want to spoil it but maybe just maybe some freaky deaky.
This one took me a while gorls feedback would be great xx
You lazily silenced your alarm, groaning at the shrill ringing sound of it in your ear. You were yanked out of your blissful sleepy state by the the familiar alertness and the streak of anxiety you always felt waking up, anticipating walkers. Your eyes took a couple of seconds to adjust to the quiet room and your surroundings and your panic instantly evaporated. You weren’t out in the cold woods, exposed to the dead and the walkers, you were at the mysterious sanctuary and you were safe, if not still a bit confused. It was going to take time to adjust to this new feeling of security.
You stretched your arms and legs out, letting out a yawn as you blinked a couple times, waking yourself up. You took a swig of water from a fresh bottle that had been left in the kitchenette and brushed your teeth over the sink. You splashed some of the water over your face to wake yourself up and took your two tablets hoping to clear up the lingering dizziness from your injury. It was a warm morning, but the concrete floor kept you cool as you made your way over to the small dresser. It was nice to wake up in light comfortable pyjamas instead of your usual heavy survival ensemble. Your shoulders felt lighter without the weight of your backpack, something that would also take a while to get used to. So did your bare feet, free of your heavy boots and worn socks. You picked out a black vest top and a striped blue and green t shirt with a little bird on the pocket. You recognised it and checked the label, seeing that it was Hollister. You laughed softly, you would’ve never set foot into a hollister shop before. Teenage Americana summer beach romance clothes weren’t your thing. It reminded you of high school and the sickly sweet perfume from that shop that all the girls in your year wore. You were never one of the lip gloss girls and it felt strange to even think about vanity or self appearance in this new world when you just wanted to survive.
You found a pair of blue tracksuit bottoms and slipped them on, not wanting to wear anything too fitted until you gained some more healthy weight. Pulling the shirt over your head you noticed the red marks on your shoulders from carrying that wretched backpack around from so long. You avoided looking at yourself in the small mirror until you were dressed, not wanting to deal with your body. You had become dangerously skinny and lanky, your bones tired from constantly being on the move and your already deathly pale complexion seeming paler, however you had a hint of colour in your cheeks from your good sleep and having ate properly.
You considered wearing your hair down, but you were starting your new job today in the garden and wanted it off your face and neck. The trainers had a firm sole and were instantly comfier than your boots. You opened the blinds, letting yourself bathe in the warmth, standing with your eyes closed as it worked it’s magic on your freckles, letting it fill up the room with it’s cleansing energy. A knock on the door brought you out of your trance as you made your way over to it.
You presumed that this was Arat and let your eyes trail over her face, firstly noticing the small frown line in between her eyebrows, then noticing her strong nose and cheekbones. Your eyes dropped to her lips for a second and you admired her sharp defined Cupid’s bow. Your eyes met hers as the frown line softened and her lips parted slightly.
“I’m Arat, I’ve been assigned to show you around” she said in an authoritative but soft voice, her lips curling up hinting at a smile before going back to a line. You couldn’t deny that she was very pretty in a strong almost masculine way. “I’m rose.” You replied, realising this was the first time you had told anyone here your name. “Rose” she repeated softly with a small smile, almost unaware she had even said it. It was comforting to hear another human being call you by your name and you almost didn’t recognise it after being isolated for so long. The two of you fell into an understanding silence for a few seconds and if you weren’t wrong, you would say she had a tiny crush on you. She handed you your familiar switchblade, interrupting the growing intensity. Her glowy bronzed skin contrasted with your translucently pale hand as you took the weapon. Her smooth hand, nails chipped and painted black, lingered on yours for a split second before she dropped her hand. “You’ve been trusted with this, only use it if you absolutely have to.”
you murmured a quick thanks as you put it in your pocket, and with a “Follow me” the two of you were off.
She took you to the bustling metropolis that was the marketplace, explaining the points system to you. It was full of people but the energy was very sullen and the people seemed to merge in with the grey architecture of the room. Then you were shown the cafeteria which was reminiscent of hogwarts with its long tables. Arat grabbed two trays passing you one as you waited in line for breakfast. It was starting to get busy with all the workers getting up in time to start their shifts for the day but you managed to get a decent portion. Plain porridge and if you had the points, a squeeze of honey. Arat took you to a table at the quieter far end of the hall where a few saviours were seated. You recognised simon and although he had an air of arrogance you felt more comfortable now that you knew two people here. Arat introduced you as you took your seats. A blonde disheveled man caught your eye and you took in his disfigured face, not holding eye contact for too long for fear of making him uncomfortable, training your eyes onto your porridge instead. “The Sanctuary’s unique charm growing on you goldy?” Simon taunted with a smile. “It’s very uh, grey” you said sheepishly in response. The blonde man let out a soft laugh at this and introduced himself as Dwight. He had a reserved, quiet nature and didn’t say much for the rest of the conversation. Not wanting to overwhelm you, they chatted about supply runs and sanctuary gossip leaving you with your thoughts. You focused back into the conversation when you heard the name Negan talked about, a small sliver of fear and excitement darting through you as you remembered Arat said you were to meet him today. “Oh, rose” Dwight said your name softly like he had just remembered something. “If the run goes well, negan usually hosts a party for the saviours in the basement of this place. You should come by as my plus one.” A small blush coloured his cheeks and he averted your gaze as he said the last part. “I’d love to, I’m dying to meet the guy.” He smiled at you but it faltered as you said the last part. You didn’t have time to dissect it Arat noticed the interaction and quickly interjected. “You don’t want to be late for your first shift. Come on.” You detected a hint of jealousy in her voice.
Working in the garden was tough labour, but you enjoyed being out in the nature and feeling the dirt and earth in your hands. It was good to start slowly building back up your strength. The garden was massive and impressive with rows upon rows of vegetables that you spent the day tending to. The people were friendly, but kept their distance. You had been given special treatment with your own bedroom and free medical supplies and word had gotten round. The sun was beginning to set as you finished your shift and made your way back to your room. It was six pm and you managed to miss the rush of workers in the shower block, quickly freshening up and shaving parts of your body that had been neglected for a long long time now.
It was exciting to be getting ready for a party and you hadn’t felt the familiar buzz since college. The nicest clothes in your small dresser were a green flared sleeved blouse that complimented your hair colour and eyes, and a pair of tight black trousers. It felt alien, almost wrong to be dressing to look nice for once, not for convenience and survival. You let your hair down from it’s braid and it rested on your shoulders in neat waves. The blouse was floaty enough to cover up how skinny you were but still showed some skin. Dwight knocked on the door and you gave yourself a fleeting glance in the mirror on the way out, reminiscing on how you used to spend so much time applying makeup and straightening your hair. You still had the subconscious desire to look nice but it wasn’t as ever present now. Caring about things like that just seemed futile. Dwight greeted you with a shy smile and a murmured “you look nice.” You liked his quiet energy and grounded nature and wanted to become good friends with him in the future. The walk was mainly silent but it was companionable silence, not awkward.
You could feel the thumping bass in the corridor as you got nearer the designated party basement. You were quickly learning just how big the sanctuary was and were probably most definitely going to get lost at some point. The doors swung open as you two entered the room, and the atmosphere was electric. The room was filled with saviours and workers, dancing to the infectious 80s beat that pumped through the speakers. It was a popular song called Blue Monday by New Order and it was impossible not to dance to it. Someone had found a dance hits compilation cd on a run and it was a big hit with everyone. “Let me buy you a drink” Dwight shouted over the loud music and you felt a small hand on your lower back as he ushered you over to the bar. You leaned back onto the bar as he waited on the barman and you scanned the room, looking to find simon or Arat, instead catching the eye of a dangerously handsome man leaning against the wall across from you. He was surrounded by five women all dressed in black cocktail dresses, pandering for his attention. It was hard to see with the low light and all the people, but you could make out a small smirk on his face as he gazed at you with a drink in his hand. He had jet black hair and tanned muscly arms that were clinging to a simple white t shirt and you couldn’t look away. You weren’t sure if sexual tension could be created from a single look across a busy room but you felt a heat and a longing stir inside you. “Earth to rose?” You heard Dwight say with a laugh as he brought you out of your transfixed gaze. “I said, what’s your poison?” You forced your eyes away from this mysterious stranger and feigned a laugh to Dwight. “Sorry, got lost in my head there, vodka’s fine with me” you lied. Vodka always went to your head the quickest and some of your best and worst night outs had been fuelled by the precious Russian potato juice. You maintained idle chit chat with some of the people around the bar getting drunker and drunker as an hour flew by, sneaking glances at the man across the room, your face turning bright red every time, as he caught you, every time. It was like as if there was a magnetic force was pulling you towards him and you could feel his eyes on you all night.
Arat stumbled off the dance floor and made her drunken way over to you, laughing and smiling as you tanned another shot. It was nice to see her this relaxed knowing how tense she normally was after meeting her only once. “Hey girrrlll! Get over herree” She slurred, grabbing your hand and dragging you into the floor. The music had changed tempo to a seductive bass charged melody with a hypnotic rhythm. You swayed to the rhythm, running your hands through your hair and closing your eyes getting completely lost in the song. It felt so good to be immersed in a song for the first time in so long. You felt a pair of firm hands on your waist behind you, immediately knowing who they belonged to. He leaned in so his rough beard was touching your soft cheek as he spoke into your ear sending a thrill down you.
“So this is the little devil that’s been eye fucking me all night.” He drawled his words out slowly and seductively. His voice was deep and dripping with filth and re lit the fire that had been burning all night from the sexually charged fleeting glances. You leaned back into his strong body as the hands on your waist explored the plains of your smooth stomach under your blouse, the contact making you shiver. His hands were warm and firm and you wanted them all over you. You moulded into him perfectly and could feel his rock hard erection through all the layers making you gasp slightly. You slowly started to grind to the music, feeling his hot heavy breath on your neck, realising you had synced yours with his. “You’ve been driving me crazy all night doll” you liked this nickname and you could feel him laugh wickedly as his voice drove you wild. How could someone’s voice alone set you on fire like this? You deliberately rubbed against him eliciting a small groan from him and an electricity to pulse through your clit. You were already soaked and felt a longing in your core. He suddenly grabbed you by the wrist firmly making you wince. He noticed and loosened his grip gently, rubbing his thumb across it as he pulled you to the small door at the back of the hall. Nobody noticed the two of you leave amongst the sea of bodies, or so you thought.
The cool night air was fresh as it hit your rosy cheeks and was strikingly chilly with all of the heat in your bodies. The electricity between the two of you was primal and tangible and you had never felt this with anybody before.
He shut the door and immediately pushed you gently but firmly against it. You could make out his features vaguely under the moonlight. Your vision was a little blurry from the alcohol but he had a strong chiselled face and grey sprinkled stubble. His hair was slicked back but disheveled and a single strand was hanging over his face. The look in his eyes was burning with desire and wonder as they bore into your own, which were wide with shock and an intimidation that you didn’t know if you were comfortable with. You were so drawn to him in that moment that you couldn’t look away. You waited on him to pounce, make his move. You anticipated a rough, passionate kiss but instead the look in his eye softened as he brought his hand up to your face, gently cupping it as your aroused panting slowed down. You were caught off guard by this surprisingly affectionate action but your face naturally leaned into the curve of his large strong hand, the roughness contrasting with the smoothness of your cheek as he brought his calloused thumb over the plains of your cheekbones. You were both communicating non verbally and it was a strange mixture of lingering arousal and unspoken understanding. Like a messed up yin and yang. “fucking magnificent” he muttered softly as he took a delicate curl in his large fingers, placing it behind your ear. He leaned in so his lips were inches away from yours and you could smell the warm scotch on his breath. His lips parted slightly and your heart rate sped up as he closed his eyes. You waited on the kiss, desperate to feel his lips on yours to satisfy the longing you had felt all night but a fuzz from his walky talky interrupted the hazy atmosphere as he groaned, picking up the line. “This better be fucking good Dwight” he spat out. He was irritated and a frown had set in place. You lowered your head, suddenly feeling awkward and disappointed, not sure what to do with yourself. “A fight’s broke out between some of the workers at the bar. One of the bastards tried to steal some liquor it’s getting ugly negan.” Your eyes widened at the mention of his name and you realised just who you were with. He took a step back from you. “I’ll sort it.” He replied abruptly. There was an intensity about the way he looked at you while talking into the walky tally to someone else that you liked. The way he never took his eyes off of you was almost erotic. The haze from all this affection and the alcohol was making your head spin and you could feel all the alcohol in your stomach churning. His eyes met the ground as he ran a hand over his face in an effort to compose himself before letting out a sigh. You moved away from the door letting him open it, the music and shouting from the fight pouring out into the calmness of the night. “I wanna see you again, this isn’t over.” He said with an authoritative voice, giving you a lingering look before heading back into the party. You felt a warmth in your chest at the possibility of seeing him again. You had had intense spontaneous seances with people before but nothing quite like that. As soon as the door closed, you threw up everywhere.
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
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if you look at those fingers and don’t automatically wish they were inside you then i think you’re in the wrong fandom bro
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
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Autos/selfies in NYC ~ 2016
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krkekcnehx · 6 years
Sleep deprivation is keeping me from finishing this chapter tonight ugh
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