krysteendamon · 6 years
Indie Pride Day and Smashwords July Summer/Winter Sale
Indie Pride Day and Smashwords July Summer/Winter Sale
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I’m thinking I need to start positioning my books differently. Not discussed in today’s post: top right book is Strangers by Michaelbrent Collings. Collings is an international bestseller in the horror genre. And he’s self published. You can find his books on Amazon (which is where I got my copy).
Happy July everyone! There’s fireworks happening somewhere near my house tonight and I’m sure I’ll…
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krysteendamon · 7 years
2018 Writing Goals
I know it’s already almost February, but I was pretty busy for most of January. I’ve laid out a couple of writing goals for myself this year. And what’s better than sharing them with everyone? Aside from chocolate, that is. Publish my Anthology on time – Done! I was honestly slightly worried about this. But mostly because I’m good excellent at putting things off until the last minute. That was…
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krysteendamon · 7 years
Hello! Today is a good day, for two reasons. First, it’s my sister’s 27th birthday. Second, my anthology Pandemonium is fully launched! It’s been up for preorder since December 8th. The preorder is for the ebook. I’ll be releasing a paperback version soon once I receive and approve the proof. (Psssst…. check it out at Amazon here.) As anyone who’s ever written anything knows, writing a full…
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krysteendamon · 7 years
Site Updates
Afternoon everyone! I’ve been a little bit busy this morning. I spent the majority of my morning crocheting a hat to put up for sale in my Etsy shop while I watched some of Hitchcock’s earlier works (his silent films are pretty good and I highly recommend them). It didn’t take me too long to get bored with that, so I switched over to my writing stuff. I haven’t actually gotten any writing done…
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krysteendamon · 7 years
Writing in Bed
My goodness, I’m tired. I’ve been pretty quiet just about everywhere lately, and in case you don’t follow me on Instagram, my sister got married last weekend. I’ve been able to get some writing done in the last month, but not much. Between “fun” work stuff, her wedding, and my general intense hatred for the hot weather we were experiencing, I have had zero energy to get anything done. But the…
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krysteendamon · 7 years
Goodreads Group
Yesterday I mentioned in my post about how I was thinking about starting some sort of group on Goodreads. I had a hard time deciding if I just wanted to do another book club, or if I wanted to start another group for authors in need. I went with the latter, though adding a book of the month to it does sound appealing. I named it Story Circle. It’s for authors who need help with editing, cover…
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krysteendamon · 7 years
What I've Been Working On
What I’ve Been Working On
It’s been a long time since I’ve last posted. And I’ve done a few things since then. Patreon I joined Patreon in the beginning of the year. In case you haven’t heard about it, Patreon is a site where creators can get [monetary] support from their friends. Most creators have different reward levels available for people to choose from. It’s pretty cool and I figured I wouldn’t lose out on just…
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krysteendamon · 8 years
multifundoms asked:
Hello! While in the middle of writing just about any story, I always want to change the plot no matter what. Basically, after I finish watching or reading something I really like, I get inspired by that story and want to write something similar. I’ve gone through so many stories already that I can’t even remember the exact number. It’s driving my writing partner crazy! How do I overcome this? Thank you so much!
This is just a matter of discipline, to be honest, sort of like learning to wake up when your alarm goes off and making it to school or work on time. You know what you have to do, so you simply make the decision to do that thing, or you don’t. With writing, you are in control of what you do or don’t do. If you find yourself getting distracted by other ideas, write them down in a “plot bunnies” notebook and keep writing on the work in progress. Make the decision and do it. It’s just that simple. :)
——————————————————————— Ask box will re-open soon. In the mean time, please check the master list or the main site for help. :)  
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krysteendamon · 8 years
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krysteendamon · 8 years
Just awful. Haven't written a single word yet. Being sick doesn't help either, though.
NaNoWriMo Day 3 Check In
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IT’S FAR TOO EARLY TO GIVE UP NOW NANO-NAUTS. If you can’t get your muse to to work for you, beat it up with a broom. Or… something.
How you doing?
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krysteendamon · 8 years
You Can’t Win Without (Your Main Character) Suffering
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All through National Novel Writing Month, published authors will take the whistle, take over our official Twitter account for a week, and act as your NaNo Coach. This week’s NaNo Coach, Martha Brockenbrough, author of The Game of Love and Death, shares a few words of wisdom on making your main character suffer:
You want to win NaNoWriMo. I want you to win NaNoWriMo. You know who doesn’t want you to win?
Your main character.
Why, you ask?
That is a fine question, and the answer is contained in the novel you are about to write. Your character didn’t ask to be in this book. You character didn’t ask to suffer. To be humiliated. To be confused. Lost. Scared. Denied. Kissed passionately.
Wait! That part, if it’s in your book, is something your character did want, and it was probably preceded by all of the suffering I just mentioned. Consider it a consolation prize to life. Sometimes, there’s kissing amidst the calamity.
Keep reading
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krysteendamon · 8 years
This whole time, my entire life, I thought I was an introvert without all of the social anxiety issues. Btw, I loathe small talk.
Extroverted Introverts: Ten Things To Know
Also known as an ambivert, an extroverted introvert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introversion and extroversion.
1. Their spot on the spectrum changes with their environment.
Your ambivert friend may be loud and gregarious around their family, but quiet and thoughtful at the office. Seeing them in both situations may feel like meeting two entirely different people.
2. Talking to strangers is fine – but don’t expect them to keep it to small talk.
Although an ambivert can hold up their end of a conversation, talking about the weather will not be enough to engage them. Their social energy is limited enough that they won’t want to waste it on meaningless chatter. They will likely push the conversation into deeper territory or bow out entirely.
3. They like to be alone – they don’t like to be lonely.
There is a big difference between the two. Choosing to sit at home with a tub of ice cream and a book feels fantastic. Sitting at home because nobody called them back feels sad and lame.
Read full @ https://introvertplace.myshopify.com/blogs/news/extroverted-introverts-ten-things-to-know
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krysteendamon · 8 years
The Call
Happy Halloween everyone!!
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The Call
She walked through the dark forest. Her limbs were shaking, not from fear, but from excitement. She had been fast asleep when she heard The Call. Though the stories scared everyone else, she always found them fascinating. Instead of cowering, like she knew she should have, she decided to follow. After all, the stories always ended when The Call was heard.…
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krysteendamon · 8 years
Lessons I've Forgotten (and You Probably Have Too)-Part 2
New post is up! Part 2 of Lessons I've Forgotten. #amwriting
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Do you remember the first time you read that book? You know which one. The one that made you laugh when a joke was told. The one that made you cry, either when the hero won, or when the hero lost something dear. The one that, for a small amount of time, made you forget about everything else. Do you remember how it made you feel? For many in my generation, that book is most likely Harry Potter.…
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krysteendamon · 8 years
I love this so much
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krysteendamon · 8 years
Lessons I've Forgotten (and You Probably Have Too)-Part 1
Blog post is up! Lessons I've Forgotten (and You Probably Have Too)-Part 1 #amwriting
I read to my daughter every night. I’ve done this since she was a baby. It was really awkward at first and I would read as quietly as I could. For whatever reason, I thought I would be laughed at. I eventually got over this. I am decently selective in what I will read. I have my childhood favorites, most people do, so when she started preschool, I noticed they were reading newer books. I wanted…
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krysteendamon · 8 years
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No Monster Monday Today I was extrmely busy this past week so there won't be a Monster Monday this week. I have a fun post for tomorrow though, so make sure you come back!
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