krystltruth · 2 days
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krystltruth · 27 days
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‭2 Corinthians 4:1-6
Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
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krystltruth · 27 days
the strangest dream last night
I went to get something painted, it was of Paco, and when they came back with the finishing piece (wasn't that stellar) and with the bill, it was $600. I could feel myself already mentally readying to pay it and justify the costs, and a male person (some mentor-y professional?) looked over my shoulder and said "that's what you could've paid for the over thing" (some kind of business venture that would've been an actual practical meaningful investment) this playing out see here you are again, thinking you're "saving up" on those other costs and having to pay on dumb decisions like this, you didn't even look up the details when you paid! and then tried to reason it out with ladies, looking at me expectantly, waiting for my payment. I began my attempt at the argument that the payment details were not that clear. and they said "the guy (painter) took 6 hours on that!" cue in my guilt feeling of someone putting in the effort for this and me not wanting to pay it (also wow it wasn't even that great of a painting and it took him 6 hours?) and I decided to argue and fight about it. until they actually let up and I don't have to pay the $600
what feelings I got from this?
that I'm definitely thinking hard about my finances
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krystltruth · 28 days
Stop ignoring your bodily signals that’s somethings not right. You get a bad stomach and need to run to the bathroom after the morning smoothie? It doesn’t agree with you. You get terrible anxiety and feel you need to perform on dates with the pretentious guy? He’s not your person. You feel shaky after the iced latte? It’s not for you sweetie. Your body is constantly sending signals, letting you know what feels good, and what doesn’t. Foods that don’t agree with you, people that cause you panic. Take inventory on what's causing dis-harmony in your life, and start editing ruthlessly. This is an act of self love. No more ignoring signs from your inner guidance system. Start heeding the call from your body. It’s speaking to you always. 
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krystltruth · 28 days
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krystltruth · 28 days
today was that day! :)
work out class, caught up with Ate, she said something about enjoying life vs maintaining it, and the clearing, we need to fill with something, with the Holy Spirit
and then pool party, Clem came over, movie night with people, everyone just being so bonded and positive energy
it's important for me to have guy friends
a good rested day<3
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krystltruth · 28 days
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krystltruth · 28 days
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Anne Lauer
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krystltruth · 28 days
Cheat codes #1
Remove the idea that your value comes from your looks, your achievements, the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the Van Clef necklace. If you can remove all of those external factors, and look in the mirror and realise that you stripped down to your core is worthy, you without the mask is enough, from this place you will have a confidence that allows you to thrive in this world that leeches on women's insecurities. 
Root yourself in spirituality. Because ultimately life is better with God than without. Knowing there is a love, protection and care that comes from this relationship and acknowledging and strengthening this bond is how you remain grounded in a world that can so easily have you lost in the darkness, when there is so much light waiting for you to feel. God is waiting for you. 
Daily exercise. Your body is your temple, treat it as such. The movement / stretches / cardio and weights in light moderation allow a layer of protection to your health and wellbeing. You feel energised, your energy is moving through your veins. It’s an act of self love and care that doesn’t require a fancy gym membership. Just commitment of 30 mins per day. 
Prioritise your gut health. Your gut is your second brain, it’s communicating with you always. Start listening, start noticing what foods it needs, what foods affect your energy levels, if carbs are making you sleepy, re-assess, if the coffee is giving you the jitters, reassess. Stop ignoring what your gut is telling you, notice your bowel movements. Keep getting the shits? Take fucking note. Read books, get tested, learn about your gut microbiome. Having excellent gut health is how you thrive in this life, unfortunately the western diet creates quite the opposite and so its on you to rise above the status quo.
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krystltruth · 28 days
Ok, what is not going to happen, is the repeating of the pattern.
you expect they should still be groveling over you... and then when you don't get it, you get your personal ego hurt, and you mistake it with heart break.
but what's actually happened is that, you just expected yourself to be so desired, and that they can't move on, even though, you don't want them in the first place.
what you're not going to do is expect that.
what you're going to do is gently let them go, and take ownership of your own meddling in this, and see that you did that, and alright, you did. and he did that, nothing wrong. was just not yours.
so he is not yours and you are not entitled to his opinion, high regard, constant attention.
in fact, what will happen, is that you will rise above the pattern. and know that your life is just about lovely and fine.
today, showed me how surrounded by love I am in this house.
pool party, clem swung by, hung out with everyone by the pool, watched Mad Max, laughed at everyone's word phrase.
perhaps, this is just alright. it made me see how we are all so similar and we attracted each other. intelligent people doing odd jobs, out of traditional/conventional society, quirky, funny, smart, with deep life experiences that have shifted us. here we are! motley crew.
i am rising above patterns, thank you Lord for the awareness. I let them all go. I do not repeat my past tendencies, they break here.
I am happy with myself, for the ways i hold my integrity, i am known as "half glass full Krystl" here in this house and can be a light and love, for the ways I walk in my truth and stay hopeful and healthy. for volunteering at church, leading the women in bible study, having wholesome weekends, creating a circle of deep, smart, people around me. I am so happy for all of this.
I'm actually quite grateful that I know my patterns pretty well by now.. and I get to learn new things about myself too. (like that I don't look guys in the eye and smile haha! greek boy showed me) and that when life feels so serious, I look for a cute boy to "take me away" but I'm never my true self with them, always just hiding within
and what does it feel like, to be with someone, who gets all of me. and we're not hiding. we have the love of God, up front and center, someone who I can fall back and who can lead me.
remember that.
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krystltruth · 28 days
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krystltruth · 3 months
Habits that are helping me have balance and peace ୨୧
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! Waking up at and sleeping at the SAME HOUR and ON TIME → Evade procrastination, feel more energized
! Have a morning and night routine and complete them at the STABLISHED time → Evade procrastination, feel good by maintain my personal devotion, achieve healthy habits as normal activities
! Stopped listening to music, podcast, overall background sounds → Have more silence, stop distracting myself and stop overconsumption
! Have a healthy diet of 4 daily meals, drink water only, one fruit at least and cut sugar and junk → DEFINETLY more energy, helps with my gain weight journey, feel good by feeling healthy
! Use less than 3 daily hours my phone by using timers and only using it for emergencies or academic activities → Less headaches, evade procrastination and focus on better and healthier activities with that time
! Read 10 pages atleast of a book daily → Acquire more knowledge, helps me gain concentration and reading skills
! Plan and reflect monthly, weekly, daily and use a habit tracker → Keep myself organized and helps me focus on my goals, habits and desired self
! Have a power nap of 30 minutes - 1 hour → Helps me feeling energized, better than wasting it scrolling
! Prioritize my studies: do my homework and assigments right away at college and study when possible → Not having to do these tasks at home, more free time, keep myself responsable and top student
! Prioritize investing time doing things I like → Helps me with having fun and feeling good, have a "not everything is about work" mindset, feel lighter throughout my weekly schedule (productivity wise)
! Write daily journal prompts → Understand myself better, release thoughts
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krystltruth · 4 years
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krystltruth · 4 years
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krystltruth · 4 years
“The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.””
‭‭Psalm 91:14-16‬
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krystltruth · 4 years
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krystltruth · 4 years
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