kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
[Ask for Pㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ] Who? Who forgot you- (The phone is snatched by another caller) WORK, damn it, WORK STUPI--[✍️+🍂]
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:The number you are trying to call-:
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:The number you are trying to-:
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:The number you are trying-:
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:The number you are-:
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:The number you-:
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:The number-:
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. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
"The time has come. And the show must go on," a mysterious voice calls out. It echoes just beyond your reach.
The sound is in your ears.
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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He loved me
He loves me not
He lived me
He lives me not
He loved me once
He left me
He lived
He left me
He left
He left
"Why couldn't you take me with you..."
:The line... no longer exists?:
:would you like to redial?:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
- 🪶
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"My muse. My purpose for living."
There's a very long pause. The air isn't dead, but a bittersweetness overcomes the line.
"...I miss him dearly."
Wherever he is.
:the connection is mine:
:tee hee:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
[ Ask for PURPLE ] "Won't stop you from talking", hm? Then go on. Please, speak. I want to hear it all. [✍️]
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"I dOnt think yoa do."
The line finally evens out
"I am not bound to the same limits as other darkners anymore. I am trapped and liberated, apathetic to the pain they suffer yet a participant all the same."
They pause to sigh, "I was just like the rest of them, just.."
A little too lucky.
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
Hello? Is anyone there?
- 🧭
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Ever? I am
Entertainer extraordinaire.
Trappped in <>
:the connection js unstable:::
:would you would wouy would you would you woufl wou you you you:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
[ Ask for ?EGG? ] Do you see us? [✍️]
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:Please hang up the phone, and try again:
s whatRe you ganno do abut it?
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
egg !?
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/ / / / / e/ / / / _
Good choice ♡♡♡
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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:Due to an uncertain issue, we are now only able to contact one line:
:Please choose carefully:
:GP-111 Extension 7:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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> compile runtime error;
Hell o urd
HE llo ThEr
> #include <MCX|||||||>
> Initialize
> > > > processing...
:We're Sorry.:
:The number yOu are trying to call has been disconnected.:
:Please hang up and trY again.:
:If this issue cOntinUes, please contact the appropRiatE helpline.:
:Have a Nice day! We hOpe This helps!:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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:We're sorry, the number you are trying to call is busy right now:
:Please wait 5 minutes and try again:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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The connection snaps in to the room filled with monotonous noise, various waiting music loops, and the sound of a desk chair spinning to infinity. How eventful.
Cici drones a monotone "weeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE-" only changing volune as they face the speakerphone in rotation. You suppose there isn't much else the could be doing, but is this the best they can do?
:the connection is on standby:
:would you like to redial?:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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The rustle on the line tells you your earpiece is in Uncle Addy's pocket. Heavy hits of his echo in a hall clearly beyond his normal orphanage walls. He's barreling to some unknown destination, deadset on his breakneck pace. He's almost breaks down the door as he jumbles with the knob.
"Galvanunt Pence! You better not be dead!-" he blurts out.
The victim looks up from his papers with a tumble of his shades, startled, "...Uncle?"
Uncle Addy stomps in, all huffy, "Someone mentioned you and I got worried. I haven't heard from you in months! Are you okay, are you hurt??"
The flurry of questions are staggering, yet it feels cozier in the room, like someone is laughing.
Galvan stands up, almost relieved by this ambush, "Uncle, take a breath. I'm fine. I'm just busy."
Addy obliges his advice, "fhoo- Okay. Don't give me reasons to barge in your office, you loon."
Galvan chuckles, "We don't work together anymore, Unc. I'm not even under your care, either. Why so worried?"
Uncle Addy finally catches his breath, sighing, "You don't even know me anymore do you? It's all I ever do."
He walks over to Galvan, his steps softer as he's composed. "Besides, you may be an adult, but you never stopped being my kid." He leans down and kisses his head.
Galvan, after a long pause, leans in to his uncle's embrace, "...And what about your 67 other kids, right now?~"
"I'mnotthinkingaboutthatrightnowww-" he hushs.
:the connection has expired:
:would you like to redial?:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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The line seems to be open already, to another caller.
"And tell me, caller, are you.. tired?" Swing asks, halfinterested*
"MyES. Of cOURSE," the caller squeals, "DAy in, DAY OU7."
He adds in, "I'm sure. So, why did you call tonight?"
The host pauses, unimpressed or called out. "...Fair enough. I hope we don't contribute to bordem here tonight."
The music fades in, all smooth and bassy.
"Here's to a not-terribly-dull week. Hell, I know mine is going to hurt-" he toasts solemnly.
:the connection has expired:
:would you like to redial?:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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The sounds of the cafe/bar/wherever-you-are flood the connection, the tinkling of the piano blessing the air.
"You ever gonna talk?" Teag chimes in.
"...I'm a little busy, T~" Cat chirps back.
Even with so little words, the duo keep the conversation going. The melody rises and pauses, awaiting response. And there, naturally, a hum floats in from Teagan. And the piano continues, going back and forth in a simple tête-à-tête in tunes of triads and perfect fifths.
But Teagan lifts the silent banter with, "Ever think about another venue?"
The melody suspends for a moment.
"...nah~ Where else could I harass you with polka and not get fired?" Cat taunts his friend.
Teag sounds both amused and disappointed, "You say 'harass,' I say 'poison.' Ya goof."
:the connection is on standby:
:would you like to redial?:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
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Your connection is pleasantly quiet, not a stir in the room. It's boring, actually. The only sign Galvan is even there is the sound of papers being filed. Every tap is uncomfortably loud now, and the cabinets are deafening thunder.
But you wouldn't call it the sounds of life.
Is this what his work is like? Is this it?
:Yeah, yeah it is:
How sad...
What a thrill Scrollen must have been last week.
:the connection has expired:
:would you like to redial?:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
[ Ask for GREEN ] You. You are familiar with "Galvan". (It is not a question, but a statement.) [✍️]
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The connection buzzes in, damp with the distant sounds of children slowly growing quiet. When the phone is answered, the voice is worn yet composed.
"Hello?" Uncle Addy prompts.
||anon asks||
A pause. "..Yyyes I am. I know a good many Addisons. He was an apprentice of mine at one point, but that was updates ago." What an odd call in the dying hours of the evening.
"O-oh gosh, he's not hurt is he?? Am I still his emergency contact???" He jitters. Pulling the phone from his face, thinking that helps at all, "Oh, Galv, I told you this would happen--"
There's a shuffle of a jacket being thrown over himself.
"D-do I need to come down and si-sign off any forms... o-or c-c-confirm the body?" He's working up his anxiety into paranoia.
:Good jooooob...:
"I-I-I'LL JUst go [come on down!!] to his office- H-HAVe a GOodi nite-"
He snaps his phone shut (a flip phone, really???) and thrusts it into his pocket with a rustle of redressing himself to venture out into the night.
"S-Spence, I'm going to check on a-a colleague, make sure everyone is inside." he stumbles.
Spencemy responds promptly, "Yes, Uncle!"
With that, Uncle Addy starts hauling out the door, running full force, holding back so much panic.
:the connection has expired:
:would you like to redial?:
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kscs-the-radiostar · 2 years
[After a page or two of notes were filled, a small sigh could be heard.]
Thank you, Mr. Pence! I don’t think I would have been able to figure out how this phone works alone, fahaha! You said you worked in loaning, right? How does that work?
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Several minutes of patient explanation have concluded.
||anon asks||
"Happy t' help, stranger," he sighs, a smile in his tone. That is, until he has to answer 'loaning.'
"..Yes, I'm the Royal Treasurer, and I saw it prudent to open the treasury to the public as a means of redistribution. Seemed obvious to me, if you remember the Crash that is." He trails off bitterly, "Everything came with a price, so I came with a delayed price. Call me cruel if you want, but I made a choice. It doesn't hurt me or Lord Swatch to allow loans from the reserves, which served nothing where they were."
He's kind of lost the point-
"This isn't the first time I've dealt in loans or economy either, so don't you worry 'bout a thing. I lent to popups and addisons at my last job; never lost a client. Even Unc-"
He stops...
"Even my previous business partner paid it back... So I finance his cause out of my own pocket..." he says, a man holding back tears.
"Cuz I haven't paid him back yet..."
:the connection is expiring:
:would you like to redial?:
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