kspforeverwriting · 2 years
I am absolutely shocked no one on tumblr is talking about how Prince William's affair allegedly was because Kate doesn't peg.
How is this conversation missing tumblr? Prince William getting involved with another woman (apparently with Kate's approval? Until feelings got involved oops), to get pegged. Explicitly to get pegged.
How has the pro pegging website missed the rumor train on this one?
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kspforeverwriting · 2 years
A little PSA for people who use AO3…
Gen refers to fic that is not focused on romance. If your fic is not a romance fic, please give it this tag.
Other refers to fic that is focused on romance, but is not specifically male/female, male/male, or female/female (like an OT3 (ship involving 3 people), a ship involving characters that are not male or female, etc). IT IS NOT FOR PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS. IT IS FOR ROMANTIC ONES. please for the love of all that is holy do not tag your family-relationship-centered fics as “other” you are going to give people a HEART ATTACK.
“Character/Character” is for romantic pairs. “Character & Character” is for platonic relationships like friendship, family, etc. Please do not tag family-centered or adult-and-minor-centered platonic character relationships as character/character for the love of all that is holy
The E rating is for smut and literally nothing else (unless you have other unusual reasons to rate it E–I’ve seen people apply it to non-smut fics as a deterrent to keep minors away from it, but keep in mind it’ll make it so people who are trying to avoid smut will not find your fic). Your fic that has a lot of graphic violence but no sexual content does not need an E rating.
The M rating is for fics that would basically be rated R if they were movies, and may contain graphic violence, some sexual content, and generally more serious subject matter than you would typically show a teenager. However, if your fic is almost entirely smut, please just give it an E rating.
Also, when you post a fic, you WILL want to give it a rating, or else AO3 will assume you’re probably posting smut and will warn everybody who clicks on your fic that it may contain adult content. If you don’t want that on your fic that contains no adult content at all, please just give it the proper rating instead of not rating it at all.
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kspforeverwriting · 2 years
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What if we fell asleep in the forest,,,,,, and we were both girls 😳
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kspforeverwriting · 2 years
People make such a big deal about Pierre taking credit for your crops. Don’t you get it? Don’t you understand? You give them to him. You’re more powerful than him. He’d go out of business without you. You’re his crop sugar daddy. He needs you. The fact he tells people he grew this stuff- it’s desperate, it’s him trying to deter people from going straight to you, it’s cute. You should be flattered he’s so terrified of you he’d just make stuff up. You should be laughing
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
two characters who have Seen Some Shit, the first time they Do It: identify and kiss each other’s scars in order to affirm the fact that they are here now together and Still Alive
me every time: 
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
NSFW What are each of the bachelor/ettes' kinks, or something they're nervous to ask their farmer for in bed? (**Please no age play??)
I don’t know what age play is but I assume it’s very gross and bad and no thank you. But I hope you like these instead!
Harvey: foodplay, without a doubt
Shane: just wants you to bite him occasionally
Elliott: some roleplay maybe?
Sam: what’s that grapefruit thing he’s heard about?
Sebastian: he has no idea how to ask, but he’d love for a f!farmer to peg him
Alex: bondage. On you, not him
Maru: semi-public sex. Nothing too open, but just enough to be risky~
Penny: choke her. Just a little though, she’s fragile~
Leah: she would love to peg you, honestly
Abigail: handcuffs, for either of you
Emily: bondage. She’s a rope bunny for sure
Haley: she’d like to record you having sex, just for personal use, not to put anywhere...unless you want to~
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
seb hating maru is BORING!!!!! they are best friends. they spent an entire childhood together secluded in the mountains. she followed him and his friends around. he slept on her floor when she was scared to be alone. she gave him one of the first gadgets she ever made. he taught her to code. she taught him how to fix up the motorcycle. he covered for her when she snuck out.
and when they get older they continue to support each other. she hangs out in the basement with him when he can’t get out of bed. he brings her dinner when she’s mid project. she lets him use her door when he’s out too late. he walks her home from the clinic when work runs past dark. they complain about their parents to each other. they love the same corny movies. they play board games they’ve shared for twenty years. they still argue, but they learn to apologize. they love each other and won’t let the faults of their parents take that away.
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
maybe a 3 for a male famer passive aggressively, affectionately complementing his boyfriend Sebastian to make Demetrius uncomfortable?
3: “Sorry...”
The farmer has been invited over for dinner by Robin tonight, and of course the farmer is excited. They bring with them blackberry cobbler for dessert, hoping it would be enough to please Sebastian’s parents. They have been together for about two months now, but Demetrius is still not an board with the whole idea, and Robin is just happy Sebastian is.
Maru opens the front door to allow the farmer in, a grin across her face as she welcomes her in with a half-hug before taking the container containing the blackberry cobbler from them. “Everyone is in the kitchen,” she says, leading the way through the hallway. 
In the kitchen, Sebastian has his back turned to the doorway as he cleans the dirty pot that was used to make spaghetti, Robin is setting up the table, and Demetrius is not present. Maru goes to set the blackberry cobbler down so the farmer freely wanders next to Sebastian, their hip brushing against his as they stand directly at his side.
“Hey handsome,” the farmer whispers to him with a sly smile, watching a faint smile spread across his face as he glances over to them and back at the pot in his hands. 
“Careful, Demetrius might see you flirting with me,” he teases, making the farmer raise an eyebrow at him in confusion, nonverbally asking him to elaborate. “He had a talk with me earlier about not expressing too much PDA in front of the family,” he dries his hands with a hand towel before wrapping an arm around the farmer’s waist, pulling them closer ever so slightly. “But you know I don’t care about that...”
The farmer lets out a soft giggle at the look Sebastian gives them, opening their mouth to reply only to be cut off with a coarse cough behind them. Sebastian quickly lets go of the farmer as both of their heads snap behind them where Demetrius is entering the kitchen. He gives a king smile to the farmer, clapping his hands together.
“Now that we are all here, why don’t we start dinner?” he suggests, Robin’s face lighting up.
“Great idea,” she agrees and everybody takes their seat, Sebastian and the farmer on one side, Robin and Maru on the other, with Demetrius at the head of the table, Robin and Sebastian being closest to him on either side.
Dinner goes smoothly, light chatter filling the table as the farmer answers questions about their farm and Maru excitedly talks about her latest invention. As dinner comes close to its end and conversation overtakes eating, Sebastian sets his hand on the farmer’s knee under the table, his thumb lightly moving back and forth across the jean material.
Demetrius’s gaze casts over to Sebastian and hardens into a solid, stern and scolding look. Sebastian rolls his eyes and retracts his hand from the farmer’s knee, his hand returning on top of the table where it can be seen. The farmer frowns, watching at Demetrius goes back to listening to Robin talking. 
“...and Sebastian was so curious about why I was dying my hair black, so I dyed his hair too!” Robin giggles, Sebastian hiding a soft smile at the memory his mother brought up. “I’m too old to be dying my hair now but Sebastian seems to still enjoy to do it.”
“I think your natural hair color is perfect,” Demetrius comments with a sly smile towards his wife, making her blush. “I think Sebastian would look great too if he stopped dying his hair too.” 
The farmer watches as Sebastian’s shy smile slips away into nothingness, the brightness in his eyes falling away as he looks back down at his food. The farmer frowns, biting their lip.
“Well I think Sebastian looks very handsome with darker hair, it brings out the color in his eyes,” the farmer blurts out, catching Robin’s eye as she looks up in quick surprise. All eyes are on the farmer as the words leave their mouth, dead silence falling over the table as an comfortable sheet falls over them.
Sebastian shifts uncomfortably beside the farmer, stifling a giggle that is currently emerging from his throat the best he can. The farmer can feel Demetrius’s stare on their cheek but they are too afraid to look, maintaining eye contact with Robin, both of their eyes wide with surprise.
“Sorry...” the farmer mumbles, blood rushing to their face as they slowly sink down in their chair. The silence continues, but the farmer can feel Demetrius’s gaze leave their cheek and shift over to Sebastian.
“Huh,” Demetrius mumbles. “I suppose it does bring out the color in his eyes...”
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
genuinely wish Demetrius Stardew Valley had better writing
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
I like how the 1.5 update of Stardew Valley shines a light on the fact that while Sebastian (understandably) has a lot of issues with Demetrius due to the way Demetrius gives Maru preferential treatment and considers Sebastian to be a write-off to the point of just sticking him in the basement and never talking to him, Sebastian also has issues with the way Demetrius doesn’t support Robin. If you do Robin’s special order to make the new bed, you’re treated to a little scene the next time you go to her shop / their house where she shows off the bed to her family. Demetrius starts arguing with her over how making a four-poster bed is “an inefficient use of materials” despite the aesthetic, basically not appreciating the work she put in because he feels like she put in a bunch of extra work that was a waste of time. Robin understandably gets frustrated and demands to know if Demetrius is being obtuse on purpose to piss her off. This prompts a sweatdrop from Maru, and a frustration cloud speech bubble from Sebastian. When the farmer comes in, they’re basically asked to pick a side. And if you side with Robin, you get this:
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Whereas he normally keeps quiet and stays out of other people’s business, he makes it a point to speak up in support of his mom here. The frustrated cloud speech bubble before made it clear he was already getting upset on her behalf, but once given an opportunity, he vocally throws his support behind Robin.
A lot of Sebastian’s story revolves around how he feels like an outcast in his own family, and how his issues with his half-sister in particular stem from the fact that he feels (not undeservedly) that she gets preferential treatment. But Sebastian really does love his mother and I’m glad that we got to see another little glimpse of it in the 1.5 update.
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
Maru and Seb bonding moment but they sit under the stars, smoke, and talk shit about Demitrius
oooho i love maru and seb :) i want them to be closer.
Sebastian sat against a tree and tossed a rock into the lake water. His eyes were swollen from light tears. Sebastian hated admiting it, but hes sensitive. Having everything he does invalidated by his stepdad hurts.
“Hey.” A voice called from behind him.
“What?” Sebastian replied, not turning to look at the voice.
“Brought you something,” Maru walked up and handed him a slice of pumpkin pie. “Mind if I sit?”
“Go for it.” Sebastian said taking the plate. “Thanks.”
Maru slid down the tree to sit next to him, “Im sorry.”
“‘S okay.” He looked down a the cigarette between his fingers as he tapped the ash off. “Not your fault.”
“Hes a jerk. He doesnt see your work so he pretends its not there. Mom and I know.” She reassured him.
“Thanks,” Sebastian responded taking a drag from the cigarette. “I dont get why Mom lets him treat me like shit sometimes.”
“I dont either.” Maru pulled her knees into her chest and sat her forehead down. Sebastian nudged her and offered her his cigarette. “No thanks, Id pref-“ She was going to make a remark about lung cancer but stopped herself. “Oh, screw it.” She took the cigarette and took a drag, coughing lightly.
“Demetrius finds out, Im dead.” Sebastian chuckled lightly as she handed the cigarette back. She giggled because Sebastian was right. “Yknow, as a kid, I always wanted to impress him.” He sighed, taking another drag. “Im sorry.”
“For what?” Maru inquired.
“I always blamed that on you.” Sebastian admitted. “It wasnt your fault.”
“Its alright. Thank you.” She smiled, leaning her head onto his shoulder. Maru looked up at the stars, “Look.” She pointed. “That ones pegasus.”
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
How traditional pitchforks were made.
It took 6 years starting from orienting branches
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
Miscellaneous Headcanons.
“The Bachelor’s Favourite Class In High School.”
Alex - Sam - Sebastian
Alex: (Phys Ed. + Home Eco.)
For our resident jock, it should come as no surprise that he enjoyed anything fitness/sports related in school. Aside from that, he actually enjoyed home economics. A lot of his friends in high school made fun of him for being in the class, but Alex enjoyed all the cooking/baking and even sewing. 
When he was a kid, he tended to rough-house to the point where his clothes always ended up being torn or ripped. As a result, his mom regularly mended his clothing while he watched in fascination. Whenever he was in that class, he felt more connected to her somehow… and it was one of the few things that made him calmer and cope with his mother’s death.
His mind associated all those things: the smell of freshly baked cookies, the mechanical whirr of a sewing machine… all of them reminded him of his mom.
Sam: (Music.)
The glorified golden retriever is up next, and his favourite class throughout his entire experience was music. It was fun, and he, Abigail, and Sebastian grew into a tighter knit group because of it.
…But there’s another reason he liked music. The thing is, his family always struggled after his dad left for the military. Jodi was never the happiest, and Sam eventually learned that all her positivity was more of a coping mechanism to deal with the stress of having to take care of him and Vincent all on her own. So, when he learned he could get a scholarship for his musical talents, he tried his absolute hardest to earn it despite his difficulty in academics.
He believed that if he could do this, then maybe Jodi would be happy like she used to be when he was a kid, back when his dad was still home.
Sebastian: (Computer Sci. + Drama.)
Again, it’s not a surprise that Sebastian liked a class revolved around computers. What you wouldn’t expect however was him taking drama classes for fun despite Sam not being in any of them, and even though he had Abigail to join him, this was at a time where he didn’t really consider her a friend.
It was supposed to be the class he ditched every time, but he promised to himself to at least go to one of them to see how much he’d hate it… but that’s the thing, he didn’t. This was a class that valued integrity; being yourself. And when he registered for the class, it was around the time Demetrius’ nagging over his interests and comparing him to Maru got unbearably worse, so a place where no one judged him was like a safe-haven.
There, he felt genuinely happy.
If you’d like me to do more, don’t hesitate to ask! I tend to write about the younger bachelor/bachelorettes more, but that doesn’t mean the others don’t deserve any love. Also, this is a first post re-do, since my previous one wasn’t really something I was proud of. I hope you all enjoyed? I did at the very least like this better than that post so… yeah.
I’m on Ao3, btw. If you’re interested in that, I’ll put it in my bio or something.
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
Writing advice #?: Have your characters wash the dishes while they talk.
This is one of my favorite tricks, picked up from E.M. Forester and filtered through my own domestic-homebody lens.  Forester says that you should never ever tell us how a character feels; instead, show us what those emotions are doing to a character’s posture and tone and expression.  This makes “I felt sadness” into “my shoulders hunched and I sighed heavily, staring at the ground as my eyes filled with tears.”  Those emotions-as-motions are called objective correlatives.  Honestly, fic writers have gotten the memo on objective correlatives, but sometimes struggle with how to use them.
Objective correlatives can quickly become a) repetitive or b) melodramatic.  On the repetitive end, long scenes of dialogue can quickly turn into “he sighed” and “she nodded” so many times that he starts to feel like a window fan and she like a bobblehead.  On the melodramatic end, a debate about where to eat dinner can start to feel like an episode of Jerry Springer because “he shrieked” while “she clenched her fists” and they both “ground their teeth.”  If you leave the objective correlatives out entirely, then you have what’s known as “floating” dialogue — we get the words themselves but no idea how they’re being said, and feel completely disconnected from the scene.  If you try to get meaning across by telling us the characters’ thoughts instead, this quickly drifts into purple prose.
Instead, have them wash the dishes while they talk.
To be clear: it doesn’t have to be dishes.  They could be folding laundry or sweeping the floor or cooking a meal or making a bed or changing a lightbulb.  The point is to engage your characters in some meaningless, everyday household task that does not directly relate to the subject of the conversation.
This trick gives you a whole wealth of objective correlatives.  If your character is angry, then the way they scrub a bowl will be very different from how they’ll be scrubbing while happy.  If your character is taking a moment to think, then they might splash suds around for a few seconds.  A character who is not that invested in the conversation will be looking at the sink not paying much attention.  A character moderately invested will be looking at the speaker while continuing to scrub a pot.  If the character is suddenly very invested in the conversation, you can convey this by having them set the pot down entirely and give their full attention to the speaker.
A demonstration:
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
“What?”  Drizella continued dropping forks into the dishwasher.
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
Drizella paused midway through slotting a fork into the dishwasher.  “What?”
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
Drizella laughed, not looking up from where she was arranging forks in the dishwasher.  “What?”
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
The forks slipped out of Drizella’s hand and clattered onto the floor of the dishwasher.  “What?”
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
“What?”  Drizella shoved several forks into the dishwasher with unnecessary force, not seeming to notice when several bounced back out of the silverware rack.
See how cheaply and easily we can get across Drizella’s five different emotions about Anastasia leaving, all by telling the reader how she’s doing the dishes?  And all the while no heads were nodded, no teeth were clenched.
The reason I recommend having it be one of these boring domestic chores instead of, say, scaling a building or picking a lock, is that chores add a sense of realism and are low-stakes enough not to be distracting.  If you add a concurrent task that’s high-stakes, then potentially your readers are going to be so focused on the question of whether your characters will pick the lock in time that they don’t catch the dialogue.  But no one’s going to be on the edge of their seat wondering whether Drizella’s going to have enough clean forks for tomorrow.
And chores are a cheap-n-easy way to add a lot of realism to your story.  So much of the appeal of contemporary superhero stories comes from Spider-Man having to wash his costume in a Queens laundromat or Green Arrow cheating at darts, because those details are fun and interesting and make a story feel “real.”  Actually ask the question of what dishes or clothing or furniture your character owns and how often that stuff gets washed.  That’s how you avoid reality-breaking continuity errors like stating in Chapter 3 that all of your character’s worldly possessions fit in a single backpack and in Chapter 7 having your character find a pair of pants he forgot he owns.  You don’t have to tell the reader what dishes your character owns (please don’t; it’s already bad enough when Tolkien does it) but you should ideally know for yourself.
Anyway: objective correlatives are your friends.  They get emotion across, but for low-energy scenes can become repetitive and for high-energy scenes can become melodramatic.  The solution is to give your characters something relatively mundane to do while the conversation is going on, and domestic chores are not a bad starting place.
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
every day i think abt how wigfrid was one of if not the first survivor to be drawn into the constant and just. frequently do not know how to process that information.
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
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AxA 2021: Planet AxA  |  50+ CAS Items  |  Public 10-23
Welcome to Planet AxA, a custom content pack that focuses on Y2K fashion that Ayoshi and I felt like revamping to for a 21st century angle. Deck out your sims in Von Dutch hats, denim mini skirts, and 2007 blackout era Britney Spears Gucci sunglasses to pay homage to the 2000’s trends.
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kspforeverwriting · 3 years
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Awesome risk charts from Smart Sex Resource
Many std/stis are easily treatable and some are asymptomatic, so have your health check often.
Please keep your safety in mind always <3
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