kt626-blog · 6 years
"Can I marry whiskey?" (Tony)
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          “I mean you probably can if you really tried to, but why would you?” The blond’s nose crinkles in mild distaste at the mere thought. “It tastes bad.”
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kt626-blog · 6 years
"Alcohol is not my friend." ( from marilyn / .meekvns i’m on mobile i apologize omg )
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          “Alcohol is nasty,” he agrees, taking a swig of warm, delicious hot chocolate. His gaze flickers from the paper cup to the other’s face and the wheels in his head are almost visibly turning before he holds out his cup.
“... Want some?”
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kt626-blog · 6 years
"I have the power of a thousand unicorns." From Millie
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          “A thousand of them?” The giggle that rises from his lips can’t be withheld and cherry lips stretch into an amused grin. “Wanna share some of that?”
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kt626-blog · 6 years
Send One for my Muses Reaction
"I love you."
"I hate you."
"Worst date of my life."
"How do you feel about polyamory?"
"So... I stabbed him."
"I might have killed him."
"Wanna go on a date?"
"Alcohol is not my friend."
"Can I marry whiskey?"
"I'm a drunken one-night stand type of girl."
"Will you marry me?"
"I'd rather marry the cactus."
"Wanna have the sex?"
"I killed my pet rock."
"Call me Satan."
"Why are bar fights frowned upon?"
"Why study when you can drink?"
"I have the power of a thousand unicorns."
"Werewolves are hot."
"I may or may not have binged Teen Wolf."
"I have the mutant ability to watch two weeks worth of episodes in two days."
"Sleep is for those who haven't spiraled into a life of chaos."
"I'm fluent in geek."
"Next person to tell me a cheesy pick up line gets slapped."
"That sweater has more sex appeal than you."
"Punch me."
"Netflix and chill?"
"I'm too adorable to slap."
"Just hit me."
"I never say no to drugs."
"You caught me, I'm a drug dealer."
"I think I married the vodka."
"My girly-ass drink has five times the alcohol than your wheat tea."
"So many fuckboys."
"Are you a serial killer?"
"I've killed more people than I can count."
"Brainwashing is fun."
"All I want is a kitten and vodka."
"Kiss me."
"You have nice skin, I can't wait to try it on."
"Stop yelling at me."
"Why do you have marshmallow flavored vodka?"
"I'm only drunk 99.9999999999999% percent of the time."
"He's only slightly dead."
"Don't judge my music."
"I don't like your pants. Take them off."
"We might have to huddle for warmth."
"Turns out, our parents/family/whatever arranged for us to get married."
"Satanism isn't all that bad."
"I'm a pagan, suck it up and move on."
"Your hand looks heavy. Let me hold it."
"I' trying to flirt."
"I'm kinda drunk."
"____ stole my vodka."
"Call me Batman."
"Be the Batman to my Joker?"
"I'm trying to tell you I want to have a homoerotic relationship with you."
"I will go done with this ship."
"Makeout session?"
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kt626-blog · 6 years
faith’s memory of the past was very foggy and finicky, never quite settling on something substantial for her to recall at the likes of parties or work functions. she loved to hear about other peoples’ childhoods, and worked with children to help create good ones, but her own past was a bit scattered. it wasn’t that she minded - it actually didn’t come up in conversations as often as one thought, and those sorts of social gatherings were once in a blue moon - but sometimes she thought just a bit too hard on it, and it always got her sort of sad. but one thing she could recall is that she loved the zoo. not by any memory in particular, but just the feeling she got walking through the wrought-iron gates of the campus and into the main hub of the area, with its grandiose fountain and trees lining the walkways. those trees were bare now, however, and the fountain off, as it was coming up on the end of wintertime. she herself was wrapped in her practical and familiar blue trenchcoat, walking with a curious sort of determination. she was looking for something.or someone.
they were in the tiger cage, playing with a young tigress, and faith leaned against the metal railing from above, watching, smiling. this was one of the places she always found kota most comfortable, among the animals, caring and protecting and almost one of their own cubs. this was, of course, until momma was reminded of the situation, that he was not a tiger kitten, but a human, and she made the moves to get him as far away from her as possible. faith just about jumped in there herself when she’s seen, and she let up on the iron grip that had wrapped her hand around the metal railing. “ teenagers are always moody, ” she responded lightly, smile returning. “ if i recall correctly, you were about the same way too. ” a gentle, motherly sort of laugh. “ don’t remember the growling and snarling, though. think that comes with age. ” another laugh.
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▿ ┋           He makes a face at her, adjusting his clothing as he leaves the moody tigress to her own devices and instead heads up and out to greet the social worker.
“I was not as bad as she,” he points out, though now there is the faintest of smiles curling at his lips. “Are you well, Faith?”
It’s odd to see her regularly, instead of the sporadic visits to his father’s home when he was a teen. She’d gotten him out just past 15 and, in his eyes, better late than never at all. Brushing these thoughts away, he tucks bony fingers into his pockets and glances up at the sky.
“Bit cold to be wanderin’ around the zoo in January, you know.”
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kt626-blog · 6 years
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▿ ┋          The one nice thing about winter months is that nobody comes to the zoo. Sure there are some visitors, but compared to the massive amount of foot traffic they seen in the summer, both he and the animals get a much-needed reprieve from gawking tourists and noisy schoolchildren. It also offers Kota the chance to spend more time with the animals he cares for. As head zookeeper, he has the opportunity to interact with just about every animal whenever he wants to and on this particular day, he’s playing with their young, 1 1/2 year old tigress.
 She’s on the other side of a heavy fence, of course, but she’s been chuffing at him and rubbing up against it and overall showing her caretaker affection while he makes faces at her.. until she decides she’s suddenly annoyed and wants him gone. The big cat growls, only for the sound to turn into a rough roar as she lunges at the fence, body weight causing the metal to shake.
Kota’s response is instantaneous; his form lurching back as a guttural snarl rips itself from the depths of his throat. The tigress jolts a little and retreats a few feet while Kota looms briefly before straightening up. His throat aches, not exactly meant to make such a noise, but he’s never been fully able to control that.. almost reflex to respond to aggressive gestures with his own.
Dusting off his knees, he looks up just in time to catch a familiar face blinking at him and, realizing that whole interaction was witnessed, he merely offers a shrug.
“She’s a teenager and got pissy. Gotta show her she isn’t the big boss.”
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kt626-blog · 6 years
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edawn ; retro futurism
like/reblog | @nctawgi
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kt626-blog · 6 years
test test test test
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