ktapples · 4 years
the plot to yoi is genuinely so fucking funny like. this dude got drunk and danced with me and i was so haunted by his beauty all year that i quit my job as a world famous athlete and flew to japan. turns out he doesn't remember our first meeting and thought i was just a lunatic who showed up at his door and decided i was his boyfriend and he went along with it because im hot. we're engaged now
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ktapples · 4 years
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ktapples · 4 years
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Over a week ago a dry lightning storm struck my part of California which is something we've never seen before. It caused an unprecedented amount of wildfires that has covered the entire area in smoke. It's been so hard to breathe and I'm just dreaming of the days when I can go outside again.
This is no doubt all exacerbated by climate change, and the fires in turn will accelerate climate change in a downward spiral. I'm guessing this is something we'll be experiencing a lot more in the future.
I hope the people of this shared earth will put aside their differences and protect our planet. We can all vote for green policies and reduce our carbon footprint as much as we can. Our future is in our hands.
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ktapples · 4 years
Hello 💕 I’d like to request Draco increasingly growing jealous as Harry opens bday presents (bc he’s afraid Har won’t like his gift as much as others). Any era you’d like to write! Thank you 💕
Hi, my love, I hope you’ll like the small ficlet I wrote for this. ❤️Thanks for the prompt!!
Drarry | 1k | G | birthday presents, established relationship, fluffy fluff | beta: my darling @malenkayacherepakha
Private Business 
What the bloody hell do you give the Saviour of the Wizarding World for his fortieth birthday?? 
Draco stared helplessly at the shop windows of Quidditch Supplies. Harry fucking Potter had everything he wanted.
Every year hoards of fans and Quidditch teams and his coworkers in the Auror department, his friends, the entire Weasley family (and there were definitely too many of them in Draco’s opinion) would send Harry tons of gifts resulting in Harry having everything a man could think of.
With a sigh, Draco walked down the streets of Diagon Alley, trying to think of something clever.
They only started dating six months ago, the press had started leaving them alone barely a couple of weeks ago and Draco was now fully feeling the pressure of dating the Boy Who Lived.
After a useless and tiring walk, Draco went back home, panic rising in his chest. 
One’s fortieth birthday was something special, he couldn’t just give Harry a superficial thing! 
He took a deep breath to calm down: he still had one week. He could do it.
Oh, dear. Fucked. Draco was so fucked. 
They were all gathered around Harry in the garden of The Burrow. Draco shuddered as the sunset lightly kissed all of them in rosy-light. He would have never, ever, imagined himself enjoying a party at The Burrow, of all places. 
Certainly not for Potter’s birthday. Certainly not while all he could think was how beautiful the git was when he smiled with gratitude and sincere affection. 
Draco also didn’t expect to be sweating with anxiety while looking at Potter opening all his gifts. They were all simple things but Draco could tell they held a greater meaning which made Harry’s eyes water. 
Molly and Arthur gave him a portrait they commissioned of Albus, James and Lily laughing together; Hermione and Ron gave him a new tent with a note that Draco didn’t understand but Harry’s face split in a huge grin and he snorted when he saw the tent— there were dozens of other small things, and all of them made Harry snort or laugh or say “awww”: a carillon enchanted to play the songs that helped him when he was having nightmares after the War (Ginny’s gift), a book of recipes for his rediscovered passion for cooking (Neville’s)... 
His kids even planned to show him they had learned in secret how to perform a Patronus Charm all together and the party took a challenging and funny turn from that point on, with silvery thin animals running and zig-zagging all around. 
Oh, but did Draco want to disappear right there. When the gifts finally ended everyone looked at him and Draco prayed for the soil to open and swallow him whole, but that didn’t happen. 
He cleared his throat and felt heat rushing to his cheeks, surely showing a massive blush that not even the sunset light could hide. “Er.” He glanced at Harry who was looking at him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “I… it’s, um, private,” Draco mumbled.
Oh, no.
The second he said it he knew how wrong, how filthy and dirty it sounded. There were kids around, for fuck’s sake, and what it looked like was that Draco had just told Harry’s entire family he bought him something sexual for his fortieth birthday.
Harry’s mouth dropped to form a comical ‘O’ while George snorted, breaking the tension in the air. In a matter of seconds, everyone was laughing and finally wandering around the garden, shooting him weird glances, smirks, someone even patting him on his arm (Charlie, with an accompanying ‘nice’). 
The worst thing of all is that after seeing all those presents, Draco really didn’t want to give Harry his own— he was sure it was inadequate and horrible and…
“So,” Harry murmured into his ear. When did he get so close to Draco, by the way?
“It’s private, mh?” He pressed his chest to Draco’s back and Draco distinctly felt Harry’s hard cock pushing against his thigh.
Great. So now Harry expected it to be something naughty and Draco would fail on every damn level with his birthday gift. 
“I just… I, er…” Draco gently disentangled himself from Harry’s embrace and turned to face him. “I think I fucked up, actually. I… if you want I can show you now, it’s in my pocket.”
Harry cocked his head with a smirk. “Oh yes, it is.” He hooked a finger in Draco’s belt loops and pulled him into a crushing kiss. 
Draco pulled out of it against his will, wanting to put an end to his agony. “No, seriously, you git!”
He took a steadying breath and fished a vial out of the pocket of his trousers. He handed it to Harry who took it with confusion written all over his face.
“It’s…” Draco straightened his shoulders, cleared his throat. “My memories… all the memories I’ve collected of you. But they’re not like standard Pensieve memories: they contain the feelings and the things I was thinking during those events too, so it will be like actually being in my head.”
Everything seemed to stop as he waited for a reaction from Harry. He was staring intently at the vial in his hands, so steady Draco wondered if he was breathing at all. 
When the silence was starting to be too dense, Draco felt compelled to talk, do anything to fill it. “I’m sorry, it sucks, I know. They all gave you these meaningful presents, but I… look, I don’t trust people easily, so I thought I—”
Whatever the rest of that sentence was, it got lost in the heat of Harry’s mouth, suddenly covering Draco’s. In a second, Harry’s body was flush against Draco’s and a smile made its way into their kiss. 
“You’re amazing,” Harry breathed on Draco’s lips. “Don’t you dare doubt it, this is the best gift you could have given me.” 
Draco finally took a breath of relief: maybe he hadn’t chosen so poorly, after all. 
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ktapples · 4 years
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this video. ITS TOO GOOD
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ktapples · 4 years
Lucius: Is he Potter, Draco?
Draco: *kisses Harry in the lips*
Draco: Mmmm I'm not sure...
Harry: Would you like to look again?
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ktapples · 4 years
Hermione: *teaching Ron how to drive* Alright, so you’re driving and suddenly Harry and Draco walk into the middle of the road. Quick, what do you hit?
Ron: Definitely Draco. I could never hurt Harry
Hermione: The breaks, Ron. You hit the breaks
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ktapples · 4 years
Harry: I don't need to visit a healer!
Draco: You're bleeding!
Harry: Many people bleed once a month and they don't visit a healer!
Draco: Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you were having your period on your shoulder just where that dark curse hit you
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ktapples · 4 years
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“Hey ya,wanna have another fight tonight?“✅✅✅💘💘💘
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ktapples · 4 years
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Hi~ It’s been a long time !
I had the URGE to draw this after reading A Big Black Sky, please read it if you haven’t, it’s incredible, Scorpius, my little baby, my sweet sweet child, melted my heart! All of @alxmeg stories are stunning GO CHECK HER OUT!
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ktapples · 4 years
8th year drarry is like
Draco, sitting down on the couch besides Harry: Potter.
Harry: Malfoy.
Draco, sliding close: I hate you.
Harry: yeah, same.
Draco, placing his legs over Harry‘s: you‘re disgusting
Harry: Same for you
Draco, now leaning onto Harry‘s chest and placing a hand in his hair: damn you smell like shit
Ron, entering the eighth year common room: WHAT THE FUCK Harry there‘s a Malfoy on your lap
Harry: shush, Ron, we‘re in the middle of insulting each other violently
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ktapples · 4 years
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Draco being the dramatic bitch we all know he is
and Pansy tired of having to deal with it
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ktapples · 4 years
not a dream
A Ghanaian celebrity who lives and works in South Korea named Sam Okyere is facing extreme backlash and racism, with comments such as, “Go back to your country,” being thrown at him for daring to call out racism and saying that (some) Koreans can be ignorant on that topic and need to be educated, which can be hard, thus proving his point completely with their extreme reactions. He spoke out on social media about a situation regarding a certain school in South Korea that seems to have a history of blackface in their graduation photos, calling them out, and a lot of Koreans responded with things like, “So, blackface is racist now???” among many insults and horrible comments thrown at him, and they  attacked him for sharing the photo of the students, which he only did AFTER media outlets already shared them without blurring their faces.
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Some Koreans are asking for him to be “sent back home” and for his shows and works to be boycotted, saying that he has ruined their international reputation for for daring to write a post about their racism in English as well as Korean, not realizing that they’re doing that themselves by refusing to acknowledge faults, refusing to be educated and throwing temper tantrums when people call out abhorrent behavior. The racism and xenophobia really jumped out.
His social media has been bombarded with hate and racism and he has been forced to apologize due to the strong and extreme backlash, because apparently, if the guy who was in the original coffin dance video says that the recreation images like this are okay for him, that means the whole black community thinks that way and nobody has any right to say otherwise or try to educate people on the history of blackface and why it’s racist, or else they’ll be destroyed. Even journalists who jumped to his defense and tried to explain the situation and educate folks on why it was wrong for people to attack him, have received mass hate.
If you can, please leave a positive message on his Instagram (LINK HERE) so we can combat hate with love and show racist and ignorant people that their behavior is in no way okay and that there’s more of us that there is them!
Sam Okyere is a wonderful man and he doesn’t deserve any of this.
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ktapples · 4 years
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Save the U.S. Postal Service!
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ktapples · 4 years
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This is totally Hermione’s idea 👀
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ktapples · 4 years
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That’s Louis Rossman, a repair technician and YouTuber, who went viral recently for railing against Apple. Apple purposely charges a lot for repairs and you either have to pay up or buy a new device. That’s because Apple withholds necessary tools and information from outside repair shops. And to think, we were just so close to change.
Follow @the-future-now
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ktapples · 4 years
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“Well I know I had it all on the line But don’t just sit with folded hands and become blind ‘Cause even when there is no star in sight You’ll always be my only guiding light” - (Guiding light- Mumford &Sons)
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