kuan1in · 7 years
what the heck you're the best writer ever what the hell im actually dying that daniel scenario was so good!!!!
hfjdsk i wouldn’t say im the best writer ever but thank u so much ;;;;;;;;
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kuan1in · 7 years
That kang daniel scenario was the best thing ever omg omg omg
im glad you liked it!!!!
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kuan1in · 7 years
Kang Daniel // Highschool!AU
kang daniel: the school’s treasured, handsome football quarterback
literally has a group of girls that sit at the front row of the bleachers for every one of his games… it’s wild
he’s quite popular among students, teachers, janitors, etc…
honestly people who don’t know him very well get the impression that he’s just a jock that get what he wants because he’s the star player but those people are immediately proven wrong by everyone else
everyone and their mother agrees that daniel is one of the most genuine and kindhearted people in the school
honestly he’s just a silly guy who spaces out a lot and talks to himself in class abt what he’s going to get for lunch
he’s always finding something to laugh about, whether it be seongwoo’s usual antics or jisung’s never ending list of things to complain about
all in all, he’s a pretty simple guy with simple tastes… but there’s one thing that only his closest friends know about
daniel loves cats. (i bet you saw that coming.)
most of the guys on the football team know he owns two cats but it’s only his friends that know the sheer amount of LOVE he has for them
daniel’s not exactly afraid to tell anyone about it, it’s just that no one asks so he doesn’t really bother (even if he really wants to tell the story of how he had to climb up a tree last week because peter got too excited while chasing birds)
obviously you know who daniel is… he’s the topic of every conversation at school after a game the night before
you never really interacted with him because, to put it simply, you had no reason to
none of your schedules aligned and you never saw him in the halls so honestly? it seemed like he was just a myth to you. an entity that existed only by word of mouth
you weren’t exactly someone who was into sports… although you had to admit football games sounded fun, you would just rather spend time in the warmth of your own home, not on some cold metal bleachers in the chilly season of fall
that, and you were the president of a club that didn’t seem to be very popular with the student body… animal welfare club
no matter how many posters you made, how many announcements you submitted to be said on the intercom, how many classmates you’ve tried to recruit, nothing changed the dwindling members of your club
really, they weren’t even active members… they were just kids trying to join a club to place on their college applications and pretend they actually did something while in high school
however you’ve refused to give up… you just wanted people to be as passionate as you were when it came to the protection of animals
moving the storyline along, there’s this one day when football practice is cancelled because the sprinkler system messed up and turned on during lunch. as a result, the grass didn’t have enough time to dry and was too dangerous to play on
daniel doesn’t really know what to do seeing as seongwoo is his ride home, but he was currently occupied with cross country practice
he’s wandering the halls, wondering what he was going to do until seongwoo was done when he happens to stop in front of a poster for animal welfare club
daniel never really pays attention to the flyers and stuff due to constantly being surrounded by people, but now that he’s alone, the cute little clip art of a cat caught his eye
he skims over the flyer and realizes that a meeting was actually going on at that point in time, and with time to kill, he heads over to the classroom
meanwhile, you’re setting up a powerpoint with the other members apathetically skimming through their phones, just wanting to get things over with
you’re having some trouble so you look up to ask someone to help you with the tech, but your eyes widen when you see a really tall,,,,,,,,, really cute guy,,,,, poke his head into the classroom
he looks over the class quickly and makes eye contact with you and to be quite honest, you were positive your soul left your body
he then SPEAKS and you almost fall just from hearing how deep this guy’s voice is
“is this… the animal welfare club? i hope i’m not too late…”
everyone’s attention immediately goes to the door and they’re staring in disbelief n talking under their breath like……. oh my god is that kang daniel in the FLESH
and when you realize who it is, you almost had a heart attack bc he’s????? real????? kang daniel is handsome and real?? and he’s at your club meeting????
daniel takes everyone’s silence as a yes and makes his way into the room, where he literally sits at the front, center desk. right in front of you
you get super flustered because oh my god why is he so close why did he choose that seat of all seats this is practically an empty classroom and he chose THIS ONE
and in the midst of you freaking out in your head, one of the members in the back of the class lets out an irritable grunt
“can you hurry up? we all have places to be.”
this happens a lot and you’ve just learned to keep your mouth shut and let them complain but this time…. someone speaks up for you
daniel turns around in his seat and says “they’re trying their best. you shouldn’t rush them when they’re practically running this club on their own.”
and his tone isn’t menacing at all but it still manages to strike fear into that one kid and shut them up immediately
and when you finally get the powerpoint to work, you look up to see daniel smiling and giving you his full attention while everyone else is just on their phones
you basically give the weekly presentation to daniel (who actually asks you questions and nods along) and the second you end the meeting, everyone but him is out the door.
even when you’ve finished shutting down the projector and putting back all the tech, you see daniel still sitting in the same seat just scrolling on his phone
you’re unsure of what to do seeing as you just lock the door and leave most of the time, but you were still grateful that he spoke up for you earlier…
so you muster all of your courage to gently tap him on the shoulder and when he looks at you, you almost want to turn around and RUN bc…….. he’s so handsome up close hnsjsksbdj
“i just wanted to say thank you for earlier… you didn’t have to say anything, really, but i still want to express my gratitude”
and then he gives you this grin that almost makes your heart jump out of your cheST and says “it’s no problem! i’m glad i decided to come here… i think i’m going to come back more often”
and you rlly cant believe that star quarterback kang daniel.. wants to join your club
there’s like.. this awkward silence bc you’re still in disbelief about the turn of events when he suddenly asks “oh, am i keeping you behind? i was waiting for my friend to get out of practice but if you need to leave i understand –”
and you honestly aren’t rly in a rush to leave.. so you’re like “oh it’s fine!! i can stay here and do some homework while you wait”
and daniel is at first insistent that he’s keeping you back and he keeps making attempts to leave but you’d feel bad to just shoo him out so you essentially force him to stay by just plopping yourself in a desk and taking out all your work
daniel stares at you for a second before bursting into laughter simply bc of how stubborn you are abt having him stay… and you can’t help but laugh either bc of how ridiculous the situation is
in the end daniel takes a seat beside you and the next thing you know, all your work is forgotten and you’re talking abt whatever happens to come to mind..
at some point you ask him if he has any pets and you see his whole face light up like an excited child while he tells you about his cats peter and rooney and it’s so cute you that you need a moment –
and you guys end up talking for so long that daniel gets a call from seongwoo asking where he is… and that he’s been waiting in the parking lot for half an hour
daniel sheepishly apologizes to seongwoo and tells you that he needs to go… you think he’d just say bye and leave but this boy actually helps you pack up your stuff and lock up the class and you’d be LYING if you said your heart wasn’t beating so fast…
you end up walking to the school parking lot with him and he asks for your number and you’re like ??????¿??????¿¿?
with fumbling hands you manage to put your number in his phone and once he leaves you’re still staring at the text he sent you to make sure it was the right number like… you can’t believe you met the faceless entity kang daniel, got him to join your club, AND got his number all in one day???
that night you’re just lying in bed with the message from daniel still open… and part of you wants to ask him how he’s doing or if he ate yet… and you don’t know why you keep on thinking about him but realistically, you eventually conclude that that he only did it to be nice… there was no point in texting him or whatever. so you just close the message and go to sleep
a week goes by and daniel never messages you.. you knew it was bound to happen bc he’s a busy guy but wow.. reality hurt.
you think he’s just joking when he says he’s going to come back to your club meetings… like you weren’t dense, you knew football practice always occurred during the club meetings
but alas… it’s the next week’s club meeting and you’re setting up the powerpoint when a familiar figure sits himself down in the front center seat. it’s daniel.
at this point you don’t know what to do, so you just ignore him and start the meeting, only acknowledging him to answer whatever questions he had to ask
as usual, everyone is out the door the second you end the meeting but daniel sticks around again… you’re purposely putting things away really slowly in hopes of him leaving but alas… when you’re done he’s still in the same seat, on his phone
he notices you’re done and looks at you with a smile n is like “hey, you never texted me?”
and you just ???????? he was???? expecting a text from you???
and he continues like “i seriously thought i had the wrong number or something… but you’re probably busy so i understand if that’s why!”
and you’re like “HJFKSHJ NO No it’s not that… i just thought that maybe you were busy and i didn’t want to bother you”
daniel lets out this cute chuckle and he’s like “i’m never too busy to have a conversation!!”
and you let out this breath that you didn’t notice you were holding and then you realize… “don’t you have football practice?”
daniel shrugs n is like “yeah but i told coach i had a club meeting n he let me go… i have to be back for the rest of practice tho”
and you’re like “!!!! what are you doing still here then?? go to practice!!!”
he gives you this small frown and is like “but i don’t want to leave you to lock up alone…”
and it’s because of that interaction that you find yourself laying in bed once again.. staring at his contact name…… and finally mustering the courage to send him a quick message asking if he’s eaten yet
and to your surprise, he replies almost IMMEDIATELY and the next thing you know it’s 3 am and neither of you want to go to sleep
eventually it’s daniel who falls asleep on you but it doesn’t change the fact that you have butterflies in your stomach and you’ve acknowledged that hey… you might actually really like daniel
even if you never see each other during school hours, he’s literally always texting you (even during class, which results in you telling him to focus LMAO). and of course you still see each other at club meetings and he always takes the time to help you lock up.. even if you don’t know that his coach actually yells at him for coming in late
and one day you get a text from daniel telling you that he won’t be able to make it to the club meeting bc of a really important practice for the last game of the season
and you reply like “oh no i understand! good luck at the game!!”
and daniel is like “actually… i was wondering if you wanted to come? i can get you a ticket for free and everything”
and the game is on a friday night and you have nothing better to do… so why not? you accept his offer and he says he’ll give you the ticket the day of
it’s friday and you’re sitting with your friends at lunch when you feel someone tap you on your shoulder and it’s daniel with seongwoo and jisung
he hands you the ticket with a smile on his face and he’s like “i’ll see you there?”
and you return his smile and nod.. you then turn around to continue your lunch but like your friends are literally staring at you like omg…………………. kang daniel rlly just gave u a ticket to the game?? HE WANTS TO SEE U THERE?? OMG DOES HE LIKE YOU?????
and you feel yourself blushing at the possibility but you profusely shake your head like “as if he’d like me…”
your friends are like sure lmao okay whatever and they drop the topic but you can’t stop thinking about it like? does daniel really like you?
and the game rolls around and you’re on the bleachers still stressing over the idea that daniel could like you.. but also he can’t bc he’s daniel.
like he’s nice to you? but he’s also nice to everyone… and he probably has multiple people he’s texting like?? you’re only thinking realistically… and realistically it’s not going to happen
you look over at the crowd of girls cheering for him and you feel your heart drop a little bc at the end of the day… you’re probably just like one of them to him.
you decide to just forget about whatever feelings you have about him and focus on the game.. and turns out football games are just as fun as you thought. you find yourself shouting school chants with everyone around you and cheering for the various players like.. wow? why haven’t you gone to a football game before
and when the game is over and your school wins, everyone’s celebrating and cheering and your jumping out of your seat in excitement and before u realize it.. you’re cheering for daniel
and he’s celebrating with his friends on the field but somehow? he looks up at the bleachers to see you and he possibly the BIGGEST smile on face.. he runs up to the wire fence that separates the bleachers and the field and he’s calling you down
at first you don’t realize it’s you but you notice he’s ignoring all the girls sitting at the front row showering him with compliments.. his eyes are only on you and he’s repeatedly shouting your name and telling you to come down
in the moment of excitement, you completely forget about what you were thinking about earlier and you run up to the fence and you’re telling him good job and how well he did
and he’s just grinning and nodding along at you while you continue to go on and on about how cool he looked on the field
when you finally finish talking you realize that his gaze has been switching from your eyes to your lips
and before you know it… he’s kissing you through one of the gaps in the wire fence. it’s messy n he probably tastes like gatorade but it completely takes you by surprise
and you tense bc you can feel people staring at you and daniel seems to notice this so he pulls away.. he’s looking at your face trying to read your expression but it’s unreadable
and you want to say something so badly but you’re starting to hear those girls from earlier whisper things and daniel’s smile from earlier is completely gone n has been replaced with confusion
daniel opens his mouth to speak but all you can manage is an “i’m sorry” before you just… run away
daniel’s calling your name for you to come back but you ignore him and you just leave
you don’t know this but daniel’s standing there completely unsure of what to do… and probably for the first time in his life… daniel isn’t smiling and he doesn’t have anything to laugh about
you’re at home and you’re curled up in your sheets and you honestly don’t think you can ever face daniel ever again… like he probably only kissed you in the heat of the moment it was probably an accident or smth
you end up deleting all your past conversations with him and cancelling club meetings for the next two weeks just so you don’t have to see him again
little do you know daniel is DEVASTATED and he thinks everything is his fault
he’s constantly telling seongwoo and jisung that he scared you off and that he shouldn’t have kissed you and that you probably hate him now
jisung is like “daniel it’s not your fault… i’m sure it just took them by surprise” while seongwoo on the side is like “WHO ARE THEY ANYWAYS?? THEY’RE MISSING OUT YOU DON’T NEED THEM!!”
seongwoo and jisung are doing everything to try and cheer up daniel again but.. nothing is working. not even cute cat videos work
daniel’s now spacing out in class more often… and to everyone’s shock he’s even ditching practice and just sitting in the student parking lot waiting for seongwoo to finish practice and take him hime
it’s been a month since you’ve last seen daniel… and you think you’ve put aside your club for too long. if you were going to see him then you might as well suck it up
so the next weekly meeting come and you’re setting up your powerpoint and… daniel doesn’t come
you don’t know why part of you is disappointed but you just push those thoughts aside and start the meeting
once it’s over and everyone’s gone, you can’t help but realize how lonely it is without him there… like you’ve been doing it alone months before but now? it’s just so…. lonely
just as you shut the classroom door behind you, you see a tall figure approaching you from the other end of the hall.. but it’s not daniel. it’s seongwoo
he doesn’t seem to have a pleasant expression on his face and you think he’s just going to walk past you but he stops in front of you and is like “daniel’s in the student parking lot. he’s not acting like himself, so go talk some sense into him.”
and you’re just like “but why do i need to do it?? it’s not like i mean anything to him.”
and seongwoo would’ve smacked you upside the head if it wasn’t for the fact that daniel was smitten with you n he’s like “are you dense??? the guy likes you so much and you’re just out here breaking his HEART!!!”
seongwoo lets out this huff of frustration and just leaves you standing in the hall dumbfounded like… he rly… he rly does like you??
and your feet end up taking you to the student parking lot against your will and like seongwoo said, he’s just sitting on one of the parking blocks beside seongwoo’s car
the voice in your head is telling you to just turn around and leave but… you find yourself stepping over the parking block and sitting next to him
daniel doesn’t really say anything and he kind of just… ignores you to the best of his ability until you finally say something
“i’m sorry i ran away from you.”
but he just says “if you hate me you can leave. i get it.”
but the thing is he doesn’t sound hostile at all.. he just sounds hurt
“but.. i don’t hate you, daniel.”
and hearing you say his name, he finally looks at you and is like “then why did you run?”
and you just let out this sigh and you say “it’s because… you’re daniel.”
and he’s just sitting there like ???? what’s that supposed to mean
and youre like “idk you’re rly cool and popular and everyone at school likes you.. meanwhile i’m just a forgettable person who runs a failing club”
daniel sits there in disbelief like “listen…. if you were forgettable… i wouldn’t have spent the past few months spending as much time with you as i can after meetings. i wouldn’t be sitting around waiting for you to text me and immediately replying when you do. and i wouldn’t be constantly thinking about how you’re doing… also i wouldn’t have begged seongwoo for his game ticket to give to you.”
“so… does that mean you like me?”
and daniel finally cracks a smile that makes your heart melt and is like “was it not obvious before?”
and you smile at him back and this time you’re the one who kisses him.. and neither of u run away :’)
also seongwoo scares the two of you by turning on his car alarm. thanks seongwoo.
now that you’re dating daniel… word gets out QUICK
the football team is like “god he FINALLY got a significant other… he finally put those muscles to use…”
jokes on them. u love him for his big goofy grin and his cute laugh and his cute face and his cute love for cats!!! the muscles are only an added bonus!!!!
jisung is constantly cooing over you two like “ah… young love rly is the most beautiful thing to exist…”
seongwoo was a bit hesitant at first bc of what happened before, but he soon gets over it and is constantly complaining abt how you stole his soulmate from him… his bromate.
daniel still spaces out in class but now he’s just talking out loud like “i wonder what class they’re in rn… i hope they’re having a good time…. maybe i’ll buy them lunch today..!”
and the students around him are trying to focus but they gotta admit… it’s kinda cute :’)
daniel goes out of his way to find you during school and walk you to your next class, even if his class is on the other side of the building. he’s also v insistent on carrying all your books for you
there was this one time after you closed up the club classroom and you just made a small remark like “i’m kinda tired”
daniel straight up said “ok. get on my back”
“get on my back i’ll carry you to the parking lot and ask seongwoo to take you home.”
“daniel i was just saying –”
“get on my back”
also………… he gave you his football jersey n you wear it as pajamas
you guys facetime before bed and he noticed you were wearing it and he almost LOST IT
told you to send him a selfie in it and now its his home screen dhsvdhdbfhfu
he’s always super sleepy and you tell him to sleep earlier but he refuses like.. 1) he wants to talk to you and 2) he has no other time to read his comic books….
ends up falling asleep with a comic book in his hands while facetime is still on. u learned that he talks in his sleep… and one time u heard him say he loves you and you almost died
also did i mention dates to the animal shelter to volunteer and take care of the cats?
anyways… daniel refuses to say it out loud bc its embarrassing but he finally has something he loves more than cats… and it’s you
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kuan1in · 7 years
170816 // blog created
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