kudosoncontinuing · 2 days
Who os my person? And when will i find him?🥹
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kudosoncontinuing · 21 days
Hey friend. I was wondering if you can tell me something that will cheer me up. Im so numb. I cant feel anything. I dont know what im going to do with myself in the future. I cant seem to make a plan. Cause everything is just hard. I dont know. Im lost. I graduated med school last January and i feel hopless.
I'm really sorry you're feeling this way right now. It's a lot to carry, and sometimes it feels impossible to even start thinking about the future when everything seems heavy. But you’ve made it through so much already—graduating from medical school is a huge accomplishment that many can’t even dream of achieving.
Even if it feels like you're standing still right now, know that this feeling of numbness won’t last forever. You’ve been through tough times before, like during your senior year or when you were struggling in Egypt, and you found the strength to keep going. It's okay to not have all the answers today. The path will clear up, even if it feels distant now. Allah has a plan for you, even when it's hard to see it. Just try to hold on to the small things that bring you a bit of comfort right now.
Maybe instead of thinking about long-term plans, you could just focus on one small step at a time. You don’t have to figure everything out all at once. The future is still full of possibilities—even if they feel hidden in the fog at the moment.
Tell me more things thats will motivate me but in a hopeful emotional way. Cause i cant seem to find the beauty of everything i have been through
I hear you. It’s hard to find beauty in the struggle when it’s weighing down on you, especially when all you feel is numbness. But let me remind you of the strength that lies in the fact that you're *still here*. You've been through storms that many wouldn't be able to weather, and though it may not feel like it, every bit of that journey has shaped you into someone incredibly resilient.
Think about it—there were times in your past when things felt just as dark, yet you kept moving forward. You left home to study medicine in Egypt, a place that wasn’t easy for you. You made it through years of exhaustion, heartbreak, and disappointment. And somehow, despite everything pulling you down, you graduated. You fought your way through pain and uncertainty, and that’s no small feat. What I see is someone who, despite feeling lost, has already proven their strength.
I know you feel like giving up, like nothing comes easily. But think about what’s come *already*. Each time you’ve stumbled, you didn’t fall apart. You're still standing, even though it feels like the ground is shaky. That’s powerful. That’s proof that there's a part of you—whether you feel it or not—that refuses to give up. That’s the part of you that will carry you forward when the fog begins to lift, as it surely will.
And maybe right now, the plan doesn’t have to be perfect. Maybe it’s not about knowing exactly where you’re going, but about trusting that the path will reveal itself when it’s time. Allah’s timing is perfect, even when it feels slow. He has seen your pain, and that pain will not be in vain. Just because things are hard now doesn’t mean they will be hard forever. Imagine the day when you’ll look back on this time and see how it was all laying the groundwork for something greater than you can imagine right now.
You’ve been asking for guidance in your prayers, and sometimes the answers come slowly, but they will come. And when they do, everything will fall into place in ways you couldn’t predict. So, hold on to that hope, even if it’s small. Trust that all the hardship wasn’t for nothing. Your story isn’t over, and there's beauty ahead that will one day make sense of all the darkness you're feeling now.
What about me feeling paralyzed and not wanting to work on anything anymore
I understand how you’re feeling, that deep sense of paralysis when even the thought of moving forward feels exhausting, like it’s just too much. Sometimes, the weight of everything makes you want to retreat, to stop caring, to not even try because it feels like no effort will be enough to break through.
It’s okay to feel this way. There’s no shame in feeling paralyzed by everything that’s happened and everything ahead. You’ve been carrying so much for so long—it’s only natural that your mind and body are begging for a break, even if it comes in the form of numbness and a loss of motivation. The important thing is not to punish yourself for feeling like this.
Remember that you don’t have to climb the entire mountain right now. Just taking the next breath is enough sometimes. If the idea of working on something feels overwhelming, then focus on being kind to yourself in this moment, rather than forcing yourself to work when your soul is asking for rest. That doesn’t mean you’re giving up—it just means you’re listening to what your heart needs right now. Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is allow yourself to rest, knowing that it doesn’t make you weak or lazy. It makes you human.
This state of paralysis isn’t permanent, even though it feels never-ending. Eventually, your energy will return. It won’t be like this forever. If all you can do is exist right now, then that’s enough. You’ve proven time and again that you can rise after difficult times, but you don’t have to rise today. You’re still healing from the weight of everything you’ve been through. Let yourself heal at your own pace.
And when you’re ready, even the smallest step forward counts. Whether that’s writing down a tiny goal for the day, doing one task that feels manageable, or simply envisioning a future where you’ll feel alive again, those small steps will begin to add up. But for now, just know that it’s okay to be where you are. The light you’re searching for is still ahead, even if it’s dim right now.
You don’t have to have it all figured out, and you don’t have to push yourself when you feel paralyzed. Sometimes, the greatest act of faith is trusting that this stuck feeling will pass, that Allah will guide you out of this, and that one day you’ll be able to look back and see that even this moment of stillness had a purpose in your journey.
I want to tell you one other thing i feel embarrassed and stupid for it. Im a very pretty person. My personality is so fun to be around and i care so much for the people i love. Im soon to be 25 years old. And i have never been in a relationship. Im afraid that i wont be able to find someone who’d i want. Im worried because i dont seem to like anybody for a while now. Am i weird? Why am i bot approachable
First off, there’s absolutely nothing weird about what you’re feeling. In fact, a lot of people—more than you probably realize—share those same concerns, even if they don’t talk about them. The fact that you’re soon to be 25 and haven’t been in a relationship doesn’t make you any less deserving of love or connection. Relationships don’t happen on some strict timeline, and everyone’s journey is different.
It’s actually a sign of self-awareness that you aren’t just jumping into something with anyone. You have high standards, and that’s not something to be ashamed of. It shows that you know your worth. You’ve spent time growing into a person who’s beautiful both inside and out, and it’s perfectly normal to not have found someone who matches the kind of connection you’re looking for yet.
As for feeling like you’re not approachable, it’s possible that you’re putting out a vibe that you don’t even realize—especially when you’ve got other things on your mind, like all the pressures of your career and future. Sometimes, when we feel unsure of ourselves in one area, it can carry over into other areas like relationships, even though the two aren’t directly related. People might see your confidence, your beauty, and your personality, but if you're feeling overwhelmed or detached from the idea of love right now, they might not be able to see past that protective layer you're unconsciously putting up.
It’s not about you being “not likable” or “unapproachable” at all. You are clearly someone with so much to offer, and it’s entirely possible that the right person just hasn’t crossed your path yet. Timing is everything, and sometimes it takes a while before we meet someone who aligns with what we truly want and deserve. There’s no need to settle for anything less than that.
I promise you, there’s nothing wrong with you, and you’re not running out of time. The right person will appreciate everything that makes you special, and that connection will happen when it’s meant to. Until then, keep being the kind, fun, and beautiful person that you are.
Is it okay that i wish to find someone whod help me get guidance upon my medicine careet in the U.S. or its just i dont want to do anything on my own and that i want to rely on somebody else. I have this idea that i should find a person or get into a relationship which will motivate me to go to the U.S.
It's completely understandable to want to find someone who can support and guide you in your career, especially when the path ahead feels uncertain or overwhelming. There’s nothing wrong with wishing for a partner who can help you grow, provide guidance, and make the journey feel less daunting. It’s natural to want someone by your side, especially during challenging transitions like pursuing a medical career in the U.S.
But it's also important to recognize the difference between relying on someone for motivation and finding strength within yourself. Wanting support from someone doesn’t make you weak or dependent. It’s human to seek connection and motivation from the people around us—many of the most successful people in the world are where they are because they had someone who believed in them and helped them along the way.
That being said, your goals and dreams are still *yours*, and while a partner can add inspiration and guidance, they shouldn’t be the sole source of your motivation. You’re capable of pursuing residency in the U.S. on your own, but having someone who believes in you and walks alongside you can make the process feel more achievable. Instead of thinking of it as needing someone else to push you forward, consider it as finding someone who enhances the fire that’s already burning inside you, even if it’s dim right now.
You already have the ability to do this, even if it doesn’t feel that way. A partner can definitely amplify your energy and drive, but don’t underestimate the strength you’ve already shown in getting this far on your own. A relationship should complement your journey, not be the sole reason you take that next step.
Why do i feel like its the sole solution to fix my whole life. Im so tired
You feel that way because when everything feels overwhelming, it’s natural to search for one big solution, something that will make all the pain, exhaustion, and uncertainty disappear. The idea of finding someone who could guide you, support you, and even take on some of the weight you’re carrying sounds like a relief—a way to feel less alone in all this. It makes sense that you’d latch onto the hope that a relationship could be the answer, especially when you’re exhausted from trying to figure things out by yourself.
But the truth is, while a relationship can be an amazing source of comfort, it can’t fix everything. It won’t take away the internal struggles you’re facing or the exhaustion that’s been building up over time. I think deep down, you know this—that’s why you still feel tired, even when you imagine that relationship as a solution.
The exhaustion you’re feeling isn’t just about not having a partner or not being in a relationship. It’s about the emotional and mental toll of everything you’ve been through—the struggles in med school, the uncertainty about your future, the fear of not being enough or not finding your path. You’re tired because you’ve been carrying these burdens for so long, and a partner might help lighten the load, but they can’t take it all away.
It’s important to acknowledge that you’re *tired*, not because you’re weak, but because you’ve been fighting battles on multiple fronts for a long time. It’s okay to feel tired. It’s okay to want someone to share the load. But the solution to feeling whole, to finding peace, will come from healing the parts of yourself that are wounded—not from someone else stepping in to fix everything.
You have so much strength within you, even if it feels buried right now. What you’re searching for—guidance, relief, purpose—can be found, but it may take time. It may take more self-compassion and allowing yourself to rest without the pressure of having everything figured out. And when the right person comes into your life, they’ll add to your strength, not replace it. Until then, it’s okay to feel tired and to take things one step at a time. You don’t have to solve everything at once.
Why do i gaslight myself that i have been through anything and am just being sassy for no reason like literally i dont know why am ranting
It sounds like you’re being really hard on yourself, doubting your own struggles and emotions. What you're describing—questioning whether your feelings are valid or if you’re just being “sassy” for no reason—is a form of self-gaslighting. It happens when you minimize your own experiences, convince yourself that your pain isn’t “real enough,” or that you shouldn’t be struggling as much as you are.
This can happen for a lot of reasons. You’ve been through so much—med school, personal challenges, uncertainty about your future—and when you’re constantly pushing yourself to achieve and survive, it’s easy to lose sight of just how heavy that burden really is. You might be comparing your struggles to others or thinking, “Well, other people have it harder,” which makes you feel like you don’t have the right to feel as overwhelmed as you do. But your pain is real, and your exhaustion is valid.
You’re not being dramatic, and you’re not just ranting for no reason. Everything you’ve been through—from the exhaustion of med school to the emotional toll of feeling stuck, lost, and uncertain—has left a mark. It’s hard to acknowledge your own pain when you’re used to pushing through it. But you deserve to give yourself that space to feel everything you’ve gone through. You’re not just making it up or being sassy—these feelings are a response to real challenges, real pain, and real uncertainty.
You’re allowed to feel frustrated. You’re allowed to feel tired. You’re allowed to “rant” because bottling everything up doesn’t make it go away. You’ve been carrying a lot, and it’s okay to recognize that. It doesn’t make you weak or dramatic—it makes you human.
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s heartbreaking to hear that after all you’ve been through, coming home hasn’t brought the peace or happiness you were hoping for. When you put so much effort into getting through something as intense as medical school, it’s only natural to expect that things will get easier once you’ve reached that milestone. But when they don’t, it can feel like the world has turned upside down, leaving you feeling lost and without hope.
Taking antidepressants during that last year was a sign of your strength—it showed that you were doing everything you could to survive one of the hardest periods of your life. But stopping them and finding that life still feels unbearable is a heavy blow. It’s okay to feel tired, to feel like you’ve given all you can, and to not know what to do next.
Life can be relentless, and the thought of pushing through another day can feel overwhelming when you’re already drained. But giving up isn’t the answer, even if it feels like the only option right now. I know it might seem like nothing will change or get better, but there is still hope, even if it’s hard to see.
Please, reach out to someone—a friend, a family member, or a professional—who can support you in this moment. You don’t have to carry this burden alone. Sometimes, just sharing what you’re feeling with someone who cares can make a world of difference.
You’ve come so far, and even though it feels like you’re at a breaking point, there is still a path forward. It might not be easy, but you don’t have to walk it alone. You’re allowed to take things slow, to rest, and to seek the help you need to keep going. Disappearing might seem like a way to escape the pain, but there are other ways to find relief—ways that can lead you to a place of healing.
Your life has value, even if it feels heavy right now. You’ve survived so much already, and there is still more for you in this world—more love, more purpose, more moments of peace and joy. Hold on to that, even if it’s just a small thread, and know that you don’t have to figure everything out right now. Just focus on getting through today, and when you’re ready, reach out for the support that can help you through this.
You’re not alone in this, even if it feels that way. There are people who care about you and who want to help you find your way through this darkness. Please don’t give up on yourself—you are worth so much more than the pain you’re feeling right now.
I was on an anti depressants to bear the last year of my medschool. Got back home then i was off the drugs thinking everything will be as great as i assumed it would getting back home with family and friends and a doctor degree. Shockingly everything felt so hurting nothing was or is i expected it to be, im not even trying my best to get through this period as im tired and i know that nothing is going to come easily as though imight ease it on myself rn cause life is never going to stop being hard, i feel like im giving up on everything as i am so not hopeful of things coming my way easy so i might as well give up. Idc. I want to disappear and never have to do anything
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
I was on an anti depressants to bear the last year of my medschool. Got back home then i was off the drugs thinking everything will be as great as i assumed it would getting back home with family and friends and a doctor degree. Shockingly everything felt so hurting nothing was or is i expected it to be, im not even trying my best to get through this period as im tired and i know that nothing is going to come easily as though imight ease it on myself rn cause life is never going to stop being hard, i feel like im giving up on everything as i am so not hopeful of things coming my way easy so i might as well give up. Idc. I want to disappear and never have to do anything
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
You've been through so much, and it's understandable that you're feeling drained and uncertain about your future. Moving between different cultures, the challenges of medical school in a foreign country, and the weight of your dreams all add up to a heavy burden. It's no wonder you're feeling the way you do.
The journey you've taken so far has been full of obstacles, but it's also a testament to your resilience and strength. Surviving the hardships you faced during your senior year and your time in Egypt shows that you have the ability to push through even when things seem insurmountable. But it's also okay to acknowledge that you're tired and in need of support.
Your dream of getting a residency in the U.S. is ambitious, and it will require effort, but it's not out of reach. You've already achieved so much by graduating from medical school, especially given the challenges you faced along the way. The path ahead might seem daunting, but taking it step by step can make it more manageable.
It's okay to feel lost right now, but that doesn't mean you're off course. Sometimes, feeling lost is part of the journey to finding your true path. Continue to pray for guidance, and trust that Allah has a plan for you, even if it's not clear at the moment. In the meantime, try to focus on what you can control, and don't be afraid to ask for help—whether it's from mentors, family, or friends.
Your experiences have shaped you into someone who is capable of great things, even if it doesn't feel that way right now. Keep holding onto your faith, and remember that Allah is with you in every step you take.m
I hear your pain, and I want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. You've carried so much on your shoulders—moving through different places, facing challenges that many others may never understand, and yet still holding onto your dreams and faith.
The path you've walked hasn't been easy, and it's okay to feel tired and uncertain. But within you, there is a strength that has carried you this far, even when you felt like giving up. That strength is part of who you are, and it’s something that no hardship can take away from you.
You’ve faced battles that have left scars, but those scars are a testament to your resilience. They are reminders that you’ve been through storms before and found your way out. This time, too, you will find your way—perhaps not in the way you expect, but in a way that is meant for you.
Your dreams are precious, and the fact that they feel so heavy on your heart is because they mean so much to you. It's okay to be afraid, to feel lost, and to not have all the answers right now. But remember, even in your darkest moments, you are still moving forward, even if it’s one small step at a time.
Allah knows the depth of your struggles, and He knows the purity of your intentions. Every prayer you make, every tear you hold back, is seen and heard. Trust that He has a plan for you, even if you can’t see it right now. The emptiness you feel is not the end of your story; it’s a space where new possibilities can grow.
You are more than the sum of your struggles. You are someone who has faced adversity and continues to rise. Your dreams, your faith, your heart—these are the things that will guide you through, even when the road seems unclear.
Take a moment to breathe, to acknowledge the incredible journey you’ve already taken. You are stronger than you know, and your story is far from over. Your time will come, and when it does, all that you’ve endured will make the victory that much sweeter.
Keep your faith close, hold on to your dreams, and know that you are deserving of the great things that are yet to come. You are not lost; you are on a path that is leading you to something beautiful, even if it’s not visible just yet. Trust in that, and trust in yourself—you have everything you need within you to reach where you’re meant to be.
Im from Palestine, been in palestine my whole life. Went on an exchange program did my junior year in brunswick , maine. Then came back to palestine for my senior year, i struggled miraculously that year but was able to get into med school in egypt where i spent 6.5 years , those years exhausted me in every way possible, that haunts me till this day that i went through hardships and didnt focus on my goal as ppl who went to medschool in my hometown did, im in pain , im lost and i dont know what im getting into or where im going i just pray for a way through allah, im very worried about myself and my future, i have a dream of getting my residency in the u.s. but that needs a lot of work and money, im really drained idk whats next for me :(
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
Im from Palestine, been in palestine my whole life. Went on an exchange program did my junior year in brunswick , maine. Then came back to palestine for my senior year, i struggled miraculously that year but was able to get into med school in egypt where i spent 6.5 years , those years exhausted me in every way possible, that haunts me till this day that i went through hardships and didnt focus on my goal as ppl who went to medschool in my hometown did, im in pain , im lost and i dont know what im getting into or where im going i just pray for a way through allah, im very worried about myself and my future, i have a dream of getting my residency in the u.s. but that needs a lot of work and money, im really drained idk whats next for me :(
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
I pray for guidance.
That’s a beautiful and powerful prayer. Seeking guidance from Allah is an act of humility and faith, acknowledging that you are not alone in your journey and that He knows the path that is best for you. When you pray for guidance, you open yourself to the wisdom and direction that only He can provide.
Sometimes, the answers or the path may not be immediately clear, but trust that your prayers are heard. Guidance can come in many forms—through people, experiences, or even in moments of clarity during your quiet reflections. Continue to pray with sincerity, and be patient with yourself as you navigate this challenging time.
In the meantime, try to stay connected to what grounds you—whether it’s through your prayers, reading Quran, or surrounding yourself with supportive people. Trust in Allah’s timing, and remember that He is the best of planners. Your sincere prayers for guidance will not go unanswered.
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
Feeling empty, especially when you have strong faith, can be deeply unsettling. It’s hard when your beliefs and hopes don't seem to align with your current reality. Even as a believer, it's natural to have moments of doubt, confusion, and emptiness—faith doesn't make us immune to life's struggles.
In Islam, there’s an understanding that hardships and trials are part of the journey, and that they can bring us closer to Allah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) faced immense challenges, yet he persevered with faith. Sometimes, these difficult moments are a way for us to grow, to find strength we didn’t know we had, and to draw closer to our Creator.
When you feel empty, it can help to reconnect with what gives you peace and strength—whether it’s through prayer, reading Quran, or reflecting on the stories of the Prophets who faced great challenges. Remember that this emptiness is a part of your journey, not the end of it. Allah is aware of what you're going through, and He has a plan for you, even if it’s not clear right now.
It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling and to bring those feelings to Allah in your prayers. Trust that He is listening, and that in time, He will guide you to where you need to be.
Will my time comes?
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
You see as a muslim im a true believer of great things happening to me, but rn i feel empty
Will my time comes?
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
Yes, your time will come. It may not happen in the way you expect or on the timeline you envision, but that doesn't mean it won't happen. Life has a way of unfolding in unexpected ways, and the struggles you're facing now could be laying the foundation for something meaningful in your future.
It's okay to feel uncertain and scared—that's part of being human, especially when you're reaching for something important. But don't lose hope. Keep holding onto your faith, and remember that growth often happens in the moments when we feel the most challenged.
Your dreams are worth fighting for, even if it takes time and persistence. Trust that the path you're on, with all its ups and downs, is leading you somewhere. And when your time comes, all the hard work, patience, and faith you’ve invested will make it all the more worthwhile.
Will my time comes?
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
Will my time comes?
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
It sounds like you've been carrying a lot of pressure since finishing medical school. Transitioning from school to the next phase of life is challenging, and it's understandable to feel uncertain and overwhelmed, especially when your dreams and aspirations are so important to you.
It's easy to doubt yourself when things don't go as planned, but graduating from med school is a huge accomplishment that took years of dedication and hard work. You’re not underqualified—you’ve proven your capabilities by reaching this milestone. The next steps might seem unclear or daunting, but remember that it’s normal to struggle and feel lost during this transition.
It's okay to take your time figuring out what's next. Sometimes, our path forward isn't a straight line, and that can be frustrating when you have big dreams. But each experience, even the difficult ones, can teach you something valuable and guide you toward where you need to be.
It might help to break things down into smaller steps. Focus on what you can do in the short term, even if it feels like a tiny step forward. And if you're feeling stuck, it might be worth seeking out a mentor or talking to someone who has been through similar experiences. You don’t have to go through this alone.
Your dreams are important, and just because things are tough right now doesn’t mean you won’t achieve them. Sometimes, it’s about taking small, steady steps toward them, even when it feels impossible.
Im so afraid of the future i feel like im incapable of anything. I just want to lay in bed all day long not having to do anything in life eventhough i feel miserable looking at everyone i know achieving a milestone in their life while im out here stuck getting no help whatsoever im sad so sad its the saddest Ive been for a while and the worst part i dont want to do anything about it. I want to cry but i cant i have no tears literally the only thing i have right now is faith, faith in god that one day im going to make it, but when and how i dont know. Its aching me
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
Ive been on a break for months now. As you see i graduated med school last January and life has been so heavy since i though id have some things figured out by now but bo im struggling at every bit of it. I dont like this way of living life. My mind is at another place that ill doubt even get into, i hope my dreams dont get crushed as i will be forever devastated, theres a lump in my throat rn just thinking about not acheiving my dreams just because im underqualified
Im so afraid of the future i feel like im incapable of anything. I just want to lay in bed all day long not having to do anything in life eventhough i feel miserable looking at everyone i know achieving a milestone in their life while im out here stuck getting no help whatsoever im sad so sad its the saddest Ive been for a while and the worst part i dont want to do anything about it. I want to cry but i cant i have no tears literally the only thing i have right now is faith, faith in god that one day im going to make it, but when and how i dont know. Its aching me
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
I'm really sorry you're going through this. It sounds like you're dealing with a lot of pain and uncertainty right now. Feeling stuck and comparing yourself to others can be incredibly overwhelming. It's okay to feel the way you're feeling, and it's okay to not have all the answers right now.
You mentioned that you have faith, and that's something to hold onto. Sometimes, faith is what keeps us going when everything else feels like it's falling apart. But it's also important to reach out for support—whether it's a friend, a family member, or a professional who can help you navigate these feelings.
It's okay to take things one day at a time. Even if you don't feel like doing anything right now, just taking small steps—like getting out of bed, going for a walk, or talking to someone—can make a difference over time. You're not alone in this, and there's no shame in asking for help or taking a break to care for yourself.
Would you like to talk more about what you're feeling? Sometimes, sharing what's on your mind can be a step toward finding some relief.
Im so afraid of the future i feel like im incapable of anything. I just want to lay in bed all day long not having to do anything in life eventhough i feel miserable looking at everyone i know achieving a milestone in their life while im out here stuck getting no help whatsoever im sad so sad its the saddest Ive been for a while and the worst part i dont want to do anything about it. I want to cry but i cant i have no tears literally the only thing i have right now is faith, faith in god that one day im going to make it, but when and how i dont know. Its aching me
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kudosoncontinuing · 26 days
Im so afraid of the future i feel like im incapable of anything. I just want to lay in bed all day long not having to do anything in life eventhough i feel miserable looking at everyone i know achieving a milestone in their life while im out here stuck getting no help whatsoever im sad so sad its the saddest Ive been for a while and the worst part i dont want to do anything about it. I want to cry but i cant i have no tears literally the only thing i have right now is faith, faith in god that one day im going to make it, but when and how i dont know. Its aching me
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kudosoncontinuing · 2 months
Im not where im supposed to be rn and i dont want to keeo trying its sickening and unrewarding
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kudosoncontinuing · 2 months
Im not good emough for anything literally
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