kukomai · 1 year
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Not Another Rebound
This is 3k words of me being in love with Pope :)
Warnings: there's a bit of angst and I swear a little bit, kissing, overuse of italics, and I think that's it
Note: Just wanted to write about my main man getting all the love he deserves. Still pretty new at this though. Shout out to @dreamingwithrafe for letting me talk about my boyfriend Pope, here's that fic I've been mentioning since forever lol
You’re blushing, you know you are, but you can’t help it. You and your friend, Kiara, were walking down the docks when she spotted her other friends, the pogues. She had stopped to talk to them but quickly got caught up in a side conversation with JJ and John B, leaving you alone with Pope. If it were anyone else, you’d be fine. But he had smiled at you and suddenly you couldn’t form a coherent thought. 
He was so fucking pretty, even prettier up close. You’re used to seeing him from afar at keggers with his friends, illuminated by the light of the bonfire. Or surfing at the beach, saltwater dripping down his toned chest. You’ve never been this close to him before and none of the cells in your brain are cooperating with you.  You can’t even make proper eye contact.
“Kie says you’ve been prepping for a scholarship interview, how’s that going?” you manage to ask. You’re still not quite making eye contact though. The boat you can see peaking over his shoulder is just so interesting.
“You and Kie talk about me?” he smiles at you. Christ. You start trying to defend yourself but the only thing that comes out is a bunch of half-formed words. You’ve never stuttered this much in your life. He just laughs, “Relax, Kie talks about you too.” He nudges your arm and goosebumps erupt all over your skin. In the middle of the day, on a hot day, in the Outer Banks. You’d be more embarrassed if you weren’t currently freaking out about him stepping closer. 
“The interview prep is kind of brutal actually,” he continues, “I feel like I’m stressing myself out more than anything else.”
“I’m sure you’ll do great. If anyone deserves that scholarship it's you,” you say. 
“You would know about that, wouldn’t you? Kie tells me you’re going to be valedictorian when you graduate from the Academy.”
You roll your eyes, discomfort fading as the conversation shifts to you, “Do not listen to anything she says. She exaggerates everything. I told her that this year the administration is deciding to let the student body choose the valedictorian for our graduating year. I have no  idea how she got that out of what I said.” 
“It’s probably because you’re exceptional. I can see you being valedictorian,” Pope nudges your arm again. 
“How would you know that? We’ve never talked before.”
“I just do.” Kie chooses that moment to pop back to your side. It takes you a moment to even realize she’s talking to you, you’re too busy staring at Pope. You two are practically sharing the same space, Pope having crept closer throughout your conversation. Are his eyes sparkling? 
You are snapped out of your Pope-induced trance by Kie waving a hand in front of your face. 
“Can we go now or do you want to stay here and admire Pope some more?” she asks. 
You bat her hand away, “Shut up.” You can feel yourself blushing again and now that you’ve been called out you just want to run and hide. You turn to walk away as Kie’s laughter fills your ears. In your haste, you miss Pope’s soft look in your direction. 
That was almost a month ago. Since then, Kie has invited you to absolutely every event she and her friends have planned. Every moment not spent at school is spent with the pogues. You’ve started not even changing out of your uniform, just pulling up to John B’s chateau in your pleated skirt and navy blue jacket thrown over a shoulder. It’s started to get warmer in the Outer Banks, and for the pogues, that means parties on the beach. 
It’s your first time partying with them and you might have had more to drink than you normally would in an effort to calm your nerves. There are no tourons here, it’s not quite summer yet, so everyone is local. You recognize more people than you thought you would. 
“Hey, pretty girl, what are you doing all alone over here?” Pope slides up beside you. 
The nickname makes you blush but the alcohol in your system means you don’t immediately turn into a stuttering mess. 
“Well, I didn’t think I was alone. Kie was here a moment ago I swear,” you use the half-empty beer bottle in your hand to gesture to the empty spot on the other side of you. Pope laughs at your fake pout and you’re transfixed. He’s so beautiful you can hardly breathe. He’s talking again but you can’t hear him anymore over the kiss me kiss me kiss me pounding in your head. 
“We were thinking of heading out on the—”
“Kiss me,” you blurt out. You see the moment he registers what you said. Even the alcohol isn’t enough to quiet the butterflies swarming in your stomach at his silence. 
He sighs, “You’re drunk.”  He’s looking everywhere but at you. You just want to see his pretty eyes again so you grab his face with your hands, turning his head back to you. There he is.
“I’m not drunk but even if I were you have to know how much I want to kiss you all the time. I’m not subtle about it. I don’t even know how to be subtle about it. You drive me crazy,  Pope Heyward and—”
He kisses you. One second you’re trying to cut off all the words trying to spill out of your mouth, the next, there is a pair of soft lips pressed to yours. Your hands are still on his face so you pull him in closer. You want him closer. Being pressed chest to chest wouldn’t even be good enough. You want to feel skin. Your hands have a mind of their own. They move down his neck to rest on his chest and back up like they can’t settle on a spot. You want to feel everywhere. He presses closer to you, pushing you back into the tree behind you. You’re sandwiched between the rough tree trunk at your back and the warmth of Pope at your front. You never want to be anywhere else. 
“Slow down, wait, wait,” Pope says, breathless, against your lips. You chase him for a second before the words catch up to you and you’re pulling back. He looks dazed. His lips are spit-slick and swollen. You wanna bite them. His gaze is fluttering between your eyes and your lips and back again. You want him to kiss you again. 
“What are we doing here, pretty girl?” 
“Making out against a tree,” you say. He rolls his eyes and you can’t help but smile. He’s so pretty. 
“Okay, what happens after this?”
“You take me on a date. There’s this bookstore I’ve been meaning to take you to. Then we can get lunch after, or dinner, or whatever works.” The kiss might have sobered you up more than you thought. There’s not enough alcohol in your system anymore to prevent the nervous rambling that usually happens whenever you’re around Pope. 
“You want to date me?” he asks. As if the answer would be anything other than yes. As if there’s anyone else who has captured your attention the way Pope has. 
“If you’ll let me, yea. I’d love to.” You’re so busy admiring the smile that spreads across his face that you don’t even notice him pulling you back in until you’re kissing again. And if the two of you spend the rest of the party making out and whispering into each other’s ears, then that’s no one’s business but you’re own. 
It takes about two months for the honeymoon phase to wear off. Dating Pope is even better than you would have imagined. Even your wildest dreams don’t come close to how amazing it is. You’re so excited he even wants you back that you might have gone overboard. Those first two months, you tried to be the best girlfriend Pope will ever have. Final exam season had come around again and you had pushed your own studying aside in favour of helping Pope study. You stayed up late with him reviewing flashcards and kissing him stupid every time he got an answer correct. 
You started helping him with his chores around his dad’s shop. He complained about it being boring and tedious so you showed up to keep him company. Heyward might have been happier to see you than Pope was, always happy for an extra set of hands.
You planned all your dates. Picnics on the beach once it got truly warm. Surf dates. Shopping trips on the mainland where you two really just roam the streets hand in hand. Movie nights at your house that turns into hours of cuddling and conversation with the movie playing in the background forgotten. Everything was fine until you realized that you planned all your dates. Pope has never initiated anything. Never a date, a kiss, or even a conversation. Scrolling through your messages you notice that every text thread between you and Pope was started by you. Every hug or kiss or any act of physical affection was you just trying to get as close to Pope as possible. He has never once reached for you first. 
To test your theory, you don’t text him. He’s supposed to be out with the pogues today, an outing you couldn’t join because of other obligations. Usually, when you and Pope aren’t together you text him a couple of times throughout the day just to check in. Not today though. You’re adamant that you are not going to send a single text message. Not a good morning, handsome that you usually start with. Not a has JJ fallen off the boat yet? Nothing. You check your phone every hour but it remains dark throughout the whole day. Not a single text. The disappointment you feel sits heavy in your chest when you get back home. You know Pope is also at home because you’ve gotten messages from Kie saying that they’re back at the Chateau. JJ had sent you a single message with a picture of Pope in the hammock at the back of the chateau staring down at his phone followed by a single question mark. You left that one unanswered.
Knowing that Pope had his phone in his hand and still hadn’t texted you was the final nail in the coffin. Obviously, Pope doesn’t like you as much as you like him. After his failed attempt at a relationship with Kie, you were clearly the rebound. Something to build back his ego. It probably helped that you were so clingy, always wanting to be around him, constantly texting him. Well, no more. 
You managed to go a full 5 days on your new restricted affection schedule, as you’ve started calling it. You only send good morning and goodnight messages. You told yourself if he initiated the conversation then you would reciprocate (the thought of not talking to Pope at all was excruciating) but after the initial good morning, he doesn’t say anything else for the rest of the day. You stopped randomly appearing at Heyward’s to see him. You stopped showing up to the Chateau unannounced to see if he was there. You put a hold on everything you used to do to try and spend more time with him. 
On the sixth day, you get a message from Kie. 
KieKie: Okay, this has gone on long enough. What is going on with you and Pope???
No idea what you’re talking about
KieKie: Really? Then why haven’t you been around lately and why is Pope snapping at all of us all the time now?
How Pope reacts to JJ’s stupid jokes has nothing to do with me and I’ve just been busy lately 
KieKie: busy with what? 
KieKie: you know what I don’t care we’re having a bonfire later tonight and you’re coming 
You don’t want to say that you’re nervous to see Pope, but the way your hands are sweating and you can’t hear anything over the sound of your own heartbeat probably means that you’re nervous. You pull up to the chateau when it's already dark. You can see the light from the fire and hear your friends’ laughter before you even get out of the car. You take a moment to hype yourself up, trying to get all your nerves out before seeing him. The walk from the car to the back of the chateau feels like it takes forever and two seconds all at the same time. No one notices your presence at first, too wrapped up in whatever story JJ is animatedly telling. You quietly sit yourself down on the grass next to Kie’s feet. Funny enough, Pope notices you first. 
He springs to his feet, eyes locked on you. Everyone else pauses and then follows his gaze. As a group, they chorus out your name. You roll your eyes as they all start talking to you at once. John B even throws a rock at you for “ditching them this past week”. Pope doesn’t say anything though, just stands there staring at you. You stare back. 
“Hey, Pope, could you go grab another case of beer from the kitchen for us, bro?” John B asks. You fleetingly glance at the full case sitting by his feet and then back at Pope. 
“Yea, yea, and maybe you should go with him,” JJ says, looking at you. “You know how heavy those cases can be. He might need help.” 
Pope raises an eyebrow at you so you stand. You walk back to the chateau without checking to see if he’s following. The moment you step into the empty house though, he’s right behind you. You can feel the warmth coming off him and you missed it. You missed him. 
“Are you going to Midsummers?” Pope asks. You’ve settled into a corner in the kitchen with him standing at the entrance looking at you. That’s not what you expected him to say though and you say as much. 
“Kiara’s parents are making her go and she’s been talking about it all week. There’s apparently a lot of prep that goes into it. You know, with the whole picking a dress and then trying to find a matching suit for your date. She’s trying to get JJ to agree on this weird shade of purple,”  he explains. You’re still confused. 
“Okay. I don’t know where you’re going with this, Pope.” 
He runs a hand down his face roughly and then lets out a deep sigh, “Do you not want to go to Midsummers with me? Do you not want to take me as your date or something?” 
And then it clicks. Is that all he wants? To be shown off in front of Kie? He must note your  rising anger because he’s quick to start speaking again. “It’s fine if you don’t!” he reassures, “I just thought that would be something you wanted, but you haven’t said anything and you actually haven’t said much of anything lately and I just—” he sighs again— “I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I did wrong, please.” 
“You could have texted me,” you say. He’s visibly upset and you’re fighting to not rush over there and comfort him. This might be the end of your relationship though, you have to stay strong. “If you wanted to talk to me so bad you could have messaged me yourself. Communication goes both ways, Pope.” He just stands there, staring at you with his mouth agape and it makes you angrier. “You know, if all you wanted was an ego boost, I would have preferred if you let me know at the beginning instead of leading me on like this.”
“I get it, Kie rejected you and now you’re using me to fix what she broke–’’
“Hold on–”
“I get it, okay, but it would have been nice to know that you don’t actually like me the way I like you instead of letting me embarrass—” 
“Let me speak, woman!” Pope yells, cutting you off. You’ve never heard him raise his voice before and definitely not at you. You stop talking immediately. “You think I don’t like you? You think my heart doesn’t skip a beat every time I look at you? You think I don’t light up on the inside every time you reach out to hold my hand or touch my neck. You think I don’t want you? Sometimes you get up to leave and I want to pull you back down into my lap so I can keep feeling you just a little bit longer. Sometimes I want to go with you, anywhere, everywhere. I just want to be wherever you are. 
I have wanted you since I first met you in 5th grade. I didn’t even know what it meant then, all I knew was that you were pretty and my stomach felt all funny whenever you smiled at me. That’s all I know now too. Kie started bringing you around and I felt like I was in 5th grade all over again. I didn’t know what to do so I let you take the lead. And then we got together and I was so scared of ruining it, of ruining the best thing to ever happen to me, so I let you take the lead again. I want to do anything you want to do, as long as it's together. I want your name popping up on my phone every day, every hour. No, actually I don’t. If you are texting me that means we’re not together and I don’t want that. I want you in my personal space all the time.”
He stops talking to make his way over to you. 
You’re stunned, rooted in your spot. You don’t stop him when he runs a careful finger along your cheek and down to your neck. You don’t stop him when he presses even closer to you, chest to chest, wedging himself into any free space he can find. He drops his face into the crook of your neck to run his nose up and down the skin there. 
“I want you so fucking bad I don’t even know what to do with myself. You’ve been gone this week and it felt like the world was ending. You don’t know how many times I wanted to text you, call you, just to hear your voice. I like that you’re clingy because it means I get to cling back. Don’t ever, and I mean ever, disappear on me like that again. You’re mad at me, come yell at me. Get right up in my face if you have to, but don’t ignore me. Do you understand me?”
You nod. 
“No, pretty girl, I’m gonna need to hear it. You’ve had me out of sorts all week. I need to know you won’t do it again. I can’t handle it,” he says, leaning back to look you in your eyes. 
“I won’t do it again.”
“Good, good.” And then he kisses you. It's more forceful than the way he normally kisses you, almost bruising. He tips your head back as he gets even closer to you and you let him. You let him show you just how much he missed you, how much he wants you. You distractedly notice the catcalling and whistles from outside the kitchen window but you ignore them in favour of kissing your boyfriend. Turns out you weren’t a rebound after all. 
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kukomai · 1 year
strange | ph
+ pope & y/n’s love story inspired by the song <3
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from strangers to friends,
he was hooked from the moment he saw her. the way the tight dress clung to y/n’s body, the big bright smile she flashed when kie introduced her to the rest of the group, and the sweet sweet sound of her voice. she clearly was new to the obx, she had the deer in headlights look.
the two bonded instantly. they shared the same interests but had two totally different personalities. y/n was more loud and outgoing often bringing pope out of his shell but thats what she liked about it. she adored shy and reserved pope. she liked the fact that he hardly ever drunk or smoked, which wouldn’t be a problem if he did. she just loved how he didn’t allow anyone to pressure him into anything. she also liked how adventurous he was. she often wished to be inside his head sometimes. just so see how his gears turned and to hear his thoughts.
friends into lovers,
they sat on the beach, fingers intertwined with each other’s, gazing up at the night sky. the sun had gone down and the beach was vacant. pope watched y/n as she intently watched the twinkling, luminous stars. they had spent the entire day together since everyone else had “bailed” on them. they pretended to be infuriated but in reality, they didn’t mind. not one bit.
pope desperately ached to tell y/n how he felt. so he did. he just blurted it all out. right there on the beach. he started to feel instant regret seeing as y/n didn’t reply. she sat there and looked into his eyes before grabbing his face and pulling him towards her. the kiss was gentle and sweet. just how she had imagined it would be.
and strangers again.
the two laid on opposite sides of the bed leaving enough space to fit a whole other person. y/n’s face still wet with tears from the argument they had less than ten minutes ago, pope constantly running what just happened through his head. he reached for the empty space and took her small soft hand in his larger one.
y/n let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. she rubbed her thumb against his skin putting him at ease. both of them had said harsh things that they couldn’t ever take back, both regretting it as soon as the words let their mouths. the relationship was dead. over. it had been for months now. they both knew, but they just couldn’t let go…
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kukomai · 1 year
the way this world needs more pope fanfics!!!!
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kukomai · 2 years
its crazy how the absence of pain can seem like pleasure
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kukomai · 2 years
writers be like ‘i want to write’ but then spend their entire day on tumblr doing nothing
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kukomai · 2 years
Eren’s random HC of the day (NSFW edition):
Eren has two ways of being intimate with you, two no third.
1- the lazy, slow love making while he whispers sweet nothings in your ears telling you how pretty you are and how well you take him. Touching and grabbing every inch he can reach as you cross your ankles on his back making you feel the best. He always ends with I love yous with a quick peck to your lips as he slowly pulls out ..
(Usually mornings or late evenings)
2- the absolute animalistic fuck, hard angled thrusts not giving you a break to breath as he growls next to your ear, soothing your skin after he slapped it leaving his red hand print in on your ass. He is a bit mean but he also makes sure it isn’t anything beyond your limits. He keeps your ass cheeks open for him to see both of your cum oozing out of your abused cunt and grins satisfied with the view. He walks away to start the bath for you because even when he is a bit mean fucking you dumb, he’s still the king of aftercare ;)
(Mostly nights and specially when you are the one to initiate)
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kukomai · 2 years
Shout out to fanfic writers that don’t get put on rec lists.
Shout out to fanfic writers who write short fanfics.
Shout out to fanfic writers who don’t write often.
Your fics are just as much a labor of love.
33K notes · View notes
kukomai · 2 years
Heyyyaaa! Can we have smut-44 Eren Jaeger?
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ᨳ  ࣪ . 001. episode [6]: “is that a promise or a threat?” w/ eren jaeger
ᨳ  ࣪ . 002. w/c: 6.2k | c/w: smut (mdni), protected sex (for once), slight enemies to lovers, pet names (princess), f!reader, lots of teasing + pining, cervix kissing, breast play, masturbation (m!), semi public masturbation (eren does it in a library bathroom), bold!reader, dirty fantasies, I think that’s it! thank you so much for this request! idk how it got so long but it def had to do with bells, Nina, and Mia, so thank you all so much for all of your help! tagging: @myarlert, @broken-freedom @itsalicewickedmcgee
event masterlist
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You have a plan. 
A plan to push Eren Jaeger over the edge, beating him for the top position at the university for this semester.
It’s a simple plan, really, consisting of only two phases. However, you know you’re going to have so much fun initiating it.
Eren praises whoever gifted him his immense patience. The patience helps him not to loudly sigh at people who walk too slow at the grocery store or helps him not roll his eyes when someone speaks over him in class. 
His entire life, Eren Jaeger has perfected this smooth patience. It’s what helped him get through high school with a perfect GPA, getting him into almost all of the Ivy League universities with a scholarship to boot. He held his patience in an outstretched hand, poised taut with purposeful smiles dipped in a dangerous warning and calculated responses to anything asked of him. 
Eren Jaeger is confident in many things: his ability to focus, the patience he was so proud of, and his academics. He’s always been able to handle any curve ball thrown his way, shove down any distraction, and do anything to accomplish his goals.
Until it came to you. 
The dreaded finals season was turning the corner, and Eren despised that Professor Hange - as they insisted their students to call them - decided on partners for the final project. It wasn’t anything complicated - the report needed to consist of prominent research regarding advances in gene therapy; honestly, it was something Eren could do in his sleep. But with the mention of partners, Eren almost groaned out loud. 
He despised working with others - not when he knew he could do it much more proficiently on his own. He would be able to get his research done faster, find the appropriate sources in a more timely manner, and write the final paper in two afternoons, tops. So, when Professor Hange started calling off the group names, all Eren could do was stifle his groan, ruffling his hair in an annoyed fashion, and pray that he wouldn’t get stuck with a complete idiot. But then your name was called, and Eren suddenly wished he had drawn a complete idiot. 
The two of you had been academic rivals ever since your first year at the university, always trailing each other until one class - one paper - boosted one over the other. It was quite humorous for the other students to watch, with bets usually being placed to see who would score the top spot in the class for the semester. The previous semester, it was Eren, but the two before that? It was you. 
While it normally wouldn’t be a big deal to have an academic rival, you just so happened to be particularly taxing for Eren. Constantly annoying him every chance you got, it was the college equivalent of tugging on his hair on the playground and stepping on his feet in the lunch line. You were infuriatingly frustrating, and Eren couldn’t stop thinking about you. 
Perhaps it was a stroke of luck that you two were paired together for this final, or maybe it was Professor Hange pulling some strings. Besides, everyone knew that professors heard all of the student gossip, making it almost certain that they knew of Eren’s rivalry with you. 
Perhaps this was simply some sort of strange experiment by the eccentric professor, pulling strings behind the scene to see what would happen by pairing together two of the most stubborn, intelligent students they had ever seen. 
So, with gritted teeth and a feigned smile, Eren reluctantly accepted your new partnership. He prepared himself for your usual smug snippiness, your looks always fully loaded with a cocked head and a prideful smirk. Eren made mental notes of all your previous encounters, remembering specific things he did to purposefully push your buttons, morphing that grin into a glare. With all his preparedness, Eren was almost excited to get together to work as a pair for the first time - he was certain that this time, it would be him putting you in your place.
Until you changed your behavior towards him entirely.
In all the years he’d known you, you had never acted like this before. Where your words used to be biting, prideful, inherently mean in nature, they were now lilted in a teasing tone, your eyes half-lidded as you stared at him in a way that had him gulping and his pants tightening. 
It was an improbable event that he had never anticipated, even though, statistically, improbable events occasionally occur. 
When you suggested studying together for the first time at the coffee shop on the corner of main street, Eren didn’t see any harm in it; he found himself agreeing to it reasonably quickly, even though it wasn’t his favorite place in the world. It was usually a bit loud and crowded, though Eren never had a difficult time focusing on what he needed to work on. 
Therefore, when he enters the coffee shop, it’s no surprise to him to see it buzzing with people, all crammed onto too-tiny tables and small booths with mugs of caffeine gripped between tensed palms. Shrugging his backpack as the small chime on the door rings through his ears, Eren cranes his head to look for you. His glasses slide down his nose a bit when someone bumps into him - a short apology uttered a second later - and he can already feel the annoyance spark through his body. 
The sound of his name has him looking towards the back wall to see you, nestled in a corner booth with two coffees on the table before you. 
The knowledge that you ordered coffee for him didn’t phase Eren, no; what completely threw him for a fucking loop, though, was the tight sundress you wore, just barely enough fabric to cover your thighs. 
You look like a sin, and Eren finds himself wondering how such an intelligent person could look like that. While Eren still finds himself reeling, he takes a steely breath, reminding himself that he’s dealt with an entire week of this change in attitude from you, so he can handle one coffee-study date, even with you looking more delicious than the overpriced coffee.
This entire week - ever since Professor Hange announced the partnerships - you seemed hell-bent on throwing Eren off of his game; you’d flirt with him constantly, shifting his focus from school and causing his mind to go haywire. Lately, more often than not, Eren found his daydreams lingering around you, fantasies being pushed into his head that he would prefer to ignore - all because of your stupid mouth and inability to shut up.
You were merely a week into your relentless flirting - a seemingly endless game of cat-and-mouse - and it has Eren’s composure fraying at the seams, set to crumble with just one more lewd phrase that threatens to slip past your lips. 
You wave at him from the red vinyl booth, and already - with just one glance from you - Eren feels a bit breathless, a bit too frazzled for his liking. He tries to smoothly make his way over to you, trying so hard not to blatantly stare at your thighs or breasts. 
“You okay there, Jaeger?” your annoyingly satisfied voice breaks through his thoughts, sitting down across from you. “You seem a bit distracted. Anything I can help with?”
You punctuate your words with one of those shit-eating grins you seem to thrive on, leaning over the table and peering at him curiously. The glint in your eyes is dangerous, he remembers noting all those years ago, when you first started this little rivalry; he isn’t immune to how gorgeous you look when your entire face lights up when you’re questioning a topic, whether it was something in class that particularly interested you, or something else.
In this case, that “something else” just so happens to be him. 
Eren swallows thickly at the way your lashes blink up at him, knocking your head to the side to try and draw a reaction out of him. He finds it increasingly difficult to focus on his work when you look at him like that, invading his space in that annoying way you do when you’re looking for his attention. Really, that intense focus he’s been so proud of his entire life suddenly flits out the window when he can feel the heat radiating off of your body like a furnace, so close to him that your knee grazes his and your fingertips teasingly brush by his arm.
His leg feels like it’s burning when you knowingly press yours against him, goosebumps rising along his skin where the pads of your fingers leave fleeting touches against his skin. 
Eren swears that he’s going to go insane - his heart is furiously pounding in his chest, a prickling sensation creeping along his back until he feels his palms sweating. You’re just so close to him, and he feels like his brain is going haywire with the intense buzzing that short-circuits across his body. 
“Hey to you, too,” Eren simply states, praying that he doesn’t sound nearly as flustered as he feels. “Ready to get started?” 
You feel a bit let down at his curt reply, but quickly throw a smile on your face, pulling out your laptop and research papers you’d gathered. 
“Okay, here’s what I have so far…” you trail off, abandoning your previous mission to focus on your academics.
Surprisingly, you and Eren work quite well as a team. Always smoothly picking up where the other left off, building on each other’s theses in a way that complemented them, and adding helpful points to any sources the other may have found the previous night.
Eren has to admit that it’s more fun than he originally thought it would be, and he finds himself enjoying your time together more and more. 
That is, when you’re not being a complete fucking tease. 
You’re able to study like that for about two hours, helpfully finishing the outline of your paper and comparing primary research articles you’d both found. It was nice - until you decide that you’ve gotten a bit bored. Eren’s reactions are always so cute, his brows scrunching as he peers at the laptop screen, green eyes narrowed as he latched onto every line of text. His brown hair messily thrown up in a haphazard half-bun, some loose strands falling out of the band and just begging for your hands to tangle in them. His glasses slip down his nose as he bites his lip in concentration, a distracted finger coming up to push the glasses back up to settle properly on his face. 
Feeling restless, a warm heat flushes through your body, settling annoyingly comfortable between your thighs; you finally decide to enact part of your plan.  
Phase One: Get Rid of Eren Jaeger’s “Un-Fucking-Bothered” Attitude.
“...or this article could work as the fifth primary source - except for the fact that it’s all in French, and I haven’t brushed up on my French since high school. So maybe we should rule that one out - what are you doing?”
Eren stops mid-sentence, his bright green eyes widening at the sight of you plucking his half-empty coffee cup from his side of the table. Your fingers are nimble as you wrap them around the white mug, tilting your head when you look at him. Bringing the warm coffee up to your lips, you don’t break eye contact with him, and Eren swears he’s never been so aroused watching someone take a drink of something before. 
It’s not long - merely a small sip, just to see his reaction - before you set the cup back down again, still eyeing the boy across from you. You revel in the slight pink that dusts his cheeks - a rare occurrence that you’ve grown more and more fond of lately, and you feel the pride building inside of you.  
Eren’s eyes are latched onto you, staring at you as you swipe your tongue along your bottom lip, catching any dregs of bitter coffee there. He feels entranced, completely enamored with how you suddenly lean over the table, your breasts pressing against the thin fabric of your sundress, never breaking eye contact with him. Your gaze is all-consuming, pinning him to the spot, and Eren swears he can’t even breathe when you look at him like that. 
“What’s the matter, Eren?” you ask, the side of your lips quirking up in a knowing grin as you watch him stutter. “It’s not like I bite or anything.”
He tries taking a bite of his muffin, but at your words and the hidden insinuation behind them, Eren suddenly chokes. His thoughts are swimming with what you mean, wondering what you could possibly be talking about, and if you aimed that for him.
You watch, amused, as Eren flounders, searching for the perfect biting remark that seems to fail him. Without him even noticing, you begin to gather your belongings, noting that, for today, your job here is done. 
“Unless, of course, you want me to,” you finish, the smug tone in your voice never faltering as you stand up, shrugging your bag over your shoulders. You don’t miss how Eren’s face turns beet red, the tips of his ears heating up to a cute pink as he starts to cough, leaning over the booth’s table to ground himself. You pay him no mind, making your way over to the side of his booth, before leaving him with your final attack for the day. 
Careful to not let the back of your dress ride up too much, you lean down next to Eren, your lips brushing by the curve of his ear. 
“By the way,” you start, voice a mere whisper as you wait for Eren’s reaction. You watch as his fingers tighten over the edge of the table, knuckles turning white with an effort to, what? Restrain himself? Hold himself back? You hope so. 
“I’m not wearing any panties,” you comment, as if it was simply a passing phrase. With one last smile against his ear, you quickly stand up, throwing a wave over your shoulder to make your way out of the coffee shop. 
Eren feels the last shred of restraint he has thinning, pulling taut inside of him as he grips onto his mug, now stained with a slight imprint of your lip gloss. All he can do is blink dazedly, distractedly bringing his cup to his lips, just over where yours just were a minute ago. He can’t even taste the faint flavor of vanilla there, eyes latched on to where you were previously sitting. 
Eren feels his heart pounding in his chest, his fingers tightened in a fist on his knee as he stares at the obvious wet spot you left on the red vinyl of your booth, and he swears his cock has never been more stiff in his life.
A few days later, your teasing antics still aren’t relenting, and Eren is certain he’s going to have a heart attack. 
Eren had hoped that choosing the library would be a safe spot - no one got turned on at the library, right? But, as usual with you, Eren was sorely proven wrong. He was grateful when you decided to wear normal clothes this time, but it didn’t stop his imagination from running wild when you still insisted on retaining your teasing antics.
They’re simple: fleeting glances when your gazes meet, lingering touches when you lean forward - but it’s all driving Eren insane, and he really doesn’t think he has enough willpower to get through much more of this. 
Your bold actions from the coffee shop still plague his mind, invading even his dreams until he wakes up in a cold sweat, cock achingly stiff in his sweatpants.
 The amount of times he’s had to get off to the idea of you is even more embarrassing than the knowledge that, lately, Eren could only get off to you. Nothing else worked - his mind would only accept fantasies of you, like how you would look on your knees, the half-lidded look you seem to love to give him viewed from a different angle. It’s all he can think about, and Eren knows it will eventually come back to bite him in the ass. 
“...is that okay? Eren?” your voice permeates through his reverie, knocking him out of his daydreams where he seems to like you so much better. “Sorry. What was that?” he asks, fiddling with his pencil in the other hand. Eren chooses to ignore the knowing grin you shoot him, your brow raising as you look at him suspiciously. 
“As I was saying…” you continue, finally breaking your gaze from him and looking back at your computer. Your fingers trail over a few paragraphs - explaining something about how the formatting is off, not matching the recommended structure of a professional research paper - but Eren can hardly bring himself to pay attention. 
Instead of listening to you, he watches how your fingers pad across the computer screen, just barely brushing across it in a way that would have him wincing if it was anyone else. Your brows are furrowed in concentration, thoroughly enamored with the topic of genetics as you reference two of your primary sources. You look beautiful to him, Eren realizes, especially when you’re speaking about something you’re so obviously passionate about.
The sudden awareness is shocking, and Eren desperately wants to shove the thought back deep down into the corners of his mind. 
“Eren, you okay?” you ask, slightly concerned as he seems more unfocused than usual. You hadn’t even been super teasing today - laying off to pay full attention to the assignment. Yes, while this little game is fun, you know that you have to actually work on it in order to make a good grade - that was most important.
“Y-yeah, fine,” Eren relents, rubbing his palms on his jeans as he turns his attention back to you. “So, about the format, right?”
And, really, Eren tries to focus - he really does. The boy should be given a gold star for how intently he tries to listen to you, adding in helpful points here and there to further boost your argument. But the thoughts from earlier continue dragging his mind through the gutter, and when your knee accidentally brushes his underneath the table, Eren nearly jumps out of his seat.
You look at him shocked, leaning away to peer at his incredibly flushed face. “Okay Eren, what is it?” you ask, glaring a bit accusatorily at him. And, at that look, Eren almost loses it. All he wants to do is bed you over the table of your private little study room and fuck that stupid look off your face; you know exactly what’s wrong with him - exactly why he’s acting like this. It’s all because of you and how you’ve been pushing and pulling at the strings holding him together. All Eren wants to do is fuck that bratty attitude out of you, wipe that pleased smirk off your face when Eren stands up, with you obviously noting the tent in his jeans. 
“Nothing,” he hurriedly turns away from you, taking in a bruising breath as he shoves his phone in his pocket. “Just have to go to the bathroom really quick.”
And Eren quickly leaves you behind, raising your brows at him as he makes his way to the bathroom in an almost panicked nature. His head is swimming with thoughts of you, mind reeling with every little action you’ve shown him, every teasing phrase thrown in his direction, spat against his ear. 
Eren’s cock is already achingly hard when he reaches an empty, private bathroom, and as soon as he locks the door, he’s shoving his pants down. He knows he should feel embarrassed - ashamed, even - as he fists his wet cock to the idea of you, already leaking pre down his shaft. You hadn’t even done anything today, uncharacteristically shoving aside your usual antics to instead focus solely on your work, and now Eren’s the one who can’t contain himself. 
Eren focuses on the intense pleasure as he works his palm over his thick shaft, squeezing at the base before dragging his hand up with continuous pressure, allowing his thumb to dig into his wet slit for an intense bout of pleasure. 
All he can think about is you, you, you. How you would look if you were here right now, guiding his hand on his cock as you cooed sweet words against the curve of your ear. How your breasts would press against his chest, his hand tugging at your hard nipple as he covered your mouth with his. Eren thinks about how he would push you against the wall, fingering your soaking slit until you’d let him tug your panties to the side, shoving his thick length inside of you until you’re a crying, shaking mess for him. 
His chest is heaving, his cheeks painted a pretty pink, his hair sticking to his forehead with sweat as he pumps his cock. Eren can feel the tight coil of pleasure ready to burst in his groin, his fist working over his angry tip, nudging underneath it with the perfect amount of pressure to have him throwing his head back. 
Eren cums embarrassingly fast, and he attempts to make himself at least semi-presentable again before he meets you back outside.
Hopefully, now, he’ll be able to focus. 
You suppose phase one of your plan has been going quite successfully, evident in how Eren can hardly look you in your eyes. It makes you feel proud, loving how you’re able to get him so flustered with just a few teasing glances, a few lingering touches. 
Sitting on his bedroom floor, you think it’s adorable how hard Eren’s trying to concentrate, attempting to ignore you and your fleeting touches. 
You knew what he got up to in the bathroom - of course you did. How could you not? The evidence was all over his face as he avoided you from there on out, refusing to meet your gaze and a near-permanent blush plastered on his face. It had you feeling a million different things, your mind getting drunk off the idea of Eren - the person you were supposed to be fighting against - getting off to you.
So, yes, you suppose phase one was going at least semi-successfully; however, you never anticipated actually wanting him to fuck you. 
You had been dancing around the prospect for years, you realize, your words always holding a biting edge to them that lingered on suggestive. Eren had recently come to the same conclusion, wanting nothing more than to have you underneath him.
So, finally fed up with this continuous back and forth, you finally give in, uttering one last teasing phrase against Eren’s neck that had his head spinning. Immediately, you feel him stiffen, going stock-still and abruptly halting the sentence that he was working on. You swallow thickly, not used to this reaction, as your fingers trail down his spine, leaving sweet tingles of electricity buzzing across his skin. 
Eren is finally at his breaking point, breathing out harshly through his nose as he patiently closes his eyes. You watch as his fingers hover over the keyboard of his computer - waiting, wavering precariously over the fine line you were both walking. 
“Don’t you ever stop talking?” Eren asks in a chillingly calm voice. His tone, low and seductive, causes your eyes to widen, not expecting him to retort like that. A few seconds of tensed silence stills in the air, before you finally regain part of your motor functions again. Leaning forward, you let your arm press against his a bit longer than necessary, staring up at him as Eren’s eyes remain glued in front of him. 
“Not unless my mouth is wrapped around something,” you whisper, lips parting as you anticipate his reaction. 
The tension buzzes thickly across the air, slicing through Eren’s composure as he lets out a loud groan, closing his laptop and shoving it to the side. You let out a surprised squeal as he whips around to you, gathering you in his strong arms, and placing you on the middle of his bed. Eren’s eyes are blown wide with lust when you look up at him, his cock achingly hard in his sweatpants as he grinds against you, pulling you in for a searing kiss. 
Pleasure erupts throughout your body at the sweet contact, finally giving you a taste of what else Eren has to offer. You realize this is all you’ve wanted for months, and as his soft lips roughly move over yours, drinking in all of the sweet sounds you give him, you couldn’t be happier. 
“You better watch your fucking mouth,” Eren groans against your lips, closing his eyes in pleasure when your hand suddenly grips on his clothed cock. He lets out a shuddering breath at the sensation shooting across his shaft, building in his lower abdomen as his muscles tense. 
His voice has you moaning, pulling him in for another desperate, messy kiss. Eren Jaeger doesn’t curse, so hearing him demand that against your lips, hurriedly rutting against you like a teenager, has you whimpering and moaning underneath him. 
“Is that a threat, or a promise?” you murmur against his lips, smiling at the low groan he lets out. Weeks of teasing have led to this moment, making the pleasure that builds between you feel even sweeter than normal. 
All Eren wants to do is fuck the brattiness out of you, to leave you a moaning mess under him until all you can whine is his name. 
It’s a mess of fumbling touches as you shove each other’s clothes off, desperate to feel the other as your hands run down his body. Eren is surprisingly toned under your hands, flexing under your fingertips as he shoves his boxers down. You almost gasp at the sight of his cock - long and thick, enough to where you know you’ll feel it in your stomach, his tip red and angry, already leaking dribbles of his arousal down his throbbing shaft. 
“Like what you see?” Eren asks smugly, before a concerned look crosses his face as he hovers over you. “Is this okay? Do you want to stop?”
And if you weren’t already lying down, you swear your knees would’ve buckled as you swoon. You bite your lip as you look Eren up and down, taking in the sight of how attractive he is as his body settles over yours. You open your legs for him, guiding him to settle between your thighs as you run your hands up his smooth biceps. 
“Yes, please. I want this,” you whimper against him, and Eren groans as he dives down for another intoxicating kiss. 
It’s a mess of tangled limbs when Eren finally enters you, the thin layer of the condom wrapped around his length doing nothing to halt the intense pleasure of pushing past your tight walls. He immediately feels overwhelmed, arms coming to cradle your body as he nearly collapses onto your chest. Eren swears he’s never felt pleasure this good, groaning out your name as your legs tighten around his waist, pulling him to sink forward even deeper, stuffing you to the brim with his thick cock. 
“G-god, Eren,” you choke out, your head pushing back against his pillow as he buries his shaft as deep as it’ll go. You feel so full, incredibly stretched out in the best way possible as his leaking head presses right against your cervix. The room spins as Eren moans out a choked sound of your name, pressing his head to the crook of your neck as he focuses on not cumming right then and there. 
So much for that perfect focus he’s always been so proud of, Eren thinks.
“Fuck princess, y’feel so good,” Eren moans against you, not able to help himself as he begins to lick and kiss along your skin. His lips trail from your neck to your collarbone, his hands grasping at your breasts as he finally gives in to one of his many fantasies of you. “Gonna start moving now, that okay?”
A hurried nod is all you can give him, arms wrapped tight around his back as Eren begins to fuck you. He ruts his cock through your wet folds fast, eagerly, pumping his cock deep inside of you, stilling for a second to revel in the tight way you clamp down on him, before pulling out again. Over and over he does this, gently holding you against him, murmuring sweet praises against your ear as you fully give in to the relentless pleasure. 
“You’re doing so good for me,” he kisses your lips.
“Always knew you would feel like heaven,” he murmurs against your ear, breath hot and panting as he fucks against that one spot that has you seeing stars. 
His chest burns with an intense need and longing, his touch electrifying as his chest brushes up against yours and his fingers trail along your body. Eren feels high as his cock catches against your entrance, pushing past your walls again and groaning at how well your pussy swallows him.
Eren kisses you hungrily, circling his hips against yours in a way that has you keening against him. You feel so hot underneath him, moaning and panting against his mouth as his fingers brush against the soft curve of your breasts. 
“Please touch me more,” you gasp, his lips hardly leaving yours as you guide his hands to touch all over your body. They caress your sides before trailing up in a tickling way up to your nipples, pulling and pinching slightly that has you arching your back against him. 
“Where do you want me to touch you?” Eren asks, mumbling against your lips. His hands move back down to your hips, halting his thrusts to let his cock settle inside of you for just a moment. A twisted grin flits onto his face at the whining sound you let out, your hands reaching for him as he stills inside you. 
“Shh,” he coos, one of his hands caressing your face in a soothing manner. “Be patient.”
Eren focuses on quickly angling your hips up a bit more for him, pulling your sopping pussy to rest flush against his pelvis. Sitting up slightly, Eren sits on his knees, a loud groan ripping through his throat when he sinks back inside of you. You feel even better from this angle, clenching down on him and suffocating his cock in a way that has Eren’s pretty green eyes rolling to the ceiling in pleasure. 
Displeased with how you never answered him, Eren slows his thrusts, staving off his own pleasure in favor of teasing you. “What, can’t answer me?” he mocks, his thumb moving up to pull on the bottom of your lip. 
You whine against him, hands grasping on any part of his body that you can as he rolls his hips languidly against you. 
“Please Eren,” you nearly beg.
Eren still feels slightly annoyed, knowing you can do better than that. In retaliation, he keeps his thrusts slow, burying his thick cock inside of you at a lazy place. Bringing his hand down, two of his fingers suddenly press against your aching clit, pulling the hood of it up to swirl calculated circles against your most sensitive spot. You let out a loud cry for him, and Eren nearly curses at how much tighter you clamp down on him. 
“Come on, princess. I know you can do better than that,” Eren coaxes you, rolling his hips as he settles deep inside of you. He hisses at how your swollen walls massage his aching shaft, wanting nothing more than to fuck into you harder. 
“Please, baby. You could hardly keep your mouth shut these past few weeks,” Eren taunts you, his fingers relentless against your clit. He easily smooths a hand down your thigh, catching under your knee to pull it up and around his hip. The new angle allows his cock to drag along that sweet spot repeatedly. 
“What, now you don’t have anything to say?” Eren punctuates his words with a harsh thrust, unable to help himself anymore as he begins to fuck into you like you both want. The pleasure is all-consuming, running thickly down his spine, shooting through the length of his cock as you cream all over him. 
“Eren, please, just need you,” you’re able to get out, reaching for him. Finally giving in, Eren leans his body over yours, still sitting on his knees as he covers your body with his own. The room is hot, and Eren’s chest is slick with sweat as he presses it against yours. 
The sweet pants you let out fan across his face, and Eren can’t help but gaze at you as he feels you tightening even more around him. 
“If I knew you felt this good, I would’ve fucked you a lot sooner, princess,” Eren moans, burying his cock inside of you and choking at the way you clench around him. 
“You feel so good,” you whimper against him, arms reaching out to hold onto his strong back as he pushes his cock back inside of you. The wet squelching of your cunt around him has Eren moaning for you, becoming addicted to the feeling of you squeezing him so tight. 
“How are you so tight – fuck,” Eren groans, sweaty and drunk off lust as he pushes your wetness back into you. The two of you share breathy pants and moans, being able to feel every part of each other as Eren kisses you hard and deep. His hips move fast against yours, relishing in the fullness between the two of you. It’s fast and rough, full of messy kisses and desperate touches that make you feel lightheaded. 
Eren’s hand continues to draw tight, fast circles against your clit, and it has you clenching down on him. He has to halter the movements of his hips, returning to the incessant grinding inside of you as his fingers circle your hot nub. “Eren, ’m close,” you moan, the feeling building inside you until you see stars dancing on the edges of your vision. Eren feels so close, ready to cum as the coil becomes more and more present inside him. 
“Need to feel you cum for me, princess. Come on now, cum,” Eren commands, shoving his cock inside you once, twice, three more times until he’s cumming into the condom. The tight cord snaps as your walls clamp down on him, a high-pitched whine of his name slipping past your lips as you feel that same rush of pleasure overcome you. 
Eren rolls his thumb over your clit harshly while simultaneously offering one more deep thrust – it has you creaming around his cock, cumming so hard around him that has his hips stuttering slightly. 
He gasps your name against your lips, kissing you again as he continues fucking you through your orgasm. The feeling of his cock throbbing inside you, still nudging against that sweet bundle of nerves, has your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
“Fuck,” Eren says, body weakly falling against yours as he finally stops his hungry thrusts. He closes his eyes heavily, cock throbbing in overstimulation as you continue squeezing around him tightly. He stills inside of you, fully sheathed within your warmth as his muscles shake slightly with overexertion. The room smells of sex and sweat, and you feel absolutely exhausted as his sweaty body settles on top of yours. 
“E-Eren,” you mumble, eyes closing as you attempt to push him off you. “Too heavy.”
Eren lets out a low chuckle as he adjusts himself, moving to your side as a heavy arm slings across your stomach. 
“That was…” you trail off, still catching your breath as you start up at the ceiling. Eren, still face-first in his pillows, finally turns to face you. 
“Amazing? The best sex you’ve ever had?” he teases, attempting to coax out one of those reactions you’d been getting from him. You glare at him, lightly smacking his arm. 
“Maybe,” you still relent, not wanting to give him the full satisfaction of your praise. 
“So, does this mean you’ll stop with that attitude of yours now?” Eren asks, curiosity coloring his tone as he playfully nudges you. You let out a loud laugh, full of mirth, as your chest shakes. 
“Maybe,” you repeat, giving Eren a cheeky smile as he pulls you closer to his side. A slightly annoyed groan falls past his lips, and you can’t help the feeling of affection that fills you at the sound. 
“Well, will you at least agree to be mine?” he asks one more question, a bit more timid than his others. Eren wants to try this, convinced that there is something more here. You had just been too scared to admit it, but Eren was finally ready to shove past all those walls, wanting to be able to love you. 
You hum against him, your fingers trailing soft touches against his skin. The answer is clear and confident as you smile at him, facing him in bed. 
And, although phase two of your plan may have changed, it did so in the best possible way.
Phase Two: Become Number One in the Class.
Phase Two: Become Number One in Eren’s Heart.
1K notes · View notes
kukomai · 2 years
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🎟=nsfw, 🎀=fluff
connie: piercer!connie pt.1 🎟, piercer!connie pt.2 🎟
eren: just once 🎟, study buddies 🎟 (+mikasa), best part 🎟(nerd!eren) 🎟, you ‘n me 🎟(nerd!eren), one the beach 🎟(nerd!eren)
jean: just a taste 🎟
levi: virginity loss fic 🎟🎀
mikasa: study buddies 🎟 (+eren)
multiple characters: hotbox and chill 🎟 (eren, jean, connie and armin), in that steam room 🎟, edible arrangements 🎟(eren, jean, connie and armin), how they wake you up when they’re horny 🎟 (+jjk men)
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jjk masterlist
78 notes · View notes
kukomai · 2 years
Favorite girl part2? I beg
You can read Part 1 here.
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In which you and Eren have known eachother for ages & were bestfriends until he got into a relationship, out of respect you decided to distance yourself from him, but it seems like he’s got other ideas.
C/W: Toxic Eren, Smut, Fem-bodied reader, Oral, Fingering, Penetration, Anal, Mentions of infidelity.
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You forced out a smile at Marco, your date who was currently siting on your couch and had been interrupted multiple times by the sound of your phone vibrating. Of course it was Eren, who you had blocked around an hour ago considering he would not stop bypassing your do not disturb, and he was making it extremely awkward for you.
You hadn’t even had the time to check what he was saying, probably something along the lines of threatening you to answer him and stop avoiding him after what took place between the two of you at his frat. After the two of you had finished in the kitchen things had gotten even crazier in the bedroom, this man had an ungodly amount of stamina, or maybe he was just pushing himself so he could enjoy you as much as he could.
Regardless, you concluded that it probably shouldn’t have happened. Eren had literally cheated on his girlfriend with you, it was shameful. You couldn’t help feeling guilty so distanced yourself even more than before, now it was time for you to move on which was why your eyes were surveying Marco’s freckles. You had a rough estimate that in around half an hour you could probably get him in your bedroom, get laid, and move on.
Now that Eren had been blocked for a while the awkwardness was not dissipating considering you no longer had to keep apologising every moment, fumbling to silence your phone which was not working for whatever reason.
“—Did you hear me? Y/n?” Marco waved his hand in front of your face, effectively catching your attention.
“Oh yeah sorry I’m just thinking of whats going to happen later.” You shook yourself back to reality with a smile, hoping you could manoeuvre your way out of this smoothly.
“Later?” He raised an eyebrow clearly not catching your memo, “What’s happening later?”
“You’ll find out.” You gave him a mischievous grin, it was entertaining watching the way his eyes lit up once he realised what you had actually meant, it was enough for you to break into a chuckle before you stood up. “Want something to drink?” You asked knowing that this was the perfect opportunity to dish out the few expensive wines you had been gifted.
“Sure.” He was blushing lightly, laying back on your couch a little, he began surveying the room as you made your way to the kitchen. “You’ve got a really nice place by the way.” He complimented.
“You think so?” You raised an eyebrow, poking your head out of the corner of the kitchen door, “I think you’ll like the bedroom even better.” At that he laughed while you opened the bottle.
Before he could respond there was a knock at the door. Finally, your order had arrived, you had planned to go on holiday soon and would be needing the clothes. You were glad that it came now before you got into the bedroom, getting the door during sex was not ideal.
You put the bottle down, opting for opening the door instead but Marco waved you off, “Don’t worry I’ll get it, you’re pouring us drinks.” He stood up enthusiastically, for some reason he felt the need to impress you. He’d always found you pretty, well who hadn’t? He had finally worked up the courage to ask you out and was elated at your response. As much as sleeping with you would be a dream he wanted more, he had feelings for you and he hoped he could soon make you his girlfriend.
“Thanks.” You smiled, going back to pouring the drinks. It only took seconds for your smile to fade at the sound of a jarringly familiar vote, that was not the delivery you had anticipated.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You could practically hear Eren seething from the door, you sighed before rushing over to see him with the most disgusted look on his face, it’s like he couldn’t fathom the thought of another man being with you alone. “Wheres y/n?” He didn’t even give him a chance to respond. Well, this was awkward to say the least, not only did Marco and Eren know eachother but they lived in the same frat.
“What are you doing here?” Your attention caught his comment, he watched as you uncomfortably shifted, crossing your hands over in a standoffish manner. “I’m busy if you didn’t notice.”
“No you’re not.” He scoffed.
“Because Marco was just leaving, weren’t you?” He clasped his hand over Marco’s shoulder in an almost threatening manner sporting a look that was practically compelling him to comply or else. “He just told me actually, go on Marco, tell her what you told me.”
“Yeah..” He turned to you, scratching his head shyly, in return you pouted. “I do actually have to go.” He frowned, not wanting to run into any conflict with Eren, he had no clue that the two of you were like that, in-fact he thought Eren had a girlfriend.
“Marco you don’t have to—“
“Great that’s settled then.” Eren interrupted you, stepping to the side to allow Marco space to exit through the front door. You sighed deeply knowing that you couldn’t convince him to stay after this encounter. “I’ll text you okay?” You said before mouthing sorry, he didn’t blame you anyway, there was a clear apologetic tone in your voice.
He smiled at you sadly, but you only got a flash of it before Eren completely shut the door in your face. You didn’t even bother looking at him, rather you turned for the kitchen to finish pouring your drink, he was hopeless.
“You ruin everything.”
“I did you a favour.” He raised an eyebrow, following you into the kitchen. He knew your apartment well, he had helped you pick out even with meant he felt more than comfortable here, it was practically his second home. Perks of being best-friends with the guy you fucked on a counter.
“What are you here for?” You side-eyed him, not offering any form of hospitality, you weren’t happy at all that you had been interrupted and he could tell. If you were lucky maybe you could convince him to leave in ten minutes.
“First you avoid me, then you block me, now you’re asking why I’m here? Why do you think I’m here?” You give him half your attention, grabbing your glass and making your way to the living-room, you wouldn’t offer him one, besides he could get it himself anyway.
“So I don’t answer you and you come to my home? You’re a fucking creep.” You raise an eyebrow, grabbing the TV remote while you took a seat on your couch.
He looked at you for a moment, not even knowing what to make of your comment. “Are you mad at me?”
“Am I mad at you—?” You laughed bitterly in disbelief, “You literally ruined my fucking date, of course I’m mad at you.” You scoffed, taking a sip of rosé, not even this could satisfy the way you were feeling right now.
“A date? You’re joking right?”
“Why do you think he’s here? We’re not having a gossip session.” You rolled your eyes, you had no clue the effect your words had on Eren. The thought of another man with you on a date, in your bedroom, it was enough to drive him crazy.
“Why the fuck are you on a date?”
“Why the fuck do you care?” Your patience was wearing thin as you brought out your phone to text Marco a second apology, you thought you were about to combust any second now.
“Stop messing around y/n.” Eren grabbed the phone out of your hand, you reacted fast, standing up to try and get it back but you were no match for him. To make matters worse his handsome features were so much sharper up close, he was so beautiful, so desperately beautiful, but right now he was walking a thin line.
“Give it back.”
“No what’s wrong with you? You’re not gonna text another guy in front of me.” He scoffed like you said something ridiculous, he had half the thought that perhaps you had forgotten what took place last week considering the way you were behaving.
“Are you out of your mind? Give me back my phone and leave.” You said sternly, your best guess was that Eren must be intoxicated because he had never acted this strange before.
He just glared you down, not moving to oblige to your request at all, “Eren I’m serious.” You pushed him but he hardly moved, he was much stronger than you after-all and the fact that he budged at all was out of his own choice to give you some breathing space, he could tell that him coming her was perhaps crossing a line but he couldn’t help it. “I will fucking call the cops.”
He raised an eyebrow at you before taking a seat on your couch, “No you won’t.” You felt like he was refusing to take you seriously and all you could do was stare at him in disbelief at his completely nonchalant manner.
“If you’re mad at me then sit down, let’s talk about it.” He tapped the space next to him. You hated when he did this, when he got you so worked up and then acted so mature so you felt like you were crazy or overreacting.
“I don’t want to talk to you Eren, what don’t you understand?” Instantly he gave you a look, a warning look and you could perfectly understand it. It was one that said ‘We’ve already spoken about this, don’t call me that.’ but he ended it there, he could accept you were upset so he would let it slide this time.
It made you feel smaller and the confidence you had to challenge him was starting to fade away. He grabbed your remote, changing over from TV browsing to netflix, “What do you wanna watch? You don’t have to talk to me right now, I’ll give you time but we will talk.” You wondered how he was so good at that, being so dominante with merely one look and then suddenly being Mr Considerate guy.
You slumped onto the couch in defeat, it didn’t take long for your hands to be brought to your face as you broke out in tears. “Hey hey, come on baby don’t do that.” If only you knew the way it broke his heart when you cried.
“Please don’t call me that ‘Ren, please.” Maybe you were being dramatic but you couldn’t help it. You simply couldn’t understand why he came here to talk to you like you were his girlfriend when you weren’t and he had a whole girl at home waiting for him.
He sighed deeply, moving to crouch in front of you so he could get a better look at your face. He moved your hands out of your face, replacing it with one of his own on your cheek. “Why are you crying? If you tell me what’s wrong then—“
“I feel like shit, you make me feel like shit, why are you coming here when you have a girlfriend who loves you? Why? Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?” You have half the mind to swat his hand away but you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed his touch more than you should.
He stood up slowly, his face slightly darkening. Were you just the most clueless person on this planet or what? Did he have to spell things out for you? “I don’t love her.”
“But you should, I don’t want to feel responsible for her being cheated on.” You shook your head at the thought, it was the first time you said it out loud and it put into perspective what a horrible person you were.
“Ask me.”
“Ask me to break things off with her and I’ll do it, I promise.” He leaned downwards again, getting you to face him by moving your chin up with his hand.
“No, I don’t want you to do that.”
If you weren’t so sensitive he would scoff in your face right now, “What are you afraid of y/n, last week I told you—“
“Forget about last week ‘Ren, that shouldn’t have happened and you shouldn’t be here.” He was unbelievable, completely an utterly unbelievable. Coming here because you didn’t respond to his messages, getting rid of your date, forcing you to speak to him, taking away your phone, he was unhinged, you knew that.
“Last week was the best night of my life.”
“Yeah, because you like sex.”
“No, because I like you. Everything I said was true it wasn’t just to fuck, I think about you everyday, why else would I be here?”
“So why?” You pleased with him, praying that he could see the hurt in your eyes, “Why did you bail on me for her?”
“Is that what you think?” He was about to laugh, if this is what you had perceived the situation to be this entire time he was sure he would lose his mind. “You never showed any real interest in me past our friendship so I tried to get over you with her but last week — I don’t know, I just couldn’t pretend anymore.”
Hearing those words you finally gathered yourself together, you couldn’t be vulnerable like this because then you’d let Eren’s words get to your head, you didn’t need that right now. You cleared your throat, standing and hoping to match his level of intimidation, which failed miserably. “You can pretend and you will.”
“Don’t make me laugh.” He glares you down, wondering where this newfound confidence has come from.
“You should know better than this.”
“What are you so afraid of?” He asked, your eyes held each-other like they were afraid to let go, looking at you now he realised you were everything he ever wanted, everything he ever needed, he couldn’t let things go this way.
“Ruining our friendship.” You responded flailing your arms, hoping that now that he’s gotten the truth he can let things go. Of course you liked him when you were friends, you just couldn’t admit to that, what if things went left, he was the most precious thing to you.
“I guess we’re lucky that I’m not.” He hardly gave you a second to register his words before grabbing onto your shirt and pulling you against his lips, you should probably pull away now, right? But it was hard, it was so hard with him, he kissed you like the two of you were made for eachother, if he had told you he’d crossed an entire universe for this you’d believe him.
So you kissed back, big mistake.
Once you had realised that mistake it was then that you decided to pull away. About now you were mentally facepalming yourself, this is not how you expected today to go. Still, you couldn’t help but admire the blown out expression in his pupils, deep with love, lust and need, reaching out to you with a single glare of his eye. And that meant you couldn’t help the way you pulled him back in again.
You can undoubtedly say Eren was the best kisser you had ever encountered, this man made out like he was born for it, you were half convinced he was.
He moved down towards your neck, he loved this, loved hearing the sounds you made when he found that spot that got you to relish in pleasure. Loved the way he could already feel your legs going weak in his presence against his body. Loved the way he would be able to take care of you if you gave him the chance.
“After tonight—“ He began, you could feel his breath against your neck, it was enough to give you goosebumps, and enough to make you want him more, “—Everyone will know you belong to me.”
Those words were enough to send a shiver down your spine, and you had no doubts that the first step he would take towards this was marking himself on your neck. “But first I need you to say it, say you belong to me.”
“Make me.”
He chuckled shaking his head before tapping your ass, a sign to jump on, and you obliged, he was irresistible after all. Your weight was nothing to him, he carried you with complete ease to the bedroom the two of you had spent so much time in laying around beforehand, you would have never thought things would end up this way.
“Oh, I will.” After placing you onto the bed gently he made quick work of getting you wet, honestly his face was enough to do the job but the kisses were all an extra bonus.
“Take this off for me.” He tugged at your shirt, backing away a little so he could get a better view. “I wanna watch you.”
“You’re such a perv, you know that?” You sat up as he got off the bed, pulling out your desk chair so he could watch you take off your clothes from afar.
“I told you, jacking off material for life.���
You chuckled lightly, you couldn’t believe how easily he’d gotten you to switch, to push the thoughts of his girlfriend to the back of your head with one sentence. Him telling you that this was all so he could get over you almost justified it in your head, it wasn’t really cheating was it? You’ve always been his girl, he said it himself.
“Gross ‘Ren” He just laughed at that while leaning into to seat, getting comfortable to watch. He’d dreamed about this more than he could tell you, more than was possible, it was ridiculous.
You fiddled with the hem of your shirt knowing that underneath you had a matching red lace set expecting to be in here with Marco after your date, on the bright side you’d gotten a better bargain.
Slowly you pulled your top off and you swore you could visibly see Eren’s pants get tighter as he gripped the chair, a completely new expression arising on his face. He held back a groan watching you, he’d never seen anyone more beautiful.
“You’re perfect.” He spoke before even thinking, the words were genuine to his heart. You couldn’t help but feel slightly hot under his gaze, you had never done anything like this before, especially not for your best-friend.
“You’re making me nervous.” You folded your arms over a little bit, in return he clicked his tongue over the loss of view.
He made his way over to you and it felt like the longest few seconds of your life, your stomach burned in anticipation, excitement and fear all at once. Only Eren Jaeger was capable of making a girl feel such things.
“I have so many things I wanna do to you tonight.” He grabbed one of your breasts through your bra, “And I’m going to do all of them, while you keep this on.” He just had to see you with it, it was the best sight of his life. He couldn’t comprehend how you could get even more beautiful.
“Isn’t that right?” He asked slipping a hand under your skirt which you hadn’t taken off yet, you were wondering how he would react to seeing the full set. He wouldn’t be happy because he’s the type of man who could connect the dots and fast.
You nodded watching as his other hand began to tug your skirt down. In mere seconds you only prayed that some kind of miracle would occur where Eren would lose maybe half his intellect, enough so that he couldn’t clock on. That would never happen.
He glanced from your now exposed panties to your bra, his expression going blank for a moment out of being completely horny while it fought the other side of his brain telling him that you hadn’t put this on for him. A couple seconds passed before he clicked his tongue, “You were gonna give him all this?”
You had no favourable way of responding so decided on not responding at all, that provoked him even further. The thought of you and Marco, he didn’t even wanna go there, he’d be sick.
“No man is ever going to touch you the way I do, do you understand?” He asked, fingers ghosting over your spot before he pressed down, rubbing exactly where you needed him to. “I asked you a question.”
You nodded, biting down on your lip as the sensation elicited a moan out of you, “Say it, I wanna hear you say it.”
“No man is gonna touch me the way that you do.”
“Good good, you want me inside?” He asked, dragging his fingers up and down you at an agonising pace.
“Ask again.” He used your own line against you, remembering vividly the words from the party, and how could he forget when the night was on repeat for him ever since. He’d fisted his cock to that imagine of the two of you so many times that he’d lost count, but it was nothing compared to the real thing.
“Please ‘Ren.”
He moved your underwear to the side, deciding that he would get you to keep that on too while he pushed one finger into you. You gripped the sheets a little harder, whining at the now pressure. “If you want my cock then you’re gonna beg for it, you know that right?” He began pumping his finger before adding another, caging you under his body to make sure he was the only thing you could look at. “I want to be nice to you y/n I do, but you make it so hard for me, so hard.”
He moves his thumb to your clit, only lightly because he wants to keep you like this, you can’t cum yet, not after what you tried to pull earlier. “Slutting yourself out to another guy like this, you make me sick.”
“Y-You’re the one with a girlfriend.” You said between heavy breathing and moans, he was such a hypocrite, that was simply Eren for you. “I’d never fuck her like I’ll fuck you but you’re prepared to give another guy all this? He doesn’t deserve you.”
You whined in pleasure, your pussy clenching around his fingers, he caught that, of course he did. “Want another?” He asked, you nodded while running your hand down his body, he shivered at your touch.
“Then don’t fight me, you’re too tight.” Again, the same reaction. He wasn’t finding it difficult to please you at all, in fact, Eren was beyond amazing with words. Slowly he adds a third, making sure he didn’t hurt you. As much as you hadn’t behaved preferably tonight and didn’t deserve such treatment there’s no way his massive cock could fuck you without getting you wet enough first, he couldn’t risk you being in pain, even if he wasn’t happy with you.
Once he was in comfortable his fingers began to pick up the pace, so much that you would probably hear it from underneath you if it wasn’t for all your moaning. Eren could tell you were close, you were getting louder, clenching around him tighter, the expression on your face was enough to let him know too, so he just stopped.
“What? ‘Ren I’m so close.” You whined pleading with him but he didn’t care, laughing at your desperation instead.
“You’re not cumming on anything but my cock today but I already told you, first say you belong to me and I’ll give it to you.” He pushed your underwear back into position, rubbing against you from the outside now, enough that you wouldn’t cum but still feel good as your slick formed a dark patch.
“Say it.”
“I belong to you.” It was enough to make pre-cum leak out of his tip, his pants were uncomfortably tight now. In all honesty the moment he walked through your front door it had started but you were the only girl who could get him so unbelievably hard.
“Again.” He leaned in closer, wanting to hear it loud and clear so that he could remember it well enough.
“I belong to you ‘Ren.”
“Yeah you do so you know what? I’m gonna cum wherever I want, starting with right here.” His fingers ghosted over your slit before his attention was brought back to your face, “Then that pretty mouth of yours, you’re gonna take my cock in it yeah?”
You nodded, eager to do anything to please him because you knew that you were in for the night of your life. “And then your tits, fuck I love your tits. And if you’re feeling up to it your ass, but you will be feeling up to it, right baby?”
“Yes ‘Ren.” You were already working on unbuckling his belt, you needed him inside you absolutely more than you’ve ever needed anything on this planet.
“Good, you’re so good. You’re gonna make what you did tonight up to me.” He watched you pull down his pants before going straight for his boxers, he could almost laugh at your desperation.
His cock sprung free and you couldn’t help but gape a little, sure he’d fucked you before but you’d hardly gotten a look, it’s not like the counter was too mobile and by the time you’d gotten to the bedroom? Well, you can hardly keep your eyes open. “I can’t take that.” You gaped a little.
“You can, and you will, you did it last time.” His hands move to your waist before they’re back on your underwear, “You ready baby?”
You took a deep breath before nodding, he rearranged his grip on you to be more firm with one hand as he held his cock on the other, pushing it into you slowly. You were making it difficult for him at first you were pushing him out and he didn’t get why, unless you were just this tight.
You began to whine a little, he could feel your nails digging into his skin but paid it no mind, if anything he liked it, the fact that there would be something left on him after your night together. “I know I know.” He coaxed you, grabbing your face with one hand slowly, “Does it hurt?”
“Mhmm.” You turned your face away from him, you were between the point of pain and pleasure right now. Never in a million years did you think you would curse Eren Jaeger for having such a big dick but never in a million years did you think you’d be fucking him either.
“Then I’m sorry about this.” You furrowed your eyebrows at him, unsure what he meant until he began pounding into you at an ungodly pace. He’d hardly given you the time to adjust, he wanted to, he really did, but he couldn’t hold back, he was drunk on you.
“Shit ‘Ren.” You managed between moans, digging into him even harder, he caught your surprise at first, but the louder he got he could tell you liked it when he was like this, just a tiny bit rough with you.
“Sorry babe I just can’t hold back, I’ve been thinking about fucking you all week, all my life.” His lips moved to your neck once again, he’d realised how much you loved that. Right now you could barely even respond with him hitting all the right spots like this. His hand moved towards your breast, rubbing on your nipple lightly but it was enough to make you clench all around him.
“Fuck baby don’t do that you’ll make me cum.” He slowed down his pace, he was going to get everything he wanted tonight that was for sure, but he wanted you in missionary a little longer, you were way too beautiful for him to let you up without a fight.
“I want you to cum, cum in me ‘Ren, please.” You pleaded with him, he almost gaped for a little bit before recollecting himself and giving you a deep chuckle. You got him there, you really did.
“Stop that.” He put his hand over your mouth to stop you from speaking, he knew you were doing it on purpose, you weren’t going to take this away from him, not on his watch. If you said one more word he was sure he’d shoot the biggest load ever inside of you.
“Please.” He could hear your muffled begging even through the way you kept muttering his name as his dick rutted up you relentlessly.
“Be a good girl and take these in your mouth and I’ll think about it.” He slid his fingers in your mouth, already imagining the image of your pretty lips wrapped around his cock. He was going to lose it he was sure of it, you were going to make him lose it. He watched intently as you sucked on his fingers, the entire sight was lewd, erotic even. He was in love.
You grabbed his fingers, sucking and pulling them out until it made a pop sound. “Please daddy.” That was it, it was over for him. The familiar feeling built up inside him and the fact that you were clenching around him with what was now your own orgasm wasn’t helping either. You were practically sucking him in, he was sure that you wanted him to breed you because he couldn’t pull out now if he wanted to.
He groaned as he shot squirts of cum down you, watching as you moaned in overstimulation as he continued rutting into you. He wasn’t going to stop until you got every single drop of him.
“Too much ‘Ren.” You moved your head to the side, he could feel your body shaking under him but he didn’t care this was your fault. He brought his fingers to your clit deciding that he wanted to make you cum again in the span of a few seconds and he did exactly that regardless of the fact that you tried to push him away with your hand.
Another wave had washed over you and you were louder than ever before, you were convinced that Eren made you cum harder and harder each-time, it was like he was learning your body and adding more to make the experience better for you and you could admit he was doing it well.
He buried his head in your neck, slowing down until he completely stopped and regained himself. That was the largest load he’d ever shot in his life and he could feel it dripping out from inside you onto his dick without even looking.
“You bitch.” You could feel his low vibration against your neck though you couldn’t respond, you were already two fucked out for that, the overstimulation having its way with you. “You made me cum.” He grabbed your face with one hand, “You know what comes next right?”
He grabbed your body, flipping you over so that you were on top of him now. He placed a chaste kiss on your lips, you didn’t know how he did it, how he was so rough with his words but sweet with his actions. You grabbed his hair, tugging on it while the two of you made out. He was so pretty like this with his hair down, fucking you like his life depended on it. Those thoughts didn’t last long though, how could they when Eren was suddenly pushing you towards the other side of the bed. He grabbed you then, placing you gently on the ground so that you were on your knees. “I’m gonna fuck your face baby, you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“Yes ‘Ren.” You stabilised yourself on his thigh, his cock was already hanging down, hitting the side of your face. “Make sure you keep all of that inside you or else I’ll stop.” You couldn’t even respond because he didn’t even take a second before shoving his dick in your mouth. He wasn’t joking when he said that he would fuck your face.
He had a firm grip on your head, abusing your throat as much as he wanted. And when the tears began brimming in your eyes? Well that was his favourite part of course. This was the perfect look for him, if you were going to cry for anyone or anything it better be because he’s shoving his dick down your throat.
He grabbed his phone, he couldn’t resist. There’s no way he would let himself forget this moment, he needed to replay it over and over, for when he was fisting his own cock thinking of you. There was already a ring of his cum as your head bopped up and down, his balls slapping against you as he shoved the phone in your face. “Look into the camera baby, need to see you.”
Your eyes flickered upwards and he wished he could burn this into his mind, “Fuck just like that.” Your mascara was running down your face, tears pricking the side, your makeup completely ruined of course and the most fucked out expression he had ever seen. And it was all because of him.
“You’re perfect you know that? Fucking perfect.” He ended the video, tossing it somewhere on the bed so he could pull you off him, giving you a minor breather. “Touch yourself.” He commanded, seeing how you were rubbing your thighs together to get off.
He could see the shy expression on your face so he grabbed your jaw with his right hand, “Please baby? I wanna see, need to see you.”
Slowly you brought your hand to your clit, rubbing it on softly with little moans. He didn’t know he could get harder than he was right now, this was insane, you were insanely perfect. He brought his hand to his own cock, stroking it while he watched you. “Shit keep going.” He put his dick back in your mouth, less harsh than last time so he could still feel the moans from your own fingers vibrating down his dick.
Your lips, tongue, face and moans combined were enough to send him over the edge. You watched as his head tipped back as his orgasm washed over him, he pulled his dick out and fisted it so that he could cum all over your face. You laughed to yourself a little, opening up your mouth so that he could tap his tip against your lips for the remainder but he didn’t stop there, no, he didn’t care that your face was covered in cum, he needed more.
He kept fisting his cock into overstimulation so he had another load reserved just for your tits, he was gonna make good on his promise from earlier. White covered your nipples, the warm feeling was enough to get you to grip his thighs. “Fuck y/n, I swear your my favourite girl in the entire world, you hear me? The world.” He gets you to your feet, pushing you back onto the bed.
He begins worshipping your body, kissing every part of you that he could find, making his way down towards your inner thigh, licking up some of the slick that was dripping down your thighs. This was the moment he was waiting for, for you to be wet enough for him to do this. He flipped you around so that your back was to him. He ran his hands down your body, like he was drinking in the sight once again.
“Are you okay with this?” He asked while grabbing his cock, getting ready to push it inside your ass. You nodded but it wasn’t enough for him, “Need to hear you say it.”
“I’m okay with it ‘Ren.”
“Good because I’m going to defile you in every way possible, there’s not going to be a single part of you I haven’t cummed in.” He grabs your throat while inserting himself inside. He wasn’t as rough as he was before, he couldn’t be if he wanted to you were just so fucking tight there, it was impossible for him. He moved his fingers to your clit, “Relax for me babe, loosen up.” You did as he said so he could push in further, a satisfied moan coming out of his mouth before he began moving, both hands on your hips.
You were moaning uncontrollably, how couldn’t you be? He moved to insert a finger in your pussy, while completely ramming himself up your ass. You were going to lose your mind, you couldn’t even think, and could hardly breathe with his hand around your throat. You felt stuffed, the only thing that could make this better is if you had another dick in your mouth.
“Who else has been in here?”
“No one.
“That’s right, all mine.” The sensation of his left hand roaming up and down your body, his right fingering you and his cock up your ass drove you over the edge quickly in a way you had never felt before. You couldn’t even open your mouth to tell him you were about to cum, you could barely move. It was almost like you were half-conscious but you could feel the mess you were making below you and you had no doubt Eren was cumming too considering the hot liquid trialing down your ass. “Fuck baby did you just squirt?” He moved back a little to basque in all your glory before a grin returned to his face.
“You know what this means right? You’ve got to do it again for me, want a better view this time.” And like usual, he always got what he wanted.
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A/N: It took me like two days to write this??? I have no clue why I found it so difficult but thank you for the request & all the support on part 1 of favourite girl I’m feeling so much more inspired to write again, the things you guys say mean the world to me.
Thank you for everything & requests for Eren Jaeger are open.
2K notes · View notes
kukomai · 2 years
i heard the words downright filth and i'm ready! Eddie and overstimulated reader where he's making her cum over and over and he just won't stop and she's crying and he's like awww you look so pretty like this baby and then aftercare because he knows you need lots of love after him being so rough
i love when men are kind of “mean” during sex mhm let’s get into it.
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you being on top is making it way worse, trying to use the little bit of strength you have left to keep yourself up, only having between the headboard and his chest to somewhat stabilize you.
your lips tucked behind your teeth, your eyes clamped shut, your pussy is sore. the pleasure is so overwhelming. he’s wiping your tears away with the pad of his thumb, giving you the most delicate kisses. but he’s pure evil.
you’ve completely lost count of how many times you came tonight, him encouraging you to cum time and time again, PROMISING, “one more and we’re done baby.” yet you’re still on top of him, tears falling past your cheeks and onto him. a slippery mess you’ve created between you two.
“you look so beautiful when you cum, let me see it again.” his voice whispered, so soft, so endearing unlike his intentions.
a high pitched whine pushes past your lips, throwing your head back, “you’ve seen me cum eddie please.”
you can’t tell if you wanna stop or keep going at this point. your legs are completely out of your control the way you’re shaking. he can feel you clenching around him, “that’s it.”
those small words of encouragement have you pathetically cumming on him yet again, a babbling mess. you’re sweaty and out of breath, your eyes low and face fucked out, you already know what’s coming. “give me a smile baby.”
your half-lidded eyes look up at the camera, a dopey smile plastered on your face. he smiles back at you after taking the photo, “gorgeous.”
he’s now slowly lifting you off of him, the emptiness nearly making you cry out. he’s smothering you with kisses and affection, expressing how well you did.
before you know it he’s running you a bath :(
6K notes · View notes
kukomai · 2 years
Jean has a beautiful way of loving you even during the not so great days, he's patient and attentive rubbing circles on your back as you wince in pain. He's there for you, letting you lean into his chest as he presses a tender kiss on your forehead. "You're so strong you know that right?" He murmurs. Jean who hates seeing you in so much pain will always be by your side. When you're an emotional mess crying because you're feeling down he will sit beside you and wipe your tears away ready to comfort you. He gently cups your cheek and kisses you, "it's okay baby, I'm here." He's making sure you've eaten and had plenty to drink. He's making sure you're warm and getting enough rest. "I know the first day is the hardest but you'll get through it my love," he reassures you every month. You thank him by hugging him even tighter and his heart just flips. He's fallen in love with you even more and when you're finally sleeping peacefully jean is at peace because he wants you to recover. "That's my girl, my strong girl."
765 notes · View notes
kukomai · 2 years
life is fragile, always check in with your loved ones. if you ever need a place to talk, feel free to reach out always. <3
33 notes · View notes
kukomai · 2 years
What about tasm peter just watching r get ready. Like doing her makeup and picking out clothes, etc. Completely enraptured. Maybe they’re getting ready for a date night or something idk. You choose.
thank you for your request my <3 hope this is okay!
You take your hairbrush into your hand and Peter winces at your roughness, the total dismissive attitude as you tug through tangles. 
You squirt a sweet smelling oil into your fingers and rake it through your hair. It slowly calms like a tamed thing, settling under the oil's weight. 
Peter tilts his head against his pillow so he can watch you with both eyes, hungry for your most domestic details. You're in no hurry to leave and neither is he, and even time spent getting ready is time together. 
He feels something soft like water in his chest, its heat as it warms, spreading over him not dissimilar to your touch as you pin everything in its place and disappear into the bathroom. 
You return and pat your face dry with a hand towel he loves, white and pink and stained by your makeup, no matter how often he washes it. 
"Watcha thinking about?" you ask him, grabbing a few separate bottles from your small plastic stand on his desk. 
He’s pleased beyond measure when you sit on your side of the bed. He reaches out and sits up just enough to pull you towards him, your denim-covered thigh a pillow he’s selfish enough to frequent. 
“About you, mostly.”
You look down at him, a familiar shyness in your gaze. “What are you actually thinking about?” you ask, much softer. 
“I really am thinking about you, dolly,” he confesses, looking up at you unflinching in his heavy ogling. 
You shake your head at him and there’s a glass tinkling as you open a bottle of serum. You tilt your head back and he watches your jaw, craves to give you love bites like nobody’s business. Little drops of serum run down your cheeks like teardrops and he puts his hand out for the bottle. You give it to him with a grateful smile and rub your fingertips in circles, spreading a sheer, shining wetness over your skin. 
You rub your hands in the towel and look back to his face. He doesn’t miss the sticky fondness in your eyes, a reflection of his own. 
“Do you have your phone?” you ask him. 
“Make a list?”
He opens up his notes and waits for you to offer up things you’ll need from the grocery store. 
He’s quick to type. You spread moisturiser over your cheek and down your neck, eyes thoughtful. 
“Bread, butter, honey. Uh, eggs?”
He nods. Your fingers move over bumps and texture and tiny fine hairs, massaging lightly. 
“Rice, right? And maybe salt. Soya sauce, carrots and sweet corn and mushrooms. You need a new shaving razor. And bath salts. Um, what else?”
He hums in agreement before realising it’s an open question too late. You finish moisturising and scowl at his phone. “Peter, you haven’t written anything down after bread.” You’re a mixture of exasperation and confusion. 
He shifts in your lap as his hand moves for your face, cradling your dewy cheek. “Got distracted,” he says, angling you towards him.
She’s beautiful, he thinks. 
“Uh-huh,” you say, though you drop your chin into your chest and lean down when he leans up for a kiss. 
“Write them down before we forget,” you say softly into his lips, fingers pushing the hair from his eyes. 
He nods and blinks and struggles to remember what you just said. 
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kukomai · 2 years
hi bub! could we get peter comforting reader after she bleeds through her pants while sitting on his lap? obviously she’d be mortified but i can imagine peter being very caring and sweet about it. no pressure! thanks baby
tysm for ur request! <3
Peter feels it before you do. 
You're sitting in his lap, dozing face pushed into his neck. Your period pains are awful and it's the first time you've looked peaceful all week, so he can't quite bring himself to care when he shifts your thigh enough to find there's a dark spot growing on his leg He knows he should care, knows it's literally a biohazard, but really, it's just blood. 
He hates to wake you, hand ceasing its endless traverse of your arm to squeeze your shoulder. 
He whispers your name. You stir, unwilling, nose and eyes scrunching as you wake. You slowly move your slack arms behind his back, nestling your head into his chest. 
"Baby," he says carefully, trying to convey how much he doesn't care, because he knows you will, "you're bleeding pretty badly right now." 
Like he predicted, you go rigid. "What?" 
Before he can answer you're climbing off of him on sleep-weak legs, hissing, and he looks resolutely at your face as you panic. 
You stare at his lap. "I'm so sorry," you say. 
He doesn't even look at the blood. "It's fine," he says brightly. 
"It's- I got-" you cringe, hands picking at your shirt. He stands up, angles his hips so you can't look at it, hands taking your hands. 
"It's just blood," he says, "that's all it is." 
"It's disgusting." 
"Says who?"
"I'm really sorry," you say, shifting uncomfortably. 
He lets his eyes dip down to your sweatpants, frowning. "Doll, I promise I don't mind. I've seen it all before, yeah?" 
You flush. "Yeah." 
He nods, appeased, and presses a featherlight kiss to your temple, joined hands against his chest.
"Let's get you in the shower," he says gently. 
You still look wildly uncomfortable, lips turned down, eyes averted in an awful show of misfound shame. 
"I'll shower with you, if you'll let me?" he asks. 
You look up, all deer-in-the-headlights. "I'm bleeding." 
"I know. It'll be nice, though, right? I can wash your hair. The hot water will help your tummy, and we'll both end up clean." 
"I can't believe I bled on you," you whisper. "I'm so embarrassed." 
He makes a deliberating hum, bringing your joined hands up to his chin. "Tell you what? Next time I need stitches I'll make sure to get some blood on you. Then we're even." 
"It's not the same." 
"It's really not – yours is something you can't help, mine's a product of my own idiocy and self confidence," he says, winking. 
You grumble, but you don't protest as he leads you to the bathroom, or when he slides in under the hot spray next to you. 
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kukomai · 2 years
warning: nsfw! hair pulling, rough sex, breeding, spanking once.
summary: nothing is better than birthday sex, especially when you're both stupidly in love.
a/n: this is short so please give me feedback. and do y'all want more smut?
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after y/n managed to grab the giant cake and smash it on his face, he went to the upstairs bathroom to clean himself up. what he didn't expect was walking to his room to see her laying on his bed, wearing white lingerie that compliments her skin tone oh so well.
forgetting about his own birthday party, he's now thrusting into her as hard as he can. 'use me how you please, i'm yours. you have no limits' she told him which is how they got to this point, he didn't want to go too crazy, but he loved to hard enough to remind her who she belongs to, even when it's unnecessary.
her face is now pushed down with her hands behind her back as he watches how she takes him so well. the sounds she's making, driving him insane. he pushes himself all the way in, his jaw dropping when she lets out the most angelic sound he's ever heard.
his chest now moving quickly causing him to stop his movements to catch a breath. he's taken by surprise when his slut of a girlfriend starts fucking herself on his cock. he bites his lip to avoid accidentally moaning too loudly.
"that's right baby, you look so sexy- oh fuck just like that," he grits through his teeth. he's been edging himself for the past hour, y/n being the only one having the orgasms.
this doesn't please her so she starts moving faster and being more vocal than usual. "do you like this?" she lifts herself up so she's on her hands and knees as she stays still shaking her ass teasingly making him grunt and smack her ass harshly causing her to whine.
he regains his composure when he pulls her hair and starts viscously thrusting into her. one arm wrapping around her entire body while the other is on her throat.
"i love how well you take me. my pussy will never disappoint. isn't that right princess," he taunts making her nod instantly. her moans increase when she feels herself release for what feels like the millionth time.
"i-i-fuck!" her eyes roll back making him slap her cheek a few times. "open your eyes baby, tell me what you want." her struggle to keep her eyes open is big but she manages to open them.
he pulls her more back, his chest now touching her back making her whine at the amount of his skin she is currently feeling. "c'mon love, what do you want?" he groans, getting closer and closer to releasing himself and this time he doesn't want to edge himself. he desperately needs his release.
"y-your cum. i wa-want your cum," she manages to let out and he smiles at her request. "where do you want it baby?" he's teasing and she knows it. he reaches down and starts rubbing her clit.
"inside me," she knows what she's risking, but she needs it. he snaps out of his dominant role and looks at her worriedly. "inside you? w-what about-"
"i don't fucking care, cum inside me. i love you," she moans as her legs start to weaken.
he speeds up his thrusts if that's even possible at this point, his dying wish was to hear those words fall out of her mouth. this is their first time having sex without a condom and they wouldn't change it for the world.
"i fucking love you y/n," he moans loudly, his eyes rolling back as his cock twitches multiple times before he shoots himself deep inside her, his mind going feral at the way she is pulsating around him.
he lets go of her and she collapses on the bed. he smiles and pulls out of her.
happy birthday to me he thinks to himself.
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kukomai · 2 years
Webs and Threads | Part I
Fluff -> Angst Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings Swearing
Synopsis You and Peter have been together for years, and just when you have managed to find something you care deeply about, Peter messes it all up.
A/N There will be a part two, it is being written(slowly). Thank you for 100 followers! Requests are open
Word Count 2.3k
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For years you had dealt with Peter, slowly fallen in love with him after years of friendship; moved in together. As time went on, the time he spent at home became shorter, his nights became longer; so you found comfort in a new hobby.
Ever since you were young, you knew you had an apparent flair for fashion. Whether it was dressing up as a princess at the age of six, or learning how to sew your own clothes at the age of thirteen; fashion had always played a major part in your life.
Your mother had always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer and she supported you through it all, not only was it your passion, but also her dearest aspiration.
For almost a decade, you were sure fashion was going to be the one and only thing you did for the rest of your life, that you were destined to be a designer.
But when in life do things ever go to plan, and after your parents divorced and you moved to brooklyn with your father; it just became much easier to forget most things that reminded you of your mother. And so fashion became rare in your life and you ended up studying marketing, not going to fashion school.
Few years later, and you realised it had been a terrible mistake for you to drop fashion, and when you met Peter; a boy who made you feel worth something, who truly loved you and was never afraid to stand for what he believed in. You were inspired by his love for you and so you went back to the thing that really made your life feel worthwhile.
Designing clothes, making them. You bought half a dozen sketch books, started making daily trips to buy fabrics. Peter was just as enthusiastic as you, he felt bad that he was constantly out, and was more than overjoyed that you had found something that you enjoyed, just as much as he enjoyed his superhero-ing.
Walking you to the stores, he loved seeing the way your face lit up at the sight of walls covered in multi-coloured fabric; the way your hand would tentatively reach out to feel the material as if it was a far away dream.
Your smile had been the first thing he had fallen in love with, and the way your nose would scrunch whenever you found something you particularly liked. And this expression was present all the while you browsed through the dozens of fabrics.
“Y/n, we’ve been here for a while, have you found anything? I’m sure there’s other stores?” Peter asked as he walked up to you.
“No, we can’t leave, this is the one place my mum wouldn’t ever stop talking about, she called it ‘designer heaven’, so I have to get the fabric from here,” you said indignantly.
“Of course love,” Peter turned back to the towering wall of fabric that faced him. The colours were shockingly varied and kind of gave him a headache; but then again anything for you.
The next week or so, Peter spent days walking with you to the stores, carrying countless fabrics for you. He even surprised you with a mannequin and sewing machine, this boy truly loved you.
The first few days you spent thinking up designs, but to no avail did you come up with anything of value. Dresses were in no shortage in any sense, trousers seemed to clog up your wardrobe and any other ideas just seemed incredibly unoriginal. It seemed any sense of creativity had left your mind.
- - -
Peter had just swung into the window, his mask in his hands.
“Hey” He said, walking behind where you were sitting, “What are you working on?” His hands came down onto your shoulders, and you realised how alarmingly cold they were. Instinctively, you flinched away and turned around to meet Peter’s eyes.
“Your hands are freezing,” You said to him, taking his hands into yours and rubbing them between your hands, “I’m shocked you haven’t gotten frostbite yet,”
“I’m fine, promise,” Peter reassured you, moving his hands to cup your cheeks,“You didn’t answer my question, what’re you working on?”
“Nothing yet, but… I might have an idea,” you answered in response, opening your sketchbook and starting to draw a design for Spider-man’s brand new and improved suit; to ensure that the next time Peter went out, he wouldn’t return with ice cold hands.
Each and every time Peter came home he went over to where you were working, determined to see what you were working on. You were just as stubborn, your sketchbook remained locked in your drawer when you weren’t using it; when you finally started making the suit you hid it in a locked cupboard. You were determined to make it a surprise for him.
The suit had much better material, it insulated heat, had numerous pockets, and incorporated a sleeker design for his web shooters. In your opinion, it was very simply, genius. You couldn’t wait to show it to Peter; it would be the most perfect anniversary present.
You worked whenever you could, between your boring job as a marketing assistant, and the regular daily life; it seemed the smallest part of the day was spent making the suit. Though it occupied your mind the majority of the day.
- - -
It was late that night and you had been sewing away at the suit. Soon, your eyes had begun to droop and without your knowledge you slipped into sleep, your head laying on your desk.
Peter had just come home, it had been a long day, yet the first thing he saw was your figure slumped onto your desk. You looked adorable. Walking towards you, he intended to carry you to the bed you shared, but his eyes couldn’t help but glance down at what you were working on. And he saw it, a truly exquisite design that you had clearly spent hours manufacturing, even though it was only a sketch.
Not wanting to ruin the surprise even more, he swiftly carried you bridal style to the bedroom. Your head automatically dropped onto the pillow, it was obvious you were exhausted; yet you still looked the epitome of beauty. If you had woken up in that moment, Peter would look very much like a creepy guy staring at you, but you did not wake up, so Peter carried on in his stupor.
Simply put, he could not believe he had gotten so lucky and managed to have found someone as perfect for you. Yet he felt guilty, he did not deserve you in the slightest. You were so amazing and brilliant and talented in every sense, and he was never there.
There were times when he just disappeared for days at a time without alerting you at all. It killed you inside every time; the thought that he might be dead, his body lying in an alleyway, forgotten. But Peter couldn’t give up his life as spider-man, it was the only thing that he felt gave him a purpose.
Finally, he came out of his stupor and got ready for bed, this was one of those rare and few occasions when you would wake up with him by your side, and the both of you were the better for it.
- - -
Two months later, you had finally finished working on the suit. After many all-nighters, and weeks of keeping the secred you were so excited you felt as if your heart was going to leap right out of your chest. The suit lay neatly wrapped in a secret compartment in the bottom of your cupboard. That night was your anniversary, and you were so excited to finally show him what you were working on.
You set everything up, the dinner, the decorations, everything was perfect. You poured yourself a glass of wine, got into the outfit you had spent far too much money on, but it made you look hot so it was worth it. Peter had promised that morning that he would be back by eight, so at eight you had finished setting up the food, and was waiting patiently for the door or window to open. But eight o’clock came and went, so did nine, then ten. Before you knew it, it had hit midnight, and still Peter wasn’t home.
Worry had overwhelmed your thoughts, his lifestyle was dangerous, and there was no telling what danger he had gotten himself into. He could be dead for all you knew. The love of your life could be lying in an alleyway, dead, on your anniversary, and not a soul would know. You couldn’t help but pace around the apartment. You called him, voicemail, again and again it just kept going to voicemail. You called his friends, they hadn’t seen him, you texted and texted, nothing.
Nausea filled your stomach, and you sat back down onto the couch, but immediately jumped back up again. You couldn’t stay still, and just ran and ran around the house like a complete mad woman, your phone in your hand. Eventually you decided the best course of action was to just sit and wait, for a call, for a sign he was still alive.
Time passed without you realising, it was early morning when you finally jumped up with a start, the front door had opened. Peter had finally returned from the great unknown. He wasn’t dead. You were in two minds. One part of you wanted to walk up to him and cry into his arms, make sure that he was not dead, and was actually there. The other half was in absolute agony, and wanted nothing more than to just walk out and leave him.
“Where were you?” you uttered, picking up a wine glass placed on the settee next to you.
Peter spun around on his heels, he had not even seen you on the couch.
“I was out,” he answered sheepishly, walking over to kiss you on the head.
”Do you even know what today is?” you pushed him off you and stood up, looking over his disgruntled appearance, he was clearly drunk.
Peter’s eyes glanced over the decorations still adorned perfectly around the room, realisation dawned across his features, immediately sobering him up. His day had been so chaotically hectic that the importance of today had barely crossed his mind; and he had found himself in a bar, drunk as hell and sandwiched between two girls, neither of which were you. It took him far too long to finally make his way back to the home the two of you shared.
How could have he have been so stupid.
Inside he knew there was no way that you would possibly forgive him for missing today, he had bore witness to your sheer excitement for his present, watched as you tirelessly worked to finish it on time.
This was betrayal of the highest sense.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry, I swear, I forgot-”
You walked off, not wanting to hear more of his meaningless apologies; yet he trailed behind you in guilt like a lost puppy. At the start of your relationship you would have forgiven him, let this pass, allowed some space for his hectic superhero life, but you had been together for years. You longed for him to finally put you first. And out of all the things he had forgotten, this was by far the worst.
This was the anniversary of your first date, the first time you saw Peter as more than just a friend, it was the anniversary of the start of your story together and he had just forgotten. Instead succumbed to the taunts of alcohol, alcohol that he could have enjoyed with you.
Truth was, you were not only hurt, but disappointed, after so many hours of labour that you had dedicated to this day; he somehow forgot. Peter didn’t put you first, on the one day that your love for one another should be all that mattered.
But that was evidently not what had crossed his mind.
“Please, stop talking,” You turned around to face him, “I thought you were dead, Peter, dead. Do you know how many nights I spend having nightmares of you being dead? And how today, I thought- I thought that you were actually dead? Do you know how much that hurts me? To know that you were probably just out fucking some other chick and getting drunk? And on our anniversary?”
Peter’s hand hit the kitchen tabletop, “Y/n you know I would never, ever cheat on you; you know that? Right?”
A disappointed expression covered your face, and you couldn’t help but flinch. You knew Peter would never cheat on you but it just hurt too much for you to admit that, your pride could not take it.
“That doesn’t make up for the simple fact that you are never here, I go to bed alone, I wake up alone,”
“Well I’m sorry that I actually have something to do with my life, compared to you-”
The moment the words left his mouth, Peter’s face fell in shock. He regretted even uttering those words and then knew that he had fucked this up.
Silence descended between the two of you.
“I-I’m going to bed, sleep on the couch,” you said, staring directly at Peter.
There was no softness in your eyes, just cold, hard anger. Peter watched as you walked off, and wanted to follow you, but could not bring his legs to move. You walked into your bedroom and slammed the door shut. The neatly wrapped suit lay ignored on the bed. Just seeing it brought tears into your eyes; red blinded your vision and you tossed the present into the depths of your wardrobe.
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