kulsumnaqvi · 5 years
Whenever we call in pain 'Ya Aba Abdillahع, Ya Saqa e Sakina' and turn towards Karbala. It is Hussainع who sends his brother Abbasع to us, to every single person who is in need, who is depressed, sad or shattered. They never say to us that they are busy, they never ever listen and ignore our duas. They never say that they are tired of listening to our problems again and again. They never scold us or gets angry. They listen to us, understands us, comes to us, take us in their arms and assures us that 'THEY' are the 'ONLY' ones who will stay 'FOREVER' with us on every step of this life and hereafter. And when they feel that the person still need some cure, Hussainع orders Abbasع to invite him/her to Karbala. Abbasع then arranges everything and brings that person to Aaqa Hussainع and together they heal him/her emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Hussainع & Abbasع, the brave sons of Fatima Zahraس and Ali Murtazaع ❣
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
"The one who has a clear cut proof & evidence from Allah, the hardships of life become light for him; although, he is cut into pieces & spread out & scattered."
-Imam Ali Naqi al-Hadiع
Condolences on the martyrdom anniversary of our 10th Imam, Imam Ali Naqiع 😢
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
In these nights of Muharram, let’s pray for the return of the one who is the avenger of the blood of Imam Hussainع
وَأَسْأَلُهُ أَنْ يُبَلِّغَنِي الْـمَقامَ الْـمَحْمُودَ لَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ، وَأَنْ يَرْزُقَنِي طَلَبَ ثَارِي مَعَ إِمَامِ هُدىً ظَاهِرٍ نَاطِقٍ بِالْـحَقِّ مِنْكُمْ And I ask Him(Allah) that He enables me to reach to the honoured station with you in the presence of Allah and that He grant me the ability to seek the revenge of you with the rightly guided Imam from you, who shall surely come and speak the truth. شب جمعہ شب انتطار مہدی عج 🌹 اَللّهُمَّ عَجِّل لِوَلیِّکَ الفَرَج 🙏
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
Sibt ibn Jawzi relates from Sha’bi, that when Imam Aliع was proceeding towards Siffin, he came near to Nainawa, which was a village near the river Euphrates. Imamع halted there and commanded his companion, who had the job of providing water for ablutions that, “Tell me the name of this place.”
He replied: It is called Karbala. Hearing this heع wept bitterly until the earth became wet with his tears. Then heع said, “One day I went to Holy Prophetص when he was weeping and asked him as to what made him weep.”
Heص replied, “Jibra’eel came to me and informed me that my son Husaynع will be killed at a place called Karbala near the river Euphrates. Then Jibra’eel lifted a handful of earth and gave it to me, I smelt it, thus I could not control my tears.”
#Karbala #LabaikYaHussainع
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
The caravan of Hussainع marched till they reached an area called Karbala on 2 Muharram 61A.H. There, Hurr and his army stopped in front of Imam Hussainع, forbidding him from going any further, saying, “This place is near the Euphrates.” It is said that as they were marching, Imam Hussain'sع horse stopped and refused to move just as Allah had caused the she-camel of the Prophet(S) to stop at the Hudaibiya.
It was then that Imamع inquired about the name of that place. Zuhayr said to him, “Keep on marching and do not ask about anything till Allah brings us ease. This land is called al-Taff.” Imamع asked him whether it had any other name, so he told him that it was also called “Karbala’”. It was then that the Imamع started weeping.
Heع said, “O Allah! I seek refuge with You against the Karb (affliction) and Bala’ (trial and tribulation). Here shall we camp, and here will our blood be spilled and our graves be dug! My Grandfatherص the Messenger of Allah had told me so.”
#2_Muharram #Imamع_arrivied_in_Karbala #Maqtal_alHusaynع
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
The month of Muharram has come and our eyes are constrained to weep, We let fall tears of blood at the thought of Hussain’sع parched lips. اَلسَّلامُ عَلَى الشِّفاهِ الذّابِلاتِ Peace be upon the parched lips.
اَعْظَمَ اللهُ اُجُورَنا بِمُصابِنا بِالْحُسَيْنِ عَلَيْهَ السَّلامُ وَجَعَلْنا وَاِيّاكُمْ مِنَ الطّالِبينَ بِثارِهِ مَعَ وَلِيِّهِ الاِمامِ الْمَهْدىِّ مِنْ آلِ مُحَمَّد عَلَيْهِمُ السَّلامُ. 
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
"Let the weepers weep over someone like Husaynع, for verily weeping over him reduces the burden of great sins. As soon as the month of Muharram would begin, my fatherع was never seen laughing, and he would be overcome by melancholy until after the first ten days had passed. When the tenth day dawned, it was a day of grief and sorrow and crying for him, and he used to say, ‘This is the day when al-Husaynع was martyred."
-Imam al-Rezaع
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
Imam Hussain(a) 1400 years ago,
'هل من ناصر ينصرنا' 
Is there anyone to help me? No answer! 
 Muharram 1440, Millions of followers chant "Labaik Ya Hussain(a)"
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
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The moon that marks the start of Muharram, is Abal Fazl al-Abbasع. He rises every year to show that the banner of Hussainع will never fall ❣️
السلام عليك يا أبا الفضل العباس يا قمر بني هاشم Peace be upon Abal Fazal al-Abbasع, O' Moon of Bani Hashim🌹
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
This world did not gave shroud to HUSSAINع, how can it give anything to you?!
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
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The map shows the route that Imam Husaynع took when he left Makkah for Iraq. With him there were about 50 people including women and children of his family and friends. After leaving Makkah there were 14 places mentioned in history books where Imam either stayed or met people or gave sermons. 1. Saffah: Here Imamع met Farazzdaq the poet whom Imam asked about conditions in Kufa. He said, ' He said, 'People's hearts were with you but their swords were against you.' Imam replied, 'Allah does what he wishes. I leave it to him who proposes the just cause. 2. Dhat-el-Irq: Here Imam'sع cousin Abdullah Ibn Jafar brought his two sons Auwn and Mohammed to their mother Hazrat Zainab and to help the Imamع. He tried to persuade the Imamع to return to Madina but Imam replied, 'my destiny is in the hands of Allah.' 3. Batn-er-Rumma: Imamع sent a letter to Kufa with Qais bin Mashir, met Abdullah bin Mutee who came from Iraq. When he heard of Imam'sع intention, he tried to stop him. He said Kufians were not faithful and could not be trusted. But Imamع continued his journey. 4. Zurud: Imamع met Zohair Ibn Qain. Zohair was not among the followers of Ahlulbaitع. But when Imamع told him of the purpose of his journey Zohair gave all his possesions to his wife, told her to go home and said that he wished to be martyred with the Imam. 5. Zabala: Imamع learnt from two tribesmen coming from Kufa of the death of Hazrat Muslim. Imamع said, 'Innan Lillahe wa Inna Elaihe Rajeoon. Indallah-Nahtasib Anfusana.' 'We are for Allah and we shall return to Him who surely accouts for our sacrifices. Asadi Tribesmen tried to dissuade the Imamع from his journey but he persisted. Here Imamع told his companions the news of the death of Muslim and Hani and that people in Kufa were not prepared to be their helpers. Imamع said, 'Those who want to depart leave now.' Hoards of various tribesmen who had followed the Imam in the hope of collecting the booty realised their false hopes and scattered to their own homes. Only 50 odd people remained. 6. Batn-e-Aqeeq: Imamع met a man from the Tribe of Akrama who told him that Kufa was no more a friendly town and was now surrounded by Yazid's army. No one could get in or out of the town. But the Imamع carried on. 7. Sorat: Imamع stayed the night here and in the morning ordered his companions to take as much water as they can. 8. Sharaf: While the Imamع was passing from this place, one of his companions shouted that he could see the approach of an army. Imamع asked for a safe place, preferably a mountain behind them. A guide took them to the nearest mountain. 9. Zuhasm: It was here that Imamع met Hurr's army of 1000 men. They were thirsty so Imamع ordered his men to give them water. Imamع himself helped several thirsty soldiers to drink. Even animals were given water to drink. Zohr prayers were led by the Imamع and all followed him including Hurr's soldiers. Here Imamع told Hurr about many letters from Kufa. He said, 'O People of Kufa, you sent me your delegations and wrote me letters that you had no Imam and that I should come to unite you and lead you in the way of Allah. You wrote that we Ahlulbait are more qualified to govern your affairs than those who claim things to which they have no right and act unjustly and wrongly. But if you have changed your mind, have become ignorant of our Rights and have forgotten your promises, I shall turn back. But he was denied to turn back by Hurr's army and was lead to by-pass Kufa. 10. Baiza: Imamع reached Baiza the next day and delivered one of his most famous sermons. 'O People, the Prophet has said that if a man sees a tyrannical ruler transgressing against Allah and the Prophet and oppressing people but does nothing by word or action to change the situation then it will be just for Allah to place him where he deservingly belongs. Do you not see to what low level the affairs have come down... Do you not observe that truth has not adhered to and falsehood has no limit. And as for me, I look upon death as but a means of attaining martyrdom and I consider life among transgressors as nothing but an agony and an affliction.' 11. Uzaibul Hajanat: Here Imamع stayed away from the army of Hurr and met Trimmah bin Adi. After having learnt about the Kufan abandonment of his envoy it was clear that he had no hope of support or even survival in Kufa. Nevertheless he refused an offer of safety, if not success extended to him. Trimmah pleaded to him to accept the offer of 20,000 trained men of his tribe to help him if he wanted to go to Kufa or he could retire to the mountains and safety. Imamع replied to Ibn Adi, 'May Allah bless you and your people. I cannot go from my word. Things are destined. It is clear from this reply that he was fully aware of the dangers he would face and that he had a certain strategy and plan in mind to bring about a revolution in the conscience of the Muslim Ummah. He did not try to mobilize military support which he could easily have done in Hejaz nor did he try to exploit whatever physical strength was available to him. 12. Qasr-e-Bani Makatil: It was evident here that Kufa was no more his destination. As Hurr did not want to leave him, he by-passed Kufa and took a new route. Resting in the afternoon he uttered 'Inna Lillah.' His 18 years old son Ali Akber approached him and enquired. Imamع said that in his sleep he had heard someone saying that these people were going to their deaths. Ali Akber asked, 'Are we not on the Right path. Death meant nothing to them. Death of this kind transforms into the glory of martyrdom. 13. Nainawa: At this place a messenger of Ibn Zaid brought a message for Hurr not to leave the Imamع. The battered caravan passed through Ghaziriya to a place called Karbala. Imamع sighed, asked for the name of the place. Someone said Kerbala. Imamع said, yes, this is the place of Kerbin-wa-bala. (a place of pain and torture.) Let us stop here for we have arrived at our destination. This is the place of our Martyrdom. This is Karbala. 14. Karbala: On the orders of the Imamع, the tents were erected near the river which was a tributary of the River Euphrates some miles away. The date was 2nd Muharram 61 Hijri (3rd October 680 AD).
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
They saw Muhammadص emerged at the appointed time, carrying Hussainع in his arm with Hasanع holding his hand, followed by the daughter Fatimaس and son in law Aliع and Heص said, "This is my family"
ُبلند تھے سرِ محفل نبیۖ کے ہاتھوں پر
غدیرِ ُخم میں علیؑ اور مباہلہ میں حسینؑ ❣️
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
"So they(Christians of Najran) came to the Messenger of Allahص; and Heص had come out in the morning carrying al-Husaynع in his lap, holding the hand of al-Hasanع, with Fatimahس walking behind him and 'Aliع was behind her; and he was saying: 'When I pray, you say "Ameen".
Then the Bishop of Najran said: 'O Christians! Surely I see the faces that if they ask Allah to remove a mountain from its place, He would surely remove it. Therefore, do not do imprecation, otherwise you will perish, and there will not remain any Christian on the face of the earth, upto the Day of Resurrection’."
Ref: al-Tafsir of al-Tha’labi
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
Between the celebrations of Ghadeer and Mubahila, deep down, our hearts whipsers
"Labaik Ya Hussainع, Haye Hussainع" 😢
#lessthanaweekuntil #Muharram1440
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
"Should anyone argue with you concerning him, after the knowledge that has come to you, then say: ‘Come! Let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our souls and your souls, then let us pray earnestly and call down Allah’s curse upon the liars’." (Qur'an 3:61)
Eid-e-Mubahila Mubarak! <3
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kulsumnaqvi · 6 years
An excerpt from the sermon of Abbas ibn Ali(a.s) which he delivered on the roof of the Kaaba when Imam Hussain(a.s) was departing from Mecca on the 8th of Zil Hajj 60 AH to go towards Karbala.
"O’ wretched kafirs and oppressors! You are not allowing the Imam(a.s) of the pious to visit the Kaaba. The one has the most right to do so. If it was not for the command of Allah and not for the unseen mysteries of Allah and if Allah had not willed that His creation would be tested, then this Kaaba would have uprooted itself and flown to My Master, but My Moula (a.s) came here Himself and honored the Kaaba."
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