kunaibitch · 2 years
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NaruFox AU Sannins’ Arc pt 9: Naruto’s special training begins! Or does it…?
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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@butter--peanut while this is not particularly from any of your fics, you’ve been making me feel So Many Things lately as I’ve gone through literally everything you’ve written, so here’s a fun little drawing of them being goofy and in love as thanks :) someday ill leave a coherent comment but until then there’s this
thanks for being so good at what you do, I’m so excited for updates whenever they come <3
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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Sasuke study ✍🏻
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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bee and the creatures
inspired by some really sick art by @beebeedibapbeediboop (who’s name is also bee?? what are the odds) found here:
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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Art by  kanbabichio
Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)
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kunaibitch · 2 years
i think naruto would be so different if kishimoto really wrote naruto and sasuke as gay. like i think they could kiss in the first chapter sasuke is introduced… and then sasuke would defend naruto against someone badmouthing him. and i think sasuke would give up on his dream and risk his life to save naruto and he would be scared of the enormity of his feelings for him after it, and then sasuke could think of their kiss and a lot of other moments he shared with naruto while he dies. and naruto could like… be able to break his seal for the first time just because sasuke saved him. and we would see sasuke feeling at ease when he’s with naruto, acting like a stupid kid, and smiling fondly and being playful… to the point that the villain would try to separate the two so he could make sasuke feel angry again and seek him. and obviously naruto would fight for sasuke, he can’t let the person that saved him and changed his heart go, they could have some very emotional battle and sasuke could evolve his sharingan because of naruto. and at the end of the battle, when sasuke wins, he could sadly stare at naruto’s face, spiderman-like, while it rains… yes that would be gay. and then naruto would spend the rest of the story trying to get sasuke back, because he doesn’t want sasuke to be alone and miserable. and sasuke could look cold and stoic but he would totally be affected by naruto’s presence every time. maybe i could add some gay moments in the middle such as naruto looking at a shooting star and thinking of sasuke, yeah. and at the end they could fight together against the main villain and rely on each other and show so much chemistry while fighting… they could totally be yin and yang, have complementary powers and colours and narratives. but then they would have to fight each other and have another very emotional battle with some gay quotes… i was thinking of something like “i know your heart and you mine” or maybe “farewell my one and only”. and then the fight would end in a tie and they would reconcile and we would know they felt the same towards the other for the whole time, and sasuke would cry at finally accepting his love for naruto doesn’t make him weak and they could lie on the same place they fell apart, with an arm missing and a heart shaped pool of blood… yeah naruto and sasuke would totally be gay if it was written that way
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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kunaibitch · 2 years
i love ellipses…. i love adding dots… trailing off in thought……… open ended sentences and unfinished phrases…. yeah…………
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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i’ll break every bone in your body, if that’s what it takes
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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forest date
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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Happy SNSmonth!
Day 1: Cuddling
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kunaibitch · 2 years
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sitting in the dirt with frogs energy
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kunaibitch · 2 years
I think I've worked out (part of the reason) why there's been such a huge uptick in folks who don't reblog things on here.
This post has like 14k notes right now, and the tags and comments and reblogs are FULL of people who didn't know about fast-reblog, and -- you guys have been slow-reblogging this whole time!?!??!?!?
In the interests of a) making your lives easier, and b) encouraging you to reblog posts, which is what keeps this site alive, here's how you fast-reblog:
On mobile: press and hold the reblog button. Your blog icon will appear. If you have sideblogs, all of the different icons will appear. Drag to whichever blog you want to reblog to, and release. Job done.
On desktop: hold down the E key and click reblog. Job done.
You're welcome. Now get reblogging.
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