kuramauzamaki · 9 years
You really didn’t mean any harm so it’s fine.
Why is incest considered "wrong"?. If you really have a romantic attraction for your sibling, why is it wrong to date them? Love is love, right?
I don’t think it’s wrong at all. If you love someone, you love someone, plain and simple. As for why other people think it’s wrong…I guess it boils down to taboo. I remember I read Marmalade Boy and it changed my perspective on incest completely. 
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
You are loved.
Jesus, I’m such a fuck up today.
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
Try to look into the stuff you know they like and then talk to them about the things that confuse you about their fandoms.
I really, really hate how awful I am in regards to keeping in contact with others. I want healthy and fulfilling relationships with my friends, but it’s very hard for me to wholly invest myself. I want to talk to you, but it’s difficult for me to muster the energy to do so sometimes. I want to hang out with you, but isolation also sounds nice right now. I’ll read your texts, but I’m not necessarily in the mood to reply at the moment. Then I feel anxious attempting to reach out when I do have the energy and I am in a good mood because I feel like I pushed you away and you dislike me now, so I usually remain isolated. I feel selfish because of it. And I feel like a bad friend.
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
Where is richard going? ^v^
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Richard Speight everyone
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
My little sister on a sugar-high.
Have u ever met the human version of a headache
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
Just a case of Life.
Those people who constantly reblog your stuff but you never really talk:
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
Call the Winchesters, quick!
Children’s drawings of people are almost always terrifying. 
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
where is this amazing place!
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New forms of payment!
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
these can’t be recent.
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
Damn those eyes, if only he were real and not 12 years older than me. Ahh such is life.
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          Appreciation of Winchester genes
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
Jar that’s a terrible way to treat your big brother. XP
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
Twizzlers XD
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
just be nice.
Reblog if I can go on your page and write stupid things in your ask box whenever I'd like to.
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
He’s been done since the end of season four.
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Sam is 200% done with both of your shit.
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
1. Friends laughter
2. Music
3. My favorite actors having fun just being themsevles.
4. My sister
5. My face in the mirror
🌸 once you get this, list 5 things that make you happy and then put this in the ask of 10 people who reblogged from you last 🌸
1. Not alternative press right now
2. Brendon Urie’s face.
3. Music in general
4. Hockey
5. Doggies.
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kuramauzamaki · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfnPi3vnm6k)
i would love to see this actually happen even as a joke.
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