challengers should've been about 3 women I'm sorry
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You see it's very a complicated issue because. If you tell a trans girl she's trans it might save her life. but if you ever imply a cis guy is trans it might make him uncomfortable. I am very smart.
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Hello, I know we've never talked before, but could you please help my new mutual hebsnhel? They're a Palestinian who needs support and they haven't been getting enough funds for their pregnancy and for their family!
Absolutely!! I just donated $20/18€, let’s get a donation match train going!
Here is the link to Wafaa’s gfm:
And here is a post verifying Wafaa’s campaign as legit!
Reblog and match my donation, or donate whatever amount you can!
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FOLKS!!! this is the creator of HOLLOW FABLES and many other things speaking!!!
i have decided to sponsor a family from gaza, so i am opening up commissions. this is a verified gofundme.
if you send me proof of your donation, i will draw you (almost) anything you want! so roll in the dough, folks. it's for a good cause.
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My name is Issam Aziz, and I am 26 years old, living in the Netherlands. I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a plea for help for my sick and elderly mother, Haifa Aziz, who is 59 years old and suffering from diabetes. Our lives have been turned upside down since the devastating events that began in Gaza.
We tragically lost my father on September 17th, before the October 7th escalation. He was a double amputee and struggled immensely. With our home destroyed in northern Gaza, my mother was left with no choice but to move to a refugee camp in Rafah. However, Rafah is no longer the safe haven it once was; we have witnessed the targeting of refugees in their tents.
My mother, Haifa, is enduring unimaginable hardships. With the collapse of the healthcare system in Gaza, she cannot access her necessary medications, exacerbating her already severe condition. The thought of her suffering without the essential care she needs is unbearable.
We urgently need to evacuate her to Egypt through the Rafah border crossing. However, this comes at a steep cost of $6,000, a sum that is beyond my means. I am reaching out to you, hoping for your compassion and generosity to help us raise the funds needed to save my mother’s life.
Please consider donating to our cause. Your support can provide my mother with the chance to escape the horrors of war and live her remaining years in safety and dignity. No one should have to endure such suffering, especially someone as vulnerable as my mother.
Your kindness and generosity can make a life-saving difference. Please, help us bring hope and relief to my beloved mother.
Thank you for your compassion and support.
Issam Aziz
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i came across a website today that has a huge log of movies and tv shows on streaming services and other media that have audio descriptions! it's called the Audio Description Project and is ran by the American Council of the Blind. it's a huge resource that, besides info on what has audio descriptions, also has info on what they are, why they're important, and how to write them! i think it's pretty neat check it out
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Read this. Everything you need to know is in this essay.
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me, collared and leashed: just so we're on the same page im an anarchist and don't believe in hierarchies. this is a temporary, voluntary union of egoists that will only continue as long as our desires are aligned
domme: puppies don't speak
me: WOOF!
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Dr. Amal is a young Palestinian mother widowed by the IOF, who kidnapped and murdered her husband. They left her to care for her 2 young children alone, with another on the way, and she is in need of our urgent and unwavering support to raise $15,000 to help save herself and her little ones before time runs out.
Please, if you are able, spare what you can to get her there as fast as possible. She is depending on us, and there is no better place your $5, $10, $15, etc. could be going right now. She is currently at $2,416, with $12,384 left to go. We can’t afford to slack off.
I donated $20 yesterday, would anyone match me?
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Dr. Amal is a young Palestinian mother widowed by the IOF, who kidnapped and murdered her husband. They left her to care for her 2 young children alone, with another on the way, and she is in need of our urgent and unwavering support to raise $15,000 to help save herself and her little ones before time runs out.
Please, if you are able, spare what you can to get her there as fast as possible. She is depending on us, and there is no better place your $5, $10, $15, etc. could be going right now. She is currently at $2,416, with $12,384 left to go. We can’t afford to slack off.
I donated $20 yesterday, would anyone match me?
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It isn't shameful to be a trans woman and dudes aren't going to explode being compared to them. Egg jokes are not a big deal and a trans woman saying some shit like "hey, I used to do that before I realized I was trans" is not a big deal, infact most trans women wish someone had helped them realize sooner. If it turns out the person is just a cis dude, big deal! Being upset that your actions can be seen as a thing trans women do is suspect as hell! Being a trans woman is not a bad thing to be!
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[ID: a Black person wearing a black shirt and gesturing to the white lettering on it, that says “across cultures, darker people suffer most. why? –3000” End ID]
i dont think whites understand how being white makes literally everything easier.
it effects everything.
being trans is easier when youre white.
being gay is easier when youre white.
being disabled is easier when youre white.
being a woman is easier when youre white.
being autistic is easier when youre white.
oppression is eased when you are white, as you get extra privileges, and your whiteness is seen as a positive characteristic that in some ways counter-balances your other forms of being a minority. whiteness controls everything.
you are automatically way more innocent in your own oppression as a gay, trans, disabled person because of your whiteness.
never forget this.
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A lovely Gazan teacher named Dina Maliha has reached out to me to help share her campaign with you.
The Maliha family once led a humble and stable life, when everything they'd worked for was taken from them on Oct. 7th. They have faced unimaginable horror and indignity as they've been forced to evacuate from norther Gaza to the south under threat of heavy gunfire and bombing, as well as aggression from Israeli occupation forces.
They are currently raising the funds they need to evacuate their family from Gaza. Everyday that passes, their lives are all at risk, either from bombardment, or lack of food and water. Dina's mother is also chronically ill, and this difficult life they are leading is putting her at greater risk.
The Maliha family needs to raise €32,000 and the breakdown of these funds is available at the link below, where Dina's sister Nora has written more about their situation and about the Maliha siblings. They have only made €5,100 of their goal. So if you can donate, please do,and reblog/share!
You can also read more, and get updates about the situation from Dina's tumblr account @dinamaliha. Make sure to support her posts there as well.
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can anyone match my donation of $10 for Amal and her family? this fundraiser has 6 days left and isn’t near its goal
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can anyone match my donation of $10 for Amal and her family? this fundraiser has 6 days left and isn’t near its goal
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Here's a key part of the transfemme experience that is very overlooked: when you don't pass, people don't actually see you as a man, or treat you like a man.
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