its kinda scary how your whole life depends on how well you do as a teenager 
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audio: you have 13 seconds before the island fucking explodes you hot topic wannabe and you blue gumball son of a bitch. you have done nothing but destroy my life i hope you both die.
thank you @ cloudstation for the meme format
grateful for reblogs, i spent too long on this and maybe i will make more who knows
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man you can really tell the locked tomb fandom's composition by the utter lack of horny palamedes content. I respect this deeply and wouldn't change it for the world but my guy is out there looking like a milo atlantis expy being pedantic yet kind and having arrestingly beautiful eyes and you can just tell the fanartists only want him inasmuch as they want to put him in a jar with some leaves and a twig. jod bless
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Redrew my old Mob Poster! Very much enjoying season 3 :D
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i just realized that bow wears contacts ALL the time his dads are not around lmao
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‘i- um, i think i want to try using different pronouns. for a while, at least. please don’t be mad, but, uh-’ ‘why would i be mad at you?’ ‘you’re not?’ [they] smile at [them]. ‘of course not. i love you, stupid.’
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#caitvi #caitlyn #vi #jinx #arcane
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the true villain in arcane is Jayce.
Jayce, the man of the moment, a person who’s always been encouraged and loved.
he has fought to be where he is but in no way shape or form has suffered as Silco or Jinx or Viktor or anyone from the undercity have suffered.
when he got power, he made the worst choice a powerful person can make.
he got lazy. he chose himself, Piltover and his people.
the worst villain is not someone who is deeply traumatized, who is so disappointed by the world that they want it to feel their pain. no, the worst kind of villain is a person in power who chooses the easy thing to do, always.
a person in power who does not feel responsible for the suffering their choices cause.
in a way, he’s a very good villain. he’s a very realistic representation of what real villains, with real power do in reality. they are not tormented souls, just people who want to “fix” whatever they have on their table with no regards as to how that might affect people.
Silco was more of a classical villain, but the fact that he cared about Jinx and that he died at the end and Jayce didn’t is pretty telling. the people who are truly evil in this world are the ones in power. Silco died, alone and ultimately powerless. Jayce lived. the true villain is unmasked.
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Catra showing off! 💍 ✨
Edit: Fixed the tail colour 😅
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Kuromyu 2021 LIVE STREAM & Archive Online
Dear everyone,
Kuromyu just announced that there will be an online live stream via e+plus Japan with archive stream.
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The live stream of the first day performance shall be on the 5th of March, 16:45 JP time. The archive is watchable from Saturday 0:00 to Thursday the 11th of March, JP midnight. During that time you can watch the stream as many times as you want.
The Final Performance of 4th of April, 17:00 JP time will also have a stream, and is watchable until the 10th of April, 2021, JP midnight.
The price is 3800 yen per ticket.
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The purchase link is here.
@pancaked-angel​ has written a guide on how to purchase online Japanese tickets HERE!
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"Black Butler" Anniversary Project ①🎉
The long-awaited Black Butler e-book will be available soon!
To commemorate, an e-book will be provided with the entire volume that would be released for free for 96 hours starting from January 8th (0:00mn) to January 11th (23:59pm) [GMT+9]
Please enjoy the world of "Black Butler"❣️
Check out the link for more information:
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Kuroshitsuji’s official 15th anniversary project
(Black Butler’s 15th Anniversary Official Promotional Video)
Today, a special promotional video commemorating the 15th anniversary of Black Butler has been released.
It’s a spectacular video that defines 15 years’ worth of “Black Butler”!
Such a long journey! 
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ANNOUNCEMENT Black Butler Musical cast has been renewed! In the spring of 2021, “Boarding School Edition” will be performed in Tokyo and Osaka. Black Butler Musical -The Secret of Boarding School- Please look forward to the new “Butler”.   Click here for details"http://namashitsuji.jp
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Ciel’s notorious Robin Dress™ REDESIGNED
As the Kuroshitsuji series continues, historic accuracy has gone way up thanks to Yana’s consulting of a Victorian Era expert. In the earliest chapters however, it seemed like Yana didn’t even have a clue what English people wore in the 1880s, and just googled some lolita dresses and slapped them onto her characters.
Costume-wise, the most iconic one of the series is definitely O!Ciel’s notorious Robin Dress (I mean, which other costume has an actual name that’s googleable?) This dress however, is really a historical amalgamation of all sorts, and knowing Yana, she probably would not have gone for this design today.
Let us break this costume down from top to bottom wherein I examine the historic inaccuracies, and how I propose to “correct” these while trying to keep as much of the original design intact as possible.
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Head wear and hair
First of all, Victorians had clear distinctions between day wear and evening wear. Women were supposed to wear long sleeves and high necklines during day, and the opposite during night time events. Hats were rarely paired with short sleeved low-necklines, because the idea of the hat was to protect the wearer from the sun.
Wearing a hat indoors at night was not unlike wearing sunglasses indoors at night in present time. The hat is not salvageable. YEET.
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I do understand Yana’s problem though; O!Ciel could not very much wear an eye patch as a proper lady, so what to do to conceal the contract sign? You think Victorian, and you think HATS👒🎩
I threw myself into a research hole to try find an alternative solution, but the results were rather disappointing. Victorians were not supposed to have anything dangling before their faces (Frances is right), because that was considered poor grooming. Veils ended up being my only option, though people usually did not wear veils unless for wedding or religious ceremonies.
But one poor option is better than no option at all, so veil it was. Paired with a few curls in front of his right eye and some lace, the contract seal can be covered up rather well (as long as he wouldn’t move too much).
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Needless to say, Victorians would not have worn twin tails. 1880s Victorian women would wear their hair up, and having two curled tails dangling below became fashionable since the mid-Victorian Era.
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Choker ribbon necklaces were worn by people in the 1880s, but they were not standard for fancy night time events. However, as it was technically not historically ‘inaccurate’, it can stay.
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The neckline is more accurate and I have left it mostly the same. The only major problem is the silhouette, namely that in the 1880s, women would wear more streamlined shapes to make the shoulders seem smaller. Often they would have the shoulders/sleeves flare out at the bottom to make the waist seem smaller through contrast.
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For the sake of streamlining I have made the top ruffles smaller and added more panels to the middle part according to the trend of pleated bertha collar.
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The hat and the boots are technically 19th century accurate, but just not for the occasion. The waistline of the Robin Dress however, is the by far the biggest culprit in making this dress a historical abomination.
The mid-section of this dress seems to be made from one single piece of cloth. In the Victorian Era when waist reduction was top priority, the Robin Dress would have failed miserably in gaining the approval of high society.
The unstructured type of dress made from one continued panel of cloth was a thing of the 10th century before people figured out how to make proper waist seams. So yes, the Robin Dress is basically 900 years outdated.
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Fashion is something that always gets revisited (see all the neo-XXX trends), so 900 years outdated does not necessarily have to be a problem. However, since the moment people discovered the technique to make a proper waist seam, they ditched the unstructured way of tailoring, and it would not really come back until the 1900s.
An unstructured waist-line was considered the height of sloppy appearance in O!Ciel’s time, and would make the tailor look like a complete amateur whose skills fell literal centuries behind.
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Hence, for the sake of correction, I simply gave the dress a pointed waist and proper structure to avoid the fold in the original dress that would have been unacceptable in a proper evening gown.
The silhouette of the skirt is also somewhat outdated as the bell-shaped dress was something that fell out of fashion around the 1860s. Essentially O!Ciel was wearing a silhouette that was 30 years out of fashion.
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(Imagine going to an official event in 2020 and looking like this.)
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By O!Ciel’s time, the largest part of the skirt was the bustle that was a ‘MUST’ of the time, and the front was slimmed down. The hem of the skirt was worn shorter for younger girls, but for formal events like the party of the Viscount, the etiquette was floor length.
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A wide skirt like that of the original design combined with the swagged design was something that was only briefly popular in the Rococo Era, which was approximately 150 years old by O!Ciel’s time.
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The swagged skirt for decoration was not unacceptable in the 1880s, but the gather points would either have been hidden underneath the bustle, or gathered using something quite elaborate, like ruffles or flowers. One black ribbon would have been rather inadequate.
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If not hidden or gathered with fancy ornaments, then the swagged fabric would have been heaved much higher, coming together near the waist.
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So in my attempt to correct the skirt part, I both gathered the fabric higher and used the same roses to cover the gather points. Instead of the original black ribbon bows, I used the striped bow like the one at the chest for completion’s sake.
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Technically the shoes are rather Victorian Era accurate, but boots were outdoor shoes, and generally not THAT high heeled because they were essentially made for a bit of walking. For formal events people would not have worn boots (we don’t do that either in 2020). Instead, the proper shoes for under a gown were pumps.
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As the dress is floor length however, they would not be visible anyway, so I did not bother redesign them.
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【Related post: Redesign: O!Ciel and Sebastian in different eras】
MASTERPOST Furukawa Era Kuromyu
MASTERPOST Gender in Kuroshitsuji
MASTERPOST Analyses & Info
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My mother and I have been made homeless by her abusive boyfriend. He was on the verge of getting violent on Saturday evening and was shouting loud enough for the neighbours to hear. We had to leave for our safety but now he’s at the house with all of our stuff and it’s not safe for us. He spent the entire weekend trying to track us down until he did and he’s been harrassing us since that point. He’s been living with us for over four years and has subjected my family to all sorts of abusive whether it be physical or emotional. He shows little to no remorse and promises to change but won’t. He’s just…a horrible person who could do a whole lot worse if we even decide to give him a second chance. My mother has said enough but now we’re suffering for his actions. 
We are in a hotel at the moment but hotels in Nigeria aren’t cheap and we’re running low on funds. Our goal is to buy our own home in a community that’s gated and safe so he can no longer get to us. I’ve spoken to my mum about it and she said that we’d need about £3500 in order to secure a good home and that money will pay for a year’s worth of rent which gives us plenty of time to get back on our feet. Then we can collect our stuff from that old house and finally live our lives. 
I know that is a lot to ask for but any little bit helps and reblogs do wonders. We just don’t know how long we can sustain this and my mother is guaranteed a good job but it’s taking longer than expected. If we can raise that money then we’d be able to be free from him and just…be ourselves and not fear the house we live in.
Thank you very much.
PayPal Pool
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The Untamed 陈情令 Prop Stills
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The Lans protecting WWX instinctively with their bodies 
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