kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
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Gotta love the psychotic Bitch. Art by @me.
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kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
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kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
I used to say that I am antisocial. Now I say that I am antibullshit.
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kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
Trying to get a good angle.
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kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
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Kiss kiss fall in love?
More like, stare stare fall in love.
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kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
If any of you have been wondering why the hell my username is Kuro Akumu while my profile name is Kuro Bara, it is because Tumblr wouldn’t accept the latter as a username, so I said screw it. I put Kuro Akumu, which means Black Nightmare, and then named my profile as Kuro Bara, which in my opinion sounds more cool -it means black rose btw-. Buuuutta, you can all just address me as Kuro. XD
#Kuro #TumblrStruggles
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kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
Emotion and Weakness are two completely different things.
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kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
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Good morning.
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kuroakumu-blog1 · 8 years
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Hey everyone, Kuro Bara here. You can call me Kuro for short if you would like. Just another Otaku fangirl out there, waiting for her husbando or waifu {For me is husbando all the way, I am heterosexual} in shining armor to come and rescue them. So, some basic things about me.
I love to watch anime and read manga, and I am proud of being Greek. Now, if you call me a weeaboo or any shit, go look up what that words means, OK? I will not tolerate anything like that.
I love sketching, editing, and getting to know new people. Although I can be very awkward. And I pretty much make it clear if I happen to not like you. XD
I am really interested trying new stuff. But I am kinda debating on if I should rather start a YouTube channel as a voice actor as a hobby or nah. XD
See ya~ #Kuro
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