kurogaya913 · 3 years
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
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if there’s anyone who can find the impostor, its the world’s greatest detective and his little robin <3
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
Rebloging at 13,427
I want to prove a point to a coworker of mine.
Pretend this post is the coronavirus.
If you see this on your dash, just reblog it.
Let’s show them how quickly this virus can spread from just one person.
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
I am a(n):
⚪ Male
⚪ Female
🔘 Writer
Looking for
⚪ Boyfriend
⚪ Girlfriend
🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can't remember
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
Reblog if you’ll still ship Zoro x Tashigi no matter what
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
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Handy Ninjutsu: Rinnegan and Kagemane no Jutsu
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
Jasonette July Day 2: Soulmate AU
Today is Marinette’s 15th birthday. The day that her mother had told her would be the day that she would get her soulmark (if she is the youngest of the two). She doesn’t know if it will be the name of her soulmate or a defining tattoo that would mean something to the both of them.
If the soulmark is a tattoo then her portion of the tattoo would move about on her person and the portion that represents her soulmate will stay still until the soulmate is in close proximity to their soulmate.
She has looked up everything about soulmarks and when they show up. She has also read about what a soulmark looks like when a soulmate has passed away. If a soulmate dies the soulmark is still there but there will be a scratch through the name. If the soulmark is a tattoo then your own tattoo will always stay near the tattoo that belongs to your soulmate. There are also the soulmarks that are faded if your soulmate is in a coma and you don’t know when they will wake up (or if they will wake up)
Marinette has been looking forward to what her soulmates name or tattoo would look like. She is ready to prove to Chat Noir that they are not soulmates. She recently found out that he just had his 15th birthday and has not had his soulmark be present yet. He knows that she has not had her 15th birthday yet and keeps bugging her when will her birthday be so that he can look out for a soulmark. She would not tell him because it is too much information on who she could be and does not want to give him that information.
Marinette kept checking her arms throughout the day to see when her mark will show up. She also talked with Tikki about past miraculous wielders and what kind of marks they had. She said that most of her wielders usually had the names of their soulmate. And she is amazed at what people can do today to search for their soulmates.
Once it became 8 o’clock in the evening and no marks have appeared on her body she thought maybe she might be the oldest out of both of them or she doesn’t have a soulmate. But she just had to make sure. She remembered reading somewhere that the time of birth on the persons 15th birthday is when the mark appears. So Mari went to her mother.
“Mom?” she questioned, “What time was I born?”  she just wants to know for sure if she is the youngest or oldest of the two.
“You were born close to midnight, sweetie. Are you asking because your soulmark hasn’t shown up yet?” Sabine asked sweetly, “I probably should have mentioned that. I almost forgot that the mark doesn’t show until the time that you were born.”
Mari leaned down and gave her mother a quick kiss. “That’s okay, maman. I was just wondering if I am the youngest, oldest, or maybe no soulmate at all.”
“I am sure that you have a soulmate dear.” She held up her right arm and showed her wrist to her daughter that has Thomas Dupain written in black ink. “Just don’t stay up all night researching your soulmate. I would like for you to get some sleep. Your help may be needed in the bakery tomorrow.”
She told her parents good night and went back up to her room.
Once Mari woke up the next morning she checked her arms and saw a name written on her left wrist. The closer she looked at the name she saw that it was faded and had a green tint to it. Jason Todd
She brought up all of her social media and searched the name. And also searched about colors associated with faded names.
Before she could go into any type of in depth search she was called down to the bakery to help her parents with the morning rush since it is summer.  Once the rush was over her mother asked her if she found anything about her soulmate and Marinette looked a bit sadden and showed her wrist to her mother. Sabine saw how sad her little girl looked and hugged her knowing that is all the comfort that she can give her at the moment.
“Do you know what the color means?” Marinette asked in a soft voice.
“I’m sorry sweetie, I don’t. Why don’t you go back to your room and find out?” she gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead.
When a name first appears the name will always be black until you meet your soulmate then the mark will turn red just like her parents. If a soulmate dies then the red mark will get a scratch though the name and stay like that. Sometimes when soulmates are fighting then the mark will change different colors based on emotions.
Having a color on her wrist after just getting her soulmark and knowing that she has not met her soulmate worries her. The mark is faded which means that he is in a coma and who knows when he will awake. And the mark fades to green which for emotions that means he has so many emotions running through him. He could be having active dreams whilst he is in a coma.
Talia was re-wrapping Jason’s bandages when she noticed a name on his right wrist that was not there yesterday. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, “So it seems that your soulmate just became of age. At least she knows that you are alive and not dead. Not sure how that would have worked out finding a scratch through the name and then it appearing to be perfectly fine the next day.” She looked down at her left forearm seeing a name that was scratched just two days after she received the name. Long ago it was said that if a name appeared on your arm you are to assassinate that person. She didn’t have to do much searching because it turned out that her soulmate was in the league as well. As the daughter of the Demon she had the upper hand and killed her soulmate who was a foot solider, if he was in a higher position her father might have allowed him to live.
Once Talia was finished caring for Jason she went and searched the young girl’s name. It didn’t take her long to find out that the girl lived in Paris, France with her family above a popular bakery. She found a most used e-mail for the girl and sent her information about Jason but not too much. Just that he is alive and being taken care of. That should make sure that the girl gets a lot of rest and not stress out too much. Some one would think that Talia Al Ghul has become soft if anyone would have notice her doing something nice for one of Batman’s kids.
The bluenette was searching through the seventh Jason Todd facebook page when she got an email notification.
Dear Marinette Dupain-Cheng,
I am taking care of Jason Todd and you do not need to worry about him. He is in a coma and will be fine for the foreseeable future. It is unknown at the moment when he will awaken but since your name popped up overnight on his wrist I just had to get in contact to let you know that he is stable.
Please do not reply to this message.
Marinette was a bit taken aback by the message because she was not expecting to receive anything about his health.
A week went by and as she released the purified butterfly from a resent akuma attack her wrist started to burn. She quickly said her goodbyes to the people who were filming and headed to a safe place to detransform. As she looked down at her wrist she saw that the color was now fully black with that hint of green on the end still. (Jason Todd)
I have never done a soulmate au before and this has started to get really long and I don’t know how to continue. I have run out of what to write. I hope that you have enjoyed reading.
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
Thinkin about how as kids parents told us to clean our rooms without having ever shown us how to themselves, taught us any organizational skills, spatial management, or any other knowledge necessary to know how to efficiently tackle a mess without getting overwhelmed and then got exasperated when we as ten year olds didn’t just……figure it out
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
Jasonette July Day 1: First Meeting
The day had been long. Marinette has been up since yesterday six o’clock in the morning. She had just moved to Gotham, New Jersey looking for a new start. Thinking that maybe she can get ideas for different outfit designs with the help of this dark but beautiful city.
Once she was settled into her apartment, not far from Crime Alley, she went out to look for café. She really needed to stalk up on some coffee. Mari looked at her clock and saw that it was 4 o’clock in the afternoon. A good time for coffee and not late enough to run into any problems. At least that is what she thought.
Once the bluenette found a decent café called The Robins Café she knew that she just had to try it. She walked in and was surprised that the café was not the traffic light colors all over the place. It looked like each wall was dedicated to each of the Gotham birds with different pictures of them up on the walls.
Then she took a closer look at the menu and saw that some of the drinks were named after each of the birds as well as the bats and Rouges.
“Good Afternoon, Welcome to the Robins Café. What would you like?” asked the barista
“Sorry, I am new here. What would you recommend for someone who hasn’t slept for two days but needs a boost for the rest of the day?” Asked Mari
“Sounds like you need a Red Robin.” A gruff voice said from behind her. Marinette turned around and saw someone who looked to be a foot and half taller than her, “It has a lot of espresso shots and sugar.” His blue eyes looked tired.
Mari gave a bright smile, “Just what I need, thank you.” She then turned back to the barista and ordered a Red Robin with chocolate croissant.
“Name for the order?”
“Marinette” She then walked to find a place to sit.
As she waited for her order she pulled out her small sketch pad and started drawing something with the Robins in mind.
“I heard that you were new here. How long have you been here and what has brought you to such a dangerous city?” he scratched the back of his head, “That is if you don’t mind me asking that. It is kind of personal information.” He then held out his hand, “My name is Jason. I have lived in Gotham all of my life except for a few years when I lived elsewhere but I somehow just ended up back here. Once a Gothamite always a Gothamite.”
Marinette shook his hand and placed her pen down when she heard her name called by the barista and grabbed her coffee and croissant. Then the name Jason was called and they both went and sat back where she was waiting earlier. And Mari started to answer some of Jason’s questions.
“I am here because I wanted to get away from a very toxic environment. And I just needed a space that was similar to what it was like where I used to be, a place that had villains and heroes. I get so many different ideas. I am an online designer that customizes orders for different outfits. And this past year I have been getting most of my commissions from the United States so I decided to move here since it was the first flight out and I have been here for two days now.” She gave a short answer. No need to get too personal just yet.
Jason then told her a lot about Gotham and what areas she needs to avoid at what times. He also told her about what times the Bat Family is spotted around based on twitter reports.
When Mari took a look outside she noticed that it was getting dark and she glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that the time was just after 6:30 PM. She needed to get back to her apartment before it got too dark. She fiddled with her necklace and looked back at Jason. “As much as I have like talking with you I really need to get home before it gets to dark outside. One of the areas you had mentioned earlier is where I live. Only because it was cheap and I was able to fix it up so that no one could break in easy.” She looked a bit nervous and Jason could tell.
“Would you like me to walk you home? Or I can give you my number and you can call or text me and let me know you got back safe. I would hate for you to feel uncomfortable with a stranger knowing where you live.” He brushed back his white bangs not looking as tired as he did earlier. Mari shook her head yes and they exchanged numbers.
They both walked out of the café and a Marinette turned towards Jason, “I will let you know when I am home. Thank you for all the information on what I need to know about Gotham.”
Marinette then turned and started her trek to her apartment to finally get some rest. Once she finally made it into her apartment and locked her door she got out her phone and sent a quick message to Jason that she was home.
She then spoke to all the kwami about her day. She knows now that this was a good move.
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
Incredible speed yes, grace not so much 
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kurogaya913 · 4 years
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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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kurogaya913 · 5 years
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Art tutorials by Disney artists Griz and Norm Lemay
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kurogaya913 · 5 years
Truth. And it never makes it to paper or word document. And somehow I find that said fan fiction from my head posted by someone else with a slight variation.
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kurogaya913 · 5 years
Color Synonyms
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also: pale; blanched; sallow; pallid; waxen; spectral; translucent; albino; 
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also: dust; stone; pepper;  
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also:  coal; slate; dusky; ebon; shadow; murky; 
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also: flesh; khaki; cream; tawny; 
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also:  henna; russet; sepia; chestnut; cocoa; drab; bronze; 
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also: terracotta ; rouge; carmine;  fire-engine; ruddy
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also:  pumpkin ; rust ; 
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also: sunny; amber; saffron; hay; straw; platinum; 
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also: viridescent; grass; jade; forest; 
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also: turquoise; cyan; ultramarine; royal; aqua; aquamarine;
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also: berry;  amaranthine;
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also: flushed; candy; cherry blossom; petal pink ; 
—– source: http://ingridsundberg.com/
—–additional synonyms added by me
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kurogaya913 · 5 years
What I see:
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What they see:
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What I see:
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51 notes · View notes
kurogaya913 · 5 years
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like or reblog if saved.
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kurogaya913 · 5 years
Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.
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