kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
Your child struggled with a bully most of the school year, and ended up breaking her leg on the school picnic. She isn't going to be able to do much the first several weeks of summer, so you decide to get her something she's asked for every Christmas and birthday, a bird. But you're a dog person, and don't know the first thing about this bird and its needs. What kind of bird cage are you going to need? Do you really have to have all the bird toys and gadgets you see in the cages of friends?
A bird cage is your pet's home, and you'll want to give them a good bit of room to move around in. Birds are happiest when they can flutter about. Sure, your daughter and others in your family will want to take the bird out and play with it. But you can't keep it out all the time it needs to exercise. First, you need to decide what kind of bird you want to get. Different species requires different attributes in their homes. Set the bird cage up near a window so your bird can get natural light and fresh air. Some people even set them cages outside. In a moderate climate, that's wonderful to do. You want to look for a metal cage, which is much easier to clean than anything else on the market.
You will need to set up different perches in your bird cage so that your pet can get the exercise it needs while in its cage. Obviously one needs to be by its food and water. You don't want the cage to be cluttered, so put two or three perches in there.
Birds love bird toys, and want a variety of toys. You may want to purchase several toys and trade a couple once a month or something like that. Birds are intelligent animals that need to be stimulated. Toys also help maintain your bird's beak and nails. bird toys also allow birds to use their energy wisely, instead of screaming or nipping at people. You will want to make sure that every toy you buy is sturdy and will not fall apart. They should also be toxic free. You are going to need to replace toys because birds need to chew on things. And it is far better to replace toys than furniture.
Okay, so it is necessary to have bird toys, but what kind of toys do birds like? Ropes always make good toys. Bells are another things most birds really enjoy. These pets are also attracted to anything that is colorful and bright. They also like and need to figure things out. So one thing you can try is to put some colorful objects in a bottle and let them figure out how to open the bottle and get everything out. Birds even like playing with toilet paper rolls.
cage heaven bird cage
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
You can get your outdoor rabbit hutches customized by combining convenience, safety and elegance. The shingled proof and waterproof safe wood stain are for building out door rabbit hutches as this way your pet rabbit stays protected from the harsh weather conditions. Plus you can also choose the best suitable rabbit hutch from the wide range of hutch designs and sizes the outdoor rabbit hutches that you require with a variety of add on accessories.
This way you will be able to create the best protected outdoor hutches for your pets with an elegance that compliments any outdoor setting. You can also get these outdoor rabbit hutches custom building in fir tongue and groove lumber with heavy duty wire mesh panels. With the water proof wood stain and added weather protection your pet rabbit can be as comfortable as anyone. Plus you can also get them build with a front access double door and a wooden ramp for easy entrance. The enclosed den area keeps your rabbit protected from the extreme climatic conditions and the rabbit hutch pen area is usually protected with a wire mesh and a locking door panel that keeps your pet's safe. The slide out plastic tray makes it easy to keep your outdoor hutches clean and well maintained.
Through the online sites you can get easy access to all the superb out door hutches that you can lay your hands on because they are all solid, stylish and easy to clean. The online sites deliver you the best outdoor door hutches flat packed and have a leaflet which helps to instruct you on how to assemble it an easy way and the entire package also comes with a special screw driver to fit the rabbit hutch.
The hop and run space in the spacious out door rabbit hutches makes it easy for the rabbit's to hop around and play and this also provides them their required does of physical activity that is needed to nurture a healthy rabbit. A well maintained and clean rabbit hutch helps to prolong the lifespan of your pets and their hutches and you don't have to go running about buying a new one.
Surfing through the internet will give you ample opportunity to access the most sought out outdoor hutches that will make you and your pets comfortable and safe. And so buy a rabbit hutch that is protected from all sides by a wire mesh that will keep help him to breathe in fresh air and be close to nature. The rabbit hutches that come with a wire floor are easy to maintain and you can always us cover it with a grass mat so that you rabbit will have a soft cozy hutch to rest in.
cage heaven rabbit hutches
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
Do you want to build a chicken ark to make the situation better for your chickens? Remember chicken coops are actually the house of the chickens. As you want to be comfortable in your house similarly you will also want that your chickens are comfortable inside their house. To build a comfortable chicken ark you need to follow certain things.
If you have ever gone through a guide to build the chicken coops you will understand what the things are, that are essential for building the coop.  Your chicken house to fit the chickens must be built with a particular size in mind. This size will be decided according to the number of chickens you plan to put in the coop.
Among all the chicken ark designs available the most comfortable ones are the large chicken coops. These days more and more people are showing interest in raising chickens. People can make lots of money with the help of these chickens. Chickens are the most beneficial among all the other pets. They provide egg as well as meat.
There is an advantage of the large chicken coops to fit the chickens. You might have got some chickens when you begin raising the chickens. But after some days you might even think of raising the number of chickens if your business does well. At this point of time you will surely need a large area. It is better to purchase a larger coop in the beginning so that you do not face any problems later.
The decision of purchasing a large coop will save your money in the future. You will not have to purchase another large coop just because you already have one. But if you have a small chicken coop and you wish to increase the number of chickens you will need to purchase the larger coop. Investing on a large coop will be always a good investment.
Due to the economic downturn many people have taken the decision of raising chickens. Therefore the chicken coops to fit the chickens are very much in demand these days. Other than this, the larger chicken coops are also great for the chickens. The living conditions of the chickens are better in the larger coops. The larger coops will help your chicken to live longer.
cage heaven chicken coop
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
Most people who have hamsters, mice or gerbils automatically know that a hamster wheel is put into the cage to give them someplace to exercise inside their cage when they need to run due to being bored, having excess energy or just wanting something to do. Gone are the days when you only had one or two choices... maybe up to five different designs and only a couple of different colors. Today's hamster wheel comes in both freestanding and attachable designs that hook onto the opening at the top of the cage and also come in many different colors as well as materials.
Let's talk about the materials that a hamster wheel can be made from today and a bit about which is better. Today the wheels are mainly made from either very durable plastic or metal mesh whose openings are very, very small given the fact that the hamster's feet and toes are so small. Some people prefer to get the freestanding wire mesh or metal wheel for their hamster so that the hamster can enjoy the solid comfort of the metal underneath of it's feet as it runs and exercises on the hamster wheel. Other owners prefer to get the plastic hamster wheel for their furry little critter. The next question that they need to decide upon is whether they will get an attachable or freestanding wheel that goes in the hamster's cage itself.
There are also wheels that are built into other toys like race cars so that your hamster can enjoy running on his or her hamster wheel but yet be outside of their cage for a little while to get some good long exercise and play time with you, their owner, and other pets in the house (if there are any others). These particular wheels are sure to be a big hit with your furry little companion. The question of whether a plastic or metal wheel is better all depends upon your hamster and what you feel is best for them. If you are not sure, you might want to ask the sales person at the pet store or someone else who owns a hamster for their advice.
Another thing that you will want to think about is do you want a freestanding or attachable/hanging wheel. This is something that you are definitely going to have to decide upon as well when you are looking for hamster toys in general and the wheel specifically.
cage heaven gerbil cages
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
Worried about how much time you are spending with your rat? Don't. Rats are social creatures, but as long as they have another rat's company they can entertain themselves. Rats live in colonies in the wild, they naturally need company. A little friend would take some of the pressure away from you.
To keep your rats active in their cage, buy or make toys for them to play with. Simple things such as pieces of fabric tied together with treats inside will keep your rats busy, stimulating them and keeping them active. If you are low on money, cardboard tubes or old cereal boxes will keep them entertained for hours. Hiding tasty treats around their cage is also great for enrichment.
As rats get older they will become less active. At a younger age you may need to spend longer playing with your rat, but later in life they will enjoy sitting on your lap while you watch TV.
All of this said, a pet rat needs attention and love. Give it all this and your rat will be sure to repay you with its very own kind of love. This could include chattering their teeth, or snuggling up to you as you play.
Always read up on a pet you may want to own before purchasing one. If you do not have the time or commitment to own an animal then you should never buy one. Rats are small but they still need a good home. These creatures are smart, friendly, and adorable. One thing we can say is that once you go rat, you will never go back!
Most wanted
Cage Fresh Granules
Cage Fresh Granules are critter friendly microbes that neutralise the typical rodent smell from any cage. Just sprinkle on new bedding, or a freshly cleaned cage and let the granules work. This will not only leave your house smelling fresh, but it will remove bad toxins from the cage that will harm your rat. The granules are small enough so your rat will not attempt to eat them, and come in a large container.
cage heaven rat cages
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
Hedgehogs as pets are a wonderful little addition to the family or home, but you must be sure that he is young and tame enough to cause no injuries. Hedgehogs as pets can offer hours upon hours of endless entertainment, but some may find that they are bored with his up all night sleep all day routine. He will alter this to a certain extent, as all captive creatures do their natural, wild habits, but for the most part you will find him to be active during the late evening and early morning hours. He can be cuddly, and he is very friendly, but he must be handled properly from the start in order to avoid discomfort for either him or you.
If you plan to keep hedgehogs as pets, you will need to keep your population down to just one or invest in separate living quarters for each one. As they need a great deal of space for their adventurous and playful natures, this could take up quite a bit of your living area. They are extremely territorial, and any additional hedgehogs or other animals in their area will provoke an ugliness in him that you may not appreciate. It is best to start with just one of these little guys, and you should get him as young as possible, learning and getting used to each other in a stress free and easy manner.
For keeping your hedgehogs as pets, his cage and play area will be your first and most important concern. Though he is only the size of a large hamster, he needs room to explore and mark his territory. A large pet taxi may work well for his basic sleeping and nesting needs, but you will need to fashion another area for his foraging and active times. You can do this with an empty kids pool or by fashioning a box of wood with 8 inch sides. Inside of this and his cage, you must never use standard pine bedding, but rather non wood or cork pellets, or aspen chips.
cage heaven hedgehog cage
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
cage heaven chinchilla cages Considering all of the unique critters on the planet, which ones are the warmest, cutest, furriest, cuddliest, most entertaining and affectionate pets of all? Well, I suppose if you ask ten different pet owners, you'll likely get ten different answers. For me, it's hard to beat the incredible little critter from high up in the Andes Mountains of South America, the chinchilla. And, that's especially true of the adorable chinchilla baby. Chinchillas as pets were imported, or more likely smuggled into North America nearly a century ago, these adorable dynamos have evolved into one of the world's most cherished pets.
The name chinchilla means "little chincha", a name associated with the Chincha people of Peru, a group who relied heavily upon the once abundant rodent populations for both food and fur. Unfortunately, the arrival of Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century ushered in the eventual demise of the larger king chinchilla and the subsequent endangerment of the remainder of the entire wild species, as the chinchilla fur trade offered an irresistible opportunity for wealth.
Thankfully, that group of a dozen or so chinnies, who were discreetly transported to California at the turn of the century, are given credit, by some experts, as having propagated the entire population of North American chinchillas. Sadly, the numbers left behind in South America have struggled for survival and while they may be protected as an endangered species, the populations appear to lack the necessary growth to offer any substantial hope for the immediate future.
The coolest thing about the species, which happens to be the softest and thickest fur of any animal on the planet, is also the one thing that's contributed to its near extinction. The demands of the fur market, for this high priced pelt, inspired an inexhaustible army of trappers eagerly waging war against the harmless and defenseless 'little chinchas'. The pursuit of profit, it would seem, has no room for conscience. And, although the demand for all types of fur has diminished worldwide, it's unlikely that any organized efforts, with regard to any type of wide scale chinchilla rescue, will ever return the number of wild chinchillas to their pre-conquistador levels of the 1600s.
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
Now that you know for sure your getting a ferret. At this point people always ask me what now Brandon. Now ferret food will need to be bought. It is important that you do not feed you ferret cat food. There are to many choices available of ferret food to buy. When you buy ferret food, you know it will have the nutrients your ferret will need. You could also make them food your self I will be adding a recipe or two eventually.
Personally, I don't like to buy ferret cages I like to build them. My ferrets enjoy it when I make them stuff, to be honest they like it when my wife buys them stuff. This way I can customize it, make multi level, add tubing, trap doors and trick out their mansions. But not everyone likes to get out there and build it or just don't have the time to do it in most cases. there is nothing wrong with buying one sometimes it is necessary. I bought my first four or five before I took the plunge. When you buy one take into consideration the room your ferrets will need to play. Remember a multi level ferret cage will take less floor space.
This is not rocket science; you will need to buy ferret toys. Now I did not say you had to spend a lot of money on toys. Dave's (one of my ferret) favorite toy is a 20 oz Diet Pepsi bottle. When I come in that is the first thing he wants he (we) play with it for an hour or so. When he is done I say go for three and he throws it in the wastebasket. Another trick for cheap toys, when a toy gets we'll say a little odor to it, don't trash it wash it. After washing hang it up for a month or so and then give it back to them or hang it in the ferret cage as a new toy, they go nuts.
cage heaven ferret cages
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
So you've just brought your new guinea pig home from the shelter or pet store. And now, you're not entirely sure what to do. Let us help you get off to a good start with this Quick-Start Guinea Pig Owners' Guide.
First of all, if you've just returned from the shelter or pet store with a single pig, we strongly recommend that you turn right around and go back. Guinea pigs are social creatures and tend to do better when there are at least two pigs living together. Two females are a good combination. Two males can live together in harmony as long as they have been raised together. And while it is possible to introduce two grown males to each other, it does require patience and care. A male and a female are the very best combination, but of course one of them needs to be "fixed" in order to avoid a future in-cage population explosion.
Your first task is to choose a cage. Pet store cages tend to be too small to adequately house a single pig - not to mention multiple pigs. Use the following guidelines when choosing a guinea pig enclosure:
One guinea pig: 6-7 sq. ft. Two guinea pigs: 7.5 sq. ft. Three guinea pigs: 10.5 sq. ft. If you cannot find one large enough at the pet store, you can always build your own cage or buy one online from a reputable cage seller. In recent years, C&C (Cubes and Coroplast ) cages have become quite popular because they provide a lot of cage for the money. Check out the resource box and the end of this article for a link to some online C&C guinea pig cage stores. Place a nest box, a piece of PVC pipe or other enclosure inside the cage. Pigs like to hide out in cozy little places and providing a hiding place inside the cage will make your pigs feel happier and more secure.
Never place your pigs in an aquarium. Yes, some people do house their pigs in an aquarium, but it is very bad for their respiratory system. Toxic ammonia gas forms as your pigs urinate inside the enclosure. In a wire cage, there is adequate ventilation to carry this gas away. However, in an aquarium the ammonia gas is contained by the glass walls forcing your pigs to breathe it in all day long.
Fill the cage with bedding. Avoid cedar chips and cat litter made from clay. Both are very bad for your guinea pig's respiratory system. A litter made from recycled newspaper works very well. Also, many people have begun to line their cages with an absorbent material covered in fleece. The fleece allows liquids to wick through into the absorbent layer.
cage heaven guinea pig cage
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
If you want to make sure that your little dwarf fellows live a happy and healthy life, it's essential to provide them all dwarf hamster supplies as much as possible. Since it is natural that hamsters are very active little critters these supplies will not only allow them to live a happy and healthy life. These things would also help them live safely.
Hamsters, though small as they are, can absolutely move swiftly. They love running and roaming around different places. Also, you can never underestimate their ability to escape as they can really fit through small spaces. Dwarf hamsters can often squeeze through some hamster cages. With these facts, it's very crucial that you provide them large enough housings that are escape-proof but easy to clean.
There are a few housing options available in the market these days. Cages, aquarium tanks and plastic habitats designed for hamsters are highly advisable for these little creatures. Substrates like aspen wood shavings, shredded tissue papers or toilet papers can also be included as they can definitely make your hamsters more satisfied. They all love to have a cozy nest for napping and they also have these burrowing instincts. These bedding will surely make them feel happy. In addition, you may also get some small nesting boxes so they can hide if they want to.
Other than housings, another hamster supply that hamster owners need to consider for their hamsters is their feeding supplies. A small, shallow but heavy bowl for food and a hanging bottle that has a stainless steel spout for water are ideal food containers for these little critters. These will help them avoid spilling their water and food items towards their bedding. As a result, you do not really need to do a lot of cleaning.
Feeding supplies also include food items and hamster treats. More often than not, nuts, vegetables, commercially made mixes are highly available for such dwarf hamsters. Just be certain that you don't give those unhealthy foods like onions, garlic, rhubarbs and other items that can be detrimental to your little pets. You may do a thorough research or ask your veterinarian's advice regarding healthy foods for your hamsters to make sure they're safe.
You should also not forget to purchase some chew toys for your dwarf hamsters. They are very important for your pets' health as their teeth don't stop growing. You do not want to see your little friends' mouths unable to close and starve to death because of that condition. Make sure you avoid those plastic toys as they can break into pieces and their edges could hurt your hamsters.
Litter boxes can also be used to potty train your pets. You may train them to use those litter boxes by pointing them to that direction. You may use small bits of hay or pelleted newspaper. Make sure you don't use cat litter as it can cause health problems to your dwarf hamsters.
Dwarf hamsters also need exercise equipments. Like humans, hamsters also need exercise to stay happy and healthy. You may purchase exercise wheels for your cute little pets as they certainly love to run. You can also include some tunnels and small rooms to their housings so they can have more fun. Be certain that you buy those hamster wheels that have solid surfaces and as much as possible, no cross supports for safe running. This type of wheels will surely avoid them from catching their legs or necks towards the wheels that can really be dangerous.
These are the dwarf hamster supplies that you can provide your little friends. They do not really require a lot of expensive things but you can give them a few stuffs so they can live happy, healthy and safe. In the end, you and your dwarf hamsters will surely enjoy each others company.
cage heaven hamster cage
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kurooislittlekitty · 6 years
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