kurotetsuyan · 10 years
pairing: moririko rating: k+ summary: Moriyama’s first time visiting Riko’s room and being a little nervous nugget about it A/N: why did I become such moririko trash /glances at Wispy/
“Just make yourself comfortable, Moriyama-kun! I’ll be back in a second with refreshments, okay?”, Riko informed him and then closed the door of her room leaving him all alone.
Moriyama gulped. For some reason, he couldn’t move. He wanted to look around, to see what her room was like, but he kept staring at the door. There was a feeling inside of him that he was completely unworthy of being in his room. 
Riko’s parents weren’t home so they were completely alone. That particular piece of information made him nervous as hell.
She soon returned, carrying a tray. Riko froze on the spot when she saw him standing in the middle of her room like a living statue.
“Moriyama-kun, I thought I said to make yourself comfortable and that does not look like you’re comfortable.”, she scolded him.
He couldn’t speak. If he dared to speak, he’d probably say something stupid anyways.
Riko set the tray on top of her desk and then took his hand, and guided him to sit on her bed.
“Now that’s much better, isn’t it?”, she asked and plopped next to him.
Moriyama immediately jumped up on his feet and walked across her room, realizing how dangerous the situation was.
“M-maybe I’ll just sit in you chair.”, he proposed with a nervous laugh and pulled the chair closer to himself so he could sit.
“Nonsense!”, Riko was suddenly on her feet and pulling him back to the bed to sit with her.
The room felt really hot all of a sudden and Moriyama thought he might faint.
Be still my beating heart, he thought and immediately scolded himself inside his mind for being so cheesy all of a sudden.
With a squeeze on his hand, Moriyama was brought back to reality. He looked into Riko’s eyes and for a second his heart felt like it was going to explode.
“It’s okay, Moriyama-kun.”, she said softly, “Just relax.”
Instantly, he felt a little better hearing those words from her. He was foolish to get so flustered over such a petty matter. Riko must have been as nervous as he was but she remained strong unlike him.
Moriyama smiled and squeezed her hand back. With his other hand, he captured her chin and brought their faces together. Their lips met for a brief moment before separating again.
Riko giggled and his face flushed even more. As he stared into her shiny eyes, Moriyama felt immensely happy and at peace with himself because he couldn’t have asked for any more in his life than what he was having right now.
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
pairing: moririko rating: k summary: Moriyama and Riko’s first date A/N: okay hopefully this ficlet will be better than the last one I did lmao
She thought the way the bouquet of roses trembled in his hand was pretty funny. He was looking away and there was a small, barely noticable, blush on his cheeks.
“I like you, Aida-san, so please go out with me!”, he confessed to her while still looking away.
Riko giggled, making his snap his head straight to look away, and she saw it for a split second. She saw that little glimmer of panic and fear of rejection in his eyes, and she immediately regretted laughing. It wasn’t an ill-intentioned laugh to begin with. She was flattered, she really was.
“Sure!”, she smiled at him.
And with that single word, she found herself on her first date with Moriyama. She didn’t know much about him, besides the basic basketball knowledge, but the more they talked the more she thought he was sweet and kind.
Moriyama was a perfect gentleman who opened doors and pulled out chairs for her. She thought how that trait of his was utterly charming. 
On top of all that, he was so doting upon her. Whenever she’d speak, he’d listen to her with intent, like she was telling the most interesting story there ever was, when in fact she was just talking about basketball. 
He was so immensed in everything she’d say and every little thing she’d do. Riko thought it was nice to have all this attention all to herself. 
“Aida-san, you’re so fun to be around!”, Moriyama told her out of the blue and Riko blushed for the first time on their date.
“Because you’re so cute I’ll catch you a bear, okay?”, he said and pointed at the UFO catcher.
Her blush deepened as he went over to the machine. Riko was at a loss of words. For a moment, she thought she saw sparkles and roses surrounding him. But that was impossible. She hadn’t seen a boy in that vision for quite some time.
After several tried, he finally managed to catch a stuffed toy for her. He gave it to her with a wide smile and after accepting it, she half-hid behind it.
“T-thank you, Moriyama-kun.”, she stuttered out.
“No problem! I’d do anything for the girl I like.”, Moriyama simply stated and then turned around, “Hey how about we visit that cafe? I heard they have good crepes.”
Riko smiled. Her face was still burning and the plush bear felt soft against her skin.
“Alright!”, she agreed.
While they were heading for the cafe, she slipped her hand into his. With a light squeeze from his side, they entered the cafe.
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
pairing: moririko rating: k summary: Moriyama is your typical dweeb in love A/N: thanks Wispy for dragging me to moririko hell   but I forgive you /hugs/
Why did Moriyama’s throat always go so dry whenever the basketball team of Seirin high was around? Was it because of their heavy determination to win? Did Kagami’s strenght intimidate him so much? Or was it the invisible Kuroko?
It was something completely else that made his mouth so parched. 
He tried not to stare too much but it was impossible. No matter how much he tried, his eyes would always find the petite, short-haired coach of the opponent team. 
Nobody seemed to notice anything special about her, not even her own team, but Moriyama thought she was pretty unique.
She had a certain aura around her and the moment Moriyama saw her, he knew that she was one of a kind in some way. However, he coud not pinpoint what made her so.
Was it her looks or was it her assertiveness and expertise as a coach that made him so attracted to her?
He could only keep wondering while stealing glances of her.
The teams have gathered to teach some elementary school kids a thing or two about basketball. But before they started with that, they had to prepare everything. This was finally a chance for Moriyama to get a little bit closer to Riko.
She was giving out orders and arranging each and every one of their individual jobs. When she spoke to him and told him what to do, Moriyama’s heart fluttered. 
Riko was standing so close and it was so hard to listen to what she was saying. He tried to focus and to stop his face from getting red. It was no use, however, he was completely lost.
“Moriyama-kun, are you okay?”, she had asked him then, concern was evident in her eyes.
“A-ah, yes, I’m perfectly fine, Aida-san!”, he stuttered out, “What did you say my duty was again?”
He tried it off with a grin, but he knew he messed up.
Crap!, he thought.
Riko’s eyes narrowed and she took a step towards him. At this point, he was starting to break a sweat. She was too close.
Swiflty, she touched his forehead. Moriyama thought he was going to melt into a puddle right there at her feet.
“Hm, your forehead is  hot, Moriyama-kun. Maybe you have a fever.”, she commented.
“N-no, I’m fine. I-I promise.”, he tried to convince.
“Alright, but if you feel like it’s too much please take a rest and drink some water, okay?”, she advised him.
“Y-yes! Of course! Thank you, Aida-san!”, Moriyama exclaimed with a little salute.
Riko gave him a small smile before turning to tell others about their duties.
Moriyama’s heart was beating too fast. He thought that it might jump out of his ribcage. For some reason, he never felt happier in his life because the girl he liked showed that, to some extent, she cared about him.
It wasn’t much, but, at that moment, it meant everything to him.
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
pairing: midotaka rating: k summary: Midorima takes Takao out on a date for Wispy (sorry it took me 3 centuries and it's still not very good;;;; ) send me prompts
Midorima huffed into his hands to warm them up. He cursed himself inwardly for not taking the gloves with him. Looking up at the house in front of him, Midorima narrowed his eyes. Takao was late again. 
However, the moment he thought that, Takao came sprinting out of the house and its front gate.
"Ah, sorry for waiting, Shin-chan!", Takao quickly apologized.
"It's alright, I guess.", Midorima sighed, "Anyhow, where do you want to go?"
"Okay, so I got this all planned out.", Takao replied and pulled out his phone, "First of all, we'll go to the arcade because they got this new game that I really wanna check out."
"Alright. Then what?", Midorima questioned.
"My sister told me about this new cafe they opened not very far from the arcade so I figured we might go there after."
"Sure, let's go then, Takao."
Midorima started walking towards the arcade without waiting for Takao. 
"Hey, wait for me, Shin-chan!", Takao yelled behind him and quickly caught up with the taller boy.
It didn't take them long to reach the arcade as it was pretty close to Takao's home, and Midorima thanked his lucky item for that since it was so damn cold.
The two of them went in and Takao immediately spotted the new game he talked about earlier. Without much a due, he immersed himself into the game while Midorima observed him. Midorima wasn't big on playing video games like Takao was but he enjoyed watching Takao play.
There was a certain charm to Takao when he played video games. He'd changed a thousand expressions, from happy to angry ones, and he'd yell most often. It was truly unaesthetical but Midorima grew to enjoy every single little thing Takao did. 
But, of course, he'd never let Takao know that.
From the corner of his eye, Midorima spotted a UFO catcher and while Takao busied himself with the game, Midorima sauntered over to it and after several seconds of thinking, decided to try his luck. 
Takao didn't even notice Midorima was gone until he felt something soft and fuzzy press against his face. He turned to look at what in hell was touching his face to find Midorima holding out a stuffed bunny right in front of him.
"Here, I got this for you.", Midorima simply stated.
"Wow, Shin-chan, would it kill you to be a bit more romantic about it?", Takao teased but took the bunny nevertheless and continued to snicker.
"Shut up. I was just bored. Besides, you kept ignoring me because of that stupid game.", Midorima angrily said while fixing his glasses and looking away.
"It's okay!", Takao laughed, "I like the bunny! It's really cute! Anyhow, I'm done with this, let's go to the cafe, shall we?"
Takao took Midorima's hand and led him out of the arcade and onto the cold street. Midorima blushed when he noticed people looking at the two boys holding hands. However, if Takao did not care, he wouldn't bother to either.
Again, he thanked the gods for the warmth once they entered the cozy, little cafe. Takao choose the furthest and the most secluded table for the two of them. They sat down and ordered. For Takao it was the usual strawberry parfait and for Midorima a simple espresso.
"Ew, I don't know how you can drink that.", Takao commented, looking at Midorima's cup.
"It's an acquired taste, Takao.", Midorima retorted and took a sip of his beverage.
"Anyhow, it's gross."
"Did you ever even try coffee?"
"Yes, once. And it was absolutely horrible. Zero out of ten would recommend."
"Well, I can't believe how you can eat that sweet crap. It looks nauseating."
"Eh? My parfait is delicious!"
Takao sounded almost offended by Midorima's words, but, nevertheless, he scooped some of his dessert and pointed it at Midorima.
"Come on, just try it, you'll love it!", Takao taunted Midorima with the spoon in his hand.
"No, get that thing away from me.", Midorima turned his head away with a disgusted expression on his face.
"Just a taste!", Takao got the spoon dangerously close to Midorima's mouth and Midorima instinctively tried to back away.
"Oh, alright!", Takao sighed in defeat and stuffed the spoon into his own mouth.
Just as Midorima was about to sigh in relief, Takao grabbed him by his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. The first thing Midorima sensed was the sweet taste of strawberry and the smooth texture of the cream against his lips. 
Takao licked it away and moved back to his original position with a victorious smirk plastered onto his face.
"I told you it was delicious, Shin-chan.", Takao added and placed another spoon of his parfait into his mouth while Midorima blushed furiously across from him.
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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Generation of Miracles + Valentine’s Day
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
pairing: midotaka rating: k summary: all Midorima wants to do is clean his glasses for Hanna
His eyes twitched as he steadily wiped the left lens of his glasses. Midorima's bandaged fingers tried to focus solely on the act of getting his glasses clean, however, the noise bothered him. Takao was at it again.
"Shin-chan, let's practice!", he whined behind him.
"I told you, I need to clean my glasses first.", Midorima declined.
He's always been so meticulous about his glasses that he decided not to let Takao ruin this daily activity of his. 
"Oh, come on, you've been cleaning them for half an hour now! I'm bored!", Midorima heard Takao jump up and down in the background.
"Just a little bit more, okay?", he asked for patience.
The next thing he heard was Takao sighing. Midorima prayed to his lucky charm that Takao would stay quiet for just a little while, but he certainly did not expect a pair of arms to circle around his neck.
"You're so boring, Shin-chan.", Takao snickered into his ear.
Midorima smiled, a blush creeping up his cheeks, and set down his glasses and the wiping cloth. He turned his head towards the blurry image of his partner and smiled while pressing his lips against Takao's.
Cleaning his glasses was important but it could wait.
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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Make Me Choose: daisuga-senpai asked Midorima or Murasakibara
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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I have like 10 headcanons on why mitobe doesn’t talk but I like the idea that he knows sign language, he just doesn’t use it as much after he met koganei I guess  
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I found the reference for japanese sign language here
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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チャリヤカログさんっ | あさ [pixiv]
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kurotetsuyan · 10 years
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I finally found my Rival 
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