kuuroko · 2 years
Hello guys!!! I kinda forgot about Tumblr but anyways.... I didn't shift yet, I kinda didn't try it because either I forgot or Im just too tired to try, but I started to have weird dreams, they appear only sometimes when I try to shift, could be this a Shifting symptom? Propably not, but it could be the case. I remember that I had 4+ dreams, but I remember only two Becouse I wrote them in my notes. Shsh
(I'm translating the text in Google translator, bc I'm to lazy to do it myself, so I apologize for mistakes!!!)
So my first dream that I wrote down happen at 22.10.2022 so it was some time ago
in this dream, there was a "hill" that I entered some "ship" this ship represented the war in Ukraine. there were Polish soldiers who transported weapons, this ship was more like an "obstacle course", I joined the team that was transporting of this weapons (we were going the way that was next to the battlefield at the beginning of this track you had to go straight, then there was an "alarm" that had start calling when the fight will get to that point, and there was also this short white maze, and then there was some kind of route that resembled Japanese building art. well, I was transporting these weapons, until finally one time I realized how real it was, the fight got out of control, I was there at the beginning where you "handed over the weapons" to the machine that was supposed to give them to the Ukrainian soldiers. I saw how cruel reality is, I started to run trying to avoid death. Even though I had gone back and forth many times before, it didn't scare me too much, I thought of it as just a dream, but it was so real. when I got to this "white maze with alarm" The alarm rang. The Russians captured another city, strangely enough, this city was Katyn, Katyn is a Russian city, not Ukrainian, so how would the Russian army be able to conquer it if they already had it? the Russians were right next to the base from which I took the weapons, there were less and less Ukrainian soldiers, the front line was broken, I ran as fast as I could to the "attic", some guy ran with me, a typical manhwa ML - black hair, red eyes, etc. and we're in the attic and we're going to hide in some huge shelf at the very top, and this attic was huge and you could get there through the entrance on such a big rope, I don't know how I managed it, then this guy came in and it turned out that he had magic. this is where the dream completely broke, it somehow conjured everything to keep us safe, some two other guys from our team were going to the other of these "shelves", these shelves were far apart but they were connected somehow, and these shelves had everything , food, drink and was builtthe next room as a restroom, and then somehow thisguy was replacing the floor, and I magically found myself there and fell off this ship, it turned out that this ship was above the water and it was quite a distance, and I fell into this water and the second dream began where everyone was fairies, I don't really remember the dream, but remember that this guy was there and that I tried to imagine a "portal" to my dr (lucid dream method in short) but it didn't work out because I woke up
Im to lazy to search for mistakes, but this was written poorly in my native language so yk, the translation is probably wrong in some places ;(( Speaking back, my second dream happened on 26.11.2022 And here is how it went:
I don't remember the beginning, so I'll start from where I remember
My dad bought oujia board, I was the only one who refused to play it. I screamed telling them to not play it, at the end I ran out to my room because they didn't listen to me. when I ran by, all the lights were off and there were sort of "sparkles" in the kitchen. I locked myself in my room and started singing some songs to not be scared. Finally, I ran out of my room and went to my school. I found Rin my brother I think, I don't really remember if it was him tho (they played this game along with my parents and with Rin brother so yk) I asked them what happened when they were playing. Rin told me something but it don't remember it well, the only thing I remember were her words ,she said something like "it was a terrible experience, I don't want to talk about it anymore". however, she told me some information earlier but my memory is bad so I forgot about it, as I said before. Then we went down the stairs. Suddenly I started running, I don't remember why. I saw the store and my dad was probably with me at the time. then I think I yelled at him again saying that this game is stupid and he shouldn't play it. I ran into this store, but this store turned out to be a strange store and its owner is a murderer, so I ran ahead in this store and found another door, so I ran through it. I ran to a certain bridge. This bridge was also in my other dream, but I don't remember much what happened there. On this bridge there was some guy with a scooter, he said that we are in Croatia. I asked him so I asked him if he knew *name* (I don't remember that name but it was me in my other dream) And he told me that he don't know the person I'm talking about, but he told me his name and asked me my name. I told him my name, I don't remember what it was, it was my dream name not my real one. That guy said I was his sister so he took me on this scooter and like i lost control of this dream? I remember seeing what was going on there, but there were two black bars in between. I remember and felt like I was sitting there. I wanted to say something but realized that someone might actually hear me.but when we got to this house, this house was villa, it had a gym in the front yard that responded only to the voice of the owners, it worked on the voice of my "brother" and on "mine" then we entered the house but not the house but the playground next to it house and there were also other children, I remember the cat guy, I mean he wasn't a cat but he reminds me of it, he made a shelf for a cat but I ruined it...I mean I tore it off by accident holding it because it was poorly made.I also remember the one guy said "haha I have a jacket and you don't" or something like that (the jackets were at the beginning and anyone could take them) so I ran to get this jacket. There was only one last jacket left so I took it. I put it on, an then I met this cat guy . I don't know how it all ended because my aunt woke me up.
Again, sorry for mistakes!!! If you don't understand something - Just ask me!!! And if you have any tips, you should tell them!!!
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kuuroko · 2 years
Hi guys!! It's my first post so here is something about me:
My name is Kuroko and I'm interested in shifting!! The purpose of this account is to share my shifting journey with all of you!! So let's begin!!
Symptoms that I recently had:
Half awake experience - Basically I think I already woke up and checked my phone or I've done something, but actually I was still lying on my bed "sleeping"
Confusing realities - I didn't shifted yet, but I had lucid dreams, often I keep forgetting if I actually done something in my cr or it was just a dream, I don't think it's really a symbol more like reality confusion
Only seeing my Dr in the middle of my vision - IK ITS WEIRD, but it happens when I mini shift, i only see my Dr at the centre of my vision, at the other parts of my vision I see either my room or the room I'm currently in
Of course I had symptoms like hearing voices, seeing lighting or thingies you hear all the time when it comes to shifting symptoms
I think that's all, thanks!!!<33
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